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a68443b Some men get the world, some men get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. You're in with the former, but my God I don't envy the blood on your conscience. James Ellroy
b2b846e America was never innocent. We popped our cherry on the boat over and looked back with no regrets. You can't ascribe our fall from grace to any single event or set of circumstances. You can't lose what you lacked at conception. Mass-market nostalgia gets you hopped up for a past that never existed. Hagiography sanctifies shuck-and-jive politicians and reinvents their expedient gestures as moments of great moral weight. Our continuing narrat.. James Ellroy
414bb03 Some people don't respond to civility. James Ellroy
03d3622 I learn things late-and only the hard way. James Ellroy
7716bf1 Dead people belong to the live people who claim them most obsessively. James Ellroy
964f742 It all came down to money - the great equalizer and common denominator. James Ellroy
341f463 Cherchez la femme, Bucky. Remember that. los-angeles pulp-fiction noir noir-fiction french James Ellroy
5a2c80d Tell me anything. Tell me everything. Revoke our time apart. Love me fierce in danger. James Ellroy
9b14047 She quoted a dead playwright and called me a bullet with nothing but a future. She understood my lack of self-pity. She knew why I despised everything that might restrict my forward momentum. She knew that bullets have no conscience. They speed past things and miss their marks as often as they hit them. James Ellroy
73a061e Where's your sketch pad?" I asked. ... "I gave that up," Kay said. "I wasn't very good, so I changed my major." "To what?" "To pre-med, then psychology, then English lit, then history." "I like a woman who knows what she wants." Kay smiled. "So do I, but I don't know any." James Ellroy
2f3b6de Don't be so goddamn proper. Don't be such a fucking saint. James Ellroy
5bbbc8f Our shared world is humanly unquantifiable and ideologically confused. Which one of them is capable of implementing the most recognizable harm or good? James Ellroy
33ade64 Call me Dudley. We're of equal rank. I'm older, but you're far better looking. I can tell we're going to be grand partners. dudley-smith l-a-quartet noir James Ellroy
3461d70 Don't make a career out of underestimating me." -- Claire de Haven" l-a-confidential red-scare the-big-nowhere underestimate femme-fatale fearless noir jazz crime James Ellroy
69b75f3 Jimmy Hoffa said, "I know how Jesus must have felt. The fucking pharaohs rose to power on his coattails like the fucking Kennedy brothers are rising on mine." Heshie Ryskind said, "Get your history straight. It was Julius Caesar that did Jesus in." James Ellroy
5f35595 There's a kid or some kids somewhere. I'll never know them. They're particle-puzzle-cubing right now. They might be mini-misanthropes from Moosefart, Montana. They might be demi-dystopians from Dogdick, Delaware. They dig my demonic dramas. The metaphysic maims them. They grasp the gravity. They'll duke it out with their demons. They'll serve a surfeit of survival skills. They won't be chronologically crucified. They'll shore up my shit. Th.. reading writing inspiration ideas James Ellroy
feeb62f 1:52 a.m. His favorite nightcap--coffee and Benzedrine. James Ellroy
11f51a0 He took three shots a night-no more, no less. He switched from whisky to straight gin. The bum compensated for the scant volume. Three shots tweaked his hatreds. Four shots and up cut those hatreds all the way loose. Three shots said, You project danger. Four shots or more said, You're ugly and you limp. James Ellroy
34bdabe America was never innocent. We popped our cherry on the boat over and looked back with no regrets. You can't ascribe our fall from grace to any single event or set of circumstances. You can't lose what you lacked at conception. James Ellroy
5ac08ed They were heedless of the fact that they'd gain more converts if they just stopped talking. James Ellroy
854443a It's time to demythologise an era and build a new myth from the gutter to the stars. It's time to embrace bad men and the price they paid to secretly define their time. James Ellroy
ec4a178 You can't make history all the time, Dougie. Sometimes the best you can do is make money. James Ellroy
af256fa He used to pimp and pull shakedowns. Now he rode shotgun to History. James Ellroy
de9f1d9 I didn't care who we were. I required no consummation. I knew that whoever we were and whatever we had would never stop. James Ellroy
7820af2 I got an alibi, just in case you think I did it. Tighter than a crab's ass, and that is tight. James Ellroy
475ae0f I never knew her in life. She exists for me through others, in evidence of the ways her death drove them murder noir James Ellroy
