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6ce3326 Never lend if you need repayment; never give where you want a return. inspirational Lindsey Davis
0fd4bf7 Sometimes you run away by yourself purely so someone who cares will come to find you. Half the time nobody does. That's the tragedy of life. Lindsey Davis
b811a21 I despise women who rely on men entirely for their own existence. reliance Lindsey Davis
6ba98af You could tell those two had been married by the way that she ignored him. Lindsey Davis
f24cd60 The plumber plodded along in silence, like a man who has learned to be polite to lunatics through dealing with civil engineers. Lindsey Davis
851a2e3 I like my women in a few wisps of drapery: then I can hope for a chance to remove the wisps. If they start out with nothing I tend to get depressed because either they have just stripped off for someone else or, in my line of work, they are usually dead. Lindsey Davis
1c5b80e In my experience, men who sit in corners are the ones to watch. Lindsey Davis
b2a48d0 Have any sheep been seen walking out of the Library with seagoing adventurers clinging to their wool? humor witty Lindsey Davis
519c16d He listened with the mild demeanour of a man who had waited eight years for his town council to draw up a specification for emergency repairs. Lindsey Davis
841a01a Some men are born lucky. Others are born Marcus Didius Falco. Lindsey Davis
c6b2b3d I had been right in the first place. Getting involved with politicians is complete stupidity. Lindsey Davis
32bc427 No woman who builds a career on hard work and talent will ever compliment a much younger one who uses the shallow gift of her looks. Lindsey Davis
2eae1c2 She called me a rat.' 'Oh yes, I gathered you two were very close! Lindsey Davis
91ebc7c Emperors may come and go, bringing more or less chaos, but the bureaucrats keep the wheels turning. Lindsey Davis
7f70c71 popular men who laugh at your jokes pose a threat which blatant villains can never command. Lindsey Davis
2eb5897 But, remember, a tyrant hates to admit he is one,' Faustus said quietly. 'The worse he is, the more he claims - and even believes - that traditional religion and democracy matter to him deeply and determine all his actions. Lindsey Davis
db6a679 Dictators love to talk. It is remarkable how men who wield excessive sole power will be consistent in this: Given a captive audience, they all drone on for hours. And hours. The human brain can only concentrate for twenty minutes, ask any teacher. Dictators have rarely been despatched on a training course to learn that simple fact. Many dictators are completely untrained; tyranny comes to them naturally. Lindsey Davis
eec058e When they speak, everything else stops. Nobody dares interrupt. Everyone sits looking rapt, hanging on these words of wisdom even while they are wondering what the flowing tirade really means. Clearly it is their own inadequacy if they are not transported into astounding inspiration by the demagogue's words of wisdom, so many words, so long in the delivery.... No one can leave. Lindsey Davis
79dba6f I like my women in a few wisps of drapery: then I can hope for a chance to remove the wisps. Lindsey Davis
a4ed65d It struck me there might be a reason why Helena Justina whipped along at such a cracking pace: she did not want to be stuck in the wilderness with my corpse. I thanked Jove for her ruthless good sense. I did not want my corpse to be stuck with her in any case. Lindsey Davis
d8c6777 It is possible to take against someone, then continue to loathe them out of pure prejudice. Lindsey Davis
36f4b63 Free time, time to do whatever you liked, or to do absolutely nothing, alone or in company you valued: of all the luxuries in the Empire, perhaps this was the greatest. Lindsey Davis
6604d2d We both had a tender regard for this god. Min had not only helped us learn something material; more importantly, his presence had helped Tiberius. Working in disguise at the lettuce booth, though ludicrous, had taken his mind off his troubles after the lightning strike. Min had restored my man to me. Lindsey Davis
6ff0bf1 Even the impetuous Helena Justina was an advocate of traditional family councils. However, every Roman matron knows that domestic councils were devised by our foremothers purely so the views of the matron of a household may prevail. Lindsey Davis
d0674e1 They were not beggars; well, not in the usual sense. They were Christians, who wanted not just my nephew's money but their souls. humor delphi souls Lindsey Davis
28e64e5 I would rather see Rome ruled by a man who once had to ask his accountant tricky questions before his steward could pay the butcher's bill than by some mad limb like Nero, who was brought up believing himself the son and the grandson of gods, and who thought wearing the purple gave him free rein to indulge his personal vanities, execute real talent, bankrupt the Treasury, burn half of Rome - and bore the living daylights out of paying custo.. Lindsey Davis
c5a0a8e Once you permit individuals to maneuver in secret, unasked, and for their own purposes, there is chaos. Lindsey Davis
6e15fa4 Afterwards, sometimes she dared to remember being in his arms. How, after only clumsy couplings with others, she and this man had straightaway come together as a perfect fit. How they moved together, in effortless synchronicity and with such deep pleasure. How when their exercise left them exhausted, she cried a little, so Vinius wiped her eye with his index finger, murmuring kindly, 'No tears!' before they both fell into profound sleep. Ho.. Lindsey Davis
3d8b1f8 The grander the temple, the lousier its hangers-on. Lindsey Davis
41afdb2 All bankers assume your money is theirs to play with. Lindsey Davis
7d63c29 Even men who use fear as their weapon can themselves be threatened. We all have something we don't want to lose. Lindsey Davis
a0a3fe1 The host with the most horrible manners. If he invites you, send a sick note. If he insists, take to your bed and die. Lindsey Davis
0fd9c0c We marched him to the turfy shack where he lived with his parents and while the youth sulked Petronius Longus put the whole moral issue in succinct terms to them: Ollia's father was a legionary veteran who had served in Egypt and Syria for over twenty years until he left with double pay, three medals, and a diploma that made Ollia legitimate; he now ran a boxers' training school where he was famous for his high-minded attitude and his fight.. Lindsey Davis
2f3c5fd any henchman who thinks himself the equal of his superior is dangerous. Lindsey Davis
980e4cc Premature action alerts the opposition. Lindsey Davis
9d6e0fb As well as her benevolence toward the nation as a whole, a busy task, Salus also guards every individual. I was going to need her myself today. Lindsey Davis
322444d Any Lindsey Davis
0037588 Aprender una lengua extrana: asimilas nociones de gramatica, vocabulario basico y un acento espantoso que apenas sirve para que te entiendan. Te esfuerzas durante anos y de repente, sin saber por que, todo fluye, captas como funciona... Lindsey Davis
bb61c85 Sometimes information you barely noticed consciously comes back to you of its own accord. Lindsey Davis
eba560c Petronius would take his free bread buns and run. I happened to know that since Petro had been elected to the watch he had never cast a vote. He believed a man on a public salary should be impartial. I didn't agree but I admired him being so stubborn in his eccentricities. Aufidius Crispus would be an unusual politician if he had allowed for such morality in the voters he was courting. Lindsey Davis
feb65f2 this was a solitary walk where the sun and the scents of wild flowers would act on a tortured mind like a soothing drug. Lindsey Davis
6779670 Spies have no sense of timing. Lindsey Davis
d7283ad We managed to make a good night of it, in the desperate way people do when the choice is between dogged survival or sliding under the morass. Lindsey Davis
1708c47 He had the kind of personality that makes you think a boy will grow up to be a public torturer. However, Lindsey Davis