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483ada6 So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. favourite-books inspirational sad soul-searching wallflower charlie Stephen Chbosky
0d2e54b He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It's his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. love sad Markus Zusak
56789d4 People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands - literally thousands - of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss. sad Nick Hornby
9c6e24e there are two types of people in the world: those who prefer to be sad among others, and those who prefer to be sad alone. sad sadness Nicole Krauss
71c4205 I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. happy sad Stephen Chbosky
e126e92 I'll fight it. I'll fight it for you. Don't you worry about me, Hazel Grace. I'm okay. I'll find a way to hang around and annoy you for a long time. bittersweet hazel-grace love sad sweet the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
70107aa Melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night. night sad winter Virginia Woolf
4fb4f62 Learn this now and learn it well. Like a compass facing north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam. man-s-heart men sad violence women Khaled Hosseini
51dc133 Nothing is ever certain. cruel death lies phrases sad truth Alice Sebold
c2bf560 What is hardest to accept about the passage of time is that the people who once mattered the most to us wind up in parentheses. sad John Irving
0daa615 He'd known, since the moment he figured out who she was, that while Celaena would always pick him, Aelin would not. heartbreak sad Sarah J. Maas
b090257 I leave, and the leaving is so exhilarating I know I can never go back. But then what? Do I just keep leaving places, and leaving them, and leaving them, tramping a perpetual journey? leaving paper-towns sad John Green
d3f85bb We often confuse what we wish for with what is. sad wishes Neil Gaiman
4a46e4a Your time may come. Do not be too sad, Sam. You cannot be always torn in two. You will have to be one and whole, for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do. goodbyes life parting sad J.R.R. Tolkien
f5504d7 Where is my chance to be somebody's Peter Van Houten?' He hit the steering wheel weakly, the car honking as he cried. He leaned his head back, looking up. 'I hate myself I hate myself I hate this I hate this I disgust myself I hate it I hate it I hate it just let me fucking die. depressing peter-van-houten sad the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
01ea03f "She was a very pretty woman. She had dark red hair and her eyes -- her eyes are just like mine, Harry thought, edging a little closer to the glass. Bright green -- exactly the same shape, but then he noticed that she was crying; smiling, but crying at the same time. The tall, thin, black-haired man standing next to her put his arm around her. He wore glasses, and his hair was very untidy. It stuck up at the back, just like Harry's did. Harry was so close to the mirror now that his nose was nearly touching that of his reflection. "Mum?" he whispered. "Dad?" They just looked at him, smiling. And slowly, Harry looked into the faces of the other people in the mirror and saw other pairs of green eyes like his, other noses like his, even a little old man who looked as though he had Harry's knobbly knees -- Harry was looking at his family, for the first time in his life. The Potters smiled and waved at Harry and he stared hungrily back at them, his hands pressed flat against the glass as though he was hoping to fall right through it and reach them. He had a powerful kind of ache inside of him, half joy, half terrible sadness." family sad wistfulness J.K. Rowling
f0aea5c I was lonely. I felt it deeply and permanently, that this state of being on my own might never disappear. But I welcomed the lonliness, which had everything to do with being anonymous. It's never lonliness that nibbles away at a person's insides, but not having room inside themselves to be comfortably alone. loneliness lonely sad sadness Rachel Sontag
5c3c518 I take no joy in mead nor meat, and song and laughter have become suspicious strangers to me. I am a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings. There is an empty place within me where my heart was once. love sad George R.R. Martin
8893c81 The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel. I broke something, Old Man. How badly is it broken? It's in a million little pieces. I'm afraid I can't help you. Why? There's nothing you can do. Why? It can't be fixed. Why? It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces. life million pieces sad James Frey
217e0ae If you didn't remember something happening, was it because it never had happened? Or because you wished it hadn't? jodi-picoult loss love memory plain-truth remember sad wish Jodi Picoult
7d3b19d They had battled and bloodied one another, they had kept secrets, broken hearts, lied, betrayed, exiled, they had walked away, said goodbye and sworn it was forever, and somehow, every time, they had mended, they had forgiven, they had survived. Some mistakes could never be fixed - some, but not all. Some people can't be driven away, no matter how hard you try. Some friendships won't break. end-of-series friendship greed robin-wasserman sad seven-deadly-sins Robin Wasserman
adfc716 Everybody's damaged by something. everybody life room sad something Emma Donoghue
b85c5be We got off at the next exit, quietly, and, switching drivers, we walked in front of the car. We met and I held him, my hands balled into tight fists around his shoulders, and he wrapped his short arms around me and squeezed tight, so that I felt the heaves of his chest as we realized over and over again that we were still alive. I realized it in waves and we held on to each other crying and I thought, 'God we must look so lame,' but it doesn't matter when you have just now realized, all the time later, that you are still alive. sad still-alive John Green
