Pain is a pesky part of being human, I've learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces.
People have to forgive. We don't have to like them, we don't have to be friends with them, we don't have to send them hearts in text messages, but we have to forgive them, to overlook, to forget. Because if we don't we are tying rocks to our feet, too much for our wings to carry!
The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.
For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in doing so, have created a crippled race.
I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness. All seems beautiful to me. Whoever denies me, it shall not trouble me; Whoever accepts me, he or she shall be blessed, and shall bless me.
Anything that you learn becomes your wealth, a wealth that cannot be taken away from you; whether you learn it in a building called school or in the school of life. To learn something new is a timeless pleasure and a valuable treasure. And not all things that you learn are taught to you, but many things that you learn you realize you have taught yourself.
Silk is a fine, delicate, soft, illuminating, beautiful substance. But you can never rip it! If a man takes this tender silk and attempts to tear it, and cannot tear it, is he in his right mind to say "This silk is fake! I thought it was soft, I thought it was delicate, but look, I cannot even tear it" ? Surely, this man is not in his right mind! The silk is not fake! This silk is 100% real. It's the man who is stupid!
If the idea of loving those whom you have been taught to recognize as your enemies is too overwhelming, consider more deeply the observation that we are all much more alike than we are unalike.
"The ignorant learn from none, the simple learn from some, the intelligent learn from many, but enlightened learn from all. The arrogant learn from none, the gracious learn from some, the patient learn from many, but the humble learn from all. The disinterested learn from none, the curious learn from some,
"They have opinions, but no facts; assumptions, but no proof; information, but no reason; arguments, but no evidence; beliefs, but no wisdom; counsel, but no guidance; pleasures, but no peace; luxuries, but no comfort; toys, but no amusement; laughter, but no peace; entertainment, but no bliss; and recreation, but no happiness. They also have charm, but no integrity; eloquence, but no logic; knowledge, but no sense; food, but no satisfaction; money, but no peace; property, but no contentment; entertainment, but no enjoyment; acquaintances, but no friends; creeds, but no conviction; religion, but no faith; pride, but no confidence; mansions, but no home; relationships, but no marriage; children, but no family; laws, but no justice; morals, but no compassion; passion, but no love; sleep, but no rest; days, but no nights;
"When I am around old people, they think I am too foolish. When I am around young people, they think I am too intelligent. When I am around learned people, they think I am too simple. When I am around educated people, they think I am too wise. When I am around proud people, they think I am too weak. When I am around mighty people, they think I am too meek. When I am around cowardly people, they think I am too reckless. When I am around bold people, they think I am too brave. When I am around modest people, they think I am too arrogant. When I am around eminent people, they think I am too humble. When I am around virtuous people, they think I am too complacent.
"If you care about peace, then you should care about justice. If you care about justice, then you should care about truth. If you care about truth, then you should care about integrity. If you care about integrity, then you should care about virtue. If you care about joy, then you should care about happiness. If you care about happiness, then you should care about fufilment. If you care about fufilment,then you should care about needs contentment. If you care about contentment, then you should care about patience. If you care about strength, then you should care about courage. If you care about courage, then you should care about hope. If you care about hope, then you should care about faith. If you care about faith, then you should care about love. If you care about wealth, then you should care about excellence. If you care about excellence, then you should care about hardwork. If you care about hardwork, then you should care about determination. If you care about determination, then you should care about focus. If you care about education, then you should care about schools. If you care about schools, then you should care about students. If you care about students, then you should care about teachers. If you care about teachers, then you should care about salaries. If you care about people, then you should care about communities. If you care about communities, then you should care about cities. If you care about cities, then you should care about provinces. If you care about provinces, then you should care about nations. If you care about yourself, then you should care about life. If you care about life, then you should care about health. If you care about health, then you should care about excersise. If you care about excersise, then you should care about nutrition. If you care about food, then you should care about animals. If you care about animals, then you should care about earth. If you care about earth, then you should care about nature. If you care about nature, then you should care about water. If you care about yesturday, then you should care about today. If you care about today, then you should care about now.
"Rest is good, but laziness is not. Labour is good, but slavery is not. Wine is good, but drunkenness is not. Food is good, but gluttony is not. Money is good, but greed is not. Wealth is good, but selfishness is not. Beauty is good, but vanity is not. Sex is good, but lust is not. Pleasure is good, but sin is not. Amusement is good, but decadence is not. Fame is good, but self importance is not. Confidence is good, but ego is not. Eloquence is good, but flattery is not. Charisma is good, but deception is not. Ambition is good, but self interest is not. Influence is good, but manipulation is not. Authority is good, but tyranny is not. Servitude is good, but bondage is not. Admiration is good, but idolatry is not. Law is good, but injustice is not. Race pride is good, but bigotry is not. Liberty is good, but recklessness is not. Freedom is good, but unruliness is not. Belief is good, but fanaticism is not. Religion is good, but extremism is not.
"It is better to be wise for one day than to be intelligent for a thousand. It is better to know yourself than to understand your enemies. It is better to find yourself than to find a thousand pots of gold. It is better to rule your mind than to rule the world. It is better to fight for justice than to give into tyranny. It is better to live in a pure mind than to reside in a darkened soul. It is better to be remembered as a coward than as a fool. It is better to study yourself than to examine your enemies. It is better to teach young children than to instruct old fools. It is better to strengthen your weaknesses than to celebrate your strengths. It is better to fight your fears than to harbour your anxieties. It is better to win hearts than to ruin souls. It is better to think your highest than to act your lowest. It is better to learn from fools than to ignore the wise. It is better to learn from your mistakes than to celebrate your success. It is better to think for yourself than to allow intellectuals to think for you. It is better to be wise and poor than to be rich and ignorant. It is better to learn from children than to teach the wise. It is better to learn truth from your enemies than lies from your friends. It is better to be ostracized for who you are than to be embraced for who you are not. It is better to be hated for your virtues than to be loved for your vices. It is better to learn from the wise than to teach the foolish. It is better to discover your weaknesses than to glorify your strengths. It is better to heal yourself than to harm your enemies.
"There is no gem like truth, no wealth like knowledge, no treasure like understanding, and no jewel like love. There is no gem like gratitude, no wealth like humility, no treasure like patience, and no jewel like virtue, There is no gem like peace, no wealth like contentment, no treasure like faith, and no jewel like joy. There is no gem like time, no wealth like experience, no treasure like reality, and no jewel like life. There is no gem like prudence, no wealth like health, no treasure like prayer, and no jewel like meditation. There is no gem like nature, no wealth like harmony,
"You were born a giver, don't die a taker. You were born an earner, don't die a begger. You were born a sharer, don't die a hoader. You were born a lover, don't die a hater. You were born a builder, don't die a destroyer. You were born a creator, don't die an immitator. You were born a leader, don't die a follower. You were born a learner, don't die a teacher. You were born a doer, don't die a talker. You were born a dreamer, don't die a doubter. You were born a winner, don't die a loser. You were born an encourager, don't die a shamer. You were born a defender, don't die an aggressor. You were born a liberator, don't die an executioner. You were born a soldier, don't die a murderer. You were born an angel, don't die a monster. You were born a protecter, don't die an attacker. You were born an originator, don't die a repeater. You were born an achiever, don't die a quitter. You were born a victor, don't die a failure. You were born a conqueror, don't die a warrior. You were born a contender, don't die a joker. You were born a producer, don't die a user. You were born a motivator, don't die a discourager. You were born a master, don't die an amateur. You were born an intessessor, don't die an accusor. You were born an emancipator, don't die a backstabber. You were born a sympathizer, don't die a provoker. You were born a healer, don't die a killer. You were born a peacemaker, don't die an instigater. You were born a deliverer, don't die a collaborator.
"It is easier to teach saints than to learn from sinners. It is easier to teach young students than to guide old fools. It is easier to chastise saints than to caution sinners. It is easier to shine in the dark than to glow in the light. It is easier to multiply enemies than to accumulate friends. It is easier to embrace your angel than to face your demons. It is easier to fight an army of opinions than a single truth. It is easier to rise with enemies than to fall with friends. It is easier to fall into sin than to rise into virtue. It is easier to rise from defeat than to rise from ignorance. It is easier to survive a blow from a friend than a kiss from an enemy. It is easier to conquer a thousand devils than a single angel. It is easier to rise from love than to soar from hate. It is easier to move mountains by faith than hills by your hands. It is easier for stars to shine than for truth to glow. It is easier to resist pain than to defy pleasure. It is easier to appease the strong than to wrestle the mighty. It is easier to tame the mind than to bridle the soul. It is easier to fight an army than to grapple with your conscience. It is easier to embrace the future than to understand the past. It is easier for the sun to shine than for the moon to glow. It is easier for small seeds to rise than for big trees to grow. It is easier to heal a wounded heart than a broken soul.
