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790088b We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving. life value worth J.K. Rowling
58f3134 Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don't respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved. appreciate change happiness inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring laugh life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes living love optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking relationship respect smile value Roy T. Bennett
c966c5a A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. inspirational life science time value waste dare Charles Darwin
c7ef371 I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. fate fortune learning-process meaning value Hermann Hesse
1ffb7d3 The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run. life price time value Henry David Thoreau
d8fd9a7 Everyone enjoys being acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes even the simplest act of gratitude can change someone's entire day. Take the time to recognize and value the people around you and appreciate those who make a difference in your lives. grateful gratitude inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-quotes living optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking value Roy T. Bennett
abdc7e5 "When you look at what C.S. Lewis is saying, his message is so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust. The view that the Narnia books have for the material world is one of almost undisguised contempt. At one point, the old professor says, 'It's all in Plato' -- meaning that the physical world we see around us is the crude, shabby, imperfect, second-rate copy of something much better. I want to emphasize the simple physical truth of things, the absolute primacy of the material life, rather than the spiritual or the afterlife. beauty belief book books children-s-books offense philip-pullman value wisdom young-adult Philip Pullman
463bb49 Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters. beautiful christ-like compassion consideration divine-love divine-works empathy faith giving god-like good-works helping-others inspirational jesus life poor sympathy the-one unconditional-love value works worth Criss Jami
f41a662 Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ``What shall we eat?'' or ``What shall we drink?'' or ``What shall we wear?'' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:25-34 humble importance life scripture value worry Anonymous
e17c4a1 There are some values that you should never compromise on to stay true to yourself; you should be brave to stand up for what you truly believe in even if you stand alone. be-yourself believe-in core-values inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes living motivation motivational optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking value Roy T. Bennett
cccd81e "I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief... I'm not in the business of offending people. I find the books upholding certain values that I think are important, such as life is immensely valuable and this world is an extraordinarily beautiful place. We should do what we can to increase the amount of wisdom in the world. beauty belief book books children-s-books offense paraphrased philip-pullman plot value wisdom young-adult philip pullman
556d500 We all know that any emotional bias -- irrespective of truth or falsity -- can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value.... If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honourable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction. atheism atheist bias brainwashing cheat conformity emotion evidence falsity honor indoctrination orthodox religionists truth value H.P. Lovecraft
e99ba16 Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed. good-name libel reputation shakespeare slander society standing theft value values William Shakespeare
9c71bb4 Of two hearts one is always warm and one is always cold: the cold heart is more precious than diamonds: the warm heart has no value and is thrown away. life love value Graham Greene
22d6827 Something that is yours forever is never precious love my-name-is-asher-lev value Chaim Potok
234462c For it falls out That what we have we prize not to the worth Whiles we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost, Why, then we rack the value, then we find The virtue that possession would not show us While it was ours. love regret value William Shakespeare
467e9df You must know that you are worth much to me whether you accomplish anything or not. Even if you are rejected in the world's eyes, you are valuable to me. identity value worth Stormie Omartian
d6ba4d6 If life -- the craving for which is the very essence of our being -- were possessed of any positive intrinsic value, there would be no such thing as boredom at all: mere existence would satisfy us in itself, and we should want for nothing. existence life value Arthur Schopenhauer
7840ca4 "But what's worth more than gold?" "Practically everything. You, for example. Gold is heavy. Your weight in gold is not very much gold at all. Aren't you worth more than that?" value Terry Pratchett
85a5ed0 God sees us with the eyes of a Father. He sees our defects, errors, and blemishes. But He also sees our value. What did Jesus know that enabled Him to do what He did? Here's part of the answer: He knew the value of people. He knew that each human being is a treasure. And because He did, people were not a source of stress, but a source of joy. grace-for-the-moment max-lucado max-lucado-quote value value-in-a-person Max Lucado