6fbea7b Sometimes I felt connections begging to be made, sometimes I cursed myself for not having ten percent more gray matter, sometimes the report carbons just made me think of Lee. James Ellroy
4788364 All I want to do is make serious movies that explore social issues and turn a profit, and slip the schnitzel to Jane DePugh. James Ellroy
6f9c0d0 I indulge prayer when the world seems incomprehensible and only a plea to the incomprehensible makes sense. James Ellroy
4ccb2b1 Bissell fingered his napkin. "I do, Mr. Boyd. And I know how generous Mr. Hoffa, Mr. Marcello and a few other Italian gentlemen have been to the Cause, and I know that you possess a certain amount of influence in the Kennedy camp. And as the President's chief Cuban-issue liaison, I also know that Fidel Castro and Communism are a good deal worse than the Mafia, although I wouldn't dream of asking you to intercede on our friends' behalf, beca.. James Ellroy
989c282 Your death defines my life. I want to find the love we never had and explicate it in your name. James Ellroy
980a54e Future writers hide inside books and snort up the craft by enjoyment. They read and learn structure and style. Their curiosity points them to subject matter. James Ellroy
4cc1fed I'm saying it's so big and audacious that we'll most likely never be suspected. I'm saying that even if we are, the powers that be will realize that it can never be conclusively proven. I'm saying that a consensus of denial will build off of it. I'm saying that people will want to remember the man as something he wasn't. I'm saying that we'll present them with an explanation and the powers that be will prefer it to the truth, even though th.. James Ellroy
0c10453 Silverlake-Echo was several miles due est of Mount lee, a hilly area with lots of twisting streets, greenery and seclusion, the kind of terrain a necrophiliac might find soothing. James Ellroy
3bfbe61 He was about to pocket a list of local sanitariums when he heard "Traitor," and saw Mickey and Herman Gerstein standing a few feet away. Cohen with a clean shot, but a half dozen witnesses spoiling his chance. Buzz said, "I suppose this means my guard gig's kaput. Huh, Mick?" The man looked hurt as much as he looked mad. "Goyishe shitheel traitor. Cocksucker. Communist. How much money did I give you? How much money did I set up for you that.. James Ellroy
c9694de America was never innocent. We popped our cherry on the boat over and looked back with no regrets. You can't ascribe our fall from grace to any single event or set of circumstances. You can't lose what you lacked at conception. Mass-market nostalgia gets you hopped up for a past that never existed. Hagiography sanctifies shuck-and-jive politicians and reinvents their expedient gestures as moments of great moral weight. Our continuing narrat.. James Ellroy
9bb92d5 You'd be better served taxing your conscience for those who deserve your regret. James Ellroy
5d31014 Cliche shouters, sloganeers, fashion-conscious pseudoidealists. Locusts attacking social causes with the wrong information and bogus solutions, their one legit gripe--the Sleepy Lagoon case--almost blown through guilt by association: fellow travelers soliciting actual Party members for picketing and leaflet distribution, nearly discrediting everything the Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee said and did. Hollywood writers and actors and hangers.. the-big-nowhere James Ellroy
0fedef7 Howard got sex-crazy in the winter and probably wanted to send him out on a poontang prowl: Schwab's Drugstore, the extra huts at Fox and Universal, Brownie snapshots of well-lunged girls naked from the waist up. His Majesty's yes or no, then standard gash contracts to the yes's--one-liners in RKO turkeys in exchange for room and board at Hughes Enterprises' fuck pads and frequent nighttime visits from The Man himself. James Ellroy
a903f8a Dudley snatched Blanchard's plate. "That lad shouting racial slurs may be offending Dr. Ashida. Please take him someplace secluded and kick the shit out of him." James Ellroy
d37fc91 I settled in to watch a Dragnet rerun. I bought the judge in four of Jack Webb's drunk-driving beefs. I shtupped Jack's ex-wife, soaring songstress Julie London. James Ellroy
a9a39d6 Breuning drove. Dudley sat up front Carlisle sat in back, with three sawed-off shotguns. James Ellroy
ceaaf55 There's a beast in me. I destroy those I cannot control. I must be certain that those close to me share my identical interests. I'm benevolent within that construction. I'm ghastly outside of it. James Ellroy
418effc I want to burn down the distance between us> James Ellroy
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