"The quality of authors determines the quality of books. The quality of musicians determines the quality of songs. The quality of artists determines the quality of paintings. The quality of architects determines the quality of buildings. The quality of generals determines the quality of warriors. The quality of preachers determines the quality of sermons. The quality of scientists determines the quality of inventions. The quality of leaders determines the quality of followers. The quality of scholars determines the quality of lectures. The quality of teachers determines the quality of students. The quality of schools determines the quality of graduates. The quality of graduates determines the quality of nations. The quality of plants determines the quality of air. The quality of air determies the quality of animals.
"I resist racists, not intergrationists. I resist seditionists, not abolitionists. I resist propagandists, not journalists. I resist extortionists, not opportunists. I resist chauvinists, not feminists. I embrace activists, not extremists. I embrace nationalists, not terrorists. I embrace intergrationists, not racists. I embrace lobbyists, not imperialists. I embrace conservationists, not depletionists. I believe in liberty, not censorship. I believe in justice, not oppression. I believe in equality, not discrimination. I believe in unity, not conformity. I believe in freedom, not tyranny. I believe in democracy, not despotism. I believe in desegregation, not racism. I believe in fairness, not tribalism. I believe in impartiality, not classism. I believe in emancipation, not sexism. I believe in truth, not lies. I believe in charity, not greed. I believe in peace, not strife. I believe in harmony, not conflict. I believe in love, not hatred. I am a conformist and a futurist. I am a traditionalist and a modernist. I am a fundamentalist and a liberalist. I am an optimist and a pessimist. I am an idealist and a realist. I am a theorist and a pragmatist. I am an industrialist and a philanthropist. I am an anarchist and a pacifist.
"The 15 Principles of Life 1. Count your blessings. 2. Read good books. 3. Discover your gifts. 4. Chase your dreams. 5. Learn from everyone. 6. Forgive your enemies. 7. Protect your friends. 8. Love your family. 9. Do good deeds. 10. Harm none. 11. Hone your skills. 12. Work hard. 13. Use time wisely.
"When I like a black person, they dislike me. When I like a white person, they despise me. When I like a mixed person, they harass me. When I like an illiterate person, they revile me. When I like an educated person, they attack me. When I like a weak person, they berate me. When I like a strong person, they condemn me. When I like a lowly person, they denounce me. When I like an eminent person, they renounce me. When I like a famous person, they disparage me. When I like a rich person, they trouble me. When I like a poor person, they hassle me. When I like an obscure person, they pester me. When I like a young person, they deride me. When I like an old person, they hate me. When I like myself, they slander me. Age doesn't separate us, maturity does. Ethnicity doesn't separate us, prejudice does. Tradition doesn't separate us, bigotry does. Ancestry doesn't separate us, character does. Religion doesn't separate us, ignorance does. Tribe doesn't separate us, intolerance does. Culture doesn't separate us, misunderstanding does. Sex doesn't separate us, bias does. Race doesn't separate us, injustice does. Class doesn't separate us, poverty does. Politics doesn't separate us, corruption does. Gender doesn't separate us, mentality does. Wealth doesn't separate us, greed does. Appearance doesn't separate us, attitude does.
"When you study success, you become a dreamer. When you study failure, you become a victor. When you study organisations, you become a mentor. When you study management, you become a leader. When you study nature, you become a scholar. When you study people, you become a counselor. When you study life, you become a thinker. When you study God, you become a philosopher. When you study magic, you become a sorcerer. When you study stars, you become an astronomer. When you study oracles, you become a seer. When you study visions, you become a diviner. When you study combat, you become a warrior. When you study war, you become a commander. When you study policy, you become a governor. When you study politics, you become a ruler. When you study nothing, you become a loser. When you study little, you become a loafer.
"Having a brain does not make you a thinker. Having a student does not make you a teacher. Having a class does not make you a scholar. Having a degree does not make you a master. Having a sword does not make you a warrior. Having a following does not make you a leader. Having a position does not make you a ruler. Having an army does not make you a conqueror. Having a job does not mean you have a career. Having a servant does not mean you have a helper. Having a mom does not mean you have a nurturer. Having a girlfriend does not mean you have comforter. Having a coach does not mean you have a trainer. Having a class does not mean you have a teacher. Having a son does not mean you have a successor. Having a daughter does not mean you have an inheritor. Having a wife does not mean you have a lover. Having a spouse does not mean you have an admirer. Having a friend does not mean you have a partner. Having a dad does not mean you have a father. Having a professor does not mean you have a teacher. Having a teammate does not mean you have a collaborator.
"Your mind is a paintbrush, your imagination is a canvass, and your thoughts are your masterpiece. Your heart is a paintbrush, your desires are a canvass, and your actions are your masterpiece. Your soul is a paintbrush,
"When I was young, I wanted power. Now that I'm old, I want peace. When I was young, I wanted titles. Now that I'm old, I want contentment. When I was young, I wanted money. Now that I'm old, I want happiness. When I was young, I wanted excitement. Now that I'm old, I want calm. When I was young, I wanted praise. Now that I'm old, I want respect. When I was young, I wanted houses. Now that I'm old, I want fulfillment. When I was young, I wanted cars. Now that I'm old, I want satisfaction. When I was young, I wanted possessions. Now that I'm old, I want experiences. When I was young, I wanted medals. Now that I'm old, I want mastery. When I was young, I wanted lackeys. Now that I'm old, I want companions. When I was young, I wanted amusement. Now that I'm old, I want rest. When I was young, I wanted beauty. Now that I'm old, I want substance. When I was young, I wanted fame. Now that I'm old, I want legacy. When I was young, I wanted command. Now that I'm old, I want freedom. When I was young, I wanted authority. Now that I'm old, I want influence. When I was young, I wanted reputation. Now that I'm old, I want character. When I was young, I wanted treasure. Now that I'm old, I want truth. When I was young, I wanted confidence. Now that I'm old, I want conviction. When I was young, I wanted lovers. Now that I'm old, I want friends. When I was young, I wanted excess. Now that I'm old, I want joy. When I was young, I wanted degrees. Now that I'm old, I want wisdom. When I was young, I wanted university. Now that I'm old, I want nature. When I was young, I wanted prominence. Now that I'm old, I want humanity. When I was young, I wanted accomplishment. Now that I'm old, I want laughter. When I was young, I wanted greatness. Now that I'm old, I want health. When I was young, I wanted resources. Now that I'm old, I want strategies. When I was young, I wanted contacts. Now that I'm old, I want competence. When I was young, I wanted followers. Now that I'm old, I want students. When I was young, I wanted crowds. Now that I'm old, I want intimacy. When I was young, I wanted empires. Now that I'm old, I want dignity. When I was young, I wanted honor. Now that I'm old, I want integrity. When I was young, I wanted popularity. Now that I'm old, I want loyalty. When I was young, I wanted lovers. Now that I'm old, I want children. When I was young, I wanted strength. Now that I'm old, I want youth.
"Doubt your critics, never your dreams; your weaknesses, never your strengths; your enemies, never your friends; and your circumstances, but never doubt yourself. Embrace your intelligence, never your ignorance; your humility, never your pride;
"When the world is anxious, choose to be calm. When the world is hopeless, choose to be confident. When the world is troubled, choose to be determined. When the world is gloomy, choose to be optimistic. When the world is silly, choose to be clever. When the world is incompetent, choose to be effective. When the world is ignorant, choose to be knowledgeable. When the world is foolish, choose to be wise. When the world is perplexed, choose to be rational. When the world is narrow, choose to be tolerant. When the world is vulnerable, choose to be strong. When the world is deceptive, choose to be earnest. When the world is trivial, choose to be sensible. When the world is shallow, choose to be deep.
"Never take anyone for granted. Never apologize for being yourself. Never compare yourself with others. Never live for anyone's approval. Never put down your friends. Never denigrate your enemies. Never applaud yourself. Never embrace your vices. Never shun your virtues. Never trust your fears. Never doubt your strengths. Never accept your weaknesses.
"A rainbow is a storm's masterpiece. A seed is a flower's masterpiece. A rock is a diamond's masterpiece. A butterfly is a caterpillar's masterpiece. A flame is a spark's masterpiece. A drop is an ocean's masterpiece. A brick is a mansion's masterpiece. A cell is a body's masterpiece. A nest is a bird's masterpiece. A flame is a spark's masterpiece. A note is a symphony's masterpiece. A flower is a garden's masterpiece. Herbs are a plant's masterpiece. Honey is a bee's masterpiece. Silk is a spider's masterpiece. Wool is a sheep's masterpiece. Perfume is a flower's masterpiece. Syrup is a tree's masterpiece. Wine is a grape's masterpiece. Fruit is a seed's masterpiece. Pearls are an oyster's masterpiece. Beauty is a sky's masterpiece. Charm is a star's masterpiece. Spring is nature's masterpiece. Time is eternity's masterpiece. Energy is light's masterpiece. Heat is fire's masterpiece. Knowledge is truth's masterpiece. Thoughts are the mind's masterpiece. Desires are the heart's masterpiece. Experiences are the soul's masterpiece. Intelligence is nature's masterpiece. Enlightenment is wisdom's masterpiece. The world is the universe's masterpiece.
