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aaa0eb3 He was wearing an American Legion poppy on his lapel - probably purchased from the wino legionnaire who slept in the Hall of Records parking lot - a man he had once vigorously prosecuted for vagrancy. The James Ellroy
bbfda82 The spook pimp was up. The spook pimp was de-O'd and revived. He bossed his whores around. He made his whores strip. He made his whores hop on three tables. They linked up. They performed table tricks. They French-kissed and went 69. Wayne weaved. Pete steadied him. A Buddhist monk walked in. His robe dripped. He looked stupefied. His robe reeked of gas. He bowed. He squatted. He lit a match. He gook-cooked with gas. He whooshed. He flared... James Ellroy
dc4593e Padre Divino, concedimi una tregua. Accetta la mia fraudolenta rettitudine. Revoca l'arroganza che mi lega agli intrighi di altri e mi conduce verso orridi errori e unioni sbagliate. Tempera la mia ambizione con la Tua grazia, Signore. James Ellroy
d8947f4 chippies. James Ellroy
d5bbd4a America: I window-peeped four years of our History. It was one long mobile stakeout and kick- the-door-in shakedown. I had a license to steal and a ticket to ride. I followed people. I bugged and tapped and caught big events in ellipses. I remained unknown. My surveillance links the Then to the Now in a never-before-revealed manner. I was there. My reportage is buttressed by credible hearsay and insider tattle. Massive paper trails provid.. James Ellroy
746f2cc Head-on impact. The frontseat men sustain massive chest wounds. Their hearts explode. The backseat men sustain downward-thrust trauma and are thus disemboweled. James Ellroy
a95526f He wore piss-poor lime cologne. He sucked a hide-the-hooch lozenge. James Ellroy
5aeaa96 J. J. Cantwell said, "We're three Catholic men relieved of our duties. We're going to get shit-faced drunk and defame the Prottys and the kikes." Parker ushered them in. His Eminence was sixty-six and rambunctious. Dudley doted on him. They met in Ireland, circa 1919. Dudley killed British soldiers. Cantwell funneled gun money." James Ellroy
a76bfcc Some men get the world, some men get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. James Ellroy
1a5383a He kept his extralegal shit there. Throwdown guns, burglars' tools, maryjane to plant on suspects. James Ellroy
93e2258 Matsura dribbled blood on the table. Ace threw a head shot. Matsura screamed. Gold bridgework flew. James Ellroy
9b5cf16 Cantwell said, "We'll have to have Bill explain this new war to us, Dud. Father Coughlin lays the blame on the coons and the sheenie bankers, and I tend to agree with him." Dudley said, "America and Ireland first, Your Eminence. You know where I stand on that." Cantwell said, "Let's get shit-faced drunk and defame that Jew shitheel in the White House. Franklin Double-Cross Rosenfeld, his name is." James Ellroy
7bf3145 I had to talk to people. All people scared me. James Ellroy
6ef437c Elmer was scared. He ran a call-girl ring. He peddled flesh to the L.A. elite. He made biz calls from the Vice squadroom. James Ellroy
a64ba93 These tracts are inherently unradical and fail to critique the systematic bigotry that has fueled this counteraggression for the past two horrible days. This cravenly jingoistic display of yours is an insufficient response to the injustice currently being perpetrated on this very street. James Ellroy
8defda7 Treason is ideology and free speech perverted. Seditious thought and its reckless public expression is a grave criminal offense that fully sanctions me in this action that you allege to be precipitous, presumptuous and subversive in and of itself, so help me fucking God, I know it to be true. James Ellroy
fa11727 A key-in-lock noise jarred him. He walked into the living room. Mariko had 11:00 a.m. booze breath. He said, "Hello, Mother." She spoke slurred Japanese back. He bowed and tried to take her hand. She pulled away and flashed a magazine. A "picture bride" rag. Choose a photograph and send for a young woman. She'll be shipped from Japan. Include the five-hundred-dollar steamship fare. All brides guaranteed to be fertile and subservient. "I've .. James Ellroy
2f1a60f The incumbent Sheriff, "Kickback" Kit Denkins, was a notorious no-goodnik. He took bribes from crooked building contractors and solicited high school girls for their soiled underwear." James Ellroy
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