"Eden was the first university. God was the first professor. Adam was the first graduate. Freewill was the first university. Temptation was the first professor. Eve was the first graduate. The mind was the first university. The heart was the first professor. The soul was the first graduate. The world was the first university. Nature was the first professor. Mankind was the first graduate. Homes were the first universities. Mothers were the first professors. Obedient children were the first graduates. Life was the first university.
"There is no gem like truth, no wealth like knowledge, no treasure like understanding, and no jewel like love. There is no gem like gratitude, no wealth like humility, no treasure like patience, and no jewel like virtue, There is no gem like peace, no wealth like contentment, no treasure like faith, and no jewel like joy. There is no gem like time, no wealth like experience, no treasure like reality, and no jewel like life. There is no gem like prudence, no wealth like health, no treasure like prayer, and no jewel like meditation. There is no gem like nature, no wealth like harmony,
"The world needs your mind, the cosmos need your heart, and the universe needs your soul. Nature needs your care, mankind needs your responsibility, and humanity needs your light. The people need your truth,
"I am fortitude," said faith. "I am contentment," said peace. "I am delight," said joy. "I am goodness," said virtue. "I am God," said love. "I am truth," said knowledge. "I am sight," said understanding. "I am perception," said intelligence. "I am prudence," said wisdom. "I am awareness," said enlightenment. "I am success," said excellence. "I am mastery," said discipline. "I am persistence," said focus.
"Fear tells you what can't be done, courage tells you what can be done, wisdom tells you what must be done, and love tells you why it must be done. Impossible tells you what can't be done, faith tells you what can be done,
"You are no greater than the thoughts you carry, the knowledge you acquire, the desires you harbor, and the experiences you cherish. You are no better than the friends you keep, the books you read, the heroes you admire, and the obstacles you overcome. You are no higher than the wisdom you retain, the understanding you gain, the faith you practice, and the love you give. You are no larger than the powerless you help, the poor you enrich, the weak you embolden, and the fearful you inspire. You are no bigger than the opponents you face, the alliances you broker,
"Train your ears to hear more, your eyes to see more, your hands to do more, your feet to accomplish more, your mind to think more, your heart to feel more, and your soul to love more. The mind, though small, can perceive the impossible. The heart, though small, can endure the impossible. The soul, though small, can experience the impossible. The hands, though small, can do the impossible. The tongue, though small, can express the impossible.
"There is a fine line between: ego and confidence, weakness and cowardice, piety and self-righteousness, lust and infatuation, patience and procrastination, contentment and apathy, fear and hatred, greed and ambition, sin and pleasure, want and need, and hope and delusion. There is also a fine line between: sleep and death, rest and idleness, envy and desire, noise and music, sight and blindness, respect and idolatry, poverty and crime, corruption and equality, tyranny and despair,
"7 Laws of Self Awareness 1. You are what you think. 2. You are what you desire. 3. You are what you seek. 4. You are what you believe. 5. You are what you value.
"Givers are worth more than takers. Earners are worth more than beggars. Sharers are worth more than hoarders. Lovers are worth more than haters. Builders are worth more than destroyers. Creators are worth more than imitators. Leaders are worth more than followers. Learners are worth more than teachers. Doers are worth more than talkers. Dreamers are worth more than doubters. Winners are worth more than losers. Encouragers are worth more than detractors. Defenders are worth more than aggressors. Liberators are worth more than jailers. Soldiers are worth more than murderers. Angels are worth more than monsters. Protectors are worth more than attackers. Originators are worth more than copiers. Achievers are worth more than quitters. Victors are worth more than failures. Conquerors are worth more than warriors. Contenders are worth more than spectators. Producers are worth more than users. Motivators are worth more than discouragers. Masters are worth more than amateurs. Intercessors are worth more than accusers. Emancipators are worth more than backstabbers. Sympathizers are worth more than provokers. Healers are worth more than killers. Peacemakers are worth more than instigators. Deliverers are worth more than collaborators.
