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39e8561 Ugliness is an illusion, gentlemen. Like beauty. Like color. All depends on the light. The only reality is action. Karen Traviss
c2d94e2 Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaasla. (Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be.) - Mandalorian saying mandalorian star-wars father Karen Traviss
68eae94 If we were given one word of information in our entire history, how we'd treasure it! how we'd pore over ever syllable, divining it's meaning, arguing its importance; how we'd examine it and wring every lesson we could from it. Yet today we have trillions of words, tidal waves of information and the smallest detail of every action our government and businesses take is easily available to us at the touch of a button. And yet...we ignore it, .. Karen Traviss
e9dbcc6 We're all going to die sometime, so you might as well die pushing the odds for something that matters. darman-skirata etain-tur-mukan republic-commando karen-traviss clone-wars self-sacrifice star-wars Karen Traviss
fd54589 Any sign of what killed him, Scorch?" "Let's ask Sev. He's a dead-body-ologist." [Sev examines the body and its arm falls off] "Yep, he's dead alright." "Sure you don't want a second opinion, Doc?" "Nah, I'm ready go out on a limb." Karen Traviss
ec1f5a1 Scorch: "I think Sev might have an anger problem." Sev: "I think you have an intelligence problem." Karen Traviss
2a2a851 We have an understanding. I don't laugh at his skirt, and he doesn't rip my head off." -Fi Skirata" Karen Traviss
2565a42 Long memory, short fuse, big revenge. Karen Traviss
5af4768 Vau: "We were having a philosophical discussion, as Mandalorians often do, and I asserted that the only demonstrable reality was individual consciousness, but he insisted on the existence of a priori moral values that transcended free will. So I hit him." Zey: "You think you're so witty." Vau: "No, I think you should stay out of Mando clan business." -- Karen Traviss
d6ffa53 After a horrible, crazy speeder race by Bardan] "Thank you for flying Jedi Air." Jusik grinned and shook their hands. "Have a nice afternoon." "You're all insane," said Sev." Karen Traviss
ec314dc Do we get to do assassinations?" "If we do, they never happened. You imagined them." "Whoops. My trigger finger just slipped, Sarge. Honest." Karen Traviss
15b0af5 Why should I cooperate with you now?" "Because you're stuck in a ship with four creatively sadistic people who hate your grey guts, and maybe the Jedi and the strill aren't that fond of you either, and all you've got are the clothes you stand in. See how long you last..." Karen Traviss
7ec2106 Diplomacy is about dealing with those you rather avoid. Karen Traviss
39b31b2 Touch me again, chakaar, and I'll ram this into your carotid artery." "I haven't got one." "Then I'll have to keep stabbing you until I find somewhere else that bleeds copiously." Karen Traviss
20c0a1e Your boys okay?" "Tired, edgy, but giving it all they've got. One of 'em has sworn to get Vau, another is having a love affair with a woman he shouldn't even look at, I'm collecting waifs and strays like an animal shelter, and we nearly killed a treasury agent. But if I told you the really bad stuff, you'd think I have problems." Karen Traviss
9579f71 Visit Mandalore before Mandalore visits you. Take home some souvenirs--a slab of uj cake and a smack in the mouth. Karen Traviss
2939816 I shall remain vigilant and unyielding in my pursuit of the enemies of the Coalition. I will defend and maintain the Order of Life as it was proclaim by the Allfathers of the Coalition in the Octus Canon. I will forsake the life I had before so I may perform my duty as long as I am needed. Steadfast, I shall hold my place in the machine and acknowledge my place in the Coalition. I am a Gear. Karen Traviss
ae30d96 Oh, you are a little ray of sunshine today, aren't you? Now, look at your progesterone levels. Still higher than normal. Are you pregnant? Have you been throwing up?" "No. But I get cravings. Will I get stretch marks?" said Fi. Gilamar kept a straight face. "Yeah, say goodbye to your figure. Everything sags from now on." Karen Traviss
f3f1da5 That's the worst thing about having chakaare like us around. We just wander off, find someplace you don't know about, and hole up in it and get into all sorts of mischief that you know nothing about. And then we bill you for it. Dreadful." "Dreadful. Is this the kind of thing that CSF might notice?" "Were we to get out of hand, I imagine very senior officers in CSF might need to be reassured, but not by you." "Dreadful. Hypothetically, anyw.. Karen Traviss
23bf6fe The ambition of most beings is just to stay alive, overeat, spend too much, and avoid hard work. I'm happy that I can achieve much more than that...and we all die sooner or later. A death in service of a great ideal is a fine thing. Karen Traviss
b89d267 Hatred can be pushed aside, but it will always whisper in your ear. Karen Traviss
