"Anger has great strength, but no brains. Greed has many hands, but no heart. Fear has many titles, but no honor. Hatred has many forms, but no soul. Desire has great strength, but no brains. Agony has many hands, but no heart. Shame has many titles, but no honor. Ego has many forms, but no soul. Envy has great strength, but no brains. Malice has many hands, but no heart. Lust has many titles, but no honor.
"When you meet young people, inspire them. When you meet old people, honor them. When you meet wise people, study them. When you meet foolish people, avoid them. When you meet humble people, treasure them. When you meet arrogant people, ignore them. When you meet gracious people, emulate them. When you meet crude people, disregard them. When you meet brave people, support them. When you meet cowardly people, encourage them. When you meet strong people, follow them. When you meet weak people, toughen them. When you meet kind people, esteem them. When you meet cruel people, oppose them. When you meet virtuous people, reward them.
"The Happiness Manifesto Pledge not to complain needlessly. Vow not to anger unecessarily. Promise not to crititize unreasonably. Commit to thinking positively. Aspire to speak intelligently. Strive to live enlightenedly. Your happiness is in serenity. Your contentedness is in charity. Your righteousness is in integrity. Your nobility is in humility.
"If they hate your race, pardon them. If they hate your religion, enlighten them. If they hate your gender, admonish them. If they hate your class, avoid them. If they hate your politics, debate them. If they hate your culture, question them. If they hate your tribe, confront them. If they hate your ancestry, defy them. If they hate your age, outshine them. If they hate your appearance, disregard them. If they love you for your knowledge, teach them. If they love you for your wisdom, counsel them. If they love you for your understanding, instruct them. If they love you for your intuition, guide them. If they love you for your excellence, inspire them. If they love you for your humility, honor them. If they love you for your compassion, welcome them. If they love you for your honesty, value them. If they love you for your kindness, treasure them.
"The ignorant learn from none, the simple learn from some, the intelligent learn from many, but enlightened learn from all. The arrogant learn from none, the gracious learn from some, the patient learn from many, but the humble learn from all. The disinterested learn from none, the curious learn from some,
"When I am around old people, they think I am too foolish. When I am around young people, they think I am too intelligent. When I am around learned people, they think I am too simple. When I am around educated people, they think I am too wise. When I am around proud people, they think I am too weak. When I am around mighty people, they think I am too meek. When I am around cowardly people, they think I am too reckless. When I am around bold people, they think I am too brave. When I am around modest people, they think I am too arrogant. When I am around eminent people, they think I am too humble. When I am around virtuous people, they think I am too complacent.
"Justice is the gateway to peace. Education is the gateway to equality. Patience is the gateway to tolerance. Compassion is the gateway to mercy. Certainty is the gateway to assurance. Hope is the gateway to courage. Contentment is the gateway to happiness. Integrity is the gateway to virtue. Need is the gateway to want. Laughter is the gateway to health. Pleasure is the gateway to enjoyment. Love is the gateway to joy. Life is the gateway to death. Reality is the gateway to truth. Harmony is the gateway to order. Time is the gateway to eternity. Intelligence is the gateway to wisdom. Focus is the gateway to determination.
"They have opinions, but no facts; assumptions, but no proof; information, but no reason; arguments, but no evidence; beliefs, but no wisdom; counsel, but no guidance; pleasures, but no peace; luxuries, but no comfort; toys, but no amusement; laughter, but no peace; entertainment, but no bliss; and recreation, but no happiness. They also have charm, but no integrity; eloquence, but no logic; knowledge, but no sense; food, but no satisfaction; money, but no peace; property, but no contentment; entertainment, but no enjoyment; acquaintances, but no friends; creeds, but no conviction; religion, but no faith; pride, but no confidence; mansions, but no home; relationships, but no marriage; children, but no family; laws, but no justice; morals, but no compassion; passion, but no love; sleep, but no rest; days, but no nights;
"When I see memories, I see the past. When I see thoughts, I see the present. When I see intentions, I see the future. When I see regret, I see the past. When I see hope, I see the present. When I see expectation, I see the future. When I see habits, I see the past. When I see actions, I see the present. When I see character, I see the future. When I see karma, I see the past. When I see chance, I see the present. When I see destiny, I see the future. When I see knowledge, I see the past. When I see understanding, I see the present. When I see wisdom, I see the future. When I see elders, I see the past.
"The path to ignorance is wide. The path to shallowness is smooth. The path to understanding is bumpy. The path to wisdom is narrow. The path to ignorance is steep. The path to vice is wide. The path to pleasure is smooth. The path to integrity is bumpy. The path to innocence is narrow. The path to paradise is steep. The path to fear is wide. The path to assurance is smooth. The path to hope is bumpy. The path to valor is narrow. The path to faith is steep. The path to sorrow is wide. The path to desire is smooth. The path to patience is bumpy. The path to gratitude is narrow. The path to humility is steep. The path to strife is wide. The path to indifference is smooth. The path to peace is bumpy. The path to joy is narrow. The path to harmony is steep. The path to error is wide. The path to delusion is smooth. The path to discovery is bumpy.
"Rest is good, but laziness is not. Labour is good, but slavery is not. Wine is good, but drunkenness is not. Food is good, but gluttony is not. Money is good, but greed is not. Wealth is good, but selfishness is not. Beauty is good, but vanity is not. Sex is good, but lust is not. Pleasure is good, but sin is not. Amusement is good, but decadence is not. Fame is good, but self importance is not. Confidence is good, but ego is not. Eloquence is good, but flattery is not. Charisma is good, but deception is not. Ambition is good, but self interest is not. Influence is good, but manipulation is not. Authority is good, but tyranny is not. Servitude is good, but bondage is not. Admiration is good, but idolatry is not. Law is good, but injustice is not. Race pride is good, but bigotry is not. Liberty is good, but recklessness is not. Freedom is good, but unruliness is not. Belief is good, but fanaticism is not. Religion is good, but extremism is not.
"Greed has no mouth, but swallows many. Love has no hands, but touches many. Hope has no feet, but carries many. Despair has no teeth, but devours many. Envy has no mouth, but swallows many. Compassion has no hands, but touches many. Joy has no feet, but carries many. Ego has no teeth, but devours many. Anger has no mouth, but swallows many. Peace has no hands, but touches many. Patience has no feet, but carries many. Evil has no teeth, but devours many. Time has no mouth, but swallows many. Reality has no hands, but touches many. Life has no feet, but carries many. Death has no teeth, but devours many. The past has no mouth, but swallows many. The present has no hands, but touches many. The future has no feet, but carries many. Fate has no teeth, but devours many. Darkness has no mouth, but swallows many. Light has no hands, but touches many. The universe has no feet, but carries many.
"If you care about peace, then you should care about justice. If you care about justice, then you should care about truth. If you care about truth, then you should care about integrity. If you care about integrity, then you should care about virtue. If you care about joy, then you should care about happiness. If you care about happiness, then you should care about fufilment. If you care about fufilment,then you should care about needs contentment. If you care about contentment, then you should care about patience. If you care about strength, then you should care about courage. If you care about courage, then you should care about hope. If you care about hope, then you should care about faith. If you care about faith, then you should care about love. If you care about wealth, then you should care about excellence. If you care about excellence, then you should care about hardwork. If you care about hardwork, then you should care about determination. If you care about determination, then you should care about focus. If you care about education, then you should care about schools. If you care about schools, then you should care about students. If you care about students, then you should care about teachers. If you care about teachers, then you should care about salaries. If you care about people, then you should care about communities. If you care about communities, then you should care about cities. If you care about cities, then you should care about provinces. If you care about provinces, then you should care about nations. If you care about yourself, then you should care about life. If you care about life, then you should care about health. If you care about health, then you should care about excersise. If you care about excersise, then you should care about nutrition. If you care about food, then you should care about animals. If you care about animals, then you should care about earth. If you care about earth, then you should care about nature. If you care about nature, then you should care about water. If you care about yesturday, then you should care about today. If you care about today, then you should care about now.
"For me to heal, I need you to heal. For me to trust, I need you to trust. For me to be strong, I need you to be strong. For me to gain, I need you to gain. For me to win, I need you to win.