91d9765 I need you to be happy. I need one of us to be happy. happy life miserable sad Holly Black
a6cada3 "Two turtle doves will show thee Where my cold ashes lie crying dead-souls death doves loneliness sad whisper Nikolai Gogol
06cbdde "Until death," Jem replied gently. "Those are the words of the oath. 'Until aught but death part thee and me.' Someday, Will, I will go where none can follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Have you ever asked yourself why I agreed to be your parabatai?" "No better offers forthcoming?" Will tried for humor, but his voice cracked like glass. "I thought you needed me," Jem said. "There is a wall you have built about yourself, Will, and I have never asked you why. But no one should shoulder every burden alone. I thought you would let me inside if I became your parabatai, and then you would have at least someone to lean upon. I did wonder what my death would mean for you. I used to fear it, for your sake. I feared you would be left alone inside that wall. But now... something has changed. I do not know why. But I know that it is true." "That what is true?" Will's fingers were still digging into Jem's wrist. "That the wall is coming down." amazing aw jem sad will Cassandra Clare
d854c98 "Bob says hello," He told the stars. The Argo II sailed into the night." no sad Rick Riordan
c633c15 there's nothing to discuss there's nothing to remember there's nothing to forget it's sad and it's not sad seems the most sensible thing a person can do is sit with drink in hand as the walls wave their goodbye smiles one comes through it all with a certain amount of efficiency and bravery then leaves some accept the possibility of God to help them get through others take it staight on and to these I drink tonight. bukowski death forget forgetting god goodbye goodbyes help independence life love poem poetry sad sadness Charles Bukowski
efa31d2 "I get so god damn lonely and sad and filled with regrets some days. It overwhelms me as I'm sitting on the bus; watching the golden leaves from a window; a sudden burst of realisation in the middle of the night. I can't help it and I can't stop it. I'm alone as I've always been and sometimes it hurts.... but I'm learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I'm learning to make things nice for myself. To comfort my own heart when I wake up sad. To find small bits of friendship in a crowd full of strangers. To find a small moment of joy in a blue sky, in a trip somewhere not so far away, a long walk an early morning in December, or a handwritten letter to an old friend simply saying "I thought of you. I hope you're well." No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it's a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don't need anyone to confirm it. anxiety-disorder being-happy books breath breathing bus december deep depression emotions feelings friendship gratitude growing-up happy heal healing heart joy learn learning letters life-quotes lonely lovely mental-health mental-wellness mindfulness minimalism moment night panic panic-attacks plan prose recovery regret sad sadness self-care sky trying well worries worrying Charlotte Eriksson
9fc2d82 I walked down the hall and saw that [she] was sitting on the floor next to a chair. This is always a bad sign. It's a slippery slope, and it's best just to sit in chairs, to eat when hungry, to sleep and rise and work. But we have all been there. Chairs are for people, and you're not sure if you are one. sad Miranda July
2413350 I had spent my whole life feeling homesick. The only difference between the two of us was that I didn't know what or where home was. keyes life sad Marian Keyes
6f1daa4 I waited for dawn, but only because I had forgotten how hard mornings were. For a second I'd be normal. Then came the dim awareness of something off, out of place. Then the truth came crashing down and that was it for the rest of the day. Sunlight was reproof. Shouldn't I feel better than I had in the dead of night. grief loss sad sadness sorrow Francine Prose
d752deb She had awoken this morning and slipped the amethyst ring off her finger. It had felt liked a blessed release, a final shadow lifted from her heart. heartbreak sad Sarah J. Maas
3b0cf47 God knows we're all drawn toward what's beautiful and broken; I have been, but some people cannot be fixed. Or if they can be, it's only by love and sacrifice so great it destroys the giver. beautiful-disaster broken depressed love sacrifice sad Cassandra Clare
b0cddf4 Oh, darling, I've been so miserable. darling miserable sad the-sun-also-rises Ernest Hemingway
5a0ea6d I feel like I'm going to HURL. Which, even if I wanted to do, I couldn't do, because I haven't eaten. I can't even drag myself out of my room. And while I'd be able to muster the strength to roundhouse Fang until he begged for MERCY, I'de be mush around an Eraser. sad the-other-epilogue James Patterson
8c4cdff "But the wild things cried, "Oh please don't go - we'll eat you up - we love you so!" goodbye sad wild-things Maurice Sendak
920a2fa It lit up like a Christmas Tree Hazel Grace... cancer pain sad sorrow sorrowful John Green
4bd6709 "Just tell me what's so irritating."(katsu) That's none of your damn business!"(kyok) Maybe not. But I'm curious."(katsu) It's EVERYTHING you prick! God, you're annoying! It's everything,okay?! Them! And them! And them! And YOU! Everyone and everything!I HATE YOUR GODDAMN GUTS! You just...You all treat people like garbage. But you're all just as bad! Leave me alone. I wish everyone would just...go. Get out of my life. I'd be better off with DIE! DIE! GO TO HELL! YOU DISAPPEAR! YOU FALL APART!"(kyok) Really? I think you WANT them to care. You want them to look at you, don't you? All those people. You want them to need you. You want listen to you. To understand somehow. You want them to accept you. I think.... you want them to love you.You know something? I'm like that, too."(katsu) ... Wh-why? Why did I....turn this?"(kyok) You're asking me?"(katsu) That's what..That's what I wanna know. Why? Why...did I..?!"(kyok) "I'm miserable. I feel so alone!"(kyok) -Katsuya and Kyoko Honda" basket disappear fruits honda katsuya kyoko lonely manga sad Natsuki Takaya