343ad18 He has made me wary of chronological snobbery. That is, he showed me that newness is no virtue and oldness is no vice. Truth and beauty and goodness are not determined by when they exist. Nothing is inferior for being old, and nothing is valuable for being modern. This has freed me from the tyranny of novelty and opened for me the wisdom of the ages. old value John Piper
2d2bce0 The attentions of others matter to us because we are afflicted by a congenital uncertainty as to our own value, as a result of which affliction we tend to allow others' appraisals to play a determining role in how we see ourselves. Our sense of identity is held captive by the judgements of those we live among. others self-doubt uncertainty value Alain de Botton
f9e580c I'd sooner have died than admit that the most valuable thing I owned was a fairly extensive collection of German industrial music dance mix EP records stored for even further embarrassment under a box of crumbling Christmas tree ornaments in a Portland, Oregon basement. So I told him I owned nothing of any value. records value Douglas Coupland
9fc614c The core of any family is what is changeless, what is going to be there--shared vision and values. value vision Stephen R. Covey
c568136 Gold is the corpse of value... money value Neal Stephenson
4ccda2c One realized all sorts of things. The value of an illusion, for instance, and that the shadow can be more important than the substance. All sorts of things. importance shadow substance value Jean Rhys
8c09a25 The best things in life are beyond money; their price is agony and sweat and devotion ... and the price demanded for the most precious of all things in life is life itself - ultimate cost for perfect value. price value Robert A. Heinlein
6d2bd54 Cheap booze is a false economy. economy value wisdom Christopher Hitchens
67e55f3 You only value something if you know it'll end. value David Mitchell
9bd389e Use your mind to think about things, rather than think of them. You want to be adding value as you think about projects and people, not simply reminding yourself they exist. gtd value David Allen
0c0ce2c Knowledge is like money: To be of value it must circulate, and in circulating it can increase in quantity and, hopefully, in value. knowledge money value Louis L'Amour
7c9b3c2 It is in dialogue with pain that many beautiful things acquire their value. pain value Alain de Botton
913b17f Dreams can be of value even if you don't have an opportunity to turn them into reality. reality value Henning Mankell
7c072a9 "Why do they make things so complicated?" "So that those who have the responsibility for understanding can understand.," he said. "Imagine if everyone went around transforming lead into gold. Gold would lose its value." "It's those who are persistent, and willing to study things deeply, who achieve the Master Work." understanding value Paulo Coelho
bddff00 He can't value you more than you value yourself. love strength value Toni Morrison
b8920c4 When a tender affection has been storing itself in us through many of our years, the idea that we could accept any exchange for it seems to be a cheapening of our lives. And we can set a watch over our affections and our constancy as we can over other treasures. feelings value George Eliot
82081ba But you can't start. Only a baby can start. You and me - why, we're all that's been. The anger of a moment, the thousand pictures, that's us. This land, this red land, is us; and the flood years and the dust years and the drought years are us. We can't start again. The bitterness we sold to the junk man - he got it all right, but we have it still. And when the owner men told us to go, that's us; and when the tractor hit the house, that's us until we're dead. To California or any place - every one a drum major leading a parade of hurts, marching with our bitterness. And some day - the armies of bitterness will all be going the same way. And they'll all walk together, and there'll be a dead terror from it. john-steinbeck lives money the-grapes-of-wrath value worth John Steinbeck
adf9fb6 It perhaps might be said--if any one dared--that the most worthless literature of the world has been that which has been written by the men of one nation concerning the men of another. value writing Stephen Crane
7b914bb We don't value craftsmanship anymore! All we value is ruthless efficiency, and I say we deny our own humanity that way! Without appreciation for grace and beauty, there's no pleasure in creating things and no pleasure in having them! Our lives are made drearier, rather than richer! How can a person take pride in his work when skill and care are considered luxuries! We're not machines! We have a human need for craftsmanship! art beauty care craftsmanship creating efficiency grace handmade human machines pleasure quality quantity skill value Bill Watterson
c868f5f Every one-night-stand or man in a one-night-stand is like every other one-night-stand or man in a one-night-stand because the sex in a one-night-stand is without time and only time allows value. time value Kathy Acker
3da477e A woman who does not guard and treasure herself cannot be of very much value to anyone else. treasure value woman John D. MacDonald
daff5e6 No woman kills herself for love, and rarely for shame. It is the cruelty of hope that does a woman in; for no matter how many men a woman has given herself to, she never holds her life cheap until she foolishly believed it to be valued. hope love suicide value woman Sheri Holman
4e0bf2e Of course (said Oryx), having a money value was no substitute for love. Every child should have love, every person should have it. . . . but love was undependable, it came and then it went, so it was good to have a money value, because then at least those who wanted to make a profit from you would make sure you were fed enough and not damaged too much. Also there were many who had neither love nor a money value, and having one of these things was better than having nothing. money value worth Margaret Atwood
