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9e9c1a7 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. confidence inspirational wisdom Eleanor Roosevelt
80f0e01 It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it. misattributed-to-mark-twain remaining-silent wisdom Maurice Switzer
2d1ab58 May you live every day of your life. inspirational life philosophy wisdom Jonathan Swift
1a2ae1d If you're reading this.. alive congratulations hope humanity inspiration inspirational inspire life poetry smile wisdom Chad Sugg
c1e99e1 There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life hope inspirational wisdom Alexandre Dumas
78e2eec Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. inspirational philosophy wisdom humor Isaac Asimov
5056619 Turn your wounds into wisdom. experience inspirational pain wisdom wounds Oprah Winfrey
a0a51ea Angry people are not always wise. jane-austen wisdom Jane Austen
325a29f It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. delusion goodness lies self-deception wisdom Leo Tolstoy
403ef8f Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think. be-yourself be-yourself-inspirational be-yourself-quote be-yourself-quotes heart inner-voice inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-quotes living optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking wisdom wise Roy T. Bennett
96fffb5 The past has no power over the present moment. education inspirational life philosophy truth wisdom Eckhart Tolle
b8fee32 Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone's life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance. giving goals goals-in-life inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes learn learning life life-quotes light light-and-darkness living-life meaning meaning-of-life meaningful meaningful-life wisdom wise Roy T. Bennett
397a392 "I am looking for friends. What does that mean -- tame?" "It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. "It means to establish ties." "To establish ties?" "Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world...." wisdom Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
28ab0b5 Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes. wisdom inspirational Rick Riordan
9fe7b9a We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom. nothing wisdom Leo Tolstoy
cae2abd There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there. wisdom Paulo Coelho
9c0671f The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise. ambition inspirational wisdom Maya Angelou
d97e981 We learn from failure, not from success! experience learning mistakes records wisdom Bram Stoker
01184ff Pain is a pesky part of being human, I've learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces. beauty experience flight flying freedom growing growth heal healing hurt hurting inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspiring learning life life-and-living life-lessons living living-life pain painful wind wings wisdom wisdom-in-life wisdom-quotes C. JoyBell C.
c34cf67 We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. poetry self-discovery wisdom T. S. Eliot
e7de926 In youth, it was a way I had, To do my best to please. And change, with every passing lad To suit his theories. But now I know the things I know And do the things I do, And if you do not like me so, To hell, my love, with you. change character empowerment love men nature pleasing self-discovery self-esteem self-respect truthfulness wisdom women youth Dorothy Parker
b7f480c All knowledge hurts. disillusionment experience knowledge wisdom Cassandra Clare
4eab512 Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see. blindness death faith inspirational wisdom Helen Keller
3be0613 Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it. foolishness knowledge sharing teaching wisdom Hermann Hesse
1c2f430 Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. sin wisdom Harper Lee
4e10aa8 Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. mistakes paradox timidity wisdom Oscar Wilde
3392b53 The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing. epigram tabloid-journalism wisdom Oscar Wilde
ca18827 As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. eternal-life human-desire immortality money wisdom J.K. Rowling
eb51692 We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. consumerism culture inspirational life tv wisdom Terence McKenna
b42eb1b Guard well your thoughts when alone and your words when accompanied. inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes living optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking thoughts wisdom wise words words-of-wisdom Roy T. Bennett
a2a4037 "I ask not for any crown But that which all may win; wisdom Louisa May Alcott
56caa67 The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection. truth wisdom George Orwell
d007b3e I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. parenting wisdom Umberto Eco
8e03dc2 " "Four be the things I am wiser to know: Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe. Four be the things I'd been better without: Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt. Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne. Three be the things I shall have till I die: Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye." contentment curiosity doubt envy foes friends hope idleness inventory knowledge laughter life love sorrow sufficienty superfluity unattainable values wisdom Dorothy Parker
c99ab9a He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom. gandalf reductionism wisdom J.R.R. Tolkien
de29e12 As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. humor time wisdom Henry David Thoreau
417067f "Sure, we'd faced some things as children that a lot of kids don't. Sure, Justin had qualified for his Junior de Sade Badge in his teaching methods for dealing with pain. We still hadn't learned, though, that growing up is all about getting hurt. And then getting over it. You hurt. You recover. You move on. Odds are pretty good you're just going to get hurt again. But each time, you learn something. Each time, you come out of it a little stronger, and at some point you realize that there are more flavors of pain than coffee. There's the little empty pain of leaving something behind - gradutaing, taking the next step forward, walking out of something familiar and safe into the unknown. There's the big, whirling pain of life upending all of your plans and expecations. There's the sharp little pains of failure, and the more obscure aches of successes that didn't give you what you thought they would. There are the vicious, stabbing pains of hopes being torn up. The sweet little pains of finding others, giving them your love, and taking joy in their life they grow and learn. There's the steady pain of empathy that you shrug off so you can stand beside a wounded friend and help them bear their burdens. And if you're very, very lucky, there are a very few blazing hot little pains you feel when you realized that you are standing in a moment of utter perfection, an instant of triumph, or happiness, or mirth which at the same time cannot possibly last - and yet will remain with you for life. harry-dresden life pain wisdom Jim Butcher
5b7090f Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully. encouragement inspiration life morality selfishness wisdom Richard Bach
b13c726 We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. brotherhood inspirational wisdom Martin Luther King Jr.
