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7d3df28 Ttny lqr@ `dhran mqbwlan l`zlty, bl rbm `Tt mGz~an ltlk l`zl@ lmfrwD@ `lyW reading Alberto Manguel
f4fd986 Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know. readers readers-and-writers reading reading-books reasons-for-reading inspirational Alberto Manguel
7decfc8 At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book--that string of confused, alien ciphers--shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader. literature reading words Alberto Manguel
951f6f9 Each book was a world unto itself, and in it I took refuge. escapism reading Alberto Manguel
f172b07 I wanted to live among books. books Alberto Manguel
8197a0f In the light, we read the inventions of others; in the darkness we invent our own stories. light read stories write Alberto Manguel
125915e In my fool hardy youth, when my friends were dreaming of heroic deeds in the realms of engineering and law, finance and national politics, I dreamt of becoming a librarian. librarian libraries library Alberto Manguel
d7033fb 'thn lnhr , 'ktb , w'ntql byn lktb mtSfH , m`yd trtybh , 'fsH llHdyth mnh mkn , w'`yd tshkyl lqsm ltwfyr Hyz jdyd. lktb ljdyd@ lwfd@ yrHb bh b`d ftr@ mn lfHS. dh kn lktb mst`ml , 'd` kl lshrt lty dwnt `lyh `l~ Hlh , lathr lty ytrkh lqry' lsbq: rfq lsfr ldhyn sjlw mrwrhm blt`lyqt lmkhrbsh@ , sm m `l~ lSfH@ lbyD lfrG@ fy bdy@ wnhy@ lktb , bTq@ qTr lt'shyr SfH@ m`yn@. sw knt qdym@ 'w jdyd@ , lshr@ lwHyd@ lty 'nDl lzlth mn ktby (wGlb dwn njH yd.. المكتبة Alberto Manguel
5e32593 Every reader exists to ensure for a certain book a modest immortality. Reading is, in this sense, a ritual of rebirth. books immortality reader reading rebirth Alberto Manguel
6fd80bd nHn n`rf lmdh nqr' Ht~ `ndm l n`rf kyf nqr' fy lwqt nfsh nHtfZ bl`lm lZhry llnS wntmsk bf`l lqr@ nn nqr' l'nn nryd l`thwr `l~ lnhy@ fqT l'nn nryd mwSl@ lqr@ nHn nqr' klkshf@ ldhyn yqtfwn lkhT~ nsyn kl m hw Hwlhm mn 'shy nqr' shrdy ldhhn mtjwzyn b`D lSfHt Alberto Manguel
658729b 'n '`rf tmman 'nW shyy'an m ymwt fy dkhly `ndm 'stGny `n ktby, w'n dhkryty t`wd lyh dwman w'bdan wtSybny bHnyn mw'lm llGy@ Alberto Manguel
add9531 Ultimately, the number of books always exceeds the space they are granted. bookshelves libraries tsundoku Alberto Manguel
418ee9a I don't remember ever feeling lonely; in fact, on the rare occasions when I met other children I found their games and their talk far less interesting than the adventures and dialogues I read in my books. child chilldhood read reading Alberto Manguel
2066d3f The love of libraries, like most loves, must be learned. library Alberto Manguel
8dc1ae5 I have no feelings of guilt regarding the books I have not read and perhaps will never read; I know that my books have unlimited patience. They will wait for me till the end of my days. reading tsundoku Alberto Manguel
8785ffd knt 'nZr dwman l~ lrwyt kmntwj tfh , lW 'nny ktshftu 'khyran 'nh mfyd@ llGy@ Dd lkab@ Alberto Manguel
4449493 kn sqrT mqtn`an b'nW lqr@ l ymkn 'n twqZ dkhl lqry' lW m kn lqry' y`rfh slf wb'nW lHkm@ l ymkn lHSwl `lyh mn 'Hrf SmW myt@ . Alberto Manguel
bf842b6 I like to imagine that, on the day after my last, my library and I will crumble together, so that even when I am no more I'll still be with my books. death library Alberto Manguel
75a2735 My books hold between their covers every story I've ever known and still remember, or have now forgotten, or may one day read; they fill the space around me with ancient and new voices. books read reading Alberto Manguel
fab69ac If every library is in some sense a reflection of its readers, it is also an image of that which we are not, and cannot be. library readers reflection Alberto Manguel
3f0c2fe Our society accepts the book as a given, but the act of reading -- once considered useful and important, as well as potentially dangerous and subversive -- is now condescendingly accepted as a pastime, a slow pastime that lacks efficiency and does not contribute to the common good. books reader reading society Alberto Manguel
4e7b83f At night, here in the library, the ghosts have voices. library Alberto Manguel
20f87d2 Readers, censors know, are defined by the books they read. censors reader readers Alberto Manguel