87efbc7 "Jon Snow, is this a proper castle now? Not just a tower?" "It is." Jon took her hand. "Good," she whispered. "I wanted t' see one proper castle, before ... before I ..." "You'll see hundred castles. The battle's done. Maester Aemon will see to you. You're kissed by fire, remember? Lucky. It will take more than an arrow to kill you. Aemon will draw it out and patch you up, and we'll get milk of the poppy for the pain." She just smiled at that. "D'you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave. I told you so." "We'll go back to the cave," he said." You're not going to die, Ygritte. You're not." "Oh." Ygritte cupped his cheek with her hand. "You know nothing, Jon Snow," she sighed, dying." sad ygritte George R.R. Martin
d0f2312 He knew these last lines by heart and mouthed them now in the darkness. My reason for life. Not living, but life. That was the touch. And she was his reason for life, and why he must survive. ian-mcewan life love love-conquers-all sad Ian McEwan
c3697d6 "Why are you drinking? demanded the little prince. "So that I may forget," replied the tippler. "Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who was already sorry for him. "Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head. "Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him. "Ashamed of drinking!" sad shame Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
3c657ca "Hedwig didn't return until the end of the Easter holidays. Percy's letter was enclosed in a package of Easter eggs that Mrs. Weasley had sent. Both Harry's and Ron's were the size of dragon eggs, and full of home-made toffee. Hermione's, however, was smaller than a chicken's egg. Her face fell when she saw it. "Your mum doesn't read Witch's Weekly, by any chance, does she, Ron?" she asked quietly. "Yeah," said Ron, whose mouth was full of toffee. "Gets it for the recipes." Hermione looked sadly at her tiny egg." hermione-granger ron-weasley sad J.K. Rowling
8347750 "But somebody else had spoken Snape's name, quite softly. "Severus . . ." The sound frightened Harry beyond anything he had experienced all evening. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading. Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. "Severus . . . please . . ." Snape raised his wand and pointed it directly at Dumbledore. " " A jet of green light shot from the end of Snape's wand and hit Dumbledore squarely in the chest. Harry's scream of horror never left him; silent and unmoving, he was forced to watch as Dumbledore was blasted into the air. For a split second, he seemed to hang suspended beneath the shining skull, and then he fell slowly backward, like a great rag doll, over the battlements and out of sight." death dumbledore killing-curse misery pain sad severus-snape J.K. Rowling
f2a38c9 "Sam," she said. "I'm trying!" "Sam," she repeated. "No," he spat, hearing her tone. "No!" He began screaming for help then. Celaena pressed her face to one of the holes in the grate. Help wasn't going to come-not fast enough. "Please," Sam begged as he beat and yanked on the grate, he tried to wedge another dagger under the lid. "Please don't." She knew he wasn't speaking to her. The water hit her neck. "Please," Sam moaned, his fingers now touching hers. She'd have one last breath. Her last words. "Take my body home to Terrasen, Sam," she whispered. And with a gasping breath, she went under." celaena-sadothien friendship heartbreaking love sad sam-cortland Sarah J. Maas
0b50331 Maybe I'd always been broken and dark inside. broken dark depressing first-sentence relatable sad Sarah J. Maas
724f540 "He did not know or care whether they were wizards or Muggles, friends or foes; all he cared about was that a dark stain was spreading across Dobby's front, and that he had stretched out his thin arms to Harry with a look of supplication. Harry caught him and laid him sideways on the cool grass. "Dobby, no, don't die, don't die -" The elf's eyes found him, and his lips trembled with the effort to form words. "Harry...Potter..." And then with a little shudder the elf became quite still, and his eyes were nothing more than great glassy orbs, sprinkled with light from the stars they could not see." death dobby friends harry-potter j-k-rowling love loyalty sad why J.K. Rowling
e9f3415 "The two brothers who sought to get their only family back, to feel her warmth, one lost his last family member and the other could never feel warmth again. fullmetal-alchemist loss sad Hiromu Arakawa
bc0ac88 How could you give me life, and take from me all the inappreciable things that raise it from the state of conscious death? Where are the graces of my soul? Where are the sentiments of my heart? What have you done, oh, Father, What have you done with the garden that should have bloomed once, in this great wilderness here? Said louisa as she touched her heart. pain sad Charles Dickens
030df7a "No - no - no!" someone was shouting. "No! Fred! No!" And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them, and Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face." death depressing fred harry-potter j-k-rowling loss sad so-many-feels why J.K. Rowling
80c8422 Have all beautiful things sad destinies? beauty destiny question sad Jean Rhys
1a9af19 You can't run away from home without destroying somebody's world. sad Neil Gaiman
a063230 The moment she was cursed, I lost her. Once it wears off- soon- she will be embarrassed to remember things that she said, things she did, things like this. No matter how solid she feels in my arms, she is made of smoke. hopeless life love regret sad Holly Black
2f552ef I survive at the edge of friends circles. dark deceit friends lie motives sad Holly Black
c805893 This planet has -- or rather had -- a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much all of the time. planet sad sadness unhappiness unhappy Douglas Adams