"It is better to be wise for one day than to be intelligent for a thousand. It is better to know yourself than to understand your enemies. It is better to find yourself than to find a thousand pots of gold. It is better to rule your mind than to rule the world. It is better to fight for justice than to give into tyranny. It is better to live in a pure mind than to reside in a darkened soul. It is better to be remembered as a coward than as a fool. It is better to study yourself than to examine your enemies. It is better to teach young children than to instruct old fools. It is better to strengthen your weaknesses than to celebrate your strengths. It is better to fight your fears than to harbour your anxieties. It is better to win hearts than to ruin souls. It is better to think your highest than to act your lowest. It is better to learn from fools than to ignore the wise. It is better to learn from your mistakes than to celebrate your success. It is better to think for yourself than to allow intellectuals to think for you. It is better to be wise and poor than to be rich and ignorant. It is better to learn from children than to teach the wise. It is better to learn truth from your enemies than lies from your friends. It is better to be ostracized for who you are than to be embraced for who you are not. It is better to be hated for your virtues than to be loved for your vices. It is better to learn from the wise than to teach the foolish. It is better to discover your weaknesses than to glorify your strengths. It is better to heal yourself than to harm your enemies.
"You were born a giver, don't die a taker. You were born an earner, don't die a begger. You were born a sharer, don't die a hoader. You were born a lover, don't die a hater. You were born a builder, don't die a destroyer. You were born a creator, don't die an immitator. You were born a leader, don't die a follower. You were born a learner, don't die a teacher. You were born a doer, don't die a talker. You were born a dreamer, don't die a doubter. You were born a winner, don't die a loser. You were born an encourager, don't die a shamer. You were born a defender, don't die an aggressor. You were born a liberator, don't die an executioner. You were born a soldier, don't die a murderer. You were born an angel, don't die a monster. You were born a protecter, don't die an attacker. You were born an originator, don't die a repeater. You were born an achiever, don't die a quitter. You were born a victor, don't die a failure. You were born a conqueror, don't die a warrior. You were born a contender, don't die a joker. You were born a producer, don't die a user. You were born a motivator, don't die a discourager. You were born a master, don't die an amateur. You were born an intessessor, don't die an accusor. You were born an emancipator, don't die a backstabber. You were born a sympathizer, don't die a provoker. You were born a healer, don't die a killer. You were born a peacemaker, don't die an instigater. You were born a deliverer, don't die a collaborator.
"You meet many wolves in sheep's clothing; you are prey until they find out you have the heart of a lion. You meet many snakes in the grass; you are in danger until you burn the plain in which they hide. Worse than a hostile enemy is an accomplished, secret one. Worse than a foolish superior is an impenitent, arrogant one.
"Eden was the first university. God was the first professor. Adam was the first graduate. Freewill was the first university. Temptation was the first professor. Eve was the first graduate. The mind was the first university. The heart was the first professor. The soul was the first graduate. The world was the first university. Nature was the first professor. Mankind was the first graduate. Homes were the first universities. Mothers were the first professors. Obedient children were the first graduates. Life was the first university.
"There is no gem like truth, no wealth like knowledge, no treasure like understanding, and no jewel like love. There is no gem like gratitude, no wealth like humility, no treasure like patience, and no jewel like virtue, There is no gem like peace, no wealth like contentment, no treasure like faith, and no jewel like joy. There is no gem like time, no wealth like experience, no treasure like reality, and no jewel like life. There is no gem like prudence, no wealth like health, no treasure like prayer, and no jewel like meditation. There is no gem like nature, no wealth like harmony,
"I am generous because I've been poor, cautious because I've been naive, strong because I've been afraid, clever because I've been foolish, mighty because I've been weak, kind because I've been downtrodden, cheerful because I've been miserable, patient because I've been reckless, modest because I've been humbled, calm because I've been confused, friendly because I've been ostracized, noble because I've been dishonoured, loyal because I've been betrayed, confident because I've been nervous, pleasant because I've been malicious, chaste because I've been depraved, principled because I've been unethical,
"It is easier to teach saints than to learn from sinners. It is easier to teach young students than to guide old fools. It is easier to chastise saints than to caution sinners. It is easier to shine in the dark than to glow in the light. It is easier to multiply enemies than to accumulate friends. It is easier to embrace your angel than to face your demons. It is easier to fight an army of opinions than a single truth. It is easier to rise with enemies than to fall with friends. It is easier to fall into sin than to rise into virtue. It is easier to rise from defeat than to rise from ignorance. It is easier to survive a blow from a friend than a kiss from an enemy. It is easier to conquer a thousand devils than a single angel. It is easier to rise from love than to soar from hate. It is easier to move mountains by faith than hills by your hands. It is easier for stars to shine than for truth to glow. It is easier to resist pain than to defy pleasure. It is easier to appease the strong than to wrestle the mighty. It is easier to tame the mind than to bridle the soul. It is easier to fight an army than to grapple with your conscience. It is easier to embrace the future than to understand the past. It is easier for the sun to shine than for the moon to glow. It is easier for small seeds to rise than for big trees to grow. It is easier to heal a wounded heart than a broken soul.
"The 15 Principles of Life 1. Count your blessings. 2. Read good books. 3. Discover your gifts. 4. Chase your dreams. 5. Learn from everyone. 6. Forgive your enemies. 7. Protect your friends. 8. Love your family. 9. Do good deeds. 10. Harm none. 11. Hone your skills. 12. Work hard. 13. Use time wisely.
"I resist racists, not intergrationists. I resist seditionists, not abolitionists. I resist propagandists, not journalists. I resist extortionists, not opportunists. I resist chauvinists, not feminists. I embrace activists, not extremists. I embrace nationalists, not terrorists. I embrace intergrationists, not racists. I embrace lobbyists, not imperialists. I embrace conservationists, not depletionists. I believe in liberty, not censorship. I believe in justice, not oppression. I believe in equality, not discrimination. I believe in unity, not conformity. I believe in freedom, not tyranny. I believe in democracy, not despotism. I believe in desegregation, not racism. I believe in fairness, not tribalism. I believe in impartiality, not classism. I believe in emancipation, not sexism. I believe in truth, not lies. I believe in charity, not greed. I believe in peace, not strife. I believe in harmony, not conflict. I believe in love, not hatred. I am a conformist and a futurist. I am a traditionalist and a modernist. I am a fundamentalist and a liberalist. I am an optimist and a pessimist. I am an idealist and a realist. I am a theorist and a pragmatist. I am an industrialist and a philanthropist. I am an anarchist and a pacifist.
"God opens the door, light walks in. Light opens the door, love walks in. Love opens the door, the universe walks in. The universe opens the door, life walks in. Life opens the door, time walks in. Time opens the door, the past walks in. The past opens the door, the present walks in. The present opens the door, the future walks in. The future opens the door, eternity walks in. Eternity opens the door, reality walks in. Reality opens the door, truth walks in. Truth opens the door, knowledge walks in. Knowledge opens the door, wisdom walks in.
"The world needs your mind, the cosmos need your heart, and the universe needs your soul. Nature needs your care, mankind needs your responsibility, and humanity needs your light. The people need your truth,
"Knowledge is our gift. Understanding is our blessing. Wisdom is our fortune. Enlightenment is our reward. Art is our gift. Science is our blessing. Technology is our fortune. God is our reward. Time is our gift. Light is our blessing. Fate is our fortune. Nature is our reward. Land is our gift. Water is our blessing. Air is our fortune. Life is our reward. Mothers are our gift. Youth are our blessing. Elders are our fortune. Children are our reward. The past is our gift. The present is our blessing. The future is our fortune. Eternity is our reward. The mind is our gift. The heart is our blessing. The body is our fortune. The soul is our reward. Faith is our gift. Joy is our blessing.
"The quality of authors determines the quality of books. The quality of musicians determines the quality of songs. The quality of artists determines the quality of paintings. The quality of architects determines the quality of buildings. The quality of generals determines the quality of warriors. The quality of preachers determines the quality of sermons. The quality of scientists determines the quality of inventions. The quality of leaders determines the quality of followers. The quality of scholars determines the quality of lectures. The quality of teachers determines the quality of students. The quality of schools determines the quality of graduates. The quality of graduates determines the quality of nations. The quality of plants determines the quality of air. The quality of air determies the quality of animals.
"I am fortitude," said faith. "I am contentment," said peace. "I am delight," said joy. "I am goodness," said virtue. "I am God," said love. "I am truth," said knowledge. "I am sight," said understanding. "I am perception," said intelligence. "I am prudence," said wisdom. "I am awareness," said enlightenment. "I am success," said excellence. "I am mastery," said discipline. "I am persistence," said focus.
