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bcd5057 I haven't been able to stop thinking of you. One way or another you were always out of reach... I think I'm in love with you... Actually no, that's not true. I know I am. Jill Mansell
c0a8dd8 Was it wrong to take a job just because you'd fallen in love with a bed? Jill Mansell
d0e1867 But money or no money we're all searching for the same things aren't we It doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have. Love and happiness that's what it's all about Jill Mansell
e612efc Last night. I couldn't put that book down. I was awake till four this morning finishing it. I didn't know reading could be like that, I had no idea. Jill Mansell
ce8a277 This not flirting and just-being-friends business was going to be bloody hard. Jill Mansell
3a5a21e Sometimes dreams trick you into believing they're real. And then there are other times when, completely out of the blue, life suddenly becomes surreal that you wonder if perhaps you're dreaming after all. Jill Mansell
291246d because this was what happened when you loved someone too much and they didn't love you back. They grew stronger and you grew weaker and more helpless. They humiliated you and you let them do it. And you ended up with no self-respect, not even caring that other people were pointing and laughing at you ... Jill Mansell
fa96ff0 Maybe when she'd been eighteen it was a quality she might have laughed at, but at twenty-eight, dependability had turned into something of an aphrodisiac. Jill Mansell
6cb374d The more you didn't want to bump into someone, sod's law dictated that the more often you would. Jill Mansell
80bbe48 Because the greater the love, the more devastating the sense of betrayal. love relationships Jill Mansell
e4c37c7 If you marry for money, you end up earning every penny. Jill Mansell
0069aef Oh my god, two days ago I fell in love with the girl of my dreams. Tonight I find out she's insane Jill mansell
77213f1 Desejava uma verdadeira livraria tal como um viciado deseja uma dose. Nao havia mesmo nada melhor do que aquele maravilhoso cheiro a livros novos, tocar nas capas e folhear um livro, cujas paginas, se calhar, nunca tinham sido folheadas. (...) Ha pessoas obececadas e apaixonadas por sapatos. Os sapatos eram bonitos, mas nao se podia ficar a noite toda acordade a ler um par, pois nao? Jill Mansell
41ca79b The thing is, I was so bursting for the loo that I thought my bladder was going to explode. I could hardly speak, let alone make it up your stairs. When you threw the key down and I had to bend over to pick it up, I thought that was it, I was going to flood the road! And I'm not even exaggerating. I've never been so desperate in my life. Jill Mansell
f123e9b She wasn't the type to stab you in the back. She stabbed you right there in the front so you could watch all the blood gushing out. Jill Mansell
d80fb0c He bestowed his smiles indiscriminately and left a trail of havoc in his wake. Jill Mansell
a94a02d Sometimes it only takes a split second for a state of absolute calm to turn to one of horror and panic Jill Mansell
fb6241b Maybe one day it would happen. Maybe one day her life would start going according to plan instead of spluttering and stalling like some clapped-out old banger. Jill Mansell
35131e0 On the surface she might put on a good show, making fun of herself and her manless state, but inwardly it was hard sometimes not to wonder: Why me? Jill Mansell
e3004ba There was an element of risk - however small - in everything. You just had to accept that and get on with it. Jill Mansell
c554407 I just needed to hear someone else say it. I do deserve better. Jill Mansell
d94cbff Once a Pot Noodler, always a Pot Noodler. pot-noodles Jill Mansell
b043bb1 What if everything she most dreaded was happening now? Jill Mansell
173a148 Now she knew, and she couldn't un-know. Life would never be the same again. Jill Mansell
7c943b0 Abbie wondered why she was even bothering to stay alive, when she was evidently so gullible and pathetic and pointless. The only thing that stopped her taking an overdose was, she couldn't be bothered. Jill Mansell
6c3031c Ah, the old don't-need-a-man thing. I love that line. I mean it sounds great, and girls love to say that stuff because it makes them sound all strong and independent. But it's not actually true, is it? Deep down they're panicking, getting more and more desperate, and the next thing you know, they're hurling themselves into a new relationship. Jill Mansell
f73973f Having to pretend nothing was wrong, when everything was wrong, was excruciating. Jill Mansell
122c1cb She'd got so used to not wanting to go out and be sociable that saying no had become her natural default setting. The moment anyone invited her anywhere, her brain began scrambling for plausible excuses as to why she couldn't make it. Jill Mansell
d8a7a16 And just because she was crossing her fingers didn't mean her wish would come true. Jill Mansell
bb1e306 Just because it's normal doesn't make it any easier. Jill Mansell
2cc2cad Was this rock bottom? Had he finally hit it? Jill Mansell
74ed8df It might not be much. OK, it wasn't much. But it was a start. Jill Mansell
9bc7af5 She was tired, her back was aching, and her life was. Jill Mansell
366f506 He actually didn't have a clue what he'd put her through. Jill Mansell
3f617a0 You already know he's a pathetic excuse for a man and you deserve better. Jill Mansell
cff5d64 Clemency marvelled, trying a purple eyeshadow shot with gold sparkly bits on the back of her hand Jill Mansell
b1ab0a5 She looked down at the hand and saw that it was clutching instead a handful of perfume card samplers, each one sprayed with a different scent. Jill Mansell
596b81a All in all, the next minutes surely ranked among the most calamitously awkward of Ronans life. Jill Mansell
c59e06e On the outside she might appear cool, but inside her heart felt as though it was disintegrating like a digestive dropped in hot tea Jill Mansell
3426cf8 Whenever a property was about to go on the market, Ronan's advice to the owners was to declutter as much as they could cope with and remove all family photos from view. Potential buyers needed to be able to picture themselves in their new home, he always explained, and photographs of other people and their families were a distraction. Jill Mansell
0c81ea6 Erin wilde inmiddels dat ze niet zo aardig was geweest. Dat krijg je ervan; je werd meteen gestraft. Jill Mansell
e76f6ca Sometimes wonderful things did happen, out of the blue and for no apparent reason. And what else could you do but go along with it and just be grateful that the person you loved more than anyone else in the world loved you too? Jill Mansell
754b4cd Why would you want to leave?' 'I've just made up my mind. It's the best thing to do. Lots of people move to London.' 'Lots of people living in London wish they could move to Cornwall.' Tears were now rolling down Millie's cheeks. Silently, they dripped on to the starched cotton sheets pulled up over her knees. When she was confident she could sound normal - and not as if she was blubbing like a big baby - she said, 'I just think I need a ch.. Jill Mansell
2360e2e Lucas, I wouldn't drive five Jill Mansell