1681525 The dead aren't scary. They are just sad. sad scary Rick Riordan
3f73b27 It's easy to look at people and make quick judgements about them, their present and their pasts, but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. what a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceburg hidden from sight. And more often then not, it's lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul. dark-hunters love romance sad sherrilyn-kenyon soul Sherrilyn Kenyon
cdd802c I care for no man on earth, and no man on earth cares for me. alone charles-dickens depressed depression dickens life lonely philosophy sad self-loathing self-worth sydney-carton Charles Dickens
e45532c My heart's with you, Bill, no matter how it turns out. My heart is with all of them, and I think that, even if we forget each other, we'll remember in our dreams. memories sad Stephen King
3df638a I'm tired of making people sad and I'm tired of disappointing them and I'm tired of seeing them break. I have seen this too many times. He will be the last. break james-frey sad James Frey
9827b5b It doesn't sound so far-fetched, right? When two people love each other? While a part of me still wants to believe it's possible, I know it's not going to happen sad true-love Nicholas Sparks
ebfbbff true apothecary thy drugs art quick poison romeo-and-juliet sad William Shakespeare
454da8a He felt as if his heart had dried up. I needed her he thought. I needed someone like her to fill the void inside me. But I wasn't able to fill the void inside her. Until the bitter end, the emptiness inside her was hers alone. sad void Haruki Murakami
1dba4bf Childhood is the most valuable thing that's taken away from you in life, if you think about it. sad Heather O'Neill
3813924 We don't get to choose if we get hurt in this world, old man, but we do have a say in who hurts us. I know I like my choices. I hope she likes hers. I do, Augustus. I do. heartbreaking hope love philosophy sad the-fault-in-our-stars John Green
5901fb8 You never know when you might be seeing someone for the last time. sad Marilynne Robinson
adbe9aa "It's just that you go so crazy being alone like that. Sometimes he'd forget my water or food and I'd cry and cry and cry." She stops talking and looks out the window. "I would try to tell myself stories to pass the time. Fairy tales. Parts of books. But they got used up." -- hopeless loneliness sad trapped Holly Black
13b213d How foolish to yearn to ask the very person who'd caused the pain to heal it foolishness sad westmoreland Judith McNaught
2283cf9 And I didn't think even eternity would be long enough to fix me. dark depressing dreary fae falling-apart immortal sad trauma wounded Sarah J. Maas
9aa003f Give sustenance, Allah. Give sustenance to me. sad sorrow spiritual sustenance Khaled Hosseini
654ec10 "What is it like when you lose someone you love?" Jane asked. "You die, too. And you wait around for your body to catch up." jane love mourning sad John Scalzi
0026ca8 People are too various to be treated so lightly. I am too various to be trusted. sad James Baldwin
5d4fc87 And then I crawled into his unmade bed, wrapping myself in his comforter like a cocoon, surrounding myself with his smell. I took out my cannula so I could smell better, breathing him and out, the scent fading even as I lay there, my chest burning until I couldn't distinguish among the pains. death hazel-grace sad John Green
3c72f64 If you had to pack your whole life into a suitcase-not just the practical things, like clothing, but the memories of the people you had lost and the girl you had once been-what would you take? inspirational sad thought-provoking Jodi Picoult
3e164c5 It were a grief so brief to part with thee. Farewell. sad to-remember William Shakespeare
2962835 Will you let me go for Christ's sake? Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? dream dreams facade fake false-hope identity loss play sad tragedy Arthur Miller
0fa043c Alone in my bedroom, I realized I couldn't remember the last time I'd truly laughed. depressing introverted laughing lonely sad Sarah J. Maas
215085e Isn't it always the things that you can't see that hurt you? sad true Katie McGarry
a622528 It is so good to have friends who understand how there is a time for crying and a time for laughing, and that sometimes the two are very close together. crying friendship happy joy laughter sad true-friend Lois Lowry
9ed917c He wanted pure compliments, just as he wanted unconditional love. happy insecure insecurity line-of-beauty love sad Alan Hollinghurst
3c3032b If people can't stand being alone, they have no choice but to die sad thought-provoking Natsuo Kirino
5d02003 I know how to be the witness to her grief. I don't know how to be this kind of villain. despair sad Holly Black
afdd45f He was not in the house. He did not come back that night. Days went by, and at last she understood that he would not return at all. sad Audrey Niffenegger
fb1d16f I don't know what I am thinking. But I am alone. I am trapped in the net of the room. In the net of humans. I think maybe I am drowning in the net of humans. sad trapped Karen Hesse
3f20d00 "Neville kicked aside the broken fragments of his own wand as they walked slowly toward the door. "My gran's going do kill be," said Neville thickly, blood spattering from his nose as he spoke, "dat was by dad's old wand..." harry-potter j-k-rowling neville old-wand sad J.K. Rowling
b4ed666 A choice of pains. That's what living was all about. decisions gender sad struggle women Audre Lorde
19dd442 "I tried to find a way to go on. I could see familiar traces of the path that was my life, but there was always the wall behind me. Do you know what I mean? First you try and climb, pretending it never happened, but it's too tall. Then you try to go around, thinking you can fix it, but it is too far. Then, in frustration, you beat on it with your hands, but it does nothing, so you tire and sit down and just stare at it. You stare because you can't bring yourself to walk away. Walking away means that you're giving up, abandoning them. inspirational myron riyria sad Michael J. Sullivan
