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954dd2c I'd done so many things I wasn't supposed to do that by then I was ready to try any idea that came to me. Jean M. Auel
0b4873b South Holding, was the acknowledged leader of the Twenty-ninth Cave, but Summer Camp and Jean M. Auel
7fa649f Serenio had been right, his love was too much for most people to bear. His anger, let loose, could not be contained until it had run its course either. Growing up, he had once wreaked such havoc with righteous anger that he had caused someone serious injury. All his emotions were too powerful. Even his mother had felt forced to put a distance between them, and she had watched with silent sympathy when friends backed off because he clung too.. Jean M. Auel
6e0cf90 Then, slowly, it filled her. An urge, like none she had ever known, rose out of her depths, grew in her throat, and burst from her mouth in a primal scream of victory. She did it! At that moment, in a lonely valley in the middle of a vast continent, somewhere near the undefined boundary of the desolate northern loess steppes and the wetter continental steppes to the south, a young woman stood with a bone club in her hand--and felt powerful... Jean M. Auel
46eaf09 La carencia misma de responsabilidad le producia sentimientos contradictorios: una sensacion inusitada de libertad al mismo tiempo que una frustracion inexplicable. responsabilidad Jean M. Auel
d25b224 Your wolf doesn't need to hate what he kills. It would be easier if we could kill without compunction, like your wolf does, but then, we wouldn't be human. Jean M. Auel
2b2dee0 It wasn't exultation she felt, not the excitement of a first kill or even the satisfaction of overcoming a powerful beast. It was something deeper, more humbling. It was the knowledge that she had overcome herself. Jean M. Auel
71596c6 nightmares of earthquakes, and Jean M. Auel
81df94d Ese aperitivo que es el hambre contribuia a que todo tuviera mejor sabor aun. hambre Jean M. Auel
b8e781d He was an abomination precisely because they saw his humanity, but degraded it and would not recognize it. Jean M. Auel
d6da449 Mas vale ser un hombre viejo que un muchacho que se cree hombre. vejez Jean M. Auel
38f6fb7 Children are always a joy, but pain, too. And they all must lead their own lives. Even Mut will let Her children go their own way, some day, but I fear for us if we ever neglect Her. If we forget to respect our Great Earth Mother, She will withhold Her blessings, and no longer provide for us. Jean M. Auel
cbe26ee He began to understand that just because some people thought certain behavior was wrong, that didn't make it so. A person could resist popular belief and stand up for personal principles, and though there might be consequences, not everything would be necessarily lost. In fact, something important might be gained, if only within oneself. uplifting outcast Jean M. Auel
988b420 Sorry. That is courtesy, right? Custom? Jondalar, what good are words like sorry? It doesn't change anything, it doesn't make me feel any better." He pulled his hand through his hair. She was right. Whatever he had done--and he thought he knew what it was--being sorry didn't help." Jean M. Auel
dcfb108 Brun led them well beyond the spoor of cave lions before he stopped and studied the landscape. Across the river, as far as he could see, the prairie stretched out in low rolling hills into a flat green expanse in the distance. His view was unobstructed. The few stunted trees, distorted by the constant wind into caricatures of arrested motion, merely put the open country in perspective and emphasized the emptiness. Jean M. Auel
ee35e13 The first snow sifted down silently during the night. Ayla exclaimed with delight when she stepped out of her cave in the morning. A pristine whiteness softened the contours of the familiar landscape creating a magical dreamland of fantastic shapes and mythical plants. Bushes had top hats of soft snow, conifers were dressed in new gowns of white finery, and bare exposed limbs were clothed in shining coats that outlined each twig against the.. Jean M. Auel
c1a1d03 The ones that counted were the ones that cared. Jean M. Auel
bf24f49 Though the ones who had come before them had slowly developed and improved various implements and tools, the people like Jondalar and Ayla were the first to imagine and innovate to such an extravagant degree. Their brains could make abstractions easily. They were capable of conceiving of an idea and planning how to implement it. Beginning with simple objects that utilized advanced principles that were intuitively understood, they drew concl.. Jean M. Auel
4ace8da through the Jean M. Auel
e07dd64 What are counting words?" "They are ... names for the marks on your sticks, for one thing, for other things too. They are used to say the number of ... anything. They can say how many deer a scout has seen, or how many days away they are. If it is a large herd, such as bison in the fall, then a zelandoni must scout the herd, one who knows the special ways to use counting words." An undercurrent of anticipation stirred through the woman; she.. Jean M. Auel
9670eb9 En ocasiones las mujeres que no son perfectas resultan mas interesantes; han hecho mas o han aprendido algo. Jean M. Auel
883a4c1 were greeted warmly, but Ayla felt they were interrupting something. Everyone seemed to be looking at them, as though Jean M. Auel
