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f337816 You learn to write by writing, and by reading and thinking about how writers have created their characters and invented their stories. If you are not a reader, don't even think about being a writer. writing inspirational Jean M. Auel
d3d2359 They stared at each other, wanting each other, drawn to each other, but their silent shout of love went unheard in the roar of misunderstanding, and the clatter of culturally ingrained beliefs. love Jean M. Auel
bb2c57b But when did you see her, talk to me? When did you see her go into the cave? Why did you threaten to strike a spirit? You still don't understand, do you? You acknowledged her, Broud, she has beaten you. You did everything you could to her, you even cursed her. She's dead, and still she won. She was a woman, and she had more courage than you, Broud, more determination, more self-control. She was more man than you are. Ayla should have been t.. Jean M. Auel
ee10eca If you want to fall in love, you can't hold everything in. You have to open up, take that risk. You'll be hurt sometimes, but if you don't, you'll never be happy. The one you find may not be the kind of woman you expected to fall in love with, but it wont matter, you'll love her for exactly what she is. love thonolan Jean M. Auel
cf6bceb Ayla, I looked for you all my life and didn't know I was looking. You are everything I ever wanted, everything I ever dreamed of in a woman, and more. You are a fascinating enigma, a paradox. You are totally honest, open; you hide nothing: yet you are the most mysterious woman I've ever met. love jondalar Jean M. Auel
ec09cdd The earth we leave is beautiful and rich; it gave us all we needed for all the generations we have lived. How will you leave it when it is your turn? What can you do? Jean M. Auel
1492929 The difference in the brains of men and women was imposed by nature, and only cemented by culture. Jean M. Auel
823090c When you are alone, you have all the time in the world to practice whistling like a bird. When there is no one in the world you can turn to, a horse or .even a lion may give you companionship. When you don't know if there is anyone in the world like you, you seek contact with something living however you can Jean M. Auel
2ba12bb You weren't being punished. You were waiting for me. fate destiny love jondalar Jean M. Auel
5d88636 A person could resist popular belief and stand up for personal principles, and though there may be consequences, not everything would necessarily be lost. In fact, something important might be gained, if only within oneself. principles Jean M. Auel
ce6ce84 She loved him, more than she could ever find words for, but this love he felt for her was not quite the same. It wasn't so much stronger, as more demanding, more insistent. As though he feared he would lose that which he had finally won. romance fear love demanding jondalar insistent Jean M. Auel
a49f0ea Art was as much in the activity as in the results. Works of art were not just the finished product, but the thought, the action, the process that created them. artistry process creativity Jean M. Auel
6761ee1 The other mammoths were as protective of the dying as they were of newborns, and they gathered around tying to make the fallen one get up. When all was over, they buried the dead ancestor under piles of dirt, grass, leaves, or snow. Mammoths were even known to bury other dead animals, including humans. death touching Jean M. Auel
accac60 I don't know, Jondalar. Maybe you haven't found the right woman. Maybe the Mother has someone special for you. She doesn't make many like you. You are really more than most women could bear. If all your love were concentrated on one, it could overwhelm her, if she wasn't one to whom the Mother gave equal gifts. love serenio special Jean M. Auel
533d746 And their memory made them extraordinary. In them, the unconscious knowledge of ancestral behavior called instinct had evolved. Stored in the back of their large brains were not just their own memories, but the memories of their forebears. They could recall knowledge learned by their ancestors and, under special circumstances, they could go a step beyond. They could recall their racial memory, their own evolution. And when they reached back.. Jean M. Auel
e1fb48d Sometimes women who aren't perfect are more interesting; they've done more, or learned something. Jean M. Auel
299de82 You are strong, self-reliant, entirely able to take care of yourself and of me... You are fearless, courageous; you saved my life, nursed me back to health, hunted for my food, provided for my comfort. You don't need me. Yet you make me want to protect you, watch over you, make sure no harm comes to you. I could live with you all my life and never really know you; you have depths it would take many lifetimes to explore. You are wise and anc.. feminism women love fearless Jean M. Auel
c696f62 Ayla just didn't seem like a woman who was about to join and establish a new hearth with a man she loved. There was no joy, no excitement. Something was missing. Something called Jondalar. love jondalar Jean M. Auel
f4c99d6 Ayla, what am I doing wrong?" he asked, standing in front of her, dripping. "It's not you. I'm the one who's doingit wrong." "You're not doing anything wrong." "Yes I am. I've been trying all day to encourage you, but you don't understand Clan gestures." -- jondalar frustration Jean M. Auel
2885af7 Like men, some grow best in company, striving to outdo the rest. Others need to grow their own way, though it may be lonely. Both have value. Jean M. Auel
4503300 He's part me and part Clan, and so is Ura. Or rather, she's part Oda and part that man who killed her baby. Jean M. Auel