790851e All the color had been leached from Winterfell until only grey and white remained. Theon did not know whether he ought to find that ominous or reassuring. Even the sky was grey. grey jeyne-poole sad theon-greyjoy wedding winterfell George R.R. Martin
15e1ad1 This time I read the title of the painting: Girl Interrupted at Her Music. Interrupted at her music: as my life had been, interrupted in the music of being seventeen, as her life had been, snatched and fixed on canvas: one moment made to stand still and to stand for all the other moments, whatever they would be or might have been. What life can recover from that? life loss recovery sad stolen Susanna Kaysen
461c04b icen que a lo largo de nuestra vida tenemos dos grandes amores; uno con el que te casas o vives para siempre, puede que el padre o la madre de tus hijos, esa persona con la que consigues la compenetracion maxima para estar el resto de tu vida junto a ella. Y dicen que hay un segundo gran amor, una persona que perderas siempre. Alguien con quien naciste conectado, tan conectado que las fuerzas de la quimica escapan a la razon y te impedira, siempre, alcanzar un final feliz. Hasta que cierto dia dejaras de intentarlo. Te rendiras y buscaras a esa otra persona que acabaras encontrando. Pero te aseguro que no pasaras una sola noche sin necesitar otro beso suyo, o tan siquiera discutir una vez mas. Todos sabeis de que estoy hablando, porque mientras estabais leyendo esto os ha venido su nombre a la cabeza. Te libraras de el o de ella, dejaras de sufrir, conseguiras encontrar la paz (le sustituiras por la calma), pero te aseguro que no pasara un dia en que desees que estuviera aqui para perturbarte... Porque, a veces, se desprende mas energia discutiendo con alguien a quien amas que haciendo el amor con alguien a quien aprecias. book coelho love quote sad tragic true verdad Paulo Coelho
5697377 Aiden was gone. Like Caleb, but in a different way. I'd lost both of them. caleb jennifer pure sad Jennifer L. Armentrout
7e4740d Don't they always go from bad to worse? There's no turning back--your old self rejects you, and shuts you out. ~Lilly Bart sad Edith Wharton
9d41e2f These times of woe afford no time to woo. sad to-remember William Shakespeare
7f43905 She was a mind floating in an ocean of confusion. confusion floating metaphor mind ocean sad scared Caroline B. Cooney
ecbd6ef I watched the moon alone, unable to share his cold beauty with anyone. beauty beauty-in-nature loneliness metaphor moon nature sad Haruki Murakami
aa39c27 How are you going to forget him if you keep talking about him? Darling, when things go wrong in life, this is what you do. You lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail... and out you go. cocktail forget girl him love sad split-up Sophie Kinsella
b468977 April 43rd 2000 Today is the day of great triumph. There is a king of Spain. He has been found at last. That king is me. I only discovered this today. Frankly, it all came to me in a flash. insanity madness sad Nikolai Gogol
0cb0c45 I do not view suicide as wicked, just terribly sad. There is only one death, but it is like a stone cast into a pond - the ripples stretch far. Such an act must leave a burden of sorrow, guilt, shame and confusion on an entire family. A natural death, such as my father suffered, is hard enough to deal with. A decision to end one's life must be still more devastating for those left behind. I cannot imagine the degree of hopelessness someone must feel to contemplate such an act. hopelessness sad suicide Juliet Marillier
e260a69 Empty teacups gathered around her and dictionary pages fell at her feet. dictionary nicole-krauss sad sadness tea the-history-of-love Nicole Krauss
0ad76c8 "No. Ye loved him. I canna hold it against either of you that ye mourn him. And it gives me some comfort to know ..." He hesitated, and I reached up to smooth the rumpled hair off his face. "To know what?" "That should the need come, you might mourn for me that way," he said softly." romance sad Diana Gabaldon
34167bf Some boys walk by and you cry, seeing them. They feel good, they look good, they are good. Oh, they're not above peeing off a bridge, or stealing an occasional dime-store pencil sharpener; it's not that. It's just, you know, seeing them pass, that's how they'll be all their life; they'll get hit, hurt, cut, bruised, and always wonder why, why does it happen? how can it happen to cry description good goodness hurt innocence pain people-will-hurt-you sad vulnerable Ray Bradbury
609ff60 And so Gollum found them hours later, when he returned, crawling and creeping down the path out of the gloom ahead. Sam sat propped against the stone, his head dropping sideways and his breathing heavy. In his lap lay Frodo's head, drowned in sleep; upon his white forehead lay one of Sam's brown hands, and the other lay softly upon his master's breast. Peace was in both their faces. Gollum looked at them. A strange expression passed over his lean hungry face. The gleam faded from his eyes, and they went dim and grey, old and tired. A spasm of pain seemed to twist him, and he turned away, peering back up towards the pass, shaking his head, as if engaged in some interior debate. Then he came back, and slowly putting out a trembling hand, very cautiously he touched Frodo's knee--but almost the touch was a caress. For a fleeting moment, could one of the sleepers have seen him, they would have thought that they beheld an old weary hobbit, shrunken by the years that had carried him far beyond his time, beyond friends and kin, and the fields and streams of youth, an old starved pitiable thing. sad J.R.R. Tolkien
3519418 I couldn't help but suspect something he'd seen or encountered had changed his view of what had happened between them. It had somehow set him free. And he'd let it fly, that gorgeous blackbird of a love he'd been keeping in a cage. What was it like for him, every day standing outside in the wind and rain to stare at the ocean, yearning for some sign of her, never giving up hope? At The Peak perhaps she'd finally come into view, a ship coming neither toward him nor away, only riding that perfect line between heaven and earth, long enough for him to know that she had loved him, that what they had was real, before slipping out of sight, probably forever. closure love sad Marisha Pessl