b8bf2a4 It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters, attention compassion happiness happy-life inspirational kindness life love meaning-of-life meditation money oneness peace perspective philosophy positive-attitude positive-living purpose purpose-in-life purpose-of-life purposeful-living respect revelation self-awareness self-discovery spirit spirituality wisdom Amit Ray
c4feea1 There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. wisdom J.R.R. Tolkien
2d1855c The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination. wisdom Dan Millman
3187b07 A smart person knows how to talk. A wise person knows when to be silent. inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring keep-silent life life-quotes living optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking silent talk wisdom Roy T. Bennett
440e108 The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. forgiveness inspirational naivety wisdom Thomas Szasz
023aba4 No, that is the great fallacy: the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They grow careful. wisdom Ernest Hemingway
4b42d69 CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler. MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing. CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing. MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged. CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed. MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy-footed. CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher bacterium, warm-life destroying. MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life-nurturing. CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding... planet-cremating. MORPHEUS: I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing. CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. Sss. And what will be , Dreamlord? MORPHEUS: I am hope. cunning hope insight outwit wisdom Neil Gaiman
78920f8 Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast. shakespeare wisdom William Shakespeare
4edadd4 There are no ordinary moments. wisdom Dan Millman
0d1b350 Never respond to an angry person with a fiery comeback, even if he deserves it...Don't allow his anger to become your anger. anger anger-management ataraxy bushido inner-peace inspirational life life-experience life-lessons martial-arts motivational self-control serenity warrior-ethos warriors warriorship wisdom Bohdi Sanders
cad9f70 Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine. inspirational philosophy wisdom Ludwig van Beethoven
b70475f May Light always surround you beginnings cheer-up courage inspirational inspirational-quotes life new-year success truth wisdom wishes D. Simone
74ad36a "You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude wisdom Brian Tracy
1c6156b For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in doing so, have created a crippled race. ancient flight flying human-race humanity imperfection inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspiring journey life life-and-living life-s-journey living living-life people perfect perfection the-journey truth two-wings wings wisdom wisdom-quotes C. JoyBell C.
2b82bb6 I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. truth wisdom Orson Scott Card
734bf07 We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us. inspirational wisdom Marcel Proust
25461e3 In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious. quantum-physics schrodinger-s-cat wisdom Terry Pratchett
c1e543f Perhaps the logical conclusion of everyone looking the same is everyone thinking the same. wisdom Scott Westerfeld
1b67f69 There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India. It says that before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way. proverb revelation suffering wisdom Libba Bray
dd907a4 It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials. inspirational motivation priorities simplicity wisdom Bruce Lee
166e120 My soul is in the sky. literature wisdom William Shakespeare
dc86427 Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul. dismiss inspirational soul spirituality wisdom Walt whitman
346eb0b Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not. awful death inspirational peace philosophy serenity wisdom Epicurus
ef49493 Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience. philosophy wisdom Harper Lee
99acba9 Most things break, including hearts. The lessons of life amount not to wisdom, but to scar tissue and callus. hurt life-lessons scars wisdom wounds Wallace Stegner
35b16d9 These violent delights have violent ends. suddenness wisdom William Shakespeare
8f81c64 The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. life-experience wisdom William Blake
79a6793 Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. inspirational reading wisdom Socrates
abdc7e5 "When you look at what C.S. Lewis is saying, his message is so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust. The view that the Narnia books have for the material world is one of almost undisguised contempt. At one point, the old professor says, 'It's all in Plato' -- meaning that the physical world we see around us is the crude, shabby, imperfect, second-rate copy of something much better. I want to emphasize the simple physical truth of things, the absolute primacy of the material life, rather than the spiritual or the afterlife. beauty belief book books children-s-books offense philip-pullman value wisdom young-adult Philip Pullman