"Light gave birth to the existence. Existence gave birth to reality. Reality gave birth to eternity. Eternity gave birth to time. Time gave birth to life. The past gave birth to the future. The future gave birth to the present. God gave birth to the universe. The universe gave birth to the cosmos. The cosmos gave birth to the world. The world gave birth to nature. Nature gave birth to life.
"When I like a black person, they dislike me. When I like a white person, they despise me. When I like a mixed person, they harass me. When I like an illiterate person, they revile me. When I like an educated person, they attack me. When I like a weak person, they berate me. When I like a strong person, they condemn me. When I like a lowly person, they denounce me. When I like an eminent person, they renounce me. When I like a famous person, they disparage me. When I like a rich person, they trouble me. When I like a poor person, they hassle me. When I like an obscure person, they pester me. When I like a young person, they deride me. When I like an old person, they hate me. When I like myself, they slander me. Age doesn't separate us, maturity does. Ethnicity doesn't separate us, prejudice does. Tradition doesn't separate us, bigotry does. Ancestry doesn't separate us, character does. Religion doesn't separate us, ignorance does. Tribe doesn't separate us, intolerance does. Culture doesn't separate us, misunderstanding does. Sex doesn't separate us, bias does. Race doesn't separate us, injustice does. Class doesn't separate us, poverty does. Politics doesn't separate us, corruption does. Gender doesn't separate us, mentality does. Wealth doesn't separate us, greed does. Appearance doesn't separate us, attitude does.
"When you study success, you become a dreamer. When you study failure, you become a victor. When you study organisations, you become a mentor. When you study management, you become a leader. When you study nature, you become a scholar. When you study people, you become a counselor. When you study life, you become a thinker. When you study God, you become a philosopher. When you study magic, you become a sorcerer. When you study stars, you become an astronomer. When you study oracles, you become a seer. When you study visions, you become a diviner. When you study combat, you become a warrior. When you study war, you become a commander. When you study policy, you become a governor. When you study politics, you become a ruler. When you study nothing, you become a loser. When you study little, you become a loafer.
"You were born happy, don't die sad. You were born full, don't die empty. You were born rich, don't die poor. You were born pure, don't die corrupt. You were born innocent, don't die guilty. You were born free, don't die shackled. You were born curious, don't die indifferent. You were born sensitive, don't die heartless. You were born tolerant, don't die prejudiced. You were born trusting, don't die cynical. You were born caring, don't die spiteful. You were born loving, don't die hateful. You were born youthful, don't die worn-out. You were born active, don't die idle. You were born lively, don't die downcast. You were born special, don't die normal. You were born extraordinary, don't die common.
"Having a brain does not make you a thinker. Having a student does not make you a teacher. Having a class does not make you a scholar. Having a degree does not make you a master. Having a sword does not make you a warrior. Having a following does not make you a leader. Having a position does not make you a ruler. Having an army does not make you a conqueror. Having a job does not mean you have a career. Having a servant does not mean you have a helper. Having a mom does not mean you have a nurturer. Having a girlfriend does not mean you have comforter. Having a coach does not mean you have a trainer. Having a class does not mean you have a teacher. Having a son does not mean you have a successor. Having a daughter does not mean you have an inheritor. Having a wife does not mean you have a lover. Having a spouse does not mean you have an admirer. Having a friend does not mean you have a partner. Having a dad does not mean you have a father. Having a professor does not mean you have a teacher. Having a teammate does not mean you have a collaborator.
"When I was young, I wanted power. Now that I'm old, I want peace. When I was young, I wanted titles. Now that I'm old, I want contentment. When I was young, I wanted money. Now that I'm old, I want happiness. When I was young, I wanted excitement. Now that I'm old, I want calm. When I was young, I wanted praise. Now that I'm old, I want respect. When I was young, I wanted houses. Now that I'm old, I want fulfillment. When I was young, I wanted cars. Now that I'm old, I want satisfaction. When I was young, I wanted possessions. Now that I'm old, I want experiences. When I was young, I wanted medals. Now that I'm old, I want mastery. When I was young, I wanted lackeys. Now that I'm old, I want companions. When I was young, I wanted amusement. Now that I'm old, I want rest. When I was young, I wanted beauty. Now that I'm old, I want substance. When I was young, I wanted fame. Now that I'm old, I want legacy. When I was young, I wanted command. Now that I'm old, I want freedom. When I was young, I wanted authority. Now that I'm old, I want influence. When I was young, I wanted reputation. Now that I'm old, I want character. When I was young, I wanted treasure. Now that I'm old, I want truth. When I was young, I wanted confidence. Now that I'm old, I want conviction. When I was young, I wanted lovers. Now that I'm old, I want friends. When I was young, I wanted excess. Now that I'm old, I want joy. When I was young, I wanted degrees. Now that I'm old, I want wisdom. When I was young, I wanted university. Now that I'm old, I want nature. When I was young, I wanted prominence. Now that I'm old, I want humanity. When I was young, I wanted accomplishment. Now that I'm old, I want laughter. When I was young, I wanted greatness. Now that I'm old, I want health. When I was young, I wanted resources. Now that I'm old, I want strategies. When I was young, I wanted contacts. Now that I'm old, I want competence. When I was young, I wanted followers. Now that I'm old, I want students. When I was young, I wanted crowds. Now that I'm old, I want intimacy. When I was young, I wanted empires. Now that I'm old, I want dignity. When I was young, I wanted honor. Now that I'm old, I want integrity. When I was young, I wanted popularity. Now that I'm old, I want loyalty. When I was young, I wanted lovers. Now that I'm old, I want children. When I was young, I wanted strength. Now that I'm old, I want youth.
"Doubt your critics, never your dreams; your weaknesses, never your strengths; your enemies, never your friends; and your circumstances, but never doubt yourself. Embrace your intelligence, never your ignorance; your humility, never your pride;
"I am injustice," said tyranny. "I am lawlessness," said corruption. "I am inequality," said bigotry. "I am intolerance," said racism. "I am destruction," said immorality. "I am independence," said freedom. "I am fairness," said justice. "I am humanity," said compassion.
"Intelligence is a disciple, wisdom is its master. Caution is a disciple, prudence is its master. Discernment is a disciple, intuition is its master. Truth is a disciple, reality is its master. Experience is a disciple, awareness is its master. Illumination is a disciple, enlightenment is its master. Desire is a disciple, pleasure is its master. Laughter is a disciple, joy is its master. Need is a disciple, want is its master. Prudence is a disciple, virtue is its master. Knowledge is a disciple, truth is its master. The heart is a disciple, the mind is its master. The mind is a disciple, the soul is its master. The body is a disciple, the flesh is its master. The soul is a disciple, the spirit is its master. The present is a disciple, the past is its master. The future is a disciple, the present is its master. The past is a disciple, eternity is its master.
"Your mind is a paintbrush, your imagination is a canvass, and your thoughts are your masterpiece. Your heart is a paintbrush, your desires are a canvass, and your actions are your masterpiece. Your soul is a paintbrush,
"You bless those you love, hurt those you hate, look up to those you admire, and despise those you detest. Love those who love you: they will respect you. Love those who hate you: men will praise you.
"When the world is anxious, choose to be calm. When the world is hopeless, choose to be confident. When the world is troubled, choose to be determined. When the world is gloomy, choose to be optimistic. When the world is silly, choose to be clever. When the world is incompetent, choose to be effective. When the world is ignorant, choose to be knowledgeable. When the world is foolish, choose to be wise. When the world is perplexed, choose to be rational. When the world is narrow, choose to be tolerant. When the world is vulnerable, choose to be strong. When the world is deceptive, choose to be earnest. When the world is trivial, choose to be sensible. When the world is shallow, choose to be deep.
"Free your mind, ignorance is a prison. Liberate your heart, greed is a jail. Release your soul, arrogance is a cell. Embrace knowledge, education is independence. Acquire understanding, awareness is freedom.
"Fear tells you what can't be done, courage tells you what can be done, wisdom tells you what must be done, and love tells you why it must be done. Impossible tells you what can't be done, faith tells you what can be done,
"Nature needs your care. Animals need your attention. People need your light. The world needs your love. There are five kinds of love: veritable love for God, your parents, your life partner, your friends, and the most difficult of all, your neighbor.