"Truth said, "I am your brother." Understanding said, "I am your sister." Knowledge said, "I am your father." Wisdom said, "I am your mother." Shallowness said, "I am your rival." Ignorance said, "I am your enemy."
"Truth always teaches you more than ignorance. Understanding always teaches you more than curiosity. Sight always teaches you more than blindness. Certainty always teaches you more than falsehood. Silence always teaches you more than noise. Stillness always teaches you more than motion. Growth always teaches you more than stagnation. Nature always teaches you more than appearance. Enemies always teach you more than friends. Composure always teaches you more than wrath. Humility always teaches you more than arrogance. Poverty always teaches you more than riches. Sorrow always teaches you more than happiness. Hardship always teaches you more than success. Contentment always teaches you more than greed. Pain always teaches you more than pleasure. Misery always teaches you more than comfort. Love always teaches you more than passion. Action always teaches you more than apathy. God always teaches you more than reality.
"Where there are no bees there is no honey. Where there are no flowers there is no perfume. Where there are no clouds there is no rain. Where there are no stars there is no light. Where there are no roses there are no thorns. Where there are no skies there are no stars. Where there are no storms there are no rainbows. Where there are no animals there are no forests. Where there are no plants there are no jungles. Where there are no seeds there are no harvests. Where there are no spiders there are no webs. Where there are no ants there are no colonies. Where there are no worms there are no fish. Where there are no mice there are no serpents. Where there are no carcasses there are no vultures. Where there are no stones there are no pebbles. Where there are no rocks there are no mountains. Where there are no deserts there are no oases.
"Same eyes, different perception. Same ears, different judgement. Same hands, different skills. Same feet, different destinations. Same minds, different reasoning. Same hearts, different feelings. Same souls, different actions. Same lives, different experiences. Same language, different dialects. Same words, different pronunciation. Same experiences, different reactions. Same wisdom, different understanding. Same knowledge, different application. Same love, different expression. Same ancestry, different races. Same world, different people. One sky, many lands. One story, many books. One truth, many interpretations.
"Don't look for laughter, look for joy. Don't look for pleasure, look for purpose. Don't look for friends, look for mentors. Don't look for lovers, look for soulmates. Don't look for glory, look for virtue. Don't look for entertainment, look for bliss. Don't look for amusement, look for wisdom. Don't look for books, look for knowledge. Don't look for beauty, look for susbtance. Don't look for extravagance, look for modesty. Don't look for praise, look for service. Don't look for reputation, look for character. Don't look for honor, look for respect. Don't look for needs, look for wants. Don't look for riches, look for happiness. Don't look for possessions, look for contentment. Don't look for creeds, look for conviction. Don't look for justice, look for compassion. Don't look for charisma, look for integrity. Don't look for lust, look for love. Don't look for wealth, look for charity. Don't look for power, look for peace. Don't look for fame, look for dignity. Don't look for work, look for a career.
"The distance between truth and lies is integrity, between need and want is contentment, between fate and chance is will, between vice and virtue is intention, between faith and doubt is conviction, between joy and grief is happiness, between strength and weakness is tenacity, between action and fear is courage, between hope and despair is expectation, between wealth and poverty is diligence, between friendship and humility is kindness, between life and death is existence, between eternity and time is reality, between war and peace is diplomacy, between God and intelligence is wisdom, between knowledge and ignorance is education, between sin and righteousness is desire, between God and religion is faith, between blessings and curses is obedience, between faith and science is God, between good and evil is light, between light and darkness is sight,
"Nature needs your care. Animals need your attention. People need your light. The world needs your love. There are five kinds of love: veritable love for God, your parents, your life partner, your friends, and the most difficult of all, your neighbor.
"If you have days, you have riches. If you have months, you have fortune. If you have years, you have treasure. If you have decades, you have wealth. If you have time, you have affluence. If you have excitement, you have luxury. If you have pleasure, you have privilege. If you have peace, you have comfort. If you have happiness, you have prosperity. If you have joy, you have triumph. If you have knowledge, you have currency. If you have understanding, you have capital. If you have discernment, you have assets. If you have insight, you have benefits. If you have wisdom, you have profit. If you have religion, you have influence. If you have philosophy, you have muscle. If you have will, you have strength.
"God is the beginning of life. Life is the beginning of time. Time is the beginning of eternity. Eternity is the beginning of reality. Reality is the beginning of existence.
"When life hands you questions, answer them. When life hands you mysteries, unravel them. When life hands you enigmas, decipher them. When life hands you tasks, accomplish them. When life hands you problems, tackle them. When life hands you skills, develop them. When life hands you talents, sharpen them. When life hands you friends, cherish them. When life hands you family, value them. When life hands you acquaintances, treasure them. When life hands you opponents, confront them. When life hands you acquaintances, celebrate them. When life hands you allies, support them. When life hands you riches, multiply them. When life hands you possessions, protect them. When life hands you pleasures, ration them. When life hands you experiences, relish them. When life hands you students, instruct them. When life hands you mentors, study them. When life hands you teachers, esteem them. When life hands you disciples, inspire them. When life hands you gurus, honor them. When life hands you lessons, remember them. When life hands you teachings, impart them. When life hands you demands, tackle them. When life hands you obstacles, challenge them. When life hands you troubles, overcome them. When life hands you burdens, conquer them. When life hands you titles, cherish them. When life hands you degrees, employ them. When life hands you medals, welcome them.
"The more you love laughter the more you must bear with boredom. The more you love excitement the more you must bear with monotomy. The more you love company the more you must bear with loneliness. The more you love loyalty the more you must bear with distrust. The more you love pleasure the more you must bear with pain. The more you love silence the more you must bear with speech. The more you love solitude the more you must bear with noise. The more you love knowledge the more you must bear with curiosity. The more you love truth the more you must bear with conscience. The more you love vice the more you must bear with guilt. The more you love virtue the more you must bear with temptation. The more you love morality the more you must bear with shame. The more you love freedom the more you must bear with responsibility. The more you love power the more you must bear with restraint. The more you love wisdom the more you must bear with learning. The more you love wealth the more you must bear with risk. The more you love fame the more you must bear with apathy.
"It's not what you take, it's what you give. It's not what you know, it's what you apply. It's not who you lack, it's what you acquire. It's not what you have, it's what has you. It's not what you earn, it's what you save. It's not what you buy, it's what you enjoy. It's not what you seek, it's what you find. It's not what you encounter, it's what you experience. It's not what you think, it's what you believe. It's not what you see, it's what you comprehend. It's not what you feel, it's what you value. It's not what you do, it's what you accomplish. It's not what you want, it's what you pursue. It's not what you chase, it's what you attract. It's not what you avoid, it's what you follow. It's not what you intend, it's what you execute. It's not what you mask, it's what you reveal. It's not what you desire, it's what you need. It's not what you receive, it's what you embrace. It's not what you demand, it's what you deserve. It's not what you lose, it's what you gather. It's not what you cherish, it's what you honor.
"You can be an intellectual without a question, an academic without an answer, a lecturer without a lesson, a guru without a disciple, a master without a student, a general without an army, a scholar without a theory, a scientist without a discovery, an inventor without an invention, a warrior without a weapon, a preacher without a sermon, a prophet without a prophecy, a seer without a revelation, a sorcerer without a spell, a professor without a message, a leader without a follower, a dreamer without a vision, a healer without a patient, a ruler without a nation,
"Wisdom is more valuable than knowledge. Truth is more valuable than opinion. Discernment is more valuable than intelligence. Intuition is more valuable than vision. Observation is more valuable than hearing. Experience is more valuable than education. Compassion is more valuable than titles. Character is more valuable than reputation. Integrity is more valuable than intellect. Honor is more valuable than admiration. Patience is more valuable than passion. Joy is more valuable than happiness. Peace is more valuable than riches. Faith is more valuable than religion. Meekness is more valuable than might. Confidence is more valuable than strength. Love is more valuable than desire. Reality is more valuable than fantasy.