2cd81f1 Darman: I want my HUD back. I want my enhanced view. Fi: But you get to wear face camo instead. Makes you feel wild and dangerous. Sev: I'm wild. And then I get dangerous. Shut up. Fi: Copy that. [exits Sev's comlink channel] Miserable di'kut. Scorch: Don't mind him. He'll be fine once he's killed something. Karen Traviss
2ba8b25 That's how tyranny succeeds. When folks think it won't affect them until eventually it does. karen-traviss clone-troopers empire star-wars Karen Traviss
52e55e3 Every miracle's got a mundane explanation. [...] and you can choose - you can look at the wonderous surface or you can look at the crud beneath. I want to see the wondrous, believe me. I just know it isn't going to be there when I've finished looking. Karen Traviss
3b69748 I wish you'd get one thing straight - I'm not a traitor. I was never on your side. I'm called the enemy. Karen Traviss
a703d28 Maze: "I'm alerting HQ. Stand by." *on the private comlink* Corr: "How are you Omega? Can we help? We're really concerned that you're stranded on a shabla rock surrounded by an infinite number of natives who'll cut your gett'se off when they haul you screaming from the summit." Karen Traviss
f2c7b1b Is it better to not get to know them?' 'No. It's not. It's sharking your responsibility, and it's disrespectful. Get to know them, and then you fully understand the price you're asking them to pay. Karen Traviss
3b2b32c You think she's got a personality disorder?" "No, she's just a nasty bitch. An unpleasant personality isn't a medical condition. Just a symptom of not being slapped around the head enough." halo personality-disorders karen-traviss psychiatry Karen Traviss
18697ed Good grief, Rex, doesn't Skywalker tell his underlings to put clothes on? What does he think this is, a cruise liner?" It was at times like this that Rex savoured the true value of his bucket. He silenced his helmet audio for a moment with a quick eye movement, roared with laughter, and then switched the speaker back on. "Would you like me to ask him, sir?" "Rex, you're enjoying this..." "Me, sir? Never, sir." anakin-skywalker gilad-pellaeon karen-traviss captain-rex clone-wars star-wars Karen Traviss
e34c86d People who wouldn't dream of drowning a puppy in a barrel full of water think nothing of killing a fish the same slow way. wess-har moral Karen Traviss
a6ede05 We have complete choice as individuals: the only decisions we can take are our own. And yet so many species use the state of being an individual as an excuse for inaction, helplessness and irresponsibility.No situation is so overwhelming that action is pointless. Targassat of Surang. wess-har moral Karen Traviss
b45f70f Humans have too many rights and not enough responsibilities. -Aras wess-har responsibilities rights Karen Traviss
f0e1a92 Humans believed they thought things consciously when most of the time they were simply rationalizing instinctive reactions as basic as the amoeba's, and after those reactions had already taken place. Karen Traviss
0f14c31 I don't know who the good guys are anymore. But I do know what the enemy is. It's the compromise of principles. You lose the war when you lose your principles. And the first principle is to look out for your comrades. Karen Traviss
ab891b7 All ships... we are now at battle stations. I expect this will now be known as the Second Battle of Fondor. Karen Traviss
f412b42 Humans would never tell the simple truth when a lie was available.... karen-traviss science-fiction Karen Traviss
d023e66 Family took a lot more than genes to hold it together Karen Traviss
a1cd30f Mandalorians are surprisingly unconcerned with biological lineage. Their definition of offspring or parent is more by relationship than birth: adoption is extremely common, and it's not unusual for soldiers to take war orphans as their sons or daughters if they impress them with their aggression and tenacity. They also seem tolerant of marital infidelity during long separations, as long as any child resulting from it is raised by them. Mand.. Karen Traviss
0a6cc31 Regular people said they couldn't tell the difference between one clone and another, did they? That was what came of spending too much time looking at faces and not enough wondering what shaped people and went on inside their heads. Karen Traviss
6204388 And knowing my luck ... that'll be the Engineer sign for "Your mom's a skank." Karen Traviss
12bba6c You never have perfect knowledge in combat, gentlemen. It's what we call the fog of war. You can either sit around worrying what's real and what's not, or you can realize the enemy hasn't got a clue either and fire off a few rounds of psychology. A truly great army is one that only has to rattle its saber to win a war. Karen Traviss
832afac I refuse to believe that gods want to make mortals unhappy and torment them. That's what humans do. And humans are very definitely not divine. religion philosophy karen-traviss humans Karen Traviss
896bc9c Revenge might give you a warm feeling, but unless it delivers some lasting results you might as well have a nice cup of mocha instead. Karen Traviss
55f7134 the best way to stop worrying about your inevitable demise is to dwell on it morbidly until you're so bored that you forget it. Karen Traviss
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