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Tobi CPDV 9:6  Then Raphael borrowed four of the servants of Raguel, and two camels, and he traveled to Rages, the city of the Medes. And upon finding Gabael, he gave him his handwritten note, and he received from him all the money.
Tobi DRC 9:6  Then Raphael took four of Raguel's servants, and two camels, and went to Rages the city of the Medes: and finding Gabelus, gave him his note of hand, and received of him all the money.
Tobi KJVA 9:6  And early in the morning they went forth both together, and came to the wedding: and Tobias blessed his wife.
Tobi VulgSist 9:6  Tunc Raphael assumens quattuor ex servis Raguelis, et duos camelos, in Rages civitatem Medorum perrexit: et inveniens Gabelum, reddidit ei chirographum suum, et recepit ab eo omnem pecuniam.
Tobi VulgCont 9:6  Tunc Raphael assumens quattuor ex servis Raguelis, et duos camelos, in Rages civitatem Medorum perrexit: et inveniens Gabelum, reddidit ei chirographum suum, et recepit ab eo omnem pecuniam.
Tobi Vulgate 9:6  tunc Rafahel adsumens quattuor ex servis Raguhelis et duos camelos in Rages Medorum perrexit et inveniens Gabelum dedit ei chirografum suum et recepit omnem pecuniam
Tobi VulgHetz 9:6  Tunc Raphael assumens quattuor ex servis Raguelis, et duos camelos, in Rages civitatem Medorum perrexit: et inveniens Gabelum, reddidit ei chirographum suum, et recepit ab eo omnem pecuniam.
Tobi VulgClem 9:6  Tunc Raphaël assumens quatuor ex servis Raguelis, et duos camelos, in Rages civitatem Medorum perrexit : et inveniens Gabelum, reddidit ei chirographum suum, et recepit ab eo omnem pecuniam.
Tobi CzeB21 9:6  Časně ráno se spolu vydali na svatbu, a když dorazili do Raguelova domu, zastihli Tobiáše u stolu. Tobiáš vyskočil, aby Gabaela pozdravil, a ten mu s pláčem požehnal: „Dobrý a ušlechtilý muži, synu muže dobrého a ušlechtilého, spravedlivého a milosrdného, kéž ti Hospodin dá nebeské požehnání, i tvé ženě, tvému otci a matce tvé ženy. Chvála Bohu, že jsem v tobě mohl uvidět podobu svého bratrance Tobita!“