"Money: My Thesis Money can buy you comfort, but it can't buy you peace. Money can buy you pleasure, but it can't buy you happiness. Money can buy you food, but it can't buy you contentment. Money can buy you delight, but it can't buy you love. Money can buy you praise, but it can't buy you honor. Money can buy you titles, but it can't buy you respect. Money can buy you neighbors, but it can't buy you friends. Money can buy you crowds, but it can't buy you God. Money can buy you religion, but it can't buy you faith. Money can buy you education, but it can't buy you wisdom. Money can buy you medicine, but it can't buy you health. Money can buy you time, but it can't buy you life. Money can buy you a compass, but it can't buy you purpose. Money can buy you luck, but it can't buy you fate. Money can buy you advisers, but it can't buy you certainty. Money can buy you today, but it can't buy you tomorrow. Money can buy you fish, but it can't buy you the ocean. Money can buy you land, but it can't buy you the world. Money can buy you aeroplanes, but it can't buy you the skies.
"Where there's strength there's courage. Where there's courage there's hope. Where there's hope there's faith. Where there's faith there's power. Where there's truth there's knowledge. Where there's knowledge there's understanding.
"People that think are many, people that reason are few. People that theorize are many, people that prove are few. People that speculate are many, people that know are few. People that assume are many, people that verify are few. People that hear are many, people that listen are few. People that preach are many, people that practice are few. People that see are many, people that observe are few. People that recall are many, people that comprehend are few. People that question are many, people that answer are few. People that entertain are many, people that educate are few. People that misguide are many, people that enlighten are few. People that lecture are many, people that demonstrate are few. People that start are many, people that finish are few. People that quit are many, people that persevere are few. People that fall are many, people that rise are few. People that compete are many, people that win are few. People that criticize are many, people that inspire are few. People that blame are many, people that pardon are few. People that condemn are many, people that console are few. People that undermine are many, people that strengthen are few. People that take are many, people that give are few. People that teach are many, people that mentor are few. People that harm are many, people that heal are few. People that doubt are many, people that believe are few. People that wish are many, people that strive are few. People that plan are many, people that prevail are few. People that lose are many, people that gain are few. People that fail are many, people that succeed are few. People that imitate are many, people that originate are few. People that innovate are many, people that invent are few. People that conceive are many, people that realize are few. People that dream are many, people that achieve are few. People that divide are many, people that unify are few. People that follow are many, people that lead are few. People that command are many, people that influence are few. People that control are many, people that guide are few. People that feel are many, people that empathize are few. People that yearn are many, people that fulfill are few. People that trust are many, people that are devoted are few. People that age are many, people that mature are few. People that rage are many, people that forgive are few. People that despair are many, people that hope are few. People that fear are many, people that love are few.
"Plan for today, and you are prudent. Plan for tomorrow, and you are intelligent. Plan for today and tomorrow, and you are wise. Cherish hours, for they become days. Value days, for they become years. Treasure years, for they become decades;
"If you want knowledge, read daily. If you want understanding, study regularly. If you want wisdom, reason continually. If you want kindness, give constantly. If you want joy, laugh frequently. If you want faith, believe firmly. If you want peace, meditate consistently. If you want mercy, forgive unconditionally. If you want love, give charitably. If you want equality, object intelligently. If you want freedom, protest strongly. If you want justice, fight forcefully. If you want morals, live religiously. If you want strength, excersise vigorously. If you want power, plot brilliantly. If you want fame, shine resiliently. If you want riches, strive habitually. If you want success, work diligently. If you want fufilment, love abundantly.
"If you ask God for wisdom, He will give you a problem. If you ask God for success, He will give you a duty. If you ask God for riches, He will give you a dream. If you ask God for power, He will give you a task. If you ask God for patience, He will give you a burden. If you ask God for strength, He will give you a load. If you ask God for love, He will give you an enemy. If you ask God for virtue, He will give you a temptation. If you ask God for faith, He will give you a prophecy. If you ask God to be a leader, He will make you a servant. If you ask God to be a general, He will make you a soldier. If you ask God to be a teacher, He will make you a student. If you ask God to be a scholar, He will make you a thinker. If you ask God to be a writer, He will make you a reader. If you ask God to be an artist, He will make you a daydreamer. If you ask God to be a pope, He will make you a priest.
"The clever seek comfort, the wise seek peace. The clever seek pleasure, the wise seek contentment. The clever seek riches, the wise seek happiness. The clever seek laughter, the wise seek joy. The clever seek company, the wise seek comrades. The clever seek crowds, the wise seek friends. The clever seek approval, the wise seek respect. The clever seek fame, the wise seek reverence. The clever seek acquaintances, the wise seek allies. The clever seek accomplices, the wise seek helpers. The clever seek associates, the wise seek partners. The clever seek connections, the wise seek mentors. The clever seek accolades, the wise seek excellence. The clever seek recognition, the wise seek awards. The clever seek prominence, the wise seek followers. The clever seek leadership, the wise seek impact. The clever seek power, the wise seek influence. The clever seek titles, the wise seek respect. The clever seek fame, the wise seek dignity. The clever seek glory, the wise seek integrity. The clever seek wants, the wise seek needs. The clever seek luxury, the wise seek convenience. The clever seek enjoyment, the wise seek fulfillment. The clever seek entertainment, the wise seek rest. The clever seek style, the wise seek grace. The clever seek brains, the wise seek heart. The clever seek appearance, the wise seek etiquette. The clever seek beauty, the wise seek honesty. The clever seek opinions, the wise seek facts. The clever seek truth, the wise seek knowledge. The clever seek ideas, the wise seek wisdom. The clever seek adventure, the wise seek discovery. The clever seek questions, the wise seek answers. The clever seek problems, the wise seek solutions. The clever seek amusement, the wise seek books.
"Where there is no rest there is energy. Where there is no disruption there is normality. Where there is no profit there is bankruptcy. Where there is no gain there is insolvency. Where there is no injury there is safety. Where there is no team there is individuality. Where there is no hindrance there is opportunity. Where there is no injury there is safety. Where there is no sense there is inefficiency. Where there is no failiure there is competency. Where there is no decline there is industry. Where there is no strength there is infirmity. Where there is no idleness there is activity. Where there is no weakness there is intensity. Where there is no failiure there is industry. Where there is no leadership there is anarchy. Where there is no repetition there is originality. Where there is no increase there is deficiency. Where there is no ignorance there is capacity. Where there is no impotence there is ability. Where there is no falseness there is authenticity. Where there is no excellence there is mediocrity. Where there is no mistake there is quality. Where there is no amatuer there is ingenuity.
"When leaders confront you, allow them. When leaders criticize you, permit them. When leaders annoy you, tolerate them. When leaders oppose you, debate them. When leaders provoke you, challenge them. When leaders encourage you, appreciate them. When leaders protect you, value them. When leaders help you, cherish them. When leaders guide you, treasure them. When leaders inspire you, revere them. When leaders fail you, pardon them. When leaders disappoint you, forgive them. When leaders exploit you, defy them. When leaders abandon you, disregard them. When leaders betray you, discipline them. When leaders regard you, acknowledge them. When leaders accommodate you, embrace them. When leaders favor you, esteem them. When leaders bless you, honor them. When leaders reward you, promote them. When your leaders are weak, uphold them. When your leaders are discouraged, comfort them. When your leaders are disappointed, strengthen them. When your leaders are defeated, encourage them. When your leaders are dejected, revitalize them. When your leaders are strong, approve them. When your leaders are brave, applaud them. When your leaders are determined, extol them. When your leaders are persevering, endorse them. When your leaders are fierce, exalt them. When your leaders are abusive, rebuke them. When your leaders are manipulative, chastise them. When your leaders are corrupt, punish them. When your leaders are evil, imprison them. When your leaders are tyrannical, overthrow them. When your leaders are considerate, receive them. When your leaders are compassionate, welcome them. When your leaders are appreciative, love them. When your leaders are generous, praise them. When your leaders are kind, venerate them. When your leaders are clever, keep them. When your leaders are prudent, trust them. When your leaders are shrewd, observe them. When your leaders are wise, believe them. When your leaders are enlightened, follow them. When your leaders are naive, caution them. When your leaders are shallow, teach them. When your leaders are unschooled, educate them. When your leaders are stupid, impeach them. When your leaders are foolish, depose them. When your leaders are able, empower them. When your leaders are open, engage them. When your leaders are honest, support them. When your leaders are impartial, respect them. When your leaders are noble, serve them. When your leaders are incompetent, train them. When your leaders are unqualified, develop them. When your leaders are dishonest, admonish them.
"If you value knowledge, you will hate ignorance. If you value understanding, you will hate shallowness. If you value intelligence, you will hate imprudence. If you value wisdom, you will hate foolishness. If you value hope, you will hate gloominess. If you value faith, you will hate anxiousness. If you value joy, you will hate cheerlessness.