7ae912d Voici mon secret. Il est tres simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. life love wisdom Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
59337d6 Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth anger generosity goodness inspirational kindness knowledge love truth wisdom Siddh?rtha Gautama
ec82f9a I will no longer mutilate and destroy myself in order to find a secret behind the ruins. self-destruction self-mutilation truth wisdom Hermann Hesse
70ab1bc Books permit us to voyage through time, to tap the wisdom of our ancestors. The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to the collective knowledge of the human species. I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries. civilization education history knowledge libraries wisdom Carl Sagan
139295b Women may fall when there's no strength in men. Act II marriage men wisdom women William Shakespeare
0381fc7 So wise so young, they say, do never live long. wisdom youth William Shakespeare
56d64da Expectations make people miserable, so whatever yours are, lower them. You'll definitely be happier. noah truth wisdom Simone Elkeles
6f6ced3 I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid. alone belonging jonah life lois-lowry lonely place sorry strange stupid the-giver wisdom Lois Lowry
de83024 Always forgive, but never forget, else you will be a prisoner of your own hatred, and doomed to repeat your mistakes forever. forgiveness happiness inspirational knowledge life philosophy truth wisdom Wil Zeus
1798e35 There is no escape--we pay for the violence of our ancestors. legacy life muad-dib philosophy truth wisdom Frank Herbert
48dce51 The sense of tragedy - according to Aristotle - comes, ironically enough, not from the protagonist's weak points but from his good qualities. Do you know what I'm getting at? People are drawn deeper into tragedy not by their defects but by their virtues. ... [But] we accept irony through a device called metaphor. And through that we grow and become deeper human beings. life metaphor wisdom Haruki Murakami
3cd6dbc I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect. breaking-up breakup breakups compromise human humans inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes love motivation motivational motivational-quotes philosophy respect respectable respected respectful respecting respecting-others respecting-yourself self-respect wisdom wisdom-quotes Amit Kalantri
3c64438 "Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to wisdom Brian Tracy
81c0904 Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children. wisdom Kahlil Gibran
92aed4f If curiosity killed the cat, it was satisfaction that brought it back. curiosity curious satisfaction wisdom Holly Black
dccb800 Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality. educational expectation expectations life personality positive teaching wisdom Brian Tracy
814e447 Time is not the great teacher. Experience is. A man may live a whole life, but if he never leaves his home to experience that life, he dies knowing nothing. A mere child who has suffered and lived can be the wiser of the two. suffering time wisdom Lynsay Sands
ab90312 That's not a bad word...hate and war are bad words, but fuck isn't. life philosophy truth wisdom Judy Blume
caeab61 "People who have a religion should be glad, for not everyone has the gift of believing in heavenly things. You don't necessarily even have to be afraid of punishment after death; purgatory, hell, and heaven are things that a lot of people can't accept, but still a religion, it doesn't matter which, keeps a person on the right path. It isn't the fear of God but the upholding of one's own honor and conscience. How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the while day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then, without realizing it you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that: "A quiet conscience mades one strong!" consciousness experience inspirational life life-lessons people true truth wisdom wisdom-quote Anne Frank
885afbc To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble. inspirational life meaning wisdom Bill Watterson
4155144 Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. eternity mind mystery wisdom Edgar Allan Poe
1d9bdb4 Learned we may be with another man's learning: we can only be wise with wisdom of our own. philosophy wisdom Michel de Montaigne
f54a3ed You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward inspirational toltec-wisdom wisdom Don Miguel Ruiz
44b3e89 When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true confidence dreaming inspirational musician wisdom Michael Jackson
0a0f76c There are some experiences in life they haven't invented the right words for. romance sorry wisdom Lisa Kleypas
40a17d1 Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better. best-books excellence good-books happin inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes life life-and-living life-experience life-lessons life-philosophy life-quotes motivation motivational-quotes wisdom Bohdi Sanders
98b37b5 When you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done. wisdom Dr. Seuss
e7c7681 How could I have been so ignorant? she thinks. So stupid, so unseeing, so given over to carelessness. But without such ignorance, such carelessness, how could we live? If you knew what was going to happen, if you knew everything that was going to happen next--if you knew in advance the consequences of your own actions--you'd be doomed. You'd be as ruined as God. You'd be a stone. You'd never eat or drink or laugh or get out of bed in the morning. You'd never love anyone, ever again. You'd never dare to. despair ignorance insight loneliness love sorrow wisdom Margaret Atwood