"Compassion is a seed, empathy is the root, kindness is the stem, charity is the tree, and love is the fruit. Intelligence is a seed, understanding is the root, intuition is the stem, knowledge is the tree, and wisdom is the fruit. Skill is a seed, talent is the root, excellence is the stem,
"You are no greater than the thoughts you carry, the knowledge you acquire, the desires you harbor, and the experiences you cherish. You are no better than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome. You are no higher than the wisdom you retain, the understanding you gain, the faith you practice, and the love you give. You are no larger than the powerless you help, the poor you enrich, the weak you embolden, and the fearful you inspire. You are no bigger than the opponents you face, the alliances you broker,
"The distance between truth and lies is integrity, between need and want is contentment, between fate and chance is will, between vice and virtue is intention, between faith and doubt is conviction, between joy and grief is happiness, between strength and weakness is tenacity, between action and fear is courage, between hope and despair is expectation, between wealth and poverty is diligence, between friendship and humility is kindness, between life and death is existence, between eternity and time is reality, between war and peace is diplomacy, between God and intelligence is wisdom, between knowledge and ignorance is education, between sin and righteousness is desire, between God and religion is faith, between blessings and curses is obedience, between faith and science is God, between good and evil is light, between light and darkness is sight,
"There is no entrance that joy cannot enter, no door that faith cannot open, no bridge that patience cannot cross, and no wall that love cannot breach. There is no entrance that hope cannot enter, no door that truth cannot open, no bridge that grace cannot cross, and no wall that humility cannot breach. There is no entrance that knowledge cannot enter, no door that curiosity cannot open, no bridge that understanding cannot cross, and no wall that wisdom cannot breach. There is no entrance that time cannot enter, no door that chance cannot open, no bridge that destiny cannot cross, and no wall that eternity cannot breach. There is no entrance that the mind cannot enter, no door that the heart cannot open,
"To hate is human, to love is divine. To destroy is human, to build is divine. To fall is human, to rise is divine. To break is human, to heal is divine. To take is human, to give is divine.
"Silence is a temple of wisdom, stillness is a temple of joy, and harmony is a temple of love. Humility is a temple of wisdom, contentment is a temple of joy, and peace is a temple of love. Intelligence is a temple of wisdom, understanding is a temple of joy, and virtue is a temple of love. The past is a temple of wisdom, the present is a temple of joy, and the future is a temple of love. The mind is a temple of wisdom, the heart is a temple of joy, and the soul is a temple of love. The world is a temple of wisdom, the cosmos is a temple of joy, and the universe is a temple of love. Heaven is a temple of wisdom,
"Don't look for laughter, look for joy. Don't look for pleasure, look for purpose. Don't look for friends, look for mentors. Don't look for lovers, look for soulmates. Don't look for glory, look for virtue. Don't look for entertainment, look for bliss. Don't look for amusement, look for wisdom. Don't look for books, look for knowledge. Don't look for beauty, look for susbtance. Don't look for extravagance, look for modesty. Don't look for praise, look for service. Don't look for reputation, look for character. Don't look for honor, look for respect. Don't look for needs, look for wants. Don't look for riches, look for happiness. Don't look for possessions, look for contentment. Don't look for creeds, look for conviction. Don't look for justice, look for compassion. Don't look for charisma, look for integrity. Don't look for lust, look for love. Don't look for wealth, look for charity. Don't look for power, look for peace. Don't look for fame, look for dignity. Don't look for work, look for a career.
"Same eyes, different perception. Same ears, different judgement. Same hands, different skills. Same feet, different destinations. Same minds, different reasoning. Same hearts, different feelings. Same souls, different actions. Same lives, different experiences. Same language, different dialects. Same words, different pronunciation. Same experiences, different reactions. Same wisdom, different understanding. Same knowledge, different application. Same love, different expression. Same ancestry, different races. Same world, different people. One sky, many lands. One story, many books. One truth, many interpretations.
"Where there are no bees there is no honey. Where there are no flowers there is no perfume. Where there are no clouds there is no rain. Where there are no stars there is no light. Where there are no roses there are no thorns. Where there are no skies there are no stars. Where there are no storms there are no rainbows. Where there are no animals there are no forests. Where there are no plants there are no jungles. Where there are no seeds there are no harvests. Where there are no spiders there are no webs. Where there are no ants there are no colonies. Where there are no worms there are no fish. Where there are no mice there are no serpents. Where there are no carcasses there are no vultures. Where there are no stones there are no pebbles. Where there are no rocks there are no mountains. Where there are no deserts there are no oases.
"Train your ears to hear more, your eyes to see more, your hands to do more, your feet to accomplish more, your mind to think more, your heart to feel more, and your soul to love more. The mind, though small, can perceive the impossible. The heart, though small, can endure the impossible. The soul, though small, can experience the impossible. The hands, though small, can do the impossible. The tongue, though small, can express the impossible.
"Peace in your mind is patience, in your heart is confidence, in your soul is contentedness, and in your life is happiness. Joy in your mind is stillness, in your heart is pleasantness, in your soul is kindness, and in your life is friendliness. Love in your mind is goodness, in your heart is benevolence,
"Truth always teaches you more than ignorance. Understanding always teaches you more than curiosity. Sight always teaches you more than blindness. Certainty always teaches you more than falsehood. Silence always teaches you more than noise. Stillness always teaches you more than motion. Growth always teaches you more than stagnation. Nature always teaches you more than appearance. Enemies always teach you more than friends. Composure always teaches you more than wrath. Humility always teaches you more than arrogance. Poverty always teaches you more than riches. Sorrow always teaches you more than happiness. Hardship always teaches you more than success. Contentment always teaches you more than greed. Pain always teaches you more than pleasure. Misery always teaches you more than comfort. Love always teaches you more than passion. Action always teaches you more than apathy. God always teaches you more than reality.
"When women suffer, marriages suffer. When marriages suffer, children suffer. When children suffer, families suffer. When families suffer, communities suffer. When communities suffer, societies suffer. When societies suffer, nations suffer.
"Never take anyone for granted. Never apologize for being yourself. Never compare yourself with others. Never live for anyone's approval. Never put down your friends. Never denigrate your enemies. Never applaud yourself. Never embrace your vices. Never shun your virtues. Never trust your fears. Never doubt your strengths. Never accept your weaknesses.
"Wisdom speaks, though it does not have lips. Joy moves, though it does not have feet. Faith rises, though it does not have wings. Hope speaks, though it does not have lips. Expectation moves, though it does not have feet. Conviction rises, though it does not have wings. Need speaks, though it does not have lips. Compassion moves, though it does not have feet. Love rises, though it does not have wings. Silence speaks, though it does not have lips. Speech moves, though it does not have feet. Actions rise, though they do not have wings. Fate speaks, though it does not have lips. Chance moves, though it does not have feet. Destiny rises, though it does not have wings. Reality speaks, though it does not have lips. Desire moves, though it does not have feet. Eternity rises, though it does not have wings. Light speaks, though it does not have lips. Darkness moves, though it does not have feet. Nature rises, though it does not have wings. The past speaks, though it does not have lips. The present moves, though it does not have feet. The future rises, though it does not have wings. The world speaks, though it does not have lips. The cosmos move, though they do not have feet. The universe rises, though it does not have wings. Awareness speaks, though it does not have lips.
"Guilt is born in shame. Error is born in speculation. Chaos is born in confusion. Anger is born in bitterness. Wrath is born in rage. Fear is born in mistrust. Violence is born in intolerance. Evil is born in ignorance. Death is born in sin. Want is born in need. Mercy is born in compassion. Peace is born in contentment. Hope is born in confidence. Meekness is born in strength. Patience is born in long-suffering. Integrity is born in goodness. Decency is born in dignity. Joy is born in love. Fate is born in time. Chance is born in fate. Motion is born in rest. Force is born in acceleration. Distance is born in separation. Curiosity is born in observation. Consciousness is born in awareness. Perception is born in understanding. Reason is born in clarity. Matter is born in space. Light is born in darkness. Sound is born in silence. Wind is born in stillness. Heat is born in motion. Nature is born in chaos. Harmony is born in confusion.
