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b73e6ec Men build too many walls and not enough bridges. bigotry bridges compassion culture culture-wars cultures empathy hate hatred inspirational intolerance love men misattributed misattributed-to-isaac-newton racism separation sympathy tolerance understanding walls Joseph Fort Newton
6822fce The so-called is the argument that freedom in the sense of absence of any constraining control must lead to very great restraint, since it makes the bully free to enslave the meek. The idea is, in a slightly different form, and with very different tendency, clearly expressed in . Less well known is the : . -- In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. . criminal force intolerance philosophy plato reason science tolerance Karl Raimund Popper
a799150 Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice. cowardice inspirational intolerance tolerance Ayaan Hirsi Ali
50cf732 They say that Caliph Omar, when consulted about what had to be done with the library of Alexandria, answered as follows: 'If the books of this library contain matters opposed to the Koran, they are bad and must be burned. If they contain only the doctrine of the Koran, burn them anyway, for they are superfluous.' Our learned men have cited this reasoning as the height of absurdity. However, suppose Gregory the Great was there instead of Omar and the Gospel instead of the Koran. The library would still have been burned, and that might well have been the finest moment in the life of this illustrious pontiff. alexandria caliph caliph-omar gospel gregory-the-great intolerance islam koran library library-of-alexandria pontiff quran science-vs-religion Jean-Jacques Rousseau
087bca4 Making people change because you can't deal with who they are isn't how it's supposed to be done. What needs to be done is for people to pull their heads out of their asses. You say 'cure.' I hear 'you're not human enough. being-human intolerance mutants John Scalzi
9d4d953 We think ourselves possessed, or at least we boast that we are so, of liberty of conscience on all subjects and of the right of free inquiry and private judgment in all cases, and yet how far are we from these exalted privileges in fact. There exists, I believe, throughout the whole Christian world, a law which makes it blasphemy to deny, or to doubt the divine inspiration of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis to Revelations. In most countries of Europe it is punished by fire at the stake, or the rack, or the wheel. In England itself, it is punished by boring through the tongue with a red-hot poker. In America it is not much better; even in our Massachusetts, which, I believe, upon the whole, is as temperate and moderate in religious zeal as most of the States, a law was made in the latter end of the last century, repealing the cruel punishments of the former laws, but substituting fine and imprisonment upon all those blasphemies upon any book of the Old Testament or New. Now, what free inquiry, when a writer must surely encounter the risk of fine or imprisonment for adducing any arguments for investigation into the divine authority of those books? Who would run the risk of translating 's ? Who would run the risk of translating ? But I cannot enlarge upon this subject, though I have it much at heart. I think such laws a great embarrassment, great obstructions to the improvement of the human mind. Books that cannot bear examination, certainly ought not to be established as divine inspiration by penal laws... but as long as they continue in force as laws, the human mind must make an awkward and clumsy progress in its investigations. I wish they were repealed. { } blasphemy charles-francois-dupuis christian-world divine-inspiration dupuis england europe examination genesis intolerance massachusetts new-testament old-testament persecution recherches-nouvelles religious-violence revelations stake volney John Adams
d0d66bd Difference in opinions has cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether the juice of a certain berry be blood or wine. difference-of-opinions intolerance religious-bigotry religious-violence transubstantiation Jonathan Swift
42dc143 There's faith that knows itself as faith, Proyas, and there's faith that confuses itself for knowledge. The first embraces uncertainty, acknowledges the mysteriousness of the God. It begets compassion and tolerance. Who can entirely condemn when they're not entirely certain they're in the right? But the second, Proyas, the second embraces certainty and only pays lip service to the God's mystery. It begets intolerance, hatred, violence. god ignorance intolerance religion R. Scott Bakker
f959192 Eastward and westward storms are breaking,--great, ugly whirlwinds of hatred and blood and cruelty. I will not believe them inevitable. bigotry black-history-month civil-unrest crimean-war cruelty diplomacy faith faith-in-humanity hate-crimes hope-for-the-future intolerance national-history-day nonviolent-conflict-resolution peace peace-movement peacism political-aggression political-turmoil prophecy russia syrian-civil-war ukraine violence war war-crimes we-can-do-better wisdom W.E.B. Du Bois
7fb4259 "In the dark that followed - Lucy said; "where I was born, the trees were always in the sun. And I left that place because it was intolerant of rain. Now, we are here in a place where there are no trees and there is only rain. And I intend to leave this place - because it is intolerant of light. Somewhere - there must be somewhere where darkness and light are reconciled. So I am starting a rumour, here and now, of yet another world. I don't know when it will present itself - I don't know where it will be. But - as with all those other worlds now past when it is ready, I intend to go there." intolerance light Timothy Findley
85b09dd Isn't it time we asked ourselves, are we willing to accept any behavior codified within religious or cultural practice? Is there no line to be drawn? If honor killings are okay, then why not virgin sacrifices or cannibalism or sex with children outside the church? We have perversely taken our notion of tolerance to such extremes that we've become tolerant of intolerance. intolerance religion religious-extremism tolerance Bill Maher
00ee58a "[H]as it really been so long since religions persecuted people, burning them as heretics, drowning them as witches, that you can't recognize religious persecution when you see it?" [ freedom-of-thought heresy intolerance orthodoxy persecution religion witch-hunts Salman Rushdie
ab8ba1f My statement to Harris that his book contains is specious hyperbole. In , Harris rails against religious fundamentalism, which seems obvious, as well as against religious moderates, which seems intolerant. intolerance religion Nick Flynn
1211e91 Tolerance is a virtue, but tolerance coupled with passivity is a vice. intolerance passivity tolerance Chris Hedges