a0ae0ab Chicago has so much excellent architecture that they feel obliged to tear some of it down now and then and erect terrible buildings just to help us all appreciate the good stuff. appreciation architecture chicago good-stuff value Audrey Niffenegger
6e4caa9 Reading things that are relevant to the facts of your life is of limited value. The facts are, after all, only the facts, and the yearning passionate part of you will not be met there. That is why reading ourselves as a fiction as well as fact is so liberating. The wider we read the freer we become. fiction liberation reading value Jeanette Winterson
d94b0cb There is all the difference in the world between treasure and money. treasure value Roderick Townley
e7a6335 Every treasure is guarded by dragons. That's how you can tell it's valuable. value Saul Bellow
a99ce6f The most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. goal satisfaction success task value Brian Tracy
7520e67 Never dismiss anyone's value until you know him. value Susan Cooper
818d74d [Donald] Keene observed [in a book entitled The Pleasures of Japanese Literature, 1988] that the Japanese sense of beauty has long sharply differed from its Western counterpart: it has been dominated by a love of irregularity rather than symmetry, the impermanent rather than the eternal and the simple rather than the ornate. The reason owes nothing to climate or genetics, added Keene, but is the result of the actions of writers, painters and theorists, who had actively shaped the sense of beauty of their nation. Contrary to the Romantic belief that we each settle naturally on a fitting idea of beauty, it seems that our visual and emotional faculties in fact need constant external guidance to help them decide what they should take note of and appreciate. 'Culture' is the word we have assigned to the force that assists us in identifying which of our many sensations we should focus on and apportion value to. design emotional japan simplicity value visual wabi-sabi Alain de Botton
0652a28 The danger is in what we codify, commodify, and exploit. value Terry Tempest Williams
5ef87d4 He had brought no possessions with him; he would take none away. There were none to have--everything of value was in the school computer or his own head and hands. possession value Orson Scott Card
4aa4630 "The repugnance to what must ensue almost immediately, and the uncertainty, were dreadful, he said; but worst of all was the idea, 'What should I do if I were not to die now? What if I were to return to life again? What an eternity of days, and all mine! How I should grudge and count up every minute of it, so as to waste not a single instant!' He said that this thought weighed so upon him and became such a terrible burden upon his brain that he could not bear it, and wished they would shoot him quickly and have done with it." The prince paused and all waited, expecting him to go on again and finish the story. "Is that all?" asked Aglaya. "All? Yes," said the prince, emerging from a momentary reverie. "And why did you tell us this?" "Oh, I happened to recall it, that's all! It fitted into the conversation--" "You probably wish to deduce, prince," said Alexandra, "that moments of time cannot be reckoned by money value, and that sometimes five minutes are worth priceless treasures. All this is very praiseworthy; but may I ask about this friend of yours, who told you the terrible experience of his life? He was reprieved, you say; in other words, they did restore to him that 'eternity of days.' What did he do with these riches of time? Did he keep careful account of his minutes?" "Oh no, he didn't! I asked him myself. He said that he had not lived a bit as he had intended, and had wasted many, and many a minute." "Very well, then there's an experiment, and the thing is proved; one cannot live and count each moment; say what you like, but one cannot." "That is true," said the prince, "I have thought so myself. And yet, why shouldn't one do it?" "You think, then, that you could live more wisely than other people?" said Aglaya. "I have had that idea." "And you have it still?" "Yes -- I have it still," the prince replied." awareness experience living-wakefully value wakefulness wasting-time Fyodor Dostoyevsky
aef516f There's something I would like to understand. And I don't think anyone can explain it. . . There's your life. You begin it, feeling that it's something so precious and rare, so beautiful that it's like a sacred treasure. Now it's over and it doesn't make any difference to anyone, and it isn't that they are indifferent, it's just that they don't know, they don't know what it means, that treasure of mine, and there's something about it that they should understand. I don't understand it myself, but there's something about it that should be understood by all of us. Only what is it? What? state value your-life Ayn Rand
579313e In India everything has a use and a value. life use value Tahir Shah
e942ca6 Each category is generalized to the greatest possible extent, so that it eventually loses all specificity and is reabsorbed by all the other categories. When everything is political, nothing is political anymore, the word itself is meaningless. When everything is sexual, nothing is sexual any more, and sex loses its determinants. When everything is aesthetic, nothing is beautiful or ugly any more, and art itself disappears. generalization political-correctness value Jean Baudrillard