"A rainbow is a storm's masterpiece. A seed is a flower's masterpiece. A rock is a diamond's masterpiece. A butterfly is a caterpillar's masterpiece. A flame is a spark's masterpiece. A drop is an ocean's masterpiece. A brick is a mansion's masterpiece. A cell is a body's masterpiece. A nest is a bird's masterpiece. A flame is a spark's masterpiece. A note is a symphony's masterpiece. A flower is a garden's masterpiece. Herbs are a plant's masterpiece. Honey is a bee's masterpiece. Silk is a spider's masterpiece. Wool is a sheep's masterpiece. Perfume is a flower's masterpiece. Syrup is a tree's masterpiece. Wine is a grape's masterpiece. Fruit is a seed's masterpiece. Pearls are an oyster's masterpiece. Beauty is a sky's masterpiece. Charm is a star's masterpiece. Spring is nature's masterpiece. Time is eternity's masterpiece. Energy is light's masterpiece. Heat is fire's masterpiece. Knowledge is truth's masterpiece. Thoughts are the mind's masterpiece. Desires are the heart's masterpiece. Experiences are the soul's masterpiece. Intelligence is nature's masterpiece. Enlightenment is wisdom's masterpiece. The world is the universe's masterpiece.
"Truth is the eldest daughter of knowledge. Intelligence is the eldest daughter of wisdom. Perception is the eldest daughter of understanding. Exposure is the eldest daughter of awareness. Calmness is the eldest daughter of peace. Hope is the eldest daughter of faith. Charity is the eldest daughter of virtue. Humility is the eldest daughter of honor. Mercy is the eldest daughter of grace. Chastity is the eldest daughter of piety. Modesty is the eldest daughter of meekness. Desire is the eldest daughter of action. Prudence is the eldest daughter of caution. Trust is the eldest daughter of Integrity. Friendship is the eldest daughter of kindness. Tolerance is the eldest daughter of equality. Freedom is the eldest daughter of democracy. Praise is the eldest daughter of appreciation. Patience is the eldest daughter of diligence. Maturity is the eldest daughter of growth. Harmony is the eldest daughter of order. Sound is the eldest daughter of movement. Heat is the eldest daughter of motion. Acceleration is the eldest daughter of force. Experience is the eldest daughter of reality.
"Truth said, "I am your brother." Understanding said, "I am your sister." Knowledge said, "I am your father." Wisdom said, "I am your mother." Shallowness said, "I am your rival." Ignorance said, "I am your enemy."
"Where there's strength there's courage. Where there's courage there's hope. Where there's hope there's faith. Where there's faith there's power. Where there's truth there's knowledge. Where there's knowledge there's understanding.
"Money: My Thesis Money can buy you comfort, but it can't buy you peace. Money can buy you pleasure, but it can't buy you happiness. Money can buy you food, but it can't buy you contentment. Money can buy you delight, but it can't buy you love. Money can buy you praise, but it can't buy you honor. Money can buy you titles, but it can't buy you respect. Money can buy you neighbors, but it can't buy you friends. Money can buy you crowds, but it can't buy you God. Money can buy you religion, but it can't buy you faith. Money can buy you education, but it can't buy you wisdom. Money can buy you medicine, but it can't buy you health. Money can buy you time, but it can't buy you life. Money can buy you a compass, but it can't buy you purpose. Money can buy you luck, but it can't buy you fate. Money can buy you advisers, but it can't buy you certainty. Money can buy you today, but it can't buy you tomorrow. Money can buy you fish, but it can't buy you the ocean. Money can buy you land, but it can't buy you the world. Money can buy you aeroplanes, but it can't buy you the skies.
"It's not what you take, it's what you give. It's not what you know, it's what you apply. It's not who you lack, it's what you acquire. It's not what you have, it's what has you. It's not what you earn, it's what you save. It's not what you buy, it's what you enjoy. It's not what you seek, it's what you find. It's not what you encounter, it's what you experience. It's not what you think, it's what you believe. It's not what you see, it's what you comprehend. It's not what you feel, it's what you value. It's not what you do, it's what you accomplish. It's not what you want, it's what you pursue. It's not what you chase, it's what you attract. It's not what you avoid, it's what you follow. It's not what you intend, it's what you execute. It's not what you mask, it's what you reveal. It's not what you desire, it's what you need. It's not what you receive, it's what you embrace. It's not what you demand, it's what you deserve. It's not what you lose, it's what you gather. It's not what you cherish, it's what you honor.
"You can be an intellectual without a question, an academic without an answer, a lecturer without a lesson, a guru without a disciple, a master without a student, a general without an army, a scholar without a theory, a scientist without a discovery, an inventor without an invention, a warrior without a weapon, a preacher without a sermon, a prophet without a prophecy, a seer without a revelation, a sorcerer without a spell, a professor without a message, a leader without a follower, a dreamer without a vision, a healer without a patient, a ruler without a nation,
"Acknowledge others, and you will be acknowledged. Welcome others, and you will be welcomed. Cherish others, and you will be cherished. Esteem others, and you will be esteemed. Despise others, and you will be despised. Reject others, and you will be rejected. Ignore others, and you will be ignored. Disregard others, and you will be disregarded. Hear others, and you will be heard. Understand others, and you will be understood. Help others, and you be will be helped.
"Life is a gift, value it. Life is a trial, endure it. Life is a journey, complete it. Life is a test, pass it. Life is a task, fulfill it. Life is an opportunity, use it. Life is a moment, enjoy it. Life is a mission, accomplish it. Life is a battle, face it. Life is a jungle, explore it. Life is a puzzle, study it. Life is a mystery, solve it. Life is a game, beat it. Life is an opponent, defeat it.
"I was taught by family at ten. I was taught by books at twenty. I was taught by enemies at thirty. I was taught by nature at forty. I was taught by life at fifty. At ten, I was foolish. At twenty, I was naive. At thirty, I was alert.
"Mothers are our world. Sisters are our sky. Daughters are our stars. Women are our universe. Friends are our world. Family are our sky. Lovers are our stars. Spouses are our universe. Adults are our world. Youth are our sky.
"Givers are worth more than takers. Earners are worth more than beggars. Sharers are worth more than hoarders. Lovers are worth more than haters. Builders are worth more than destroyers. Creators are worth more than imitators. Leaders are worth more than followers. Learners are worth more than teachers. Doers are worth more than talkers. Dreamers are worth more than doubters. Winners are worth more than losers. Encouragers are worth more than detractors. Defenders are worth more than aggressors. Liberators are worth more than jailers. Soldiers are worth more than murderers. Angels are worth more than monsters. Protectors are worth more than attackers. Originators are worth more than copiers. Achievers are worth more than quitters. Victors are worth more than failures. Conquerors are worth more than warriors. Contenders are worth more than spectators. Producers are worth more than users. Motivators are worth more than discouragers. Masters are worth more than amateurs. Intercessors are worth more than accusers. Emancipators are worth more than backstabbers. Sympathizers are worth more than provokers. Healers are worth more than killers. Peacemakers are worth more than instigators. Deliverers are worth more than collaborators.
"Intellect is intelligent, intuition is wise. Awareness is intelligent, discernment is wise. Truth is intelligent, knowledge is wise. Speech is intelligent, silence is wise. Curiosity is intelligent, insight is wise. Caution is intelligent, prudence is wise. Knowledge is intelligent, commonsense is wise. Perception is intelligent, understanding is wise. Theory is intelligent, experience is wise. Virtue is intelligent, love is wise. Scholars are intelligent, saints are wise. Students are intelligent, teachers are wise. Professors are intelligent, gurus are wise. The past is intelligent, the future is wise. Time is intelligent, eternity is wise. Chance is intelligent, fate is wise. The mind is intelligent, the soul is wise. The eye is intelligent, the ear is wise.
"Love has many eyes to seek the lost, many ears to hear the weeping, many hands to uphold the poor, many shoulders to carry the weary, and many feet to visit the sick. Love has no eyes, but sees much, has no ears, but hears much, has no hands, but does much,
"Exercise helps the body grow. Enigmas help the mind grow. Hardship helps the heart grow. Goodness helps the soul grow. Pain helps the body grow. Riddles help the mind grow. Loss helps the heart grow. Temptations help the soul grow. Sleep helps the body grow. Reading helps the mind grow. Laughter helps the heart grow. Prayer helps the soul grow. Food helps the body grow. Work helps the mind grow. Friendships help the heart grow. Meditation helps the soul grow. Rest helps the body grow. Wisdom helps the mind grow.