"It is death that makes life precious, darkness that makes light precious, dirt that makes flowers precious, storms that make rainbows precious, pain that makes pleasure precious, chaos that makes harmony precious, space that makes matter precious, clutter that makes orderliness precious, chance that makes certainty precious, eternity that makes time precious, truth that makes reality precious, silence that makes speech precious, rest that makes motion precious, opinions that make facts precious, strife that makes peace precious, curiosity that makes knowledge precious, suspicion that makes evidence precious, fear that makes caution precious, slavery that makes freedom precious, oblivion that makes existence precious,
"You don't need money to be generous. You don't need education to be wise. You don't need fame to be important. You don't need charisma to be influential. You don't need titles to be honorable. You don't need awards to be special. You don't need medals to be extraordinary. You don't need consent to be yourself. You don't need approval to be unique. You don't need a license to be creative. You don't need authorization to dream. You don't need acceptance to be gifted. You don't need youth to be a champion. You don't need old age to be a hero. You need skill, not temper, to be a warrior. You need love, not rage, to be an activist. You need compassion, not robes, to be a priest. You need confidence, not ego, to be a politician. You need integrity, not charm, to be a leader.
"Time is the bridge between life and death. Truth is the bridge between illusion and reality. Trust is the bridge between confidence and fear. Conviction is the bridge between doubt and belief. Certainty is the bridge between hesitation and assurance. Knowledge is the bridge between facts and reason. Wisdom is the bridge between intelligence and spirituality. Integrity is the bridge between character and reputation. Emotion is the bridge between contentment and desire. Joy is the bridge between happiness and excitement. Desire is the bridge between need and want. Urgency is the bridge between action and indecision. Consequence is the bridge between deed and outcome. Freewill is the bridge between fate and chance. Light is the bridge between humanity and divinity. Infinity is the bridge between nothing and everything. Peace is the bridge between war and reconciliation.
"It doesn't cost much to hate, but it costs you everything to love. It doesn't cost much to fall, but it costs you everything to rise. It doesn't cost much to doubt, but it costs you everything to believe. It doesn't cost much to forget, but it costs you everything to remember. It doesn't cost much to take, but it costs you everything to give. It doesn't cost much to create, but it costs you everything to destroy. It doesn't cost much to seek, but it costs you everything to find. It doesn't cost much to command, but it costs you everything to obey. It doesn't cost much to destroy, but it costs you everything to build. It doesn't cost much to hinder, but it costs you everything to help. It doesn't cost much to harm, but it costs you everything to heal. It doesn't cost much to revenge, but it costs you everything to forgive. It doesn't cost much to condenm, but it costs you everything to sympathize. It doesn't cost much to assume, but it costs you everything to prove. It doesn't cost much to ignore, but it costs you everything to understand. It doesn't cost much to despise, but it costs you everything to honor. It doesn't cost much to blame, but it costs you everything to praise. It doesn't cost much to denounce, but it costs you everything to appluad. It doesn't cost much to rest, but it costs you everything to work. It doesn't cost much to surrender, but it costs you everything to conquer. It doesn't cost much to lose, but it costs you everything to win. It doesn't cost much to fail, but it costs you everything to succeed. It doesn't cost much to rest, but it costs you everything to work. It doesn't cost much to die, but it costs you everything to live. It doesn't cost much to sit, but it costs you everything to stand. It doesn't cost much to walk, but it costs you everything to run. It doesn't cost much to jog, but it costs you everything to soar. It doesn't cost much to follow, but it costs you everything to lead.
"If you annoy others, others will annoy you. If you offend others, others will offend you. If you anger others, others will anger you. If you hurt others, others will hurt you. If you abuse others, others will abuse you. If you hate others, others will hate you. If you comfort others, others will comfort you. If you help others, others will help you. If you respect others, others will respect you. If you honor others, others will honor you.
"Don't look for knowledge, look for wisdom. Don't look for opinions, look for facts. Don't look for theories, look for evidence. Don't look for speculation, look for certainties. Don't look for certificates, look for competance. Don't look for degrees, look for diligence. Don't look for position, look for influence. Don't look for jobs, look for a career. Don't look for skills, look for talents. Don't look for approval, look for individuality. Don't look for validation, look for self acceptance. Don't look for empires, look for happiness. Don't look for popularity, look for excellence. Don't look for acclaim, look for performance. Don't look for conquests, look for brilliance. Don't look for followers, look for friends. Don't look for muscles, look for courage. Don't look for appearance, look for character. Don't look for body, look for heart. Don't look for sexmates, look for helpmates. Don't look for vengance, look for mercy. Don't look for fate, look for opportunity. Don't look for luck, look for destiny. Don't look for fate, look for opportunity. Don't look for wealth, look for health. Don't look for today, look for tomorrow. Don't look for miracles, look for faith. Don't look for religion, look for love. Don't look for messiahs, look for peace.
"Where knowledge ends wisdom begins. Where intelligence ends intuition begins. Where darkness ends light begins. Where ignorance ends enlightenment begins. Where the mind ends the soul begins. Where life ends death begins. Where time ends eternity begins. Where chance ends fate begins.
"If you cannot rule over your mind, you cannot rule over your heart. If you cannot rule over your heart, you cannot rule over your soul. If you cannot rule over your soul, you cannot rule over your life.
"I don't want to be admired, I just want to be useful. I don't want to be idolized, I just want to be helpful. I don't want to be great, I just want to be successful. I don't want to be immortalized, I just want to be beneficial. I don't want to be rich, I just want to be cheerful. I don't want to be famous, I just want to be peaceful. I don't want to be eminent, I just want to be blissful. I don't want to be powerful, I just want to be joyful. I don't want to be influential, I just want to be functional. I don't want to be worshiped, I just want to be capable.
"Think, but don't fret. Ponder, but don't worry. Contemplate, but don't fuss. Decide, but don't agonize. Speak, but don't babble. Emphasize, but don't exaggerate. Debate, but don't argue. Confront, but don't offend. Challenge, but don't provoke. Praise, but don't flatter. Respect, but don't cower. Defy, but don't threaten. Oppose, but don't antagonize. Contradict, but don't alienate. Bow, but don't yield. Humor, but don't insult. Honor, but don't idolize. Revere, but don't worship. Pamper, but don't spoil. Assist, but don't indulge. Discipline, but don't harm. Chastise, but don't bruise. Adapt, but don't settle. Nurture, but don't coddle. Cherish, but don't pander. Admire, but don't fawn.
"You have beautiful ears if you listen to the plight of others, beautiful hands if you carry the burdens of others, beautiful eyes if you look out for others, beautiful feet if you visit others, a beautiful tongue if you encourage others, a beautiful mind if you enlighten others,
"Who are you?" the little boy asked the voice. "I am time," the voice replied. "Who is time?" he curiously inquired. "I am the past which comes to teach you.
"Knowledge is older than ignorance. Understanding is older than intolerance. Intuition is older than intelligence. Innocence is older than guilt. Clarity is older than compassion. Order is older than anarchy. Calmness is older than turmoil. Peace is older than war. Life is older than death. Existence is older than oblivion. Reality is older than life. Eternity is older than time. Thought is older than desire. Motive is older than feat. Action is older than experience. Faith is older than religion. Truth is older than uncertainty. Love is older than passion. Joy is older than pleasure. Need is older than want. Reason is older than emotion. The soul is older than the heart. The heart is older than the mind. The mind is older than the body. The universe is older than the sky.
"Confidence makes you strong, not proud. Composure makes you tough, not timid. Courage makes you bold, not arrogant. Prudence makes you practical, not intolerant. Respect makes you honorable, not weak. Humility makes you modest, not spineless. Silence makes you prudent, not feeble. Meekness makes you gentle, not helpless. Kindness makes you caring, not vulnerable. Charity makes you compassionate, not spineless. Mercy makes you sympathetic, not fragile. Patience makes you cautious, not powerless. Piety makes you noble, not bigoted. Loyalty makes you trustworthy, not foolish. Justice makes you fair, not vengeful. Integrity makes you strong, not stern. Chastity makes you disciplined, not narrow. Wealth makes you prominent, not selfish. Power makes you influential, not self centered. Honor makes you important, not narcissistic. Fame makes you privileged, not spoiled. Servitude makes you respectable, not sycophantic. Self-control makes you dignified, not self-righteous. Discipline makes you focused, not obsessed. Imagination makes you special, not odd. Pleasure makes you happy, not corruptible. Goodness makes you saintly, not narrow. Faith makes you spiritual, not obstinate.
"When Africa suffers the Middle East suffers, when the Middle East suffers Asia suffers, when Asia suffers Europe suffers, when Europe suffers America suffers, and when America suffers the world suffers. What you learn from black people you won't learn from white people. What you learn from white people you won't learn from black people. What you learn from one people you won't learn from another people.
