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a6cada3 Two turtle doves will show thee Where my cold ashes lie loneliness death dead-souls doves whisper crying sad Nikolai Gogol
9837537 However stupid a fool's words may be, they are sometimes enough to confound an intelligent man. Nikolai Gogol
b056dad There are occasions when a woman, no matter how weak and impotent in character she may be in comparison with a man, will yet suddenly become not only harder than any man, but even harder than anything and everything in the world. jealousy Nikolai Gogol
85090a3 A word aptly uttered or written cannot be cut away by an axe. literature nikolai-gogol russian-literature Nikolai Gogol
c34bb4e They don't listen to me, they don't hear me, they don't see me. Nikolai Gogol
3289d7e But youth has a future. The closer he came to graduation, the more his heart beat. He said to himself: "This is still not life, this is only the preparation for life." Nikolai Gogol
9c52839 You can't imagine how stupid the whole world has grown nowadays. Nikolai Gogol
e9fd75f The current generation now sees everything clearly, it marvels at the errors, it laughs at the folly of its ancestors, not seeing that this chronicle is all overscored by divine fire, that every letter of it cries out, that from everywhere the piercing finger is pointed at it, at this current generation; but the current generation laughs and presumptuously, proudly begins a series of new errors, at which their descendants will also laugh af.. Nikolai Gogol
9c2072f It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry. Nikolai Gogol
b1f19a6 Happy the writer who, passing by characters that are boring, disgusting, shocking in their mournful reality, approaches characters that manifest the lofty dignity of man, who from the great pool of daily whirling images has chosen only the rare exceptions, who has never once betrayed the exalted turning of his lyre, nor descended from his height to his poor, insignificant brethren, and, without touching the ground, has given the whole of hi.. Nikolai Gogol
a5ba295 He who has talent in him must be purer in soul than anyone else. Another will be forgiven much, but to him it will not be forgiven. A man who leaves the house in bright, festive clothes needs only one drop of mud splashed from under a wheel, and people all surround him, point their fingers at him, and talk about his slovenliness, while the same people ignore many spots on other passers-by who are wearing everyday clothes. For on everyday cl.. Nikolai Gogol
a6cba97 But nothing is lasting in this world. Even joy begins to fade after only one minute. Two minutes later, and it is weaker still, until finally it is swallowed up in our everyday, prosaic state of mind, just as a ripple made by a pebble gradually merges with the smooth surface of the water. Nikolai Gogol
47b5ab0 Countless as the sands of sea are human passions, and not all of them are alike, and all of them, base and noble alike, are at first obedient to man and only later on become his terrible masters. Gogol Nikolai Gogol
26de730 in his mind, nothing could be more delightful than to live in solitude, and enjoy the spectacle of nature, and sometimes read some book or other. Nikolai Gogol
21cc425 What are you laughing at? You are laughing at yourself. Nikolai Gogol
19ca7b0 Man is such a wondrous being that it is never possible to count up all his merits at once. The more you study him, the more new particulars appear, and their description would be endless. Nikolai Gogol
a542c3c Do we ever get what we really want? Do we ever achieve what our powers have ostensibly equipped us for? No: everything works by contraries. Nikolai Gogol
6c65bcd Keep not money, but keep good people's company. Nikolai Gogol
12716ee 'khtfy wGb dhlk lmkhlwq ldhy lm ykn lh mn yHmyh , wldhy lm ykn `zyzan `ly 'Hd , wl shyqan blnsb@ l'Hd .. Nikolai Gogol
2dd96aa F]or contemporary judgment does not recognize that much depth of soul is needed to light up the picture drawn from contemptible life and elevate it into a pearl of creation... Nikolai Gogol
762d342 What grief is not taken away by time? What passion will survive an unequal battle with it? I knew a man in the bloom of his still youthful powers, filled with true nobility and virtue, I knew him when he was in love, tenderly, passionately, furiously, boldly, modestly, and before me, almost before my eyes, the object of his passion - tender, beautiful as an angel - was struck down by insatiable death. I never saw such terrible fits of inner.. Nikolai Gogol
528339e Everything resembles the truth, everything can happen to a man. Nikolai Gogol
58b4b28 I saw that I'd get nowhere on the straight path, and that to go crookedly was straighter. Nikolai Gogol
49f0fdb For every man there are certain words that are as if closer and more intimate to him than any others. And often, unexpectedly, in some remote, forsaken backwater, some deserted desert, one meets a man whose warming conversation makes you forget the pathlessness of your paths, the homelessness of your nights, and the contemporary world full of people's stupidity, of deceptions for deceiving man. Forever and always an evening spent in this wa.. Nikolai Gogol