4057906 kn tHmsy mfrTan l~ drj@ 'ny kntu 'Zn s'SbH nsn@ Gyr s`yd@ n lm '`thr dwman `l~ ktb jdyd 'qr'h Alberto Manguel
6b75059 But at night, when the library lamps are lit, the outside world disappears and nothing but the space of books remains in existence. library Alberto Manguel
51efa3c Life happened because I turned the pages. literature reading words Alberto Manguel
62b1902 '`Ttny lqr@ `dhr mqbwl l`zlty, bl rbm '`Tt mGz~ ltlk l`zl@ lmfrwD@ `ly. Alberto Manguel
89ac332 Unpacking books is a revelatory activity. Alberto Manguel
fc2746b Gyr 'n lqr@ blfrsh t`tbr 'kthr mn mjrd tmDy@ llwqt, nh tmthl nw`an mn lwHd@ flmr ytrj` mrkzan `l~ dhth wytrk ljsd yrtH,wyj`l mn nfsh b`ydan l ymkn lwSwl lyh mkhfyan `n l`lm Alberto Manguel
b6d29ba In a library, no empty shelf remains empty for long. library Alberto Manguel
0606f50 As centuries of dictators have known, an illiterate crowd is the easiest to rule; since the craft of reading cannot be untaught once it has been acquired, the second-best recourse is to limit its scope. dictators illiteracy reading Alberto Manguel
84d064b Readers are bullied in schoolyards and in locker-rooms as much as in government offices and prisons. books readers reading Alberto Manguel
b4ce03f fy lqrn lthlth `shr ktb 'Hdhm `l~ Hf@ mjld yDm ltwrykh lknsy@ : " `nd qr@ lktb `lyk 'n t`td `l~ mlHZ@ lm`n~ 'kthr mn lklmt , wltmsk blthmr wlys blqshwr " Alberto Manguel
d27e713 I soon discovered that one doesn't simply read or . One reads a certain edition, a specific copy, recognizable by the roughness or the smoothness of its paper, by its scent, by a slight tear on page 72 and a coffee ring on the right-hand corner of the back cover. Alberto Manguel
cdd9695 Old books that we have known but not possessed cross our path and invite themselves over. New books try to seduce us daily with tempting titles and tantalizing covers. books reading titles Alberto Manguel
35b967c Darkness promotes speech. darkness speech Alberto Manguel
66a81d1 nHn n`rf 'nn nqr' Ht~ `ndm ntkhl~ `n `dm tSdyqn , w`ndm nfqd lqrb~ mn lnS ; nHn n`rf lmdh nqr' Ht~ `ndm l n`rf kyf nqr' ; fy lwqt nfsh nHtfZ fy `qwln bl`lm lZhry llnS wntmsk bf`l lqr@ . nn nqr' l'nn nryd l`thwr `l~ lnhy@ . fqT l'nn nryd mwSl@ lqr@ . nHn nqr' klkshf@ ldhyn ytqfwn lkhT~ nsyn kl m Hwlhm mn 'shy . nqr' shrdy ldhhn mtjwzyn b`D lSfHt . nqr' bHtqr , b`jb , bmll , bnz`j , bHms@ , bHsd wshwq . fy b`D l'Hyn t`tryn frH@ Gmr@ mfjy'@ dw.. Alberto Manguel
a70e556 But a reader's ambition knows no bounds. reading Alberto Manguel
6b7b5dc Digestion of words as well; I often read aloud to myself in my writing corner in the library, where no one can hear me, for the sake of better savouring the text, so as to make it all the more mine. library read reading text words Alberto Manguel
dc8af8d One book calls to another unexpectedly, creating alliances across different cultures and centuries. books culture Alberto Manguel
8ce7d9e It hardly matters why a library is destroyed: every banning, curtailment, shredding, plunder or loot gives rise (at least as a ghostly presence) to a louder, clearer, more durable library of the banned, looted, plundered, shredded or curtailed. banning book-burning books censorship library Alberto Manguel
c7a7706 There is a line of poetry, a sentence in a fable, a word in an essay, by which my existence is justified; find that line, and immortality is assured. literature reading words Alberto Manguel
d98a69b Libraries, whether my own or shared with a greater reading public, have always seemed to me pleasantly mad places, and for as long as I can remember I've been seduced by their labyrinthine logic, which suggests that reason (if not art) rules over a cacophonous arrangement of books. library Alberto Manguel
2be620a The stories that unfold in the space of a writer's study, the objects chosen to watch over a desk, the books selected to sit on the shelves, all weave a web of echoes and reflections of meanings and affections, that lend a visitor the illusion that something of the owner of this space lives on between these walls, even if the owner is no more. desk shelves study writer Alberto Manguel
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