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bb09d80 "Don't let anger control you. Don't let hate enslave you. life-quotes bitterness-quotes conquer-quotes negative-people rise-above-quotes overcome-quotes negative-quotes negativity-quotes positive-quotes hate-quotes life-quotes-and-sayings life-quotes-inspirational-quotes wise-words-quotes spiritual-quotations sage-quotes guru-quotes life-lesson-quotes life-quotations life-lessons-quotations life-lessons-quotes wise-sayings-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes wisdom-quotations wise-quotations wise-quotes spirituality-quotes life-quote wisdom-quote positivity-quotes spiritual-quotes wisdom-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
344dfa2 "If you let negative people define you, you yourself will become negative. If you let mediocre people influence you, you yourself will become mediocre. If you let wretched people inspire you, you yourself will become wretched. If you let positive people help you, you yourself will become positive. If you let exceptional people support you, you yourself will become exceptional. motivational-quotes-for-women negative-quotes negativity-quotes positive-people-quotes positive-quotes matshona-dhliwayo-quotes motivational-quotes positivity-quotes Matshona Dhliwayo
57fa4ec Mrs Allan says that whenever we think of anything that is a trial to use we should also think of something nice that we can set over against it. If you are slightly too plump, you've got the dearest dimples; and if I have a freckled nose the shape of it is all right. positivity-quotes L.M. Montgomery
eb5e606 "I love acronyms, don't you? They are quick and easy tools for remembering important lessons that are too good to forget. The PEACE acronym goes straight to the heart of the matter for delivering "Service Beyond Self." When you do this one thing, you will increase your opportunities, earn loyalty and respect, and rock your first and last impressions. Persistently Exceed All Customer Expectations" -- positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
40bc664 "12 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self 1. Make it Easy for People to Do Business with You. 2. Be an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3. Listen to Customers' Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue. 4. Show Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious! 5. Identify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6. Under Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of "Service Beyond Self" . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can't serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7. Make them Feel Important. Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them--and be sincere. 8. Take Responsibility for their Satisfaction. Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can't find answers to their questions to come back to you for help. 9. Treat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10. Choose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted. 11. Perform, Provide and Follow-Up. Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you're going to do something--DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. Use Gracious Words. "Thank you, thank you very much." positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
08144ec Graciously Accepting a Compliment. How many times have you offered someone a sincere compliment only to have it thrown back in your face as if your assessment were wrong? How did you feel? Women are notorious for this social misstep and poor maneuver. Why do they do it? Rejecting a compliment makes the compliment-giver feel as though they should have said nothing. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b05c383 What is the motive behind your services? If it is self-centered, self-serving, and lacking consideration for others, then earning people's trust, rapport, and business will inevitably be more of a struggle. A self-serving agenda throws up red flags which stop relationships dead in their tracks. It can destroy trust, make people wary of your intentions, and push customers to your competition. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
829f600 Where my previous motivation had been a self-serving ambition, my new service mindset was dedicated to serving a vision greater than myself. Within a year, I quadrupled my income, and then I doubled it every year thereafter. This service mindset quickly taught me that by helping others achieve their goals, I could more easily achieve my own. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
63c4b8f The Service Mindset. When I began my real estate career at the age of twenty-two, I had a fresh Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in one hand and 'a tiger by the tail' in the other. I was on a mission to be successful in life and in business and make a lot of money in the process. Every goal I set was about Me. Me. Me! I was driven by: How much money could I make? Which property listings paid the biggest commissions? How many calls did I need to make to schedule new appointments? How many listings did I need to have to hit my target? You can see where I am going with this! Working full-time, nights and weekends, seven days a week, I only made eleven thousand dollars in the first year! I was tired, disillusioned, and knew that I had to either change careers or massively shift my mindset. I chose the latter. I took ALL focus off me and re-directed my time, energy, and resources to serving my clients. Their hopes, needs, and desires became my primary focus. How could I help solve their problems? positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