4248cfd and sank into the profound slumber which comes only to such fortunate folk as are troubled neither with mosquitoes nor fleas nor excessive activity of brain. Nikolai Gogol
b468977 April 43rd 2000 Today is the day of great triumph. There is a king of Spain. He has been found at last. That king is me. I only discovered this today. Frankly, it all came to me in a flash. madness insanity sad Nikolai Gogol
3cdb601 This was not the old Chichikov. This was some wreckage of the old Chichikov. The inner state of his soul might be compared to a demolished building, which has been demolished so that from it a new one could be built; but the new one has not been started yet, because the infinitive plan has not yet come from the architect and the workers are left in perplexity. Nikolai Gogol
56a7ce5 a quiet room with cockroaches peeping out like prunes from every corner... Nikolai Gogol
7d4278f This world is full of the most outrageous nonsense. Sometimes things happen which you would hardly think possible. Nikolai Gogol
2427b39 Like all of us sinners, General Betrishchev was endowed with many virtues and many defects. Both the one and the other were scattered through him in a sort of picturesque disorder. Self-sacrifice, magnanimity in decisive moments, courage, intelligence--and with all that, a generous mixture of self-love, ambition, vanity, petty personal ticklishness, and a good many of those things which a man simply cannot do without. Nikolai Gogol
0fa632f It is well-known that there are many faces in the world over the finishing of which nature did not take much trouble, did not employ any fine tools such as files, gimlets, and so on, but simply hacked them out with round strokes: one chop-a nose appears; another chop-lips appear; eyes are scooped out with a big drill; and she lets it go into the world rough-hewn, saing: "ALIVE!" Nikolai Gogol
6056afc Also, though not over-elderly, he was not over-young. time nikolai old young Nikolai Gogol
cc8d91f And could a man sink to such triviality, such meanness, such nastiness? Could he change so much? And is it true to life? Yes, it is all true to life. All this can happen to a man. The ardent youth of today would start back in horror if you could show him his portrait in old age. As you pass from the soft years of youth into harsh, hardening manhood, be sure you take with you on the way all the humane emotions, do not leave them on the road:.. Nikolai Gogol
7484a0d And so the money which to some extent may have saved the situation is spent on various means for bringing about self oblivion Gogol Nikolai Gogol
a47db81 The parental eye shed no tears when the time for leave-taking came; a half-rouble in copper coins was given to the boy by way of pocket-money and for sweets, and what is more important, the following admonition: "Mind now, Pavlusha, be diligent, don't fool or gad about, and above all please your teachers and superiors. If you please your superiors, then you will be popular and get ahead of everyone even if you lag behind in knowledge and t.. Nikolai Gogol
6e0c288 Even a stone has its uses, and man who is the most intelligent of all creatures must be of some use, hasn't he? Nikolai Gogol
18d4ba4 The fair-haired man was one of those people in whose character there is at first sight a certain obstinacy. Before you can open your mouth, they are already prepared to argue and, it seems, will never agree to anything that is clearly contrary to their way of thinking, will never call a stupid thing smart, and in particular will never dance to another man's tune; but it always ends up that there is a certain softness in their character, tha.. Nikolai Gogol
b192cfd But my very latest discovery made me feel better. I had found that every rooster has his own Spain and he has it under his feathers. Nikolai Gogol
93d0eb4 Every man who has lived in the world and mixed with his fellow men will have remarked something which has remained hidden from the eyes of others; Nikolai Gogol
2e772db But nothing is permanent in this world. Joy in the second moment of its arrival is already less keen than in the first, is still fainter in the third, and finishes by coalescing with our normal mental state, just as the circles which the fall of a pebble forms on the surface of water, gradually die away. Nikolai Gogol
2c8c515 A adormit bustean, cum dorm numai acei fericiti care nu sufera nici de hemoroizi, nici de purici si nici de vreo agerime prea mare a mintii. Nikolai Gogol
68ccf97 Well, so that's the prosecutor! He lived and lived, and then died! And they will say in the papers that he died to the regret of his staff and all mankind, a respected citizen, a rare father, a model husband, and they will write a lot more stuff and nonsense about him; they will add, maybe, that he was mourned by widows and orphans; but if one were to investigate the matter thoroughly, it will emerge that he had nothing to him except his bu.. Nikolai Gogol
6792bae So here we are once more in the wilds, and once more we've come upon some out of the way corner. But what a wilderness, and what an out of the way corner! Gogol Nikolai Gogol