c2bca8b A bird is safe in its nest - but that is not what its wings are made for. bird inspirational inspirational-quotes philosophy philosophy-of-life true-purpose wings wisdom wisdom-quote Amit Ray
93015b8 I don't think man was meant to attain happiness so easily. Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it. wisdom Alexandre Dumas
1eaa19e Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't three lefts make a right? Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't two negatives make a positive? andrew beautiful clements inspirational ironic life oxemoron paradox wisdom Andrew Clements
db0b296 "We're all fools," said Clemens, "all the time. It's just we're a different kind each day. We think, I'm not a fool today. I've learned my lesson. I was a fool yesterday but not this morning. Then tomorrow we find out that, yes, we were a fool today too. I think the only way we can grow and get on in this world is to accept the fact we're not perfect and live accordingly." change fools perfection wisdom Ray Bradbury
e30e828 You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone. advaita advaita-vedanta alone aloneness awakening awareness enlightenment eternal eternal-life eternal-truths everyone everyone-belongs global-oneness insights inspirational interconnectedness life life-lessons loneliness motivational non-duality nonduality oneness spiritual-growth spiritual-quotes spirituality unity vedanta wisdom wisdom-quotes Amit Ray
b590413 You can't dwell on what might have been...and it's not fair to condemn him for something he hasn't done. grandpa-chet inspirational prejudice wisdom Wendelin Van Draanen
8a6f0c2 He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder. foolish wisdom wonder Tad Williams
cd656a3 I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left. humor inspirational politics slander wisdom Margaret Thatcher
503ce1e But that was life: Nobody got a guided tour to their own theme park. You had to hop on the rides as they presented themselves, never knowing whether you would like the one you were in line for...or if the bastard was going to make you throw up your corn dog and your cotton candy all over the place. humor life-lessons life-sucks random wisdom J.R. Ward
8980c1e No,' Nico said. 'Getting a second life is one thing. Making it a better life, that's the trick.' As soon as he said it, Nico realized he could've been talking about himself. He decided not to bring that up. life nico-di-angelo second-chances wisdom Rick Riordan
fc2f730 Everything you'll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body. wisdom inspirational Dan Millman
d263a06 The future was one thing that could never be broken, because it had not yet had the chance to be anything. be-anything choice future inspirational sarah-dessen unbroken wisdom Sarah Dessen
cccd81e "I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief... I'm not in the business of offending people. I find the books upholding certain values that I think are important, such as life is immensely valuable and this world is an extraordinarily beautiful place. We should do what we can to increase the amount of wisdom in the world. beauty belief book books children-s-books offense paraphrased philip-pullman plot value wisdom young-adult philip pullman
7c20156 Don't go on discussing what a good person should be. Just be one. being goodness inspirational self-actualization wisdom Marcus Aurelius
1da303a Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you. blossoming divinity divinity-within flowering inspirational inspirational-quotes meditation nourishing nourishment nourishment-of-soul wisdom wisdom-quotes yoga Amit Ray
e0f6482 If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going. inspirational proverv wisdom chinese Jodi Picoult
4e152c3 That woman doesn't have the sense God gave a retarded flea. life wisdom Nora Roberts
8c621e2 "The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you wisdom Brian Tracy
1d03ba9 Whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched... death life soul wisdom J.K. Rowling
dcd56e2 Morality is temporary, wisdom is permanent. kingdom-of-fear morality wisdom Hunter S. Thompson
8315426 Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it. inspirational wisdom Jean Jacques Rousseau
5cd54c1 Aren't you, like me, hoping that some person, thing, or event will come along to give you that final feeling of inner well-being you desire? Don't you often hope: 'May this book, idea, course, trip, job, country or relationship fulfill my deepest desire.' But as long as you are waiting for that mysterious moment you will go on running helter-skelter, always anxious and restless, always lustful and angry, never fully satisfied. You know that this is the compulsiveness that keeps us going and busy, but at the same time makes us wonder whether we are getting anywhere in the long run. This is the way to spiritual exhaustion and burn-out. This is the way to spiritual death. p30 wisdom Henri J.M. Nouwen
6b4fd91 It is not so much the major events as the small day-to-day decisions that map the course of our living. . . Our lives are, in reality, the sum total of our seemingly unimportant decisions and of our capacity to live by those decisions. inspirational life wisdom Gordon B. Hinckley
e49bf3f Sometimes wisdom came from strange places, even from giant teenaged goldfish. frank-zhang wisdom Rick Riordan