0ac98b5 The Service Mindset. When I began my real estate career at the age of twenty-two, I had a fresh Bachelor's Degree in Marketing in one hand and 'a tiger by the tail' in the other. I was on a mission to be successful in life and in business and make a lot of money in the process. Every goal I set was about Me. Me. Me! I was driven by: How much money could I make? Which property listings paid the biggest commissions? How many calls did I need to make to schedule new appointments? How many listings did I need to have to hit my target? You can see where I am going with this! Working full-time, nights and weekends, seven days a week, I only made eleven thousand dollars in the first year! I was tired, disillusioned, and knew that I had to either change careers or massively shift my mindset. I chose the latter. I took ALL focus off me and re-directed my time, energy, and resources to serving my clients. Their hopes, needs, and desires became my primary focus. How could I help solve their problems? And then EVERYTHING began to turn around . . . positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f763e57 Service Beyond Self is Essential for Success Because It . . . * Builds credibility, trust, and customer satisfaction. * Strengthens your personal reputation and public image. * Fosters goodwill and makes people feel appreciated. * Helps you build healthy relationships with others. * Nurtures collaboration, participation, and cooperation. * Reaffirms a continuity of service for quality assurance, integrity, and reliability. * Saves money--it costs less to keep existing customers than it does to create new ones. When you do it right the first time, you don't have to fix it the next time. * Improves communication and builds rapport. * Fosters mutual respect and understanding * By providing other people with what they want, you will get more of what you want! positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1c99620 To Move from Woe to Wow . . . Listen Attentively * Be fully present and give your customer your full attention. * Stay calm and remain patient. * Do not interrupt or become defensive. * Let the customer express his or her concerns. * Nod your head and use affirming words to show that you are listening. * Repeat back and empathize, when necessary. This confirms your understanding of the problem or question. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
67a6bc7 Finding the good in others is mutually rewarding for both you and the fortunate recipient of your kind words. Don't you love being around people who make you feel great about yourself? Don't you want to do business with people who make you feel valued and important? Wouldn't you rather work with people who appreciate and respect you? Of course you would! Now go out and do that for others! When you become a generous good-finder you will infuse positive energy, optimism, and good will into their lives, as well as your own. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2705e63 Polishing the gold in others will not only make them feel better about themselves, but it will also elevate you in their eyes as well as your own. Gifting others with your words of affirmation is an easy yet generous way to spread goodwill and create a positive experience for everyone. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d0819bf To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . take the time to mine the gold. Actively seek the goodness in others then express your gratitude for it. Excavate the dirt, seek the treasure, and polish their gold to shine boldly and brightly. People will rise to your positive expectations and belief in them. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3df2ea0 All compliments are not created equal. Some may change the trajectory of a person's life, while others fall on deaf ears. Is it well deserved or earned? People will remember you fondly when you have affirmed them in a positive way. Paying compliments creates good will, happy moments, and makes you more likable in return. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
883d080 "13 Simple Ways to Deliver Service Beyond Self 1. Make it Easy for People to Do Business with You. 2. Be an Awesome, Sincere Listener. 3. Listen to Customers' Words and tone of voice, body language, and how they feel. Ask questions, listen, and meet them on their level. Explain, guide, educate, assist and do what is necessary to help them get the information they need to fully understand regarding their question or issue. 4. Show Enthusiasm. Greet customers with genuine interest. Give them your best. Think, act, and talk with positive enthusiasm and you will attract positive results. Your attitude is contagious! 5. Identify and Anticipate Needs. Most customer needs are more emotional rather than logical. 6. Under Promise & Over Deliver. Apply the principle of "Service Beyond Self" . . . give more than expected. Meet and exceed their expectations. If you can't serve their needs, connect them with whoever can. 7. Make them Feel Important. Our deepest desire is to feel important. People rarely care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use their names, find ways to compliment them--and be sincere. 8. Take Responsibility for their Satisfaction. Do whatever is necessary to help them solve their problems. Let them know that if they can't find answers to their questions to come back to you for help. 9. Treat your TEAM well. Fellow colleagues are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your colleagues with respect; chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. 10. Choose an Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you appreciate the good rather than simply taking it for granted. 11. Perform, Provide and Follow-Up. Always perform or provide your service in a spirit of excellence and integrity. If you say you're going to do something--DO IT! There is tremendous value in being a resource for your customer. If you can help them to succeed, they are more likely to help you succeed. 12. Use Gracious Words. "Thank you, thank you very much." -- positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
e6a8a47 "Years ago, I read Andrew Carnegie's metaphor "developing people is like mining gold." He shared that sometimes you must move tons of dirt to find an ounce of gold. Every one of us has dirt because we are all imperfect and fallible. However, within each of us lies a vein of gold. When you find this treasure, regardless of how small, and begin to polish it, a person will shine so brightly the dirt falls away." how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d20db37 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Flip your positivity switch: What is your first instinct? If you are quick to find fault, look for the negative, or complain about another person, knock it off! It makes you less fun to be around. When you feel those negative thoughts and judgments coming in, catch yourself and STOP! how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d851fe6 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Focus on the Positives: Focusing on the positives will get you further in business and further in life. Whatever you focus on will expand. If you focus on what you do not like about another person, they will become so intolerable to you that you cannot bear to be around them. However, if you focus on their positives and can find something redeeming, regardless of how small, the positivity needed to experience a more constructive interaction and relationship will manifest before your eyes. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