014ec2f Some nights, we were a city of two. friends holoscaust night sad sweet Jerry Spinelli
5ab42bf "Yesterday it was sun outside. The sky was blue and people were lying under blooming cherry trees in the park. It was Friday, so records were released, that people have been working on for years. Friends around me find success and level up, do fancy photo shoots and get featured on big, white, movie screens. There were parties and lovers, hand in hand, laughing perfectly loud, but I walked numbly through the park, round and round, 40 times for 4 hours just wanting to make it through the day. There's a weight that inhabits my chest some times. Like a lock in my throat, making it hard to breathe. A little less air got through and the sky was so blue I couldn't look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes and they dripped quietly on the floor as I got on with my day. I tried to keep my focus, ticked off the to-do list, did my chores. Packed orders, wrote emails, paid bills and rewrote stories, but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. Tears falling on the desk tick tick tick me not making a sound and some days I just don't know what to do. Where to go or who to see and I try to be gentle, soft and kind, but anxiety eats you up and I just want to be fine. This is not beautiful. This is not useful. You can not do anything with it and it tries to control you, throw you off your balance and lovely ways but you can not let it. I cleaned up. Took myself for a walk. Tried to keep my eyes on the sky. Stayed away from the alcohol, stayed away from the destructive tools we learn to use. the smoking and the starving, the running, the madness, thinking it will help but it only feeds the fire and I don't want to hurt myself anymore. I made it through and today I woke up, lighter and proud because I'm still here. There are flowers growing outside my window. The coffee is warm, the air is pure. In a few hours I'll be on a train on my way to sing for people who invited me to come, to sing, for them. My own songs, that I created. Me--little me. From nowhere at all. And I have people around that I like and can laugh with, and it's spring again. alcohol anxiety art balance be-okay chest coffee crying drinking ed fine flowers focus grateful gratitude happiness hope hopeful hopeless hurt inspiration joy lovely lovers madness mental-health music new-day okay panic panic-attack panic-attacks park recovery sad sadness self-destruction self-harm sing singing sky smoking songs sound spring starving tears walking well-being wellness Charlotte Eriksson
cfe30dc Slowly he took out the clothes in which, ten years beforem Cosette had left Montfermeil; first the little dress, then the black scarf, then the great heavy child's shoes Cosette could still almost have worn, so small was her foot, then the vest of very thich fustian, then the knitted petticoat, the the apron with pockets, then the wool stockings.... Then his venerable white head fell on the bed, this old stoical heart broke, his face was swallowed up, so to speak, in Cosette's clothes, and anybody who had passed along the staircase at that moment would have heard irrepressible sobbing. cosette crying inseparable jean-valjean les-misérables sad Victor Hugo
d28123f "--Y hay mas. Tan pronto no van a cortar tu planta de naranja-lima. Cuando la corten estaras lejos y no sentiras nada. Sollozando me abrace a sus rodillas. --Ya no me interesa, papa. No me interesa... Y mirando su rostro, que tambien se encontraba lleno de lagrimas, murmure como un muerto: --Ya la cortaron, papa, hace mas de una semana que cortaron mi planta de naranja-lima. Los anos pasaron, mi querido Manuel Valadares. Hoy tengo cuarenta y ocho anos y, a veces, en mi nostalgia, siento la impresion de que continuo siendo una criatura. Que en cualquier momento vas a aparecer trayendome fotos de artistas de cine o mas bolitas. Tu fuiste quien me enseno la ternura de la vida, mi Portuga querido. Hoy soy yo el que tiene que distribuir las bolitas y las figuritas, porque la vida sin ternura no vale gran cosa. A veces soy feliz en mi ternura, a veces me engano, lo que es mas comun. En aquel tiempo... En el tiempo de nuestro tiempo no sabia que muchos anos antes un Principe Idiota, arrodillado frente a un altar, preguntaba a los iconos, con los ojos llenos de lagrimas: "?POR QUE LES CUENTAN LAS COSAS A LAS CRIATURITAS?" Y la verdad es, mi querido Portuga, que a mi me contaron las cosas demasiado pronto. !Adios!" sad spanish José Mauro de Vasconcelos
86d97e0 I lit up like a Christmas tree-Augustus Waters sad John Green
21ea60f "Happiness is an illusion, Natalie. It doesn't actually exist." "Of course it does," I said. "It's what you feel when you're not sad." "That's unconsciousness. And I'm pretty sure that I'm miserable when I am unconscious, too." happiness lee miserable monk mr-monk natalie sad unconsciousness Lee Goldberg
01bf7ed He did not care what the end would be, and in his lucid moments overvalued his indifference. The danger, when not seen, has the imperfect vagueness of human thought. The fear grows shadowy; and Imagination, the enemy of men, the father of all terrors, unstimulated, sinks to rest in the dullness of exhausted emotion. apathy baggage burden danger-to-self depression depressive depressive-thinking dread emotional-pain emotional-plague guilt indifferent look-for-hope look-for-jesus sad sick suicidal suicide why-the-world-needs-jesus Joseph Conrad
36ddce1 "...don't act like I didn't for you. gossip-girl sad Cecily von Ziegesar
5901209 Her tragedy, if she had one, was to be as normal and average as any child ever born. normalcy sad you-re-not-special Holly Black