096837c "A hundred francs! Oh, dear me! It is worth millions of francs, my child. But my -- dealer -- here tells me that in fact a picture is worth only what someone will give for it. How much money do you have?" Julia took out her purse and counted. "Four francs and twenty sous," she said, looking up at him sadly. "Is that all the money you have in the world?" She nodded. "Then four francs and twenty sous it is." money perception subjectivity value Iain Pears
ee19ac4 When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes. christian eyes god inspire lens love men understand value view women word worth Elizabeth George
ef8d38e Worry denies the power of God and produces no good results. Worry adds no value to your life. Eliminate it with God's help. free god life love power result value worry Elizabeth George
dd76967 What is it about your race that none of you can seem to properly weigh your own value? Every human seems to think more of herself than she should, or less of herself than is sensible! value R.A. Salvatore
419343b The only thing they valued higher than ammunition were Man United footballs. football value Tahir Shah
49d5f06 Maybe you had to come close to losing something before you could remember its value. jodi-picoult loss love value worth Jodi Picoult
7f880aa The value is always in the eye of the beholder. What is worthless to one person may be very important to someone else. important value worthless Peter Ackroyd
2408934 Don't tell me you're passionate about your job - show me that you're passionate about helping people like me. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right helping influence influence-quotes money negotiation passionate sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
48ec76a Salespeople who think that it's all about price aren't required: If it can be sold on the internet at the lowest price, you can take the huge cost of a sales team out of the equation. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote cost customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation price sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
0f4af3e Under the blanket the outline of her body was slender and displayed a certain innocence, a precious quality far more significant than the elegance of her form. She seemed to radiate kindness and essential goodness, and Darby, trying to measure the value of her, told himself it was immeasurable. value woman David Goodis
de8d58d The salesperson you'd ideally like to be and the salesperson you'd like to encounter as a customer should roughly be the same, shouldn't they? business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
95218ad Your target market are more bothered about whether what you sell will get them promoted, sacked, recognised, accepted, praised or laid. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
387005a We all need salespeople who deliver value that wasn't there before they arrived. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
82264f7 What is dollar value but something to amuse people who have no imagination? People who have money and no imagination follow fashion. People who have imagination and no money fashion styles. imagination style value Elizabeth Lowell
23323af "Khoris mellon to paron den ekhei kamia axia, einai san na men uparkhei"." greek inspirational value José Saramago
7d3b95f Remember: when you walk into a DIY store to buy a drill, you don't want the drill. Your end goal is to make a hole and, in order to achieve this, you have to buy the drill. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
0102ac2 If what you sell doesn't help me then why are you knocking on my door? business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
f7256b7 Like the pleasure of friendship, the pleasure in beauty is curious: it aims to understand its object, and to value what it finds. curious disinterest friendship love pleasure value Roger Scruton
3d95ba4 It is impossible to say why people put so little value on complete happiness. value William Maxwell
cfdb897 -Dievas riboja musu dienu skaiciu ne be priezasties. -Kokia to priezastis? -Kad kiekviena diena butu brangi. purpose time value Mitch Albom
cadc2b3 If you want a great job, you need something of great value to offer in return. job success value Cal Newport
7bb83ba The things that make a great job great...are rare and valuable. If you want them in your working life, you need something rare and valuable to offer in return In other words, you need to be good at something before you can expect to get a good job. job passion skills success value Cal Newport
df39e32 I can't and won't promise you magic sales fairy dust or the Jedi Mind Trick for salespeople - they simply don't exist. business-advice business-quotes business-success business-to-business buying buying-decision buying-decision-quote customers earn-the-right influence influence-quotes jedi money negotiation sales sales-effectiveness sales-training salesmanship salespeople selling selling-skills selling-tips shopping trust value Chris Murray
7c57003 "The overwhelming reality is: we live in a world where almost everything is worthless and a very few things are exceptionally valuable. As John Maxwell has written, "You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practicality everything." less value Greg McKeown
7ecb61e Whether is is a good or bad deal depends, for money does not always keep its value, unlike mankind, whose value is always the same, everything and nothing. money value worth José Saramago
ce570a1 There was also closeness, for the end of a couple is like a death, and the notion of death, of temporariness, can remind us of the value of things. closeness deah love temporariness time value Mohsin Hamid
6bb9adc Kai laiko turi be galo, niekas nebera ypatinga. Be netekciu ar aukos mes nesugebame ivertinti to, ka turime. purpose time value Mitch Albom
0141d45 Money is a neutral indicator of value. By aiming to make money, you're aiming to be valuable. money success value Cal Newport