"You don't have to be educated to be intelligent, eloquent to be wise, rich to be powerful, famous to be important, shameful to be popular, prominent to be superior, wealthy to be generous, influential to be fortunate, celebrated to be kind, famous to be hopeful, shameful to be happy, celebrated to be blessed, heartless to be strong, militant to be firm, loud to be assertive, cocky to be ambitious, overbearing to be dominant, nor aggressive to be determined. And you also don't have to be connected to be successful, gifted to be great, talented to be exceptional, connected to be brilliant, gifted to be extraordinary, talented to be successful, weak to be humble, frail to be meek, timid to be gentle, delicate to be humane, tame to be peaceful, vulnerable to be moderate, schooled to be cultured, literate to be civilized, conceited to be sophisticated,
"If you believe in learning, you believe in inquiry. If you believe in education, you believe in literacy. If you believe in knowledge, you believe in curiosity. If you believe in understanding, you believe in practicality. If you believe in reason, you believe in sanity. If you believe in wisdom, you believe in sagacity. If you believe in dreams, you believe in fantasy. If you believe in diligence, you believe in prosperity. If you believe in exellence, you believe in mastery. If you believe in brilliance, you believe in longevity. If you believe in wealth, you believe in luxury. If you believe in justice, you believe in liberty. If you believe in tolerance, you believe in equality. If you believe in respect, you believe in courtesy. If you believe in manners, you believe in civility. If you believe in honor, you believe in decency. If you believe in culture, you believe in history. If you believe in tradition, you believe in stability. If you believe in order, you believe in harmony. If you believe in time, you believe in eternity. If you believe in fate, you believe in destiny. If you believe in life, you believe in reality. If you believe in permanance, you believe in infinity. If you believe in virtue, you believe in morality. If you believe in peace, you believe in humanity. If you believe in love, you believe in divinity. If you believe in God, you believe in spirituality. If you believe in faith, you believe in expectancy. If you believe in religion, you believe in sanctity.
"They have courage, but not your faith; patience, but not your long suffering; composure, but not your discipline; skill, but not your talent; ability, but not your mastery; ego, but not your confidence; facts, but not your truth; money, but not your wealth; possessions, but not your joy; intelligence, but not your wisdom; strength, but not your power; connections, but not your character; education, but not your experience; position, but not your authority; force, but not your command; awards, but not your merit; titles, but not your honor; recognition, but not your dignity; fame, but not your influence;
"The most beautiful eyes haven't been seen yet; the most beautiful tongue hasn't been heard yet; the most beautiful hands haven't been held yet; the most beautiful mind hasn't been understood yet; the most beautiful heart hasn't been felt yet; and the most beautiful life hasn't been lived yet. The most beautiful thought hasn't been contemplated yet; the most beautiful desire hasn't been savored yet; the most beautiful experience hasn't been relished yet; the most beautiful impression hasn't been formed yet; the most beautiful characteristic hasn't been discovered yet; and the most beautiful person hasn't been identified yet. The most beautiful sky hasn't been viewed yet; the most beautiful star hasn't been detected yet; the most beautiful galaxy hasn't been explored yet; the most beautiful cosmos haven't been observed yet;
"Need is stronger than want. Action is stronger than speech. Persuasion is stronger than force. Influence is stronger than authority. Progress is stronger than movement. Momentum is stronger than activity. Perfection is stronger than excellence. Consequence is stronger than action. Knowledge is stronger than ignorance. Instinct is stronger understanding. Wisdom is stronger than intelligence. Certainty is stronger than perception. Contentment is stronger than desire. Joy is stronger than happiness. Faith is stronger than courage. Love is stronger than yearning. Truth is stronger than reality. Fate is stronger than chance.
"You are a result of your thoughts, not your circumstances; a result of your character, not your reputation; a result of your wisdom, not your education; a result of your discipline, not your limitations; a result of your talents, not your connections; a result of your understanding, not your fame; a result of your generosity, not your riches; a result of your excellence, not your titles; a result of your influence, not your position; a result of your skills, not your ambition; a result of your humanity, not your luxury; a result of your tenacity, not your opposition; a result of your intellect, not your appearance;
"Live by brains, not by brawn; by principle, not by sentiment; by facts, not by opinions; by faith, not by fear; by reason, not by emotions; by purpose, not by paycheck; by needs, not by wants; by reason, not by ignorance; by humility, not by ego; by gratitude, not by bitterness; by kindness, not by greed; by mercy, not by wrath; by compassion, not by hate; by diplomacy, not by strife; by honor, not by disrespect; by logic, not by tradition; by integrity, not by culture; by peace, not by tribe; by dignity, not by race;
"If the past could be changed, it would not exist. If the future could be stopped, it would not survive. If the present could be avoided, it would not prevail. Time is everyone's acquaintance, life is everyone's friend,
A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests. Mankind, it seems, makes a poorer performance of government than of almost any other human activity. In this sphere, wisdom, which may be defined as the exercise of judgment acting on experience, common sense and available information, is less operative and more frustrated than it should be. Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests? Why does intelligent mental process seem so often not to function?
"Hate subtracts from your life. Virtue adds to your life. Love multiplies your life. Envy divides your life. When full of love, the heart is at its highest potential. When full of lust, the heart is at a mediocre potential. When full of greed, the heart is at its lowest potential.
"Where there is patience there is strength. Where there is contentment there is bliss. Where there is integrity there is trust. Where there is joy there is happiness. Where there is kindness there is mercy. Where there is hope there is courage. Where there is love there is power. Where there is truth there is freedom. Where there is prudence there is caution. Where there is humility there is honor. Where there is charity there is goodness. Where there is justice there is peace. Where there is freedom there is responsibility. Where there is tolerance there is diversity. Where there is order there is harmony. Where there is tolerance there is diversity. Where there is silence there is stillness. Where there is health there is wealth. Where there is knowledge there is treasure.
"Knowledge is a student, truth is its master; you are no higher than what you know. Perception is a student, understanding is its master; you are no higher than what you grasp. Curiosity is a student, truth is its master; you are no higher than what you desire. Intelligence is a student, wisdom is its master; you are no higher than what you understand. Happiness is a student, joy is its master; you are no higher than what you appreciate. Tolerance is a student, understanding is its master; you are no higher than what you bear. Desire is a student, contentment is its master; you are no higher than what you experience. Truth is a student, virtue is its master; you are no higher than what you practise. Hope is a student, faith is its master; you are no higher than what you believe. Want is a student, need is its master; you are no higher than what you seek. Peace is a student, contentment is its master; you are no higher than what you enjoy. Passion is a student, love is its master; you are no higher than what you share. Insight is a student, discernment is its master; you are no higher than what you perceive. Humanity is a student, nature is its master; you are no higher than what you cherish. Science is a student, creation is its master; you are no higher than what you conceive. Art is a student, ingenuity is its master; you are no higher than what you create. Life is a student, God is its master; you are no higher than what you esteem. The world is a student, the universe is its master; you are no higher than what you comprehend.
"There is genius in plants, look how they make herbs. There is genius in flowers, look how they make scents. There is genius in trees, look how they make fruits. There is genius in seeds, look how they make forests. There is genius in bees, look how they make honey. There is genius in birds, look how they make nests. There is genius in spiders, look how they make webs. There is genius in ants, look how they make colonies. There is genius in clouds, look how they make rain. There is genius in storms, look how they make rainbows. There is genius in stars, look how they make light. There is genius in galaxies, look how they make planets. There is genius in order, look how it makes structure. There is genius in space, look how it makes distance. There is genius in momentum, look how it makes force. There is genius in stillness, look how it makes silence. There is genius in time, look how it makes fate. There is genius in sound, look how it makes music. There is genius in movement, look how it makes energy. There is genius in nature, look how it makes life. There is genius in intelligence, look how it makes reason. There is genius in understanding, look how it makes insights. There is genius in intuition, look how they make choices. There is genius in wisdom, look how it makes judgments. There is genius in minds, look how they make thoughts. There is genius in hearts, look how they make desires. There is genius in souls, look how they make experiences. There is genius in cells, look how they make bodies. There is genius in children, look how they make tales. There is genius in youth, look how they make questions. There is genius in adults, look how they make answers. There is genius in elders, look how they make proverbs. There is genius in the past, look how it makes memories. There is genius in the present, look how it makes reality. There is genius in the future, look how it makes destinies.