170d23b communication skills, quotes by Susan C Young, relationship quotes, how to be complimentary, motivational speaker Susan Young, positivity quotes, positive first impression quotes,, find the best in others how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3395294 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Make a list of positives: Whether you would like to nurture a healthy relationship or improve a toxic one, make a list of positives which you admire about the other person. Begin by identifying, acknowledging, and focusing on their good qualities. Your perspective and how you feel about the person will begin to shift. You will find it much easier to polish the gold from a perspective of gratitude and appreciation. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d8f9626 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Brag about their accomplishments in front of others: For years, I have shared that the definition of a good friend is someone who says nice things about you behind your back. And the definition of a GREAT friend is someone who says GREAT things to others in front of you. One of the kindest things a husband or wife can do for their relationships is to brag about their partner's qualities to other people. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
416833c To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Be complimentary: Find something positive to say to compliment another person. Whether they are being a great parent, dressing nicely, maintaining a gorgeous yard, or winning a recent 5K run, pick something to acknowledge which is noteworthy. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
eb756ad Polishing the gold in others is easy to do and a valuable habit to develop to transform your relationship results. People will usually rise to the occasion and live up to your positive expectations. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
079ac59 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Say something nice! My wise mother raised us with the philosophy that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That is a Southern custom if there ever was one! It is easy to find fault, criticize, condemn, and complain--but none of these behaviors will help you enjoy positive relationship results. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
08c2d2a "To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Catch people doing things right: Outstanding leaders know that people will be more engaged, perform at higher levels, and be more loyal when they are appreciated and celebrated. Jeff West, international speaker and author of The Unexpected Tour Guide, shares that "People will jump over high hurdles, fight fires and break through walls for leaders who find them doing things right. Building that kind of chemistry is essential if a team is going to jell." Capitalize on the opportunity to notice what people are doing right at work and at home and they will deliver their best. As the old saying goes, "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected." how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
055f675 What are the key elements for a fabulous, well-delivered compliment? You . . . * are sincere and genuine. * give it freely without expecting anything in return. Your compliment is a selfless gift, not a boomerang. * are specific and detailed. * elaborate on why you like something. * describe how their positive virtue has positively impacted you. * can use adjectives for more colorful descriptions. * keep it positive. * say it like you mean it with intentional impact. * use discretion and good judgment. * leave no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding. * say the right thing at the right moment and let it flow organically. Finding sincere ways to compliment others is a powerful way to make a great first and last impression. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
d7fb554 As a lifetime optimist, my first tendency has always been to look for the best in others, the best in situations, and focus on what is working rather than what is not. Noticing the good has helped me immensely in life and business and it can do the same for you. how-to-be-complimentary find-the-best-in-others positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
890aabc Why Polish the Gold? * It builds your confidence when you realize that your words have power and can positively influence. * As you seek to find the good in others, you will enjoy the ripple effect reminder for finding the good in yourself. * It makes a great ice-breaker to begin a conversation. * It helps you meet new people and make new friends. * It strengthens your relationships and builds mutual admiration. * It brings more happiness and joy into your life. * A little praise goes a long way to make others happy. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
09b200a "Service [sur-vis] noun 1. the act of helping, aiding, or doing work for another. "Does this dictionary definition sound simplistic? Well, it is foundational to delivering world-class, game-changing service. Did you notice it didn't mention you? True service takes the focus completely off you and devotes it entirely to the needs of another person." find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment polish-the-gold positivity-quotes positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
46a4b8b To Move from Woe to Wow with an Unhappy Customer. . . Thank the Customer! * Thank them for bringing his or her concerns to your attention. * Treat them with respect and empathy. * Avoid further inconvenience to them. positivity-quotes selling-success service-beyond-self positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young