"Peace is an ocean, harmony is the ship, tolerance is the captain, and strife is the storm. Joy is an ocean, faith is the ship, hope is the captain, and despair is the storm. Love is an ocean, kindness is the ship, compassion is the captain, and greed is the storm. Virtue is an ocean, prudence is the ship, goodness is the captain, and vice is the storm. Friendship is an ocean, trust is the ship, patience is the captain, and betrayal is the storm. Destiny is an ocean, purpose is the ship, character is the captain, and misfortune is the storm. Experience is an ocean, the present is the ship, the past is the captain, and pain is the storm. The soul is an ocean, the heart is the ship, the soul is the captain, and darkness is the storm. Life is an ocean, reality is the ship, awareness is the captain, and mortality is the storm. Eternity is an ocean, time is the ship,
"The heart is a classroom, the soul is a teacher, the mind is a student, and life is the exam. The world is a university, the universe is our professor, wisdom is our homework, and love is our final exam. Life is an academy, God is the instructor,
"If you have a million fans and no talent, you're still not a success. a million students and no lesson, you're still not a teacher. a million sermons and no compassion, you're still not a priest. a million children and no affection, you're still not a father. a million anniversaries and no devotion, you're still not a husband. If you have a million sheep and no courage, you're still not a shepherd. a million seeds and no harvest, you're still not a farmer. a million titles and no integrity, you're still not a champion. a million thoughts and no insights, you're still not a philosopher. a million predictions and no prophecy, you're still not a prophet. If you have a million soldiers and no unity, you're still not an army. a million monks and no camaraderie, you're still not a monastery. a million cities and no borders, you're still not a country. a million musicians and no harmony, you're still not an orchestra. a million armies and no strategy, you're still not a general. If you have a million titles, and no influence, you're still not a leader; a million ideas and no creations, you're still not an artist. a million theories, and no facts, you're still not a scholar; a million books, and no wisdom, you're still not a sage;
"God is the beginning of life. Life is the beginning of time. Time is the beginning of eternity. Eternity is the beginning of reality. Reality is the beginning of existence.
"When life hands you questions, answer them. When life hands you mysteries, unravel them. When life hands you enigmas, decipher them. When life hands you tasks, accomplish them. When life hands you problems, tackle them. When life hands you skills, develop them. When life hands you talents, sharpen them. When life hands you friends, cherish them. When life hands you family, value them. When life hands you acquaintances, treasure them. When life hands you opponents, confront them. When life hands you acquaintances, celebrate them. When life hands you allies, support them. When life hands you riches, multiply them. When life hands you possessions, protect them. When life hands you pleasures, ration them. When life hands you experiences, relish them. When life hands you students, instruct them. When life hands you mentors, study them. When life hands you teachers, esteem them. When life hands you disciples, inspire them. When life hands you gurus, honor them. When life hands you lessons, remember them. When life hands you teachings, impart them. When life hands you demands, tackle them. When life hands you obstacles, challenge them. When life hands you troubles, overcome them. When life hands you burdens, conquer them. When life hands you titles, cherish them. When life hands you degrees, employ them. When life hands you medals, welcome them.
"The more you love laughter the more you must bear with boredom. The more you love excitement the more you must bear with monotomy. The more you love company the more you must bear with loneliness. The more you love loyalty the more you must bear with distrust. The more you love pleasure the more you must bear with pain. The more you love silence the more you must bear with speech. The more you love solitude the more you must bear with noise. The more you love knowledge the more you must bear with curiosity. The more you love truth the more you must bear with conscience. The more you love vice the more you must bear with guilt. The more you love virtue the more you must bear with temptation. The more you love morality the more you must bear with shame. The more you love freedom the more you must bear with responsibility. The more you love power the more you must bear with restraint. The more you love wisdom the more you must bear with learning. The more you love wealth the more you must bear with risk. The more you love fame the more you must bear with apathy.
"There is a fine line between: ego and confidence, weakness and cowardice, piety and self-righteousness, lust and infatuation, patience and procrastination, contentment and apathy, fear and hatred, greed and ambition, sin and pleasure, want and need, and hope and delusion. There is also a fine line between: sleep and death, rest and idleness, envy and desire, noise and music, sight and blindness, respect and idolatry, poverty and crime, corruption and equality, tyranny and despair,
"You can buy a clock, but you cannot buy time. You can buy a bed, but you cannot buy sleep. You can buy excitement, but you cannot buy bliss. You can buy luxuries, but you cannot buy satisfaction. You can buy pleasure, but you cannot buy peace. You can buy possessions, but you cannot buy contentment. You can buy entertainment, but you cannot buy fulfillment. You can buy amusement, but you cannot buy happiness. You can buy books, but you cannot buy intelligence. You can buy degrees, but you cannot buy wisdom. You can buy fame, but you cannot buy honor. You can buy a reputation, but you cannot buy character. You can buy a priest, but you cannot buy a miracle. You can buy a doctor, but you cannot buy health. You can buy a scientist, but you cannot buy discoveries. You can buy a leader, but you cannot buy power. You can buy acceptance, but you cannot buy friendship. You can buy companions, but you cannot buy loyalty. You can buy allies, but you cannot buy dependability. You can buy partners, but you cannot buy fidelity. You can buy clothes, but you cannot buy class. You can buy toys, but you cannot buy youth. You can buy women, but you cannot buy love. You can buy houses, but you cannot buy homes. You can buy a computer, but you cannot buy intellect. You can buy makeup, but you cannot buy beauty. You can buy a pen, but you cannot buy imagination. You can buy a paintbrush, but you cannot buy inspiration. You can buy opinions, but you cannot buy truth. You can buy assumptions, but you cannot buy facts. You can buy evidence, but you cannot buy faith.
"If you have days, you have riches. If you have months, you have fortune. If you have years, you have treasure. If you have decades, you have wealth. If you have time, you have affluence. If you have excitement, you have luxury. If you have pleasure, you have privilege. If you have peace, you have comfort. If you have happiness, you have prosperity. If you have joy, you have triumph. If you have knowledge, you have currency. If you have understanding, you have capital. If you have discernment, you have assets. If you have insight, you have benefits. If you have wisdom, you have profit. If you have religion, you have influence. If you have philosophy, you have muscle. If you have will, you have strength.
"7 Laws of Self Awareness 1. You are what you think. 2. You are what you desire. 3. You are what you seek. 4. You are what you believe. 5. You are what you value.
"Don't take life for granted. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't run from your problems. Don't entertain negative people. Don't abuse your friendships. Don't hold onto the past. Don't throw away opportunities. Don't blame others for your failures. Don't quarrel over small issues. Don't make excuses for your mistakes. Don't try to please your enemies. Don't run from your responsibilities. Don't force your opinions on others. Don't complain about things you can change.
"Before I had a car, I had feet. Before I had a telephone, I had prayer. Before I had a degree, I had commonsense. Before I had a diploma, I had curiosity. Before I had knowledge, I had an opinion. Before I had a reputation, I had a character. Before I had a bodyguard, I had a friend. Before I had a wife, I had a mother. Before I had a son, I had a father. Before I had a body, I had a mind. Before I had a brain, I had a soul.
"Where knowledge ends wisdom begins. Where intelligence ends intuition begins. Where darkness ends light begins. Where ignorance ends enlightenment begins. Where the mind ends the soul begins. Where life ends death begins. Where time ends eternity begins. Where chance ends fate begins.
"If you cannot rule over your mind, you cannot rule over your heart. If you cannot rule over your heart, you cannot rule over your soul. If you cannot rule over your soul, you cannot rule over your life.
"The hunter knows how to live in the jungle, the warrior knows how to live on the battlefield, and the sage knows how to live in life. The fiercest ruler is a warrior,
"I don't want to be admired, I just want to be useful. I don't want to be idolized, I just want to be helpful. I don't want to be great, I just want to be successful. I don't want to be immortalized, I just want to be beneficial. I don't want to be rich, I just want to be cheerful. I don't want to be famous, I just want to be peaceful. I don't want to be eminent, I just want to be blissful. I don't want to be powerful, I just want to be joyful. I don't want to be influential, I just want to be functional. I don't want to be worshiped, I just want to be capable.
"Think, but don't fret. Ponder, but don't worry. Contemplate, but don't fuss. Decide, but don't agonize. Speak, but don't babble. Emphasize, but don't exaggerate. Debate, but don't argue. Confront, but don't offend. Challenge, but don't provoke. Praise, but don't flatter. Respect, but don't cower. Defy, but don't threaten. Oppose, but don't antagonize. Contradict, but don't alienate. Bow, but don't yield. Humor, but don't insult. Honor, but don't idolize. Revere, but don't worship. Pamper, but don't spoil. Assist, but don't indulge. Discipline, but don't harm. Chastise, but don't bruise. Adapt, but don't settle. Nurture, but don't coddle. Cherish, but don't pander. Admire, but don't fawn.