"Don't beg for houses, build them. Don't beg for jobs, create them. Don't beg for degrees, acquire them. Don't beg for titles, earn them. Don't beg for opportunities, provide them. Don't beg for helpers, draw them. Don't beg for possessions, attain them. Don't beg for followers, win them. Don't beg for admirers, multiply them. Don't beg for money, work for it. Don't beg for power, contest for it. Don't beg for success, strive for it. Don't beg for respect, achieve for it. Don't beg for friendship, love for it. Don't beg for eminence, perform for it. Don't beg for honor, accomplish for it. Don't beg for devotion, contest it. Don't beg for love, serve for it. Don't beg for understanding, yearn for it. Don't beg for freedom, struggle for it. Don't beg for equality, vote for it. Don't beg for justice, combat for it. Don't beg for peace, battle for it. Don't beg for change, push for it. Don't beg for education, labor for it.
"If you value information, you will value truth. If you value truth, you will value knowledge. If you value knowledge, you will value insight. If you value insight, you will value understanding. If you value understanding, you will value wisdom. If you value wisdom, you will value enlightenment. If you value peace, you will value contentment. If you value contentment, you will value happiness. If you value happiness, you will value joy. If you value joy, you will value hope.
"If you love people, and they hate you, esteem them anyway. If you help people, and they hurt you, sustain them anyway. If you embrace people, and they shun you, cherish them anyway. If you console people, and they hate you, respect them anyway. If you trust people, and they betray you, appreciate them anyway. If you teach people, and they ignore you, enlighten them anyway. If you adore people, and they shun you, honor them anyway. If you applaud people, and they despise you, regard them anyway. If you forgive people, and they offend you, shelter them anyway. If you defend people, and they attack you, uphold them anyway.
"The universe appeals to your sense, not your senselessness; your understanding, not your shallowness; your discernment, not your blindness; your intellect, not your nonsense; your rationale, not your recklessness; your knowledge, not your ignorance; your wisdom, not your imprudence; your insight, not your brainlessness; and your enlightenment, not your foolishness. The universe also appeals to your enjoyment, not your sadness; your courage, not your fearfulness; your hope, not your bitterness; your humility, not your arrogance; your honesty, not your deceitfulness; your mercy, not your ruthlessness; your charity, not your stinginess;
"Look into my mind, and you will see my individuality. Look into my heart, and you will see my personality. Look into my soul, and you will see my destiny. Look into my past, and you will see my misery. Look into my present, and you will see my agony. Look into my future, and you will see my victory. Look into my world, and you will see my poverty. Look into my sky, and you will see my adversity.
"One bee does not make a swarm. One wasp does not make a nest. One wolf does not make a pack. One bull does not make a herd. One dog does not make a litter. One sheep does not make a flock. One lion does not make a pride. One branch does not make a tree. One pebble does not make a hill. One rock does not make a mountain. One dune does not make a desert. One spark does not make a flame. One finger does not make a hand. One color does not make a rainbow. One leaf does not make a plant. One flower does not make a garden. One seed does not make a forest. One drop does not make an ocean. One cloud does not make a sky.
"Where truth rises ignorance falls. Where certainty rises speculation falls. Where pleasure rises pain falls. Where joy rises grief falls. Where love rises fear falls. Where modesty rises ego falls. Where tolerance rises injustice falls. Where mercy rises vengance falls. Where integrity rises distrust falls. Where justice rises crime falls. Where equality rises abuse falls. Where freedom rises slavery falls. Where wealth rises poverty falls. Where knowledge rises illiteracy falls. Where wisdom rises dullness falls. Where harmoney rises anarchy falls. Where peace rises turmoil falls. Where order rises chaos falls. Where faith rises doubt falls. Where light rises darkness falls.
"Where there is speech there was once silence. Where there is motion there was once rest. Where there is matter there was once space. Where there is order there was once chaos. Where there is energy there was once potential. Where there is reality there was once perception. Where there is belief there was once ignorance. Where there is fact there was once opinion. Where there is knowledge there was once truth. Where there is evidence there was once theory. Where there is certainty there was once speculation. Where there is intuition there was once insight. Where there is prudence there was once understanding. Where there is pleasure there was once pain. Where there is compassion there was once grief. Where there is peace there was once strife. Where there is faith there was once doubt. Where there is hope there was once apathy. Where there is caution there was once fear. Where there is judgement there was once suspicion. Where there is freedom there was once duty. Where there is good there was once evil. Where there is love there was once affection. Where there is right there was once wrong. Where there is now there was once before. Where there is tomorrow there was once today.
"No matter how tall or wide a tree is, it started off a seed. No matter how tall or wide a building is, it started off a brick. No matter how tall or wide a fire is, it started off a flame. No matter how tall or wide a mountain is, it started off a rock. No matter how tall or wide a baby is, he started off a cell. No matter how deep or wide a heart is, it started off a spirit. No matter how deep or wide an idea is, it started off a thought. No matter how deep or wide a concept is, it started off a desire. No matter how deep or wide a memory is, it started off an experience. No matter how deep or wide an experience is, it started off an awareness. No matter how deep or wide a stream is, it started off a puddle. No matter how deep or wide a river is, it started off a stream. No matter how deep or wide a lake is, it started off a river.
"The first teachers I met in life were: my mother, hardship, and death. The first mentors I met in life were: friends, family, and mentors. The first lecturers I met in life were: intuition, experience, and conscience. The first professors I met in life were: nature, books, and truth. The first educators I met in life were: the past, the present, and the future. The first scholars I met in life were: the mind, the heart, and the soul.
"Unity is good, but conformity is not. Servitude is good, but slavery is not. Submission is good, but bondage is not. Individualism is good, but insubordination is not. Devotion is good, but radicalism is not. Loyalty is good, but sycophancy is not. Risk is good, but irresponsibility is not. Courage is good, but unruliness is not. Calm is good, but cowardice is not. Caution is good, but panic is not. Coolness is good, but apathy is not. Composure is good, but shyness is not. Excitement is good, but agitation is not. Force is good, but cruelty is not. Might is good, but bullying is not. Mercy is good, but weakness is not. Sympathy is good, but frailty is not. Order is good, but oppression is not. Power is good, but despotism is not. Serenity is good, but timidity is not. Government is good, but bureaucracy is not. Politics is good, but politicians are not. Leadership is good, but autocracy is not. Justice is good, but revenge is not. Chastisement is good, but wrath is not. Integrity is good, but self-righteousness is not.
"I embrace you despite your race. I accept you despite your religion. I admire you despite your education. I welcome you despite your gender. I love you despite your status. I need you despite your politics. You are my brothers, you are my sisters, you are my mothers, and you are my fathers.
"Don't strive to be clever, strive to be sensible. Don't strive to be mighty, strive to be amiable. Don't strive to be eminent, strive to be helpful. Don't strive to be successful, strive to be useful. Don't strive to be rich, strive to be valuable. Don't strive to be great, strive to be humble. Don't strive to teach, strive to be knowledgable. Don't strive to preach, strive to be insightful. Don't strive to compete, strive to be impactful. Don't strive to command, strive to be resourceful. Don't strive to dominate, strive to be skillful. Don't strive to conquer, strive to be masterful. If you strive to be a preacher, strive to be spiritual. If you strive to be teacher, strive to be approachable. If you strive to be a leader, strive to be teachable. If you strive to be a warrior, strive to be thoughtful.
"When I had no gym, The Divine One gave me rocks. When I had no health, The Divine One gave me herbs. When I had no perfume, The Divine One gave me flowers. When I had no bathtub, The Divine One gave me rivers. When I had no tap water, The Divine One gave me springs. When I had no diamonds, The Divine One gave me stars. When I had no umbrella, The Divine One gave me trees. When I had no companions, The Divine One gave me animals. When I had no pool, The Divine One gave me lakes. When I had no bed, The Divine One gave me fields. When I had no pillow, The Divine One gave me hay. When I had no shelter, The Divine One gave me a forest. When I had no bodygaurds, The Divine One gave me angels. When I had no teacher, The Divine One gave me nature. When I had no orchestra, The Divine One gave me crickets. When I had no choir, The Divine One gave me birds. When I had no lamp, The Divine One gave me the sun. When I had no blanket, The Divine One gave me the sky. When I had no mansion, The Divine One gave me the world.
"The best prayer is repentance. The best sermon is character. The best mirror is reality. The best shield is faith. The best hammer is will. The best ammunition is truth. The best fortress is reason. The best school is life. The best attorney is justice. The best counselor is experience. The best warrior is courage. The best teacher is patience. The best student is humility. The best prophet is tomorrow. The best general is strategy. The best priest is piety. The best physician is nature. The best herb is peace. The best medicine is forgiveness. The best wealth is happiness. The best angel is mercy. The best companion is prudence.
