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b6be54b Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others. Brandon Mull
f73a34c Drink the milk. Brandon Mull
4920131 Choices determine character. choice graulas Brandon Mull
03e54ba When jumping is the sole option, you jump, and try to make it work. Brandon Mull
b4ba920 Excruciating agony makes me cranky. pain Brandon Mull
8463559 We all posses different gifts and abilities. How we use those gifts determines who we are. Brandon Mull
5397573 I was vanquished by a deer!' A giant magical flying deer with fangs,' Seth said, parroting a description Gavin had shared earlier. That sounds a little better,' Warren conceded. 'Seth is in charge of my tombstone. Brandon Mull
83f0b16 The curse of mortality. You spend the first portion of your life learning, growing stronger, more capable. And then, through no fault of your own, your body begins to fail. You regress. Strong limbs become feeble, keen senses grow dull, hardy constitutions deteriorate. Beauty withers. Organs quit. You remember yourself in your prime, and wonder where that person went. As your wisdom and experience are peaking, your traitorous body becomes a.. mortality Brandon Mull
3a4a172 I hate how my past actions keep messing up my future options, Seth muttered. Then you've started down the road to wisdom, Grandpa replied. Brandon Mull
8275d44 Luck has a way of evaporating when you lean on it. Brandon Mull
ea80866 It was an emergency!" Seth blurted. "Read my lips - emergency reading - not some demented idea of fun. If I was starving, I would eat asparagus. If somebody held a gun to my head, I would watch a soap opera. And to save Fablehaven, I would read a book, okay, are you happy?" reading funny seth fablehaven mull Brandon Mull
e6ac1a6 Running toward danger is foolhardy. ... But so is closing your eyes to it. Many perils become less dangerous once you understand their potential hazards. Brandon Mull
40d77ba there is a difference between hearing and listening. You can't always help what you hear. But you can control what holds your interest, what you choose to dwell on. Brandon Mull
877c691 The only thing that would make her jealous would be if I led a parade riding a unicorn while ballerinas sang love songs. Brandon Mull
01d4639 Making mistakes is part of learning to choose well. No way around it. Choices are thrust upon us, and we don't always get things right. Even postponing or avoiding a decision can become a choice that carries heavy consequences. Mistakes can be painful-sometimes they cause irrevocable harm-but welcome to Earth. Poor choices are part of growing up, and part of life. You will make bad choices, and you will be affected by the poor choices of ot.. Brandon Mull
77203d8 That was cool.' You're psychotic. Brandon Mull
e408b16 Hello," Newel said. "Look, Doren, we have visitors. Kendra, Seth, and ... Muriel's weirdo puppet."....Newel grabbed Seth's hand and shook it vigorously. "Congratulations. You just found yourself a secret entrance." "So seriously," Doren said. "What's with the puppet?" Brandon Mull
a7777ad A crossbow?" Pigeon asked. I left my battle-ax in my other jeans," the man said." -- weaponry Brandon Mull
7f4699e Then I'm going?" Kendra asked. The adults in the room exchanged tacit glances before nodding. Then we only have one more problem left to discuss," Seth said. Everyone turned to him. How do I get invited" Brandon Mull
81b4489 You should have Hugo throw you in the pool." The golem turned his head toward Seth, who shrugged. "Sure, that would be fun." Hugo nodded, grabbed Seth, and, with a motion like a hook shot, flung him skyward. Kendra gasped. They were still thirty or forty feet away from the edge of the pool. She had pictured the golem carrying Seth much closer before tossing him. Her brother sailed nearly as high as the roof of the house before plummeting .. Brandon Mull
7706d12 Could you just call me Pigeon?" he asked the teacher when she read his name. "Does your mother call you Pigeon?" "No." "Then to me you are Paul." ... "Nathan Sutter," the teacher read. "My mother never calls me Nathan." "Is it Nate?" "She calls me Honeylips." names nicknames Brandon Mull
00ac31f Some imagine the difference between heaven and hell to be a matter of geography. Not so. The difference is much more evident in the individuals who dwell there. Brandon Mull
ed5ebaf For Frito-Lay!" - Newel and Doren" humor doren frito lay newel satyrs fablehaven mull Brandon Mull
32ceca1 It was one thing to snuggle a little when the world seemed about to end, and quite another to explain to her parents that she wanted to date an ancient magical horse. humor Brandon Mull
dbc1077 What'll you do if you can't find a way to cure him?" Seth asked. Dale paused. "I'll never know that day has come, because I'll never stop trying." perseverance Brandon Mull
a8c80c7 Imagination can take you Places....READ Brandon Mull
26de42f What you call idiot points, I call awesome dollars. ~Seth humor Brandon Mull
dbf1fc5 Can you see the power emotion has to distort our outlook? Makes you wonder, did you have a bad day, or did you make it a bad day. Brandon Mull
f26b3f9 Do not threaten the supreme gigantic overlords. We do as we please. newel nipsies satyrs fablehaven mull Brandon Mull
07f3474 The society killed Kendra. humor love kendra verl fablehaven mull Brandon Mull
36051ee Are you her boyfriend?" ... No, I'm her fiance." Nate said. We've been promised to each other since birth," Summer added. Our wedding isn't until March." marriage humor boyfriends Brandon Mull
6a0bb2b My dad says people who insist that youtrust them usually don't deserve it. Brandon Mull
84a3bc8 You don't get it? He poisonded me! He poisonded me, and you're next. I'm going to die. We're all going to die." -Seth" Brandon Mull
4506461 break the rules pay the price Brandon Mull
2be56f5 Hello, cell. How are you? Still dank and dirty? Me? I've taken up a new habit: talking to my cell. It's like talking to myself but slightly more pathetic. humor seth-sorenson Brandon Mull
e9f0bef Any simpleton can speak with confidence. Sometimes the greatest fools have the most bravado. Brandon Mull
70b9dce A lie twice believed is self decieved truth neat Brandon Mull
7da35fa Patience mimics the power of infinity. Brandon Mull
5f51be1 You're just a character in my dream." "You wish." "I didn't mean my love interest," she replied defensively. "You'd have better hair. You're the character I dreamed up because the rest of the dream was making me homesick." "Maybe you're the character I dreamed up to scare myself awake." "That's not very nice!" "You made fun of my hair. I like it this way. Short and simple." I don't mind short. Mine is short." "Then what's wrong with mine?".. Brandon Mull
14e994e I will not know that day has come because I will not stop trying. Brandon Mull
6ff41c4 In short, heroism means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences. Brandon Mull
198b853 Let's worry about fixing the problem instead of the blame. Brandon Mull
db646f4 There are no insect eggs in my food." Mrs. White reiterated. You should use that in your advertising," Nate suggested." humor insect-eggs Brandon Mull
bdb5719 Sometimes the most preposterous lies are the most believable. Brandon Mull
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