"Education overcomes ignorance, overpowers shallowness, overwhelms incompetence, and overthrows foolishness. Knowledge is the mind's medicine, understanding is the heart's remedy,
"Jesus had no money, but was the richest of all time; had no education, but was the smartest of all time; had no titles, but was the noblest of all time; had no pedigree, but was the finest of all time; and had no power, but was the strongest of all time. He had no wife, but was the meekest husband of all time; had no children, but was the gentlest father of all time; had no teacher, but was the humblest pupil of all time; had no schooling, but was the wisest teacher of all time; and had no temple, but was the godliest rabbi of all time. He had no sword, but was the bravest warrior of all time; had no boat, but was the shrewdest fisherman of all time; had no winery, but was the aptest winemaker of all time; had no mentor, but was the nicest counselor of all time; and had no pen, but was the greatest author of all time. He had no seminary, but was the sharpest theologian of all time; had no university, but was the brightest professor of all time; had no degree, but was the ablest doctor of all time; had no wealth, but was the biggest philanthropist of all time;
"It is death that makes life precious, darkness that makes light precious, dirt that makes flowers precious, storms that make rainbows precious, pain that makes pleasure precious, chaos that makes harmony precious, space that makes matter precious, clutter that makes orderliness precious, chance that makes certainty precious, eternity that makes time precious, truth that makes reality precious, silence that makes speech precious, rest that makes motion precious, opinions that make facts precious, strife that makes peace precious, curiosity that makes knowledge precious, suspicion that makes evidence precious, fear that makes caution precious, slavery that makes freedom precious, oblivion that makes existence precious,
"You don't need money to be generous. You don't need education to be wise. You don't need fame to be important. You don't need charisma to be influential. You don't need titles to be honorable. You don't need awards to be special. You don't need medals to be extraordinary. You don't need consent to be yourself. You don't need approval to be unique. You don't need a license to be creative. You don't need authorization to dream. You don't need acceptance to be gifted. You don't need youth to be a champion. You don't need old age to be a hero. You need skill, not temper, to be a warrior. You need love, not rage, to be an activist. You need compassion, not robes, to be a priest. You need confidence, not ego, to be a politician. You need integrity, not charm, to be a leader.
"Time is the bridge between life and death. Truth is the bridge between illusion and reality. Trust is the bridge between confidence and fear. Conviction is the bridge between doubt and belief. Certainty is the bridge between hesitation and assurance. Knowledge is the bridge between facts and reason. Wisdom is the bridge between intelligence and spirituality. Integrity is the bridge between character and reputation. Emotion is the bridge between contentment and desire. Joy is the bridge between happiness and excitement. Desire is the bridge between need and want. Urgency is the bridge between action and indecision. Consequence is the bridge between deed and outcome. Freewill is the bridge between fate and chance. Light is the bridge between humanity and divinity. Infinity is the bridge between nothing and everything. Peace is the bridge between war and reconciliation.
"It doesn't cost much to hate, but it costs you everything to love. It doesn't cost much to fall, but it costs you everything to rise. It doesn't cost much to doubt, but it costs you everything to believe. It doesn't cost much to forget, but it costs you everything to remember. It doesn't cost much to take, but it costs you everything to give. It doesn't cost much to create, but it costs you everything to destroy. It doesn't cost much to seek, but it costs you everything to find. It doesn't cost much to command, but it costs you everything to obey. It doesn't cost much to destroy, but it costs you everything to build. It doesn't cost much to hinder, but it costs you everything to help. It doesn't cost much to harm, but it costs you everything to heal. It doesn't cost much to revenge, but it costs you everything to forgive. It doesn't cost much to condenm, but it costs you everything to sympathize. It doesn't cost much to assume, but it costs you everything to prove. It doesn't cost much to ignore, but it costs you everything to understand. It doesn't cost much to despise, but it costs you everything to honor. It doesn't cost much to blame, but it costs you everything to praise. It doesn't cost much to denounce, but it costs you everything to appluad. It doesn't cost much to rest, but it costs you everything to work. It doesn't cost much to surrender, but it costs you everything to conquer. It doesn't cost much to lose, but it costs you everything to win. It doesn't cost much to fail, but it costs you everything to succeed. It doesn't cost much to rest, but it costs you everything to work. It doesn't cost much to die, but it costs you everything to live. It doesn't cost much to sit, but it costs you everything to stand. It doesn't cost much to walk, but it costs you everything to run. It doesn't cost much to jog, but it costs you everything to soar. It doesn't cost much to follow, but it costs you everything to lead.
"You are what you think. You are what you say. You are what you do. You are what you know. You are what you believe. You are what you conceive. You are what you were.
"If you annoy others, others will annoy you. If you offend others, others will offend you. If you anger others, others will anger you. If you hurt others, others will hurt you. If you abuse others, others will abuse you. If you hate others, others will hate you. If you comfort others, others will comfort you. If you help others, others will help you. If you respect others, others will respect you. If you honor others, others will honor you.
"Don't look for knowledge, look for wisdom. Don't look for opinions, look for facts. Don't look for theories, look for evidence. Don't look for speculation, look for certainties. Don't look for certificates, look for competance. Don't look for degrees, look for diligence. Don't look for position, look for influence. Don't look for jobs, look for a career. Don't look for skills, look for talents. Don't look for approval, look for individuality. Don't look for validation, look for self acceptance. Don't look for empires, look for happiness. Don't look for popularity, look for excellence. Don't look for acclaim, look for performance. Don't look for conquests, look for brilliance. Don't look for followers, look for friends. Don't look for muscles, look for courage. Don't look for appearance, look for character. Don't look for body, look for heart. Don't look for sexmates, look for helpmates. Don't look for vengance, look for mercy. Don't look for fate, look for opportunity. Don't look for luck, look for destiny. Don't look for fate, look for opportunity. Don't look for wealth, look for health. Don't look for today, look for tomorrow. Don't look for miracles, look for faith. Don't look for religion, look for love. Don't look for messiahs, look for peace.
"If a disciple is old, a master should be mature. If a disciple is young, a master should be accessible. If a disciple is brave, a master should be fearless. If a disciple is shrewd, a master should be wise. If a disciple is strong, a master should be powerful. If a disciple is learned, a master should be enlightened. If a disciple is contented, a master should be joyful. If a disciple is faithful, a master should be devoted. If a disciple is tolerant, a master should be peaceful. If a disciple is intro inspective, a master should be self-aware. If a disciple is focused, a master should be determined.
"The forest reveals what was in the seed. The hen reveals what was in the egg. The storm reveals what was in the clouds. The light reveals what was in the star. The perfume reveals what was in the flower. The honey reveals what was in the bee. The fruit reveals what was in the tree. The rose reveals what was in the thorn. The web reveals what was in the spider. The butterfly reveals what was in the caterpillar. The venom reveals what was in the serpent. The pearl reveals what was in the oyster. The diamond reveals what was in the rock. The flame reveals what was in the spark. The nest reveals what was in the bird. The roar reveals what was in the lion. The leaf reveals what was in the plant. The fire reveals what was in the wood. The droplet reveals what was in the ocean. The rainbow reveals what was in the storm. The ocean reveals what was in the shark. The desert reveals what was in the camel. The sky reveals what was in the eagle. The jungle reveals what was in the elephant. The team reveals what was in the coach. The flock reveals what was in the shepherd. The crew reveals what was in the captain. The army reveals what was in the general. The tower reveals what was in the architect. The sculpture reveals what was in the sculptor. The painting reveals what was in the painter. The symphony reveals what was in the composer. The sensation reveals what was in the body. The tongue reveals what was in the mind. The action reveals what was in the heart. The character reveals what was in the soul. Spring reveals what was in winter. Summer reveals what was in spring. Autumn reveals what was in summer. Summer reveals what was in spring. The past reveals what was in the beginning. The present reveals what was in the past.