0221406 I thought to myself: I am wiser than this man; neither of us probably knows anything that is really good, but he thinks he has knowledge, when he has not, while I, having no knowledge, do not think I have. knowledge plato socrates wisdom Plato
7277f44 You don't have to make something that people call art. Living is an artistic activity, there is an art to getting through the day. art cool fun humor inspirational wisdom viggo mortensen
a96d61b But goodness alone is never enough. A hard, cold wisdom is required for goodness to accomplish good. Goodness without wisdom always accomplishes evil. wisdom Robert A. Heinlein
ef6a1f4 I don't think it would have all got me quite so down if just once in a while--just once in a while--there was at least some polite little perfunctory implication that knowledge should lead to wisdom, and that if it doesn't, it's just a disgusting waste of time! But there never is! You never even hear any hints dropped on a campus that wisdom is supposed to be the goal of knowledge. You hardly ever even hear the word 'wisdom' mentioned! education wisdom J.D. Salinger
5e3a7cb If one makes a mistake, then an apology is usually sufficient to get things back on an even keel. However-and this is a big 'however'- most people do not ever know why their apology did not seem to have any effect. It is simply that they did not make a mistake; they made a choice...and never understood the difference between the two. inspirational wisdom Andy Andrews
de6726a You look up when you wish to be exalted. And I look down because I am exalted. wisdom writing Friedrich Nietzsche
be1d826 Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. inspirational opposition wisdom Albert Einstein
074f6ac Some people insist that 'mediocre' is better than 'best.' They delight in clipping wings because they themselves can't fly. They despise brains because they have none. excellence inspirational life philosophy truth wisdom critics Robert A. Heinlein
8b753be Capabilities are clearly manifested only when they have been realized. wisdom women Simone de Beauvoir
8836bb8 Fear can't be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They're like love. They're almost identical emotions. That's why Ares and Aphrodite like each other. Their twin sons - Fear and Panic - were spawned from both war and love. ares fear love piper-mclean wisdom Rick Riordan
8c88fdc "Expect nothing. Live frugally On surprise. become a stranger To need of pity Or, if compassion be freely Given out Take only enough Stop short of urge to plead Then purge away the need. Wish for nothing larger Than your own small heart Or greater than a star; Tame wild disappointment With caress unmoved and cold Make of it a parka For your soul. Discover the reason why So tiny human midget Exists at all So scared unwise truth wisdom alice walker
16e4989 He who binds to himself a jo inspirational wisdom William Blake
fd1d050 Why should we place Christ at the top and summit of the human race? Was he kinder, more forgiving, more self-sacrificing than ? Was he wiser, did he meet death with more perfect calmness, than ? Was he more patient, more charitable, than ? Was he a greater philosopher, a deeper thinker, than ? In what respect was he the superior of ? Was he gentler than , more universal than ? Were his ideas of human rights and duties superior to those of ? Did he express grander truths than ? Was his mind subtler than 's? Was his brain equal to 's or 's? Was he grander in death - a sublimer martyr than ? Was he in intelligence, in the force and beauty of expression, in breadth and scope of thought, in wealth of illustration, in aptness of comparison, in knowledge of the human brain and heart, of all passions, hopes and fears, the equal of , the greatest of the human race? baruch-spinoza bruno buddha buddhism cicero epictetus epicurus gautama-buddha giordano-bruno isaac-newton johannes-kepler kepler kindness laozi newton patience shakespeare socrates spinoza stoicism william-shakespeare wisdom zeno zeno-of-citium zoroaster Robert G. Ingersoll
9b7318c For this feeling of wonder shows that you are a philosopher, since wonder is the only beginning of philosophy. thinking wisdom wondering Plato
e1aebe0 One must find the source within one's own Self, one must possess it. Everything else was seeking -- a detour, an error. wisdom Hermann Hesse
d9546b3 They can't tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed. philosophy wisdom Ken Kesey
1bfcd60 All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose. goal-setting life planning successful-people wisdom Brian Tracy
c7df974 "He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy; wisdom William Blake
f537768 "Is it so far from madness to wisdom?" - Daenerys Targaryen" madness wisdom George R.R. Martin
9822e3e And the fox said to the little prince: men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. animals inspirational responsibility wisdom Antoine de Saint-Exupery
c7dfc38 A wind that blows aimlessly is no good to anyone. purpose wisdom Rick Riordan
b221f30 Maybe it just means that love can be stronger than fear. inspirational love truth wisdom L.J. Smith
f9de5fe Once the writer in every individual comes to life (and that time is not far off), we are in for an age of universal deafness and lack of understanding. prophetic wisdom writing Milan Kundera
7bbb275 Imagine others complexly. inspirational life philosophy wisdom inspiration John Green
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