0cb4165 You need no call, you were born to this destiny. But you will be tested. You will cause pain and suffer for it ... Jean M. Auel
5d0f7fd If Earth's children ever forget who provides for them, we may wake up someday and find we don't have a home. Jean M. Auel
91677b8 In a world so empty of human life, there was comfort in the thought that an invisible realm of spirits was aware of their existence, cared about their actions, and perhaps directed their steps. Even a stern or inimical spirit who cared enough to demand certain actions of appeasement was better than the heartless disregard of a harsh and indifferent world, in which their lives were entirely in their own hands, with no one else to turn to in .. Jean M. Auel
ebf25a1 As Creb looked at the peaceful, trusting face of the strange girl in his lap, he felt a deep love flowering in his soul for her. He couldn't have loved her more if she were his own. Jean M. Auel
1b65064 No one told her it was impossible to rapid-fire two stones from a sling, because it had never been done before, and since no one told her she couldn't, she taught herself to do it. Jean M. Auel
f6b7234 When all was over, they buried the dead ancestor under piles of dirt, grass, leaves, or snow. Mammoths were even known to bury other dead animals, including humans. Jean M. Auel
0f3c6a9 It's harder to kill people. The empathy is so much stronger that the mind must invent new reasons. But, if we can somehow link it to our own survival, the mind will make the devious twists and turns necessary to rationalize it. We're very good at that. But it changes people. They learn to hate. Your wolf doesn't need to hate what he kills. It would be easier if we could kill without compunction, like your wolf does, but then, we wouldn't be.. Jean M. Auel
02348f7 He began to understand that just because some people thought certain behavior was wrong, that didn't make it so. A person could resist popular belief and stand up for personal principles, and though there might be consequences, not everything would necessarily be lost. In fact, something important might be gained, if only within oneself. Jean M. Auel
d0ce9fc At a deep, unconscious level, Broud sensed the opposing destinies of the two. Ayla was more than a threat to his masculinity, she was a threat to his existence. His hatred of her was the hatred of the old for the new, of the traditional for the innovative, of the dying for the living. Broud's race was too static, too unchanging. They had reached the peak of their development; there was no more room to grow. Ayla was part of nature's new exp.. Jean M. Auel
ba3c2d4 A leader must always put the clan's interests before his own; it is the first thing you must learn. That is why self-control is so essential to a leader. The clan's survival is his responsibility. A leader has less freedom than a woman, Broud. He must do many things he may not want to. If necessary, he must even disown the son of his mate. Do you understand? Jean M. Auel
7ce455e Great Mother!I can't believe it!Now I understand."(Mamut) "I do not understand," Ayla said" Jean M. Auel
dbeb76d Usually it will be something special or unusual. It may be a stone you have never seen before, or a root with a special shape that has meaning for you. You must learn to understand with your heart and mind, not your eyes and ears; then you will know. But, when the time comes and you find a sign your totem has left you, put it in your amulet. It will bring you luck. Jean M. Auel
46e923f Brun, this is the man Ayla saw as whole. This is the man who set her standard. This is the man she loves and compares with her son. Look at me, my brother! Did I deserve to live? Does Ayla's son deserve to live less?" The" Jean M. Auel
0306e20 A person could resist popular belief and stand up for personal principles, and though there might be consequences, not everything would necessarily be lost. In fact, something important might be gained, if only within oneself. Jean M. Auel
0073698 Mog-ur has been spending all day and half the night in the place of the spirits. It must be a ceremony. While Ayla was gone, he wouldn't go near it; now he hardly ever comes out. When he does, he's so absentminded he forgets to eat. Sometimes he forgets to eat while he's eating. Jean M. Auel
b06364f Incluso cuando vuelves a un mismo lugar, ya no es el mismo. Jean M. Auel
ea19554 It was a tense moment. If Norg refused them, they would have no choice but to return the long distance back to their cave. It would be a grave breach of propriety, but to allow Ayla entrance would be tantamount to accepting her as a woman of the Clan; at least it would give Brun a clear edge. Norg looked again at his mog-ur, then at the powerful one-eyed man who was The Mog-ur, then back at the man who was leader of the clan ranked first of.. Jean M. Auel
43f747c Impetuously, with the uninhibited reactions of a child, she reached out to touch his face, to see if the scar felt different. Jean M. Auel
b3495d9 Now the Spirit of the Cave Lion wants me to leave." She looked up at the tall man beside her. "Do you think we'll ever come back?" "No," he said. There was a hollow ring to his voice. He was looking in the small cave, but he was seeing another place and another time. "Even if you go back to the same place, it's not the same." Jean M. Auel
9386401 The little girl's gentle touch struck an inner chord in his lonely old heart. Jean M. Auel
4452e19 How had the strange child charmed her way into his heart so quickly? Jean M. Auel
1081d68 it happen, she could." They" Jean M. Auel
f36e883 But why should they blame her? They should blame the men who won't let her alone, Jean M. Auel
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