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0be6c81 I did not know how to reach him, how to catch up with him... The land of tears is so mysterious. empathy sadness sympathy Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
b73e6ec Men build too many walls and not enough bridges. bigotry bridges compassion culture culture-wars cultures empathy hate hatred inspirational intolerance love men misattributed misattributed-to-isaac-newton racism separation sympathy tolerance understanding walls Joseph Fort Newton
bc09302 You can't save others from themselves because those who make a perpetual muddle of their lives don't appreciate your interfering with the drama they've created. They want your poor-sweet-baby sympathy, but they don't want to change. drama kinsey-milhone poor-baby sue-grafton sympathy Sue Grafton
463bb49 Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters. beautiful christ-like compassion consideration divine-love divine-works empathy faith giving god-like good-works helping-others inspirational jesus life poor sympathy the-one unconditional-love value works worth Criss Jami
942bc85 There's nothing like your mother's sympathetic voice to make you want to burst into tears. motherhood mothers parents parents-and-children sympathy Sophie Kinsella
db22daf Darkness as well as light. Or do I mean darkness, another kind of light? Lucifer would say so, and I have a weakness for fallen angels. darkness light sympathy weakness Jeanette Winterson
a5e0122 The following proposition seems to me in a high degree probable--namely, that any animal whatever, endowed with well-marked social instincts, the parental and filial affections being here included, would inevitably acquire a moral sense or conscience, as soon as its intellectual powers had become as well, or nearly as well developed, as in man. For, firstly, the social instincts lead an animal to take pleasure in the society of its fellows, to feel a certain amount of sympathy with them, and to perform various services for them. evolution evolution-of-morality instincts intellect morality science social sympathy Charles Darwin
c172e6c "The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God." cooperation freedom initiative man nature sympathy woman Fulton J. Sheen
f692609 What she saw, she felt. Her eyes went straight to her heart. emotion feel feelings perception sense sympathy Jerry Spinelli
16cdc3d it has to be emphasized that if the pain were readily describable most of the countless sufferers from this ancient affliction would have been able to confidently depict for their friends and loved ones (even their physicians) some of the actual dimensions of their torment, and perhaps elicit a comprehension that has been generally lacking; such incomprehension has usually been due not to a failure of sympathy but to the basic inability of healthy people to imagine a form of torment so alien to everyday experience. depressed depression health mental-illness pain sufferer sympathy torment understanding William Styron
ad522d8 There are some situations which men understand by instinct, by which reason is powerless to explain; in such cases the greatest poet is he who gives utterance to the most natural and vehement outburst of sorrow. Those who hear the bitter cry are as much impressed as if they listened to an entire poem, and when th sufferer is sincere they are right in regarding his outburst as sublime. relationship sorrow sympathy the-count-of-monte-cristo Alexandre Dumas
4056e67 I want to be the kind of boy you are, thought Bean. But I don't want to go through what you've been through to get there. ender jealousy sympathy yearning Orson Scott Card
bfafef5 She left me, offended at my want of sympathy, and thinking, no doubt, that I envied her. I did not - at least, I firmly believed I did not. feelings sympathy Anne Brontë
00256ef To the ones that arise from urgent material needs. materialism sympathy Christopher Hitchens
e23dc07 Could I tell them I was sorry their loved one was dead, when he'd tried to kill me? There was no rule of etiquette for this; even my grandmother would have been stymied. ettiquette manners sympathy Charlaine Harris
ffff60f "Bottled, was he?" Said Colonel Bantry, with an Englishman's sympathy for alcoholic excess. "Oh, well, can't judge a fellow by what he does when he's drunk? When I was at Cambridge, I remember I put a certain utensil - well - well, nevermind." cambridge embarassment englishman humor humour sympathy utensil Agatha Christie
62d6c0d "Sorrow and profound fatigue are at the heart of Dewey's silence. It had been his ambition to learn "exactly what happened in that house that night." Twice now he'd been told, and the two versions were very much alike, the only serious discrepancy being that Hickock attributed all four deaths to Smith, while Smith contended that Hickock had killed the two women. But the confessions, though they answered questions of how and why, failed to satisfy his sense of meaningful design. The crime was a psychological accident, virtually an impersonal act; the victims might as well have been killed by lightning. Except for one thing: they had experienced prolonged terror, they had suffered. And Dewey could not forget their sufferings. Nonetheless, he found it possible to look at the man beside him without anger - with, rather, a measure of sympathy - for Perry Smith's life had been no bed of roses but pitiful, an ugly and lonely progress toward one mirage and then another. Dewey's sympathy, however, was not deep enough to accommodate either forgiveness or mercy. He hoped to see Perry and his partner hanged - hanged back to back." justice mercy sympathy Truman Capote