"Knowing what to think is sense, when to think it is intelligence, how to think it is wisdom, why and how to think it is enlightenment. Knowing what to say is sense, when to say it is intelligence, how to say it is wisdom, why and how to say it is enlightenment. Knowing what to learn is sense, when to learn it is intelligence, how to learn it is wisdom, why and how to learn it is enlightenment. Knowing what to do is sense, when to do it is intelligence, how to do it is wisdom, why and how to do it is enlightenment. Knowing what to teach is sense, when to teach it is intelligence,
"People that think are many, people that reason are few. People that theorize are many, people that prove are few. People that speculate are many, people that know are few. People that assume are many, people that verify are few. People that hear are many, people that listen are few. People that preach are many, people that practice are few. People that see are many, people that observe are few. People that recall are many, people that comprehend are few. People that question are many, people that answer are few. People that entertain are many, people that educate are few. People that misguide are many, people that enlighten are few. People that lecture are many, people that demonstrate are few. People that start are many, people that finish are few. People that quit are many, people that persevere are few. People that fall are many, people that rise are few. People that compete are many, people that win are few. People that criticize are many, people that inspire are few. People that blame are many, people that pardon are few. People that condemn are many, people that console are few. People that undermine are many, people that strengthen are few. People that take are many, people that give are few. People that teach are many, people that mentor are few. People that harm are many, people that heal are few. People that doubt are many, people that believe are few. People that wish are many, people that strive are few. People that plan are many, people that prevail are few. People that lose are many, people that gain are few. People that fail are many, people that succeed are few. People that imitate are many, people that originate are few. People that innovate are many, people that invent are few. People that conceive are many, people that realize are few. People that dream are many, people that achieve are few. People that divide are many, people that unify are few. People that follow are many, people that lead are few. People that command are many, people that influence are few. People that control are many, people that guide are few. People that feel are many, people that empathize are few. People that yearn are many, people that fulfill are few. People that trust are many, people that are devoted are few. People that age are many, people that mature are few. People that rage are many, people that forgive are few. People that despair are many, people that hope are few. People that fear are many, people that love are few.
"Poverty in your mind is ignorance. Poverty in your heart is bitterness. Poverty in your soul is arrogance. Poverty in your life is foolishness. Wealth in your mind is intelligence. Wealth in your heart is happiness.
"Where there is no rest there is energy. Where there is no disruption there is normality. Where there is no profit there is bankruptcy. Where there is no gain there is insolvency. Where there is no injury there is safety. Where there is no team there is individuality. Where there is no hindrance there is opportunity. Where there is no injury there is safety. Where there is no sense there is inefficiency. Where there is no failiure there is competency. Where there is no decline there is industry. Where there is no strength there is infirmity. Where there is no idleness there is activity. Where there is no weakness there is intensity. Where there is no failiure there is industry. Where there is no leadership there is anarchy. Where there is no repetition there is originality. Where there is no increase there is deficiency. Where there is no ignorance there is capacity. Where there is no impotence there is ability. Where there is no falseness there is authenticity. Where there is no excellence there is mediocrity. Where there is no mistake there is quality. Where there is no amatuer there is ingenuity.
"Truth is straight. Ignorance is narrow. Knowledge is wide. Wisdom is high. Contentment is straight. Lust is narrow. Peace is wide. Joy is high. Humility is straight. Ego is narrow. Grace is wide. Meekness is high. Faith is straight. Envy is narrow.
"Truth is an honest saint, ignorance is a helpless scholar, vice is an uncaring sinner, and love is a kind sage. Knowledge is the path, understanding is the way,
"When leaders confront you, allow them. When leaders criticize you, permit them. When leaders annoy you, tolerate them. When leaders oppose you, debate them. When leaders provoke you, challenge them. When leaders encourage you, appreciate them. When leaders protect you, value them. When leaders help you, cherish them. When leaders guide you, treasure them. When leaders inspire you, revere them. When leaders fail you, pardon them. When leaders disappoint you, forgive them. When leaders exploit you, defy them. When leaders abandon you, disregard them. When leaders betray you, discipline them. When leaders regard you, acknowledge them. When leaders accommodate you, embrace them. When leaders favor you, esteem them. When leaders bless you, honor them. When leaders reward you, promote them. When your leaders are weak, uphold them. When your leaders are discouraged, comfort them. When your leaders are disappointed, strengthen them. When your leaders are defeated, encourage them. When your leaders are dejected, revitalize them. When your leaders are strong, approve them. When your leaders are brave, applaud them. When your leaders are determined, extol them. When your leaders are persevering, endorse them. When your leaders are fierce, exalt them. When your leaders are abusive, rebuke them. When your leaders are manipulative, chastise them. When your leaders are corrupt, punish them. When your leaders are evil, imprison them. When your leaders are tyrannical, overthrow them. When your leaders are considerate, receive them. When your leaders are compassionate, welcome them. When your leaders are appreciative, love them. When your leaders are generous, praise them. When your leaders are kind, venerate them. When your leaders are clever, keep them. When your leaders are prudent, trust them. When your leaders are shrewd, observe them. When your leaders are wise, believe them. When your leaders are enlightened, follow them. When your leaders are naive, caution them. When your leaders are shallow, teach them. When your leaders are unschooled, educate them. When your leaders are stupid, impeach them. When your leaders are foolish, depose them. When your leaders are able, empower them. When your leaders are open, engage them. When your leaders are honest, support them. When your leaders are impartial, respect them. When your leaders are noble, serve them. When your leaders are incompetent, train them. When your leaders are unqualified, develop them. When your leaders are dishonest, admonish them.
"Your feet may be small, but travel much. Your hands may be little, but conquer much. Your eyes may be tiny, but perceive much. Your ears may be modest, but heed much. Your head may be small, but think much. Your heart may be little, but give much. Your soul may be tiny, but love much.
"If you value knowledge, you will hate ignorance. If you value understanding, you will hate shallowness. If you value intelligence, you will hate imprudence. If you value wisdom, you will hate foolishness. If you value hope, you will hate gloominess. If you value faith, you will hate anxiousness. If you value joy, you will hate cheerlessness.
"When I was weak, I was full of fear. When I was strong, I was full of hope. When I was a happy, I was full of peace. When I was a sad, I was full of suffering. When I was poor, I was full of gratitude. When I was rich, I was full of longing. When I was wise, I was full of grace. When I was foolish, I was full of ignorance. When I was a child, I was full of joy. When I was a youth, I was full of laughter.
"Imhotep never attended university, but was the father of medicine. Nimrod never attended military academy, but was the father of conquests. Noah never attended seminary, but was the father of prophecy. Guru Nanak never attended university, but inestimable admire him. Mohammed never attended university, but innumerable honor him. Buddha never attended university, but incalculable praise him. King David never attended university, but numberless respect him. King Solomon never attended university, but endless celebrate him.
"Critics work for you; they reveal your weaknesses. Critics work against you; they envy your strengths. Wisdom works for you; it counters your weaknesses. Faith works for you; it increases your strengths. Forgive those who hurt you; compassion is the offspring of blessings. Love those who hate you; love is the offspring of great blessings. Be grateful for whatever you have; much is made from little.
"Partially trust your friends. Moderately trust your family. Seldomly trust your acquaintances. Never trust your enemies. Jealous friends betray you quickly. Envious friends will betray instantly.
"If you waste time looking at the clouds, you might miss the stars. If you waste time looking at the storm, you might miss the rainbow. If you waste time looking at the rain, you might miss the sunshine. If you waste time looking at the seeds, you might miss the harvest. If you waste time looking at the river, you might miss the ocean. If you waste time looking at the thorns, you might miss the roses. If you waste time looking at the past, you might miss the future. If you waste time looking at the losses, you might miss the victories.
"Nature is a thought. Nature is a desire. Nature is an expression. Nature is an experience. Nature is reality. Nature is light. Nature is sound. Nature is movement. Nature is energy. Nature is power. Nature is the sky. Nature is the stars. Nature is the planets. Nature is the world. Nature is the universe. Nature is a man. Nature is a woman. Nature is a child.
"Understanding is fortune. Ignorance is poverty. Intuition is treasure. Wisdom is wealth. Anticipation is fortune. Fear is poverty. Hope is treasure. Faith is wealth. Comfort is fortune. Envy is poverty. Contentment is treasure. Fulfilment is wealth. Charity is fortune. Avarice is poverty. Peace is treasure. Happiness is wealth. Friendship is fortune. Hatred is poverty.
"Think outside of the box. Work outside of the box. Dream outside of the box. Succeed outside of the box. The ordinary think inside of the box, the extraordinary think outside of the box,