e80024f Tal vez creas que resulta mas facil seguir la corriente, porque asi no tienes que luchar contra ella, pero ahi esta el problema. Cuando vas contracorriente, tienes que estar pensando todo el tiempo en el rio y la embarcacion. Sabes que si te abandonas perderias todo lo que hayas ganado. Y puedes ver con tiempo lo que llegue, para evitarlo. Pero si sigues la corriente, es demasiado facil dejarte llevar, permitir que tu mente vagabundee y que.. Jean M. Auel
b2518f5 Roe Deer, when your spirit returns to the Great Earth Mother, thank Her for giving us one of your kind, that we may eat," Jondalar said quietly." Jean M. Auel
a0f6b9a The pit was roughly rectangular, somewhat longer than it was wide, and muddy around the edges where the last wet loads had been hauled out. Loose piles of dirt, spilled from the hide, were strewn on the trampled grass within the triangular area defined by the two walls of brush coming together at the muddy hole. Through a gap where the pit separated the two fences, the river could be seen, reflecting the glowing eastern sky. On the other si.. Jean M. Auel
d9f9751 No podia obligarle a quedarse; solo podia ayudarle a marcharse. Jean M. Auel
b4eb991 The feeble flames glinted off hidden facets in the crystal matrix of the rocks, and were reflected in the glistening sheen of damp stalactites hanging in eternal icicles from the roof, longing to reach their inverted counterparts growing from the floor. Some had succeeded in forming a union. Strained through the stone of ages, the calcereous drops had culminated in stately columns that reached from floor to vaulted ceiling, thinning at the .. Jean M. Auel
c666166 Hablan con sombras en la lengua. Jean M. Auel
c06e155 La mano y la vista hacen al artista. Jean M. Auel
e2e2b60 No era solo su aspecto lo que la hacia hermosa. La belleza no era una representacion estetica: era la esencia, el espiritu que la animaba. Se expresaba mejor a traves del movimiento, de la conducta y del talento. Una mujer hermosa era una mujer dinamica y completa. mujer Jean M. Auel
f05e931 countered. "I suspect the story was made up by a woman who had a" Jean M. Auel
65506cc Hacia falta una fortaleza diferente para persuadir en vez de obligar. Talut se ganaba el respeto respetando a los demas. Jean M. Auel
6ad5855 Comenzaba a comprender que una conducta determinada no era necesariamente erronea solo porque algunos la consideraran asi. Una persona podia resistirse a las creencias populares, defendiendo principios personales, sin perderlo todo, aunque pudieran surgir ciertas consecuencias desagradables. Mas aun: se podia ganar algo importante, aunque solo fuera dentro de uno mismo. Jean M. Auel
468332b They stopped for a moment to watch the evening sky transform itself in a show of dazzling radiance as gold transmuted into shades of vermilion that waned into shimmering purple, then darkened to deep blue as the first glittering sky fires appeared. Soon the sooty black night became a backdrop to the multitude of blazing lights that filled the summer sky, with a concentrated accumulation wending its way like a path across the vault above. Jean M. Auel
a3aecc9 Estare a su lado contra mis peores enemigos y contra mis mejores amigos. Jean M. Auel
14e6b66 Once I got over feeling sick in the morning, I've been feeling good," Levela said. "Vigorous and strong. Although, lately, I get tired easily. I want to sleep late and take naps in the day, and sometimes if I stand for a long time, my back hurts." "Sounds about right, wouldn't you say," Velima said, smiling at her daughter. "Just the way you are supposed to feel." Jean M. Auel
5461547 A frown creased Ayla's forehead. She remembered he had used that word to describe her when she used her sling, and she wasn't sure if she understood the word the way he used it. "Are you artist?" she asked. He made a wry grimace. Her question had touched at the heart of an issue about which he had strong feelings." Jean M. Auel
b1dd8ff find of the basket's contents, then reworked the cinch-basket-harness arrangement, fastening the two spears the way they had fallen, points down. She attached the grass mat, which had been wrapped around the deer, to both poles, thus creating a carrier platform between them--behind the horse but off the ground. She lashed the deer to it, then carefully tied down the unconscious cave lion cub. After she relaxed, Whinney seemed more accepting.. Jean M. Auel
aa4a146 was dark and no more inviting Jean M. Auel
9af4d97 flickering lamps scattered here Jean M. Auel
aa685dd to drink Jean M. Auel
7296794 But she was beginning to learn that no one knew what everything in the painted caves meant. It was likely that no one actually knew what anything meant, except the person who put it there, and perhaps not even then. If something painted on the walls of a cave made you feel something, then whatever you felt was what it meant. It might depend on your state of mind, which could be altered, or how receptive you were. Ayla thought about what the.. Jean M. Auel
02083f4 body Jean M. Auel
bf7a23e The empathy and compassion we feel for our own kind is sometimes extended to the rest of the living things on the earth. If we allowed it to keep us from killing a deer, or other animals, we would not live long. The Jean M. Auel
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