48f8e43 For the first time I began to perceive that true sympathy cannot be switched on and off like an electric current, that anyone that identifies himself with the fate of another is robbed to some extent of his own freedom. fate freedom identify identity individuality rob robbed sympathy Stefan Zweig
2e66850 I can't look people in the eye and tell them that they're going to die anymore. angel azrael dead death die dying empathy eye grim-reaper look morality pale-horseman sadness scythe sympathy tell Rebecca McNutt
a629d33 Science is better than sympathy, if only it is science. comfort science sympathy E.M. Forster
b5251af Oh, poor, poor fellow!' said Mrs. Elliot with a remorse that was sincere, though her congratulations would not have been. sympathy E. M. Forster
a7f0bc5 An atmosphere of sympathetic influence encircles every human being; and the man or woman who feels strongly, healthily and justly, on the great interests of humanity, is a constant benefactor to the human race. benefactor human-being human-race humanity influence interests life-and-living sympathy Harriet Beecher Stowe
54a3539 In 1881, being on a visit to Boston, my wife and I found ourselves in the Parker House with the 's, and went over to Charleston to hear him lecture. His subject was 'Some Mistakes of Moses,' and it was a memorable experience. Our lost leaders, -- , , Theodore Parker, -- who had really spoken to disciples rather than to the nation, seemed to have contributed something to form this organ by which their voice could reach the people. . The wonderful power which Washington's Attorney-general, Edmund Randolph, ascribed to of insinuating his ideas equally into learned and unlearned had passed from 's pen to 's tongue. . { } art boston emerson emotion friendship henry-d-thoreau henry-david-thoreau henry-thoreau honor humor imagination ingersoll inspirational laughter lecture logic love memorable mirth morality orator paine pathos poetry power praise ralph-e-emerson ralph-emerson ralph-waldo-emerson reason respect robert-g-ingersoll robert-green-ingersoll robert-ingersoll simplicity some-mistakes-of-moses speech sympathy tears thomas-paine thoreau truth voice wisdom Moncure Daniel Conway
3462f64 Outside in the sun the Holy Mother stood on her pedestal in the garden, sorry but unsympathetic. The usual position of mothers. mothers sympathy the-lacuna Barbara Kingsolver
072ab11 A funeral is like a little game, really. You have to just play along and say the right thing and behave the right way until it's over. Be pleasant but don't smile too much; be sad but don't overdo it or the family will feel worse than they already do. Be hopeful but don't let your optimism be taken as a lack of empathy or an inability to deal with the reality. Because if anybody was to be truly honest there would be a lot of arguments, finger-pointing, tears, snot, and screaming. empathy funerals honesty life optimism reality society sympathy Cecelia Ahern
d1cff2e It is such an easy thing to do--to touch another in sympathy--but it is such a hard thing too. sympathy Alexander McCall Smith
15e41d0 Compassion means to suffer with, but it doesn't mean to get lost in the suffering, so that it becomes exclusively one's own. I tend to do this, to replace the person for whom I am feeling compassion with myself. empathy pain self-centeredness suffering sympathy Madeleine L'Engle
cb9600e It's a rare hurt that can stand under the advice, help, and sympathy generated by upwards of thirty people that care. Callahan loses a lot of his regulars. After they've been coming around long enough, they find they don't need to drink any more. hurt problems sympathy Spider Robinson
4c18435 And only when he'd finished and fallen silent did the vague smile return to his lips, in apparent gentle mockery of himself, of the man he had just described and for whom, deep down, he felt neither compassion nor disdain, only a kind of disillusioned, sympathetic solidarity. solidarity sympathy Arturo Pérez-Reverte
65b9c58 There can be no understanding without that sympathy which puts us, through the imagination, and (another's) situation. sympathy thinking Niall Ferguson
41618ed In the months following James' death, on thought had returned time and again as she passed others in the street. What secrets did these people hold? What had they endured? She wondered how many people rushing in and out of shops, or on their way to their work, had lost a love, or known deep disappointment or grief, fear, or want, yet summoned the resilience to go on. Those lines across foreheads, those mouths downturned --- what were the ruts on life's road that wrought such marks, those signs of scars on the soul? grief resilience sympathy Jacqueline Winspear
5595150 He told his friends that if they really wanted to help him, they would treat him not with sympathy but with visits, phone calls, a sharing of their problems - the way they had always.. because Morrie had always been a wonderful listener. help life listen share sympathy Mitch Albom