c6cf2e6 I looked at sky this morning and realized summer is almost gone which really made me sad because it doesn't seem as though its been here at all. sad summer Beatrice Sparks
55e848e Deep in her soul, however, she was waiting for something to happen. Like a sailor in distress, she would gaze out over the solitude of her life with desperate eyes, seeking some white sail in the mists of the far-off horizon. She did not know what this chance event would be, what wind would drive it to her, what shore it would carry her to, whether it was a longboat or a three-decked vessel, loaded with anguish or filled with happiness up to the portholes. But each morning, when she awoke, she hoped it would arrive that day, and she would listen to every sound, spring to her feet, feel surprised that it had not come; then at sunset, always more sorrowful, she would wish the next day were already there. lydia-davis madame-bovary sad simile soul translation waiting Gustave Flaubert
2b8be25 Nehemia was gone. That vibrant, fierce, loving soul; the princess who had been called the Light of Eyllwe; the woman who had been a beacon of hope--just like that, as if she were no more than a wisp of candlelight, she was gone. When it had mattered most Celaena hadn't been there. Nehemia was gone. nehemia-s-death nehemia-ytger pg233 sad Sarah J. Maas
de1c914 "You're innocent until proven guilty," Mandy exclaimed, unable to hide her gleeful smile. She missed the way people used to have normal conversations, used to be more caring for each other than themselves, back in the Seventies and Eighties. These days, she realized, neighbors kept to themselves, their kids kept to themselves, nobody talked to each other anymore. They went to work, went shopping and shut themselves up at home in front of glowing computer screens and cellphones... but maybe the nostalgic, better times in her life would stay buried, maybe the world would never be what it was. In the 21st century music was bad, movies were bad, society was failing and there were very few intelligent people left who missed the way things used to be... maybe though, Mandy could change things. Thinking back to the old home movies in her basement, she recalled what Alecto had told her. "We wanted more than anything else in the world to be normal, but we failed." The 1960's and 1970's were very strange times, but Mandy missed it all, she missed the days when Super-8 was the popular film type, when music had lyrics that made you think, when movies had powerful meanings instead of bad comedy and when people would just walk to a friend's house for the afternoon instead of texting in bed all day. She missed soda fountains and department stores and non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags, she wished cellphones, bad pop music and LED lights didn't exist... she hated how everything had a diagnosis or pill now, how people who didn't fit in with modern, lazy society were just prescribed medications without a second thought... she hated how old, reliable cars were replaced with cheap hybrid vehicles... she hated how everything could be done online, so that people could just ignore each other... the world was becoming much more convenient, but at the same time, less human, and her teenage life was considered nostalgic history now. Hanging her head low, avoiding the slightly confused stare of the cab driver through the rear view mirror, she started crying uncontrollably, her tears soaking the collar of her coat as the sun blared through the windows in a warm light." canada cape-breton cars convenient crazy crying death digital dying earth environment gone grief insane leaving-home lonely loss medications mental-illness misery moving nostalgia nova-scotia old-school reporter retro sad stop stuck taxi trapped Rebecca McNutt
124b1c3 I'll remember you... I remember everyone I've lost. grief loss love memory noir nostalgia photo-album photograph remember sad think Rebecca McNutt
c40f52f "Sarra looked at her daughter and said reproachfully, "Speaking of war, I never raised you to be always fighting and killing. That's not woman's work." "It's needful, Ma. You taught me a woman has to know how to defend herself." "I never!" gasped Sarra, indignant. "You taught me when you were murdered in your own house," Daine said quietly." death fighting sad self-defense Tamora Pierce
4eaf963 it is horrible being all alone. j-r-r-tolkien sad the-hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
b165c74 If his surroundings could have reflected the feelings inside him, the pictures would have been screaming in pain. harry-potter sad sirius-black J.K. Rowling
708f9cd "He knew that people were staring at him. He looked different. Even different from other Erasers. He wasn't as --seamless. He didn't look as human as the rest of them did when they weren't morphed. He kind of looked morphy all the time. He hadn't seen his plain real face in --a long time. "I know who you are." Ari almost jumped --he hadn't noticed the boy slide onto the bench next to him. He frowned down at the small, open face. "What?" he growled. This was when the little boy would get scared and probably turn and run. It always happened. The boy smiled. "1 know who you are," he said, pointing at Ari happily. Ari just snarled at him. The boy wiggled with excitement. "You're Wolverine!" Ari stared at him. "You look awesome, dude," said the boy. "You're totally my favorite. You're the strongest one of all of them and the coolest too. I wish 1 was like you." Ari almost gagged. No one had ever, ever said anything like that to him." kid meeting sad superhero werewolf wish wolverine James Patterson
a73c04c All the birds who were never born, all the songs that were never sung and so can only exist in the imagination. And this one is Teddy's. alternate-universe ending heartbreaking heartwrenching imagination kate-atkinson last-lines sad tearjerker teddy-todd twist-ending what-if Kate Atkinson
81419c3 No, I don't think I've been defiled. But I haven't been saved, either. There's nobody who can save me right now, Mr. Wind-Up Bird. The world looks totally empty to me. Everything I see around me looks fake. The only thing thay isn't fake is that gooshy thing inside me. empty fake haruki-murakami may-kasahara sad Haruki Murakami
