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0067134 Prep for docking," said the pilot's voice over the intercom. "You're off watch, and I'm not, you barves ..." "Shower, food, sleep," said Darman, prioritizing. Atin shook his head. "Food, shower, sleep." "Sleep," said Niner. "Then more sleep." They looked at Corr. "Glorious revolution, then installing a military junta," he said. Etain stared, not at all sure about his hidden depths, but he laughed. "Or a nice big plate of minced roba patties.. Karen Traviss
805c80e I fail to understand why gethes (Humans), talk about individuals versus society. They are the same thing. The action of every individual counts, and those individual acts of personal responsibility accumulate to create society. Snowflakes are equally blind to their role in causing avalanches. personal-responsibility Karen Traviss
4ac5e31 Somehow, though, they managed to ignore the fact that being the dominant species on Earth meant that absolutely nothing about their position was inevitable or beyond their control. Karen Traviss
668836b It's hard to send someone to their death," she said, answering his silent question. His expression was hidden behind the visor of his helmet. She didn't need to call on any of her abilities as a Jedi to know what he was thinking: one day she would do the same to men like him. The realization caught her unawares. "You'll get used to it," he said. She doubted it." Karen Traviss
259ab45 Why doesn't the fact that I'm human matter to human beings Karen Traviss
f00c78e When wars end, all the shit comes tumbling out. People talk, point fingers at each other, reveal things they've kept quiet for years. Karen Traviss
751e1aa Let's revise the old adage for our times. All that it requires for evil to succeed is that enough lazy, stupid bastards believe everything they're told. Karen Traviss
a92d760 If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined. Karen Traviss
6f50a9a I shouldn't have to do the foot-soldier work, Tahiri. Be my eyes and ears. I'd hate to have to use ch'hala trees. You're smarter than a tree--aren't you? --Darth Caedus to Tahiri Veila humor tahiri-veila jacen-solo star-wars Karen Traviss
7e27fa0 A military life attracts young people for many reasons--duty, comradeship, purpose, the opportunity to test life to the limits, to learn a trade, escape from home, adventure--even patriotism. Karen Traviss
14362fb Life was a trade-off between loneliness and inevitable peaks of joy or agony. Karen Traviss
3d5ec6a I know genes are a big deal, son, but they're not the be-all and end-all." Rob slowed to a halt at the lights, wishing the dickhead behind would back off. "If they were, you'd be in a seafood salad and I'd be in prison." identity self-belief genetics Karen Traviss
12455ac It's entirely possible that the Jedi's increasingly clouded vision was the result of their own moral degeneration. They'd let so many of their principles slip that the reason they couldn't see the dark side was so close to them was the lack of sharp contrast with themselves, like trying to see a gray nerf in fog. They turned off the light themselves. --Bardan Jusik, former Jedi Knight Kyrimorut, Karen Traviss
d83afb3 Hope was evil. It seduced you, then it dropped you on your ass so hard and so fast that you were worse off than when you started. jacinto-s-remnant karen-traviss Karen Traviss
0b63e05 anything that was aware of its actions was capable of making choices about them. Karen Traviss
eea9472 I don't mind being shot at. It's having a government that lies to me that I hate. Karen Traviss
3fe860a It was as if the small differences mattered more than the really big ones--like you had to recognize something before you could hate it properly. No Karen Traviss
0473e3e Dom decided that when life returned to normal--even after fourteen years, he had to think that it could--he'd follow Cole's example and treat money as easy come, easy go. People were what mattered. You couldn't replace them, and they didn't earn interest. They just slipped away a day at a time, and you had to make the most of every precious moment. When Karen Traviss
488f037 Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a. Karen Traviss
5dcff1f I've never met a soldier who knew he was a hero. It's not false modesty. They simply decide to do something that they know they must do, usually for there comrades, because if they don't, those people will suffer in some way. For them, that compulsion is far stronger than any fear. The fact we find it exceptional is a sad indictment of the human race. I'd like to live in a world of heroes. If we did, there would be no wars. humility modesty Karen Traviss
a1d340c Armor does not make a Mandalorian. The armor is simply a manifestation of an impenetrable, unassailable heart. Karen Traviss
fa904ac It crossed her mind that she might be saving clone soldiers from death by biological agent so they could die from blaster and cannon round. It was a horrible thought. Karen Traviss
