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230a10d Until this moment, I had not realized that someone could break your heart twice, along the very same fault lines. broken-heart jodi-picoult love my-sister-s-keeper Jodi Picoult
e555356 Envy, after all, comes from wanting something that isn't yours. But grief comes from losing something you've already had. ethical grief jodi-picoult life moral perfect-match ran Jodi Picoult
217e0ae If you didn't remember something happening, was it because it never had happened? Or because you wished it hadn't? jodi-picoult loss love memory plain-truth remember sad wish Jodi Picoult
102603b "She puts her hands on either side of my face, and the room falls away. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before. And then, the space between us explodes. My heart keeps missing beats and my hands cannot bring her close enough to me. I taste her and realize I have been starving. I have loved before, but it didn't feel like this. jodi-picoult jodi-picoult-sing-you-home kiss lesbians love lovers romance sing-you-home Jodi Picoult
8fd5ebd I think you're the only person who gets me. When I'm with you, the world doesn't feel like a problem I can't figure out. Please come to the dance, because you're my music. house-rules jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
7f0bcb5 You can make it dark, but I can't make it light. jodi-picoult light my-sister-s-keeper Jodi Picoult
0358a63 If she spoke, she would tell him the truth: she was not okay at all, but horribly empty, now that she knew what it was like to be filled. drama empty fiction filled jodi-picoult love mystery novel okay plain-truth say speak tell truth Jodi Picoult
dc64b59 Like a missing tooth, sometimes an absence is more noticeable than a presence. jodi-picoult lone-wolf wise inspirational Jodi Picoult
819353b The question is not if you're willing to die for her. The question is, can you live without her? jodi-picoult love samantha-van-leer jodi picoult samantha van leer
5e6006e The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they'd lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come. jodi-picoult life lone-wolf wolves Jodi Picoult
883dac3 Life, it turns out, goes on. There is no cosmic rule that grants you immunity from the details just because you have come face-to-face with a catastrophe. The garbage can still overflow, the bills arrive in the mail, telemarketers, interrupt dinner. jodi-picoult life moral perfect-match ran Jodi Picoult
d9b9019 When feeling came back, in a storm of color and force and sensation, the most you could do was hold on to the person beside you and hope you could weather it. Alex closed her eyes and expected the worst-but it wasn't a bad thing; it was just a different thing. A messier one, more complicated one. She hesitated, and then she kissed Patrick back, willing to concede that you might have to lose control before you could find what you'd been missing. fiction jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
1249fb9 Love is a tidal wave--not because it sweeps you off your feet, but because it pulls you down and drowns you. jodi-picoult love samantha-van-leer jodi picoult samantha van leer
1a8ca9d Clearly God was in some kind of mood on my birthday. cancer death family jesse jodi-picoult kate leukemia my-sister-s-keeper sadness Jodi Picoult
47b01a4 It's the child who's supposed to cry, and the mom who makes it all better, not the other way around, which is why mothers will move heaven and earth to hold it together in front of their own kids. jodi-picoult mothers Jodi Picoult
08b2c23 You know, he told me once, completely exasperated, you've got one glass of water inside your head, with all the tears for a lifetime. If you waste them over nothing, then you won't be able to cry for real when you need to. jodi-picoult lone-wolf sadness Jodi Picoult
358cf73 [There's a] point where you have to leave the dough alone. It's silly to anthropomorphize bread, but I love the fact that it needs to sit quietly, to retreat from touch and noise and drama, in order to evolve. I have to admit, I often feel that way myself. evolution food humor jodi-picoult peace quietness reflection truth Jodi Picoult
ba8ecd2 Edward: You know what the difference is between a dream and a goal? he used to say to me. A plan. goals jodi-picoult lone-wolf plans Jodi Picoult
1967893 You may be real, but you're still stuck in a book. jodi-picoult oliver samantha-van-leer Jodi Picoult
8649963 People believed what they wanted to believe, no matter what was right in front of their eyes. jodi-picoult the-tenth-circle Jodi Picoult
04f200e Cara: I used to believe everything my brother told me, because he was older and I figured he knew more about the world. But as it turns out, being a grown-up doesn't mean you're fearless. It just means you fear different things. fear jodi-picoult lone-wolf wisdom Jodi Picoult
92f7c1a It's like the psychiatrists themselves are buying into that stupid belief that therapy is something to hide. jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
65fb53f You would wind up as a cat, I told her. They don't need anyone else. I need you, she replied. Well, I said. Maybe I'll come back as catnip. jodi-picoult my-sister-s-keeper reincarnation wit Jodi Picoult
6418ec9 Home is not a place, but rather, the people who love you. jodi-picoult love Jodi Picoult
c41214e Frankly, people don't make sense to me. jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
5d2b4d1 Only the liar knows that he's lying. jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
aea22dc Was that all it took to be brave? Knowing that someone believed in you? courage jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
468cb28 As she gets sicker, she fades a little more, until I am afraid one day I will wake up and not be able to see her at all. jodi-picoult my-sister-s-keeper Jodi Picoult
b75917c "All the world's a stage, but actors aren't the only ones who play roles. Even when you're not following a script, you might as well be. You don't behave the same way in front of everyone. You know what makes your friends laugh, and what makes your parents proud, and what makes your teachers respect you - and you have a different persona for each of them. jodi-picoult life-quotes off-the-page samantha-van-leer Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer
58f0810 But sometimes the key to happiness is just expecting a little bit less. jodi-picoult love romance Jodi Picoult
b4c0c2b There are all sorts of losses people suffer- from the small to the large. You can lose your car keys, your glasses, your virginity. You can lose your head, you can lose your heart, you can lose your mind. You can relinquish your home to move into assisted living, or have a child move overseas, or see a spouse vanish into dementia. Loss is more than just death, and grief is the gray shape-shifter of emotion. jodi-picoult loss the-storyteller Jodi Picoult
dd47b2b My biggest hope for Jacob is that moments like this won't happen. My biggest fear: that they will, and I won't always be there to keep people from thinking the worst of him. jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
49d5f06 Maybe you had to come close to losing something before you could remember its value. jodi-picoult loss love value worth Jodi Picoult
072f96a ...courage wasn't something you were bequeathed at birth, and it wasn't a lack of fright. It was overcoming your fear, because the ones you love mattered more. courage jodi-picoult life love Jodi Picoult
6d733a3 You want to hear something really sad?' I whisper. 'You're my best friend.' 'You're right. That is really sad.' Oliver grins. 'That's not what I meant.' 'Are we still playing True Confessions?' he asks. 'Is that what we're doing?' He reaches toward me and rubs a strand of my hair between his fingers. 'I think you're beautiful,' Oliver says. 'Inside and out.' He leans forward from the tiniest bit and breathes in, closing his eyes, before he lets the hair fall back against my cheek. I feel it inside me, as if I've been shocked. I don't pull away. I don't want to pull away. 'I... I don't know what to say,' I stammer. Oliver's eyes light up. 'Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walk into mine,' he quotes. He moves slowly, so that I know what's coming, and kisses me. jodi-picoult Jodi Picoult
e8afc7a Having to face him at a competency hearing is like getting to hell and finding out that the only food available is raw liver-insult added to injury. jodi-picoult moral perfect-match ran Jodi Picoult