b2cb1cc He was the second snowman to be melting away before her eyes, only this one was different. It was a paradox. The colder he became, the more he melted. paradox sad snowman Markus Zusak
4b51d40 I am tired of days that are all the same. sad Paulo Coelho
ff2e8c0 Pity, I've learned, is like a fart. You can tolerate your own, but you simply can't stand anyone else's. funny humour joke pity sad sadness Jonathan Tropper
7f3be93 I won't let you go! I love you, Dog!' 'There will be other dogs and friends, and loves' whispered the Dog. 'You have found your family, your heritage, and you have earned a high place in the world. I love you too, but my time with you has passed. goodbye sad tears Garth Nix
b4fc3d7 Happiness is a prison, Evey. Happiness is the most insidious prison of all evil sad Alan Moore
f75ec7a Every child should have love, every person should have it. She herself would rather have had her mother's love - the love she still continued to believe in, the love that had followed her through the jungle in the form of a bird so she would not be too frightened or lonely. love sad Margaret Atwood
9ff3cea It is the end of the world. Surely you could be allowed a few carnal thoughts. sad Connie Willis
d31204a In her room death would come as a friend, a friend with cool gentle hands . . . sad Mary Higgins Clark
f8a91e2 She said once that time is nothing to me but a series of bookmarks that I use to jump back and forth through the text of my life, returning again and again to the events that mark me in the eyes of my more astute colleagues, as bearing all the characteristics of the classic melancholic. dead depression family friendship grief lost melancholy mental-illness mourning professional reflection regret remember sad the-past Dennis Lehane
b051c26 I read differently now, more painstakingly, knowing I am probably revisiting the books I love for the last time. (245) life sad Nicole Krauss
469ffb5 Liz: What's it like in hell? Ketut: Same like heaven. Universe is a circle, Liss. To up, to down -- all same, at end. Liz: Then how can you tell the difference between heaven and hell? Ketut: Because of how you go. Heaven, you go up, through seven happy places. Hell you go down, through seven sad places. This is why it better for you to go up, Liss. Liz: You mean, you might as well spend your life going upward, through the happy places, since heaven and hell -- same destinations -- are the same thing anyway? Ketut: Same-same. Same in end, so better be happy on journey. heaven hell sad Elizabeth Gilbert
dc2a102 The saddest thing is that every love has an unhappy ending, and all the more unhappy in proportion to how divinely it began, with what wings it first took flight. sad Charles Baudelaire
cdff1c1 You are my son Dantes! You are the child of my captivity. My priestly office condemned me to celibacy: God sent you to me both to console the man who could not be a father and the prisoner who could not be free alexandre-dumas captivity count-of-monte-cristo edmond-dantes emotional father free freedom monte-cristo prisoner sad Alexandre Dumas
6876229 There are many sadnesses in the hearts of men who are far away from their countries. homeland homesick homesickness sad Alexander McCall Smith
9df566a I had let down my shields, that was the problem. The crazy inside Dad had infected me, weakened me so that when Finn smiled, I'd been vulnerable. I'd dropped my shields and let myself pretend that somebody like Finn would want to be with somebody like me. love sad sad-love young-love Laurie Halse Anderson
27261a3 No sound, once made, is ever truly lost. In electric clouds, all are safely trapped, and with a touch, if we find them, we can recapture those echoes of sad, forgotten wars, long summers, and sweet autumns. clouds echoes electric forgotten long lost made once recapture sad sound summers sweet trapped truly wars Ray Bradbury
9277d1c "Ari!" Jeb had finally seen his son. He rushed to Ari's side and knelt next to him. Looking stunned, he gathered Ari's hulking form and held him to his chest. "I'm so sorry." I saw his mouth shape the words, though I couldn't hear them. "I'm so sorry." He bent over Ari's form, mindless of his vulnerable position." emotion expire feelings jeb max sad sorry James Patterson
4044769 "She believes in love and romance. She believes her life is one day going to be transformed into something wonderful and exciting. She has hopes and fears and worries, just like anyone else. Sometimes she feels frightened." He pauses, and adds in a softer voice, "Sometimes she feels unloved. Sometimes she feels she will never gain approval from those people who are most important to her."s" feeling-loved sad sweet Sophie Kinsella
ee7ae9e Fuck You!' [Oskar said] 'Exuse me!' [His mom said] 'Sorry. I mean, screw you.' 'You need a time-out!' 'I need a mausoleum! jonathan-safran-foer oskar-schell sad Jonathan Safran Foer
fb7a278 We took a bowl each and started eating. He went back into the little room, and by the time he returned to the table with his own bowl of food to eat with us, we had already finished. He was shocked and looked around to see if we had done something else with the food. sad sierra-leone war Ishmael Beah
b4082fe "What else can you tell me?" Dad stares at me. "What have you learned while you were awake?" I learned that life is so, so fragile. I learned that you can know someone for just days and never forget the impression he left on you. I learned that art can be beautiful and sad at the same time. I learned that if someone loves you, he'll wait for you to love him back. I learned that how much you want something doesn't determine whether you get it or not, that "no" might not be enough, that life isn't fair, that my parents can't save me, that maybe no one can. "Nothing much," I mutter." art chaos colonel-martin dad fragile hard life mess nothing sad save shades-of-earth time unfair Beth Revis