cdee782 Covering his tracks by randomizing his route back to the apartment had become routine for Skirata now, which was a bizarre irony in itself. Karen Traviss
7e621b3 And the maximum number extracted. You know what your bosses say about attachment, littl'un. Don't get too attached to me. ahsoka-tano captain-rex clone-troopers clone-wars jedi attachment Karen Traviss
dc3a2d3 They said the world was divided into those folks who ran away from danger, and those who ran toward it. Karen Traviss
8ed8281 We don't do psyop. We've never worked with Spartans before. And we're definitely not trained for this spook stuff. But how hard can it be? They were ODSTs. They could do anything. It was all about the right attitude--a commando's state of mind. "Hi, BB," Mal said. "Take us to Hinge-head World, then." Karen Traviss
cf9e2b6 In this job, you handpick your people. You need the best. You need the most loyal. You need the most ruthless. can-i-steal-that spies Karen Traviss
737d98e Politics were the ultimate frustration. Karen Traviss
2564450 The Engineer began dismantling the helmet at a breakneck speed, stacking the components--faceplate, lining, mikes, data processor, even microfans--on the nearest flat surface, a hydroplane-like structure on a small vessel. Karen Traviss
8e80473 Nobody touches my wife and kids. Han Karen Traviss
d4c19fa That much took no Force techniques to achieve, because a confident air of purpose often opened more doors than an ID pass. He Karen Traviss
b523f22 They had both been raised in complete isolation from the everyday world, with their own set of values and disciplines, not because they had been chosen to be different but because they had been born that way. Their calling was random, genetic--unfair. Karen Traviss
3e4c3e4 But it wasn't a moment's emotion for his grandfather: it was the whole of him. Anakin had been driven to the dark side by agonized love. The revelation stunned Jacen because it was so narrow and so ... selfish. Relief flooded him. This is different. That isn't what I feel, or what's driving me. And Karen Traviss
69ae5be killed in a way I didn't think I ever could. I'm appalled at what I can do. I don't enjoy this." "If you enjoyed it, Jacen, you would not be the one destined to become the Sith Lord." The" Karen Traviss
91a787c Is it me? Is it me? Am I deluding myself, Jaina? Am I making the same mistake as Grandfather? I have days--most days--when I'm as certain of this as I've ever been certain of anything. And then I have sleepless nights when I wonder if the path of the Sith is a lasting solution for peace in the galaxy, or if that's my ego speaking for me. It terrifies me. But if I were motivated by ambition, then I wouldn't suffer this doubt, would I? Jaina,.. Karen Traviss
379fb4d It never ceased to amaze Skirata how much simpler it was to buy and sell death than it was to pay taxes. Karen Traviss
2b8b28e she worried that Jedi raised other Jedi in a constant soulless cycle of detached, cold indifference, Karen Traviss
2f55da2 I don't want to worry you," he said, "but some Kig-Yar have put out a mev-ut on you and Vaz for shooting up their buddies on Reynes." "That's bad, is it?" "If they catch you, yes. It's a reward for bringing back body parts as proof of a kill." "Any parts in particular? I use some of mine more than others." "With UNSC, it's heads and cervical vertebrae. And they love ones with neural implants." "Dearie me." Karen Traviss
072a2a0 What are these things?" he asked. "I saw them on the river, too." Ruby- and sapphire-colored insects were dancing above the surface of the puddle. "Daywings," Etain said. "I've never seen colors like it." "They hatch and take flight for a day, and they die by the evening," she said. "A brief and glorious ..." Her voice trailed off. She was appalled at her own insensitivity. She began assembling an apology, but Darman didn't appear to need o.. Karen Traviss
c6694fe Sev, feeling embarrassed by his reaction, examined the bones. The left arm came off in his hand. "Yep, he's dead all right." Scorch sucked his teeth noisily. It was extra-amplified in the scuba trooper helmets. "Sure you don't want a second opinion, Doc?" "Nah, I'm prepared to go out on a limb." Karen Traviss
30d1d0e Humans don't connect their actions with what befalls them. Don't they perceive time as linear?" "They do," said Aitassi. "They just don't see why they should do anything individually to change their future to the one they want. All eight billion of them." wess-har Karen Traviss
ed79090 That was the trouble with opportunities. If they were exceptional, then they had to be seized first and thought through later. Karen Traviss
d40e688 Darman was determined to make him welcome. "'Cuy, vod'ika." He slapped the seat next to him. "Park your shebs there. We'd pour you some of the GAR-issue caf but we like you too much for that. We're waiting for Sergeant Kal." Corr sat down as ordered, and Niner and Atin leaned across to clasp his arm." Karen Traviss
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