"When you run from lies you are sprinting to truth. When you run from ignorance you are sprinting to knowledge. When you run from confusion you are sprinting to insight. When you run from folly you are sprinting to wisdom. When you run from grief you are sprinting to joy. When you run from doubt you are sprinting to faith. When you run from despair you are sprinting to hope. When you run from hate you are sprinting to love. When you run from strife you are sprinting to peace. When you run from anger you are sprinting to patience. When you run from despair you are sprinting to kindness. When you run from darkness you are sprinting to freedom. When you run from poverty you are sprinting to wealth. When you run from lowliness you are sprinting to prominence. When you run from dishonor you are sprinting to nobility. When you run from obscurity you are sprinting to fame. When you run from weakness you are sprinting to strength. When you run from loss you are sprinting to gain.
"Education will give you titles, but experience will give you success. Hard work will give you progress, but diligence will give you excellence. Confidence will give you enthusiasm, but perseverance will give you discipline. Patience will give you control, but mastery will give you command. Intellect will give you positions, but integrity will give you authority. Ambition will give you the energy, but generosity will give you influence. Knowledge will give you strength, but wisdom will give you power. Talent will give you respect, but genius will give you honor. Pleasure will give you happiness, but joy will give you contentment. Strength will give you fortitude, but love will give you dominion. Courage will give you victory, but faith will give you greatness.
"Intelligence tells you what you to do. Insight tells you how to do it. Understanding tells you when to do it. Wisdom tells you why you do it. Discernment tells you what you to do. Skill tells you how to do it. Intuition tells you when to do it. Purpose tells you why you do it. Conviction tells you what you to do. Knowledge tells you how to do it. Experience tells you when to do it. Commonsense tells you why you do it. Your mind tells you what you to do. Your heart tells you how to do it. Your spirit tells you when to do it. Your soul tells you why you do it. Talent tells you what you to do. Mastery tells you how to do it.
"What you love defines you better than what you hate. What you need defines you better than what you want. What you give defines you better than what you take. What you do defines you better than what you say. What you create defines you better than what you destroy. What you gain defines you better than what you lose. What you heed defines you better than what you ignore. What you help defines you better than what you hinder. What you esteem defines you better than what you dishonor. What you trust defines you better than what you fear. What you grasp defines you better than what you disbelieve. What you hold defines you better than what you release. What you draw defines you better than what you repel. What you face defines you better than what you avoid. What you finish defines you better than what you start. What you admire defines you better than what you despise. What you welcome defines you better than what you shun. What you heal defines you better than what you hurt. What you praise defines you better than what you condemn. What you cherish defines you better than what you disregard. What you appreciate defines you better than what you despise. What you strengthen defines you better than what you weaken. What you encourage defines you better than what you denounce. What you support defines you better than what you oppose. What you honor defines you better than what you violate. What you consider defines you better than what you ignore. What you accept defines you better than what you reject.
"When you preserve skies, you preserve lands. When you preserve lands, you preserve trees. When you preserve trees, you preserve forests. When you preserve forests, you preserve animals. When you preserve animals, you preserve people. When you preserve streams, you preserve rivers. When you preserve rivers, you preserve lakes. When you preserve lakes, you preserve seas. When you preserve seas, you preserve oceans.
"When you maximize your intelligence you minimize your sweat. When you maximize your talents you minimize your competition. When you maximize your education you minimize your ignorance. When you maximize your strengths you minimize your weaknesses. When you maximize your opportunities you minimize your regrets. When you maximize your assets you minimize your debts. When you maximize your money you minimize your lack. When you maximize your wisdom you minimize your mistakes. When you maximize your integrity you minimize your disgrace. When you maximize your patience you minimize your anger. When you maximize your joys you minimize your bitterness. When you maximize your pleasures you minimize your sorrows. When you maximize your charity you minimize your greed. When you maximize your modesty you minimize your ego. When you maximize your love you minimize your fear. When you maximize your virtues you minimize your vices. When you maximize your needs you minimize your wants. When you maximize your diplomacy you minimize your opposition. When you maximize your compassion you minimize your conflicts. When you maximize your gratitude you minimize your unhappiness. When you maximize your kindness you minimize your enemies. When you maximize your friendships you minimize your troubles. When you maximize your relationships you minimize your hardships.
"A lion never loses sleep over a sheep's sentiments. A fox never loses sleep over a rabbit's sentiments. A bird never loses sleep over a worm's sentiments. A cat never loses sleep over a mouse's sentiments. A monkey never loses sleep over a fruit's sentiments. A crocodile never loses sleep over a fish's sentiments. A chameleon never loses sleep over an insect's sentiments. A hyena never loses sleep over a corpse's sentiments. A serpent never loses sleep over a mouse's sentiments. A dog never loses sleep over a rodent's sentiments. A dog's appetite is served by its boldness. A serpent's appetite is served by its craftiness. A hyena's appetite is served by its covetousness. A chameleon's appetite is served by its deceptiveness. A crocodile's appetite is served by its fierceness. A monkey's appetite is served by its skillfulness. A cat's appetite is served by its inquisitiveness. A bird's appetite is served by its swiftness.
"Seeds achieve their highest potential in dirt. Birds achieve their highest potential in air. Fish achieve their highest potential in water. Stars achieve their highest potential in darkness. Serpents achieve their highest potential in grass. Monkeys achieve their highest potential in trees. Bats achieve their highest potential in caves. Flowers achieve their highest potential in soil. Worms achieve their highest potential in clay. Crocodiles achieve their highest potential in rivers. Sheep achieve their highest potential in pastures. Termites achieve their highest potential in woodlands. Sharks achieve their highest potential in oceans. Vultures achieve their highest potential in droughts. Sharks achieve their highest potential in oceans. Spiders achieve their highest potential in wildernesses. Camels achieve their highest potential in deserts. Wolves achieve their highest potential in forests.
"Good employees are skilled; great employees are talented. Good employees are friendly; great employees are devoted. Good employees are cautious; great employees are brave. Good employees are calm; great employees are confident. Good employees are educated; great employees are experienced. Good managers are encouraging; great supervisors are forgiving. Good managers are calm; great supervisors are caring. Good managers are truthful; great supervisors are sincere. Good managers are compassionate; great supervisors are generous. Good managers are likable; great supervisors are loving. Good leaders are intelligent; great leaders are wise. Good leaders are bold; great leaders are fearless. Good leaders are artful; great leaders are kind. Good leaders are warriors; great leaders are servants.
"Knowledge cannot lose when it bets against unawareness. Insight cannot lose when it bets against obliviousness. Intellect cannot lose when it bets against shallowness. Wisdom cannot lose when it bets against ignorance. Truth cannot lose when it bets against deceitfulness. Sight cannot lose when it bets against blindness. Virtue cannot lose when it bets against sinfulness. Light cannot lose when it bets against darkness. Patience cannot lose when it bets against hastiness. Joy cannot lose when it bets against unhappiness. Faith cannot lose when it bets against fickleness. Mercy cannot lose when it bets against vengefulness. Humility cannot lose when it bets against insolence. Kindness cannot lose when it bets against callousness. Dignity cannot lose when it bets against uncouthness. Love cannot lose when it bets against bitterness. Innocence cannot lose when it bets against unrighteousness. Patience cannot lose when it bets against intolerance. Trust cannot lose when it bets against doubtfulness. Purity cannot lose when it bets against hatefulness. Existence cannot lose when it bets against unconsciousness. Time cannot lose when it bets against impermanence.
"Before I see your race, I see your beauty. Before I see your gender, I see your indentity. Before I see your class, I see your personality. Before I see your appearance, I see your individuality. Before I see your titles, I see your integrity. Before I see your reputation, I see your capacity. Before I see your wealth, I see your charity. Before I see your fame, I see your nobility. Before I see your culture, I see your dignity. Before I see your tradition, I see your decency. Before I see your politics, I see your humanity.
"Chaos owes its existence to darkness. Light owes its existence to energy. Reality owes its existence to time. Wind owes its existence to nature. Force owes its existence to acceleration. Darkness owes its existence to light. Sound owes its existence to movement. Silence owes its existence to stillness. Matter owes its existence to space. Heat owes its existence to motion. Harmony owes its existence to confusion. Opportunity owes its existence to chance. Destiny owes its existence to action. Consciousness owes its existence to eternity. Knowledge owes its existence to truth. Perception owes its existence to understanding. Curiosity owes its existence to observation. Intelligence owes its existence to wisdom. Insight owes its existence to discernment.
"If you doubt your insight, you will doubt your information. If you doubt your awareness, you will doubt your intellect. If you doubt your acumen, you will doubt your perception. If you doubt your intelligence, you will doubt your judgments. If you doubt your understanding, you will doubt your aptitude. If you doubt your wisdom, you will doubt your actions. If you believe in knowledge, you believe in learning. If you believe in learning, you believe in education. If you believe in education, you believe in illumination. If you believe in illumination, you believe in wisdom.
Refuse anxiety. When you borrow trouble against what might be, you neglect the moment you have now to enjoy. The man who worries about what will next be happening to him loses this moment in dread of the next with pre-judgement