"Intellect is intelligent, intuition is wise. Awareness is intelligent, discernment is wise. Truth is intelligent, knowledge is wise. Speech is intelligent, silence is wise. Curiosity is intelligent, insight is wise. Caution is intelligent, prudence is wise. Knowledge is intelligent, commonsense is wise. Perception is intelligent, understanding is wise. Theory is intelligent, experience is wise. Virtue is intelligent, love is wise. Scholars are intelligent, saints are wise. Students are intelligent, teachers are wise. Professors are intelligent, gurus are wise. The past is intelligent, the future is wise. Time is intelligent, eternity is wise. Chance is intelligent, fate is wise. The mind is intelligent, the soul is wise. The eye is intelligent, the ear is wise.
"Peace is an ocean, harmony is the ship, tolerance is the captain, and strife is the storm. Joy is an ocean, faith is the ship, hope is the captain, and despair is the storm. Love is an ocean, kindness is the ship, compassion is the captain, and greed is the storm. Virtue is an ocean, prudence is the ship, goodness is the captain, and vice is the storm. Friendship is an ocean, trust is the ship, patience is the captain, and betrayal is the storm. Destiny is an ocean, purpose is the ship, character is the captain, and misfortune is the storm. Experience is an ocean, the present is the ship, the past is the captain, and pain is the storm. The soul is an ocean, the heart is the ship, the soul is the captain, and darkness is the storm. Life is an ocean, reality is the ship, awareness is the captain, and mortality is the storm. Eternity is an ocean, time is the ship,
"Knowing what to think is sense, when to think it is intelligence, how to think it is wisdom, why and how to think it is enlightenment. Knowing what to say is sense, when to say it is intelligence, how to say it is wisdom, why and how to say it is enlightenment. Knowing what to learn is sense, when to learn it is intelligence, how to learn it is wisdom, why and how to learn it is enlightenment. Knowing what to do is sense, when to do it is intelligence, how to do it is wisdom, why and how to do it is enlightenment. Knowing what to teach is sense, when to teach it is intelligence,
"Poverty in your mind is ignorance. Poverty in your heart is bitterness. Poverty in your soul is arrogance. Poverty in your life is foolishness. Wealth in your mind is intelligence. Wealth in your heart is happiness.
"Your feet may be small, but travel much. Your hands may be little, but conquer much. Your eyes may be tiny, but perceive much. Your ears may be modest, but heed much. Your head may be small, but think much. Your heart may be little, but give much. Your soul may be tiny, but love much.
"Truth has one eye, understanding has two ears, knowledge has three feet, and wisdom has four hands. Truth has the world's biggest mouth, wisdom has the world's largest ears,
"I see you. You see me. We see each other. I know you. You know me. We know each other. I am who I am. You are who you are. We are who we are. I am here to help you.
"Have the mind of a fox, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swan, and the soul of a dove. Have the fortitude of a camel, the courage of a bear, the strength of a bull,
"Ignorance incarcerates you, truth sets you free, and knowledge lights your way around the universe. Ego incarcerates you, humility sets you free, and gratitude lights your way around the universe. Greed incarcerates you, contentment sets you free, and charity lights your way around the universe. Fear incarcerates you, hope sets you free, and faith lights your way around the universe. Guilt incarcerates you, grace sets you free, and faith lights your way around the universe. Desire incarcerates you, self-discipline sets you free, and patience lights your way around the universe. The heart incarcerates you, the mind sets you free, and the soul lights your way around the universe. Death incarcerates you, life sets you free, and awareness lights your way around the universe. The past incarcerates you, the present sets you free, and eternity lights your way around the universe. Darkness incarcerates you,
"If you want to sing, sing like today is your last. If you want to dance, dance like today is your last. If you want to laugh, laugh like today is your last. If birds sing without worrying about who is listening to them, and monkeys dance without worrying about who is watching them, and hyenas laugh without worrying about who is mocking them,
"One giver is greater than a thousand takers. One earner is greater than a thousand beggars. One achiever is greater than a thousand quitters. One performer is greater than a thousand complainers. One learner is greater than a thousand teachers. One creator is greater than a thousand imitators. One leader is greater than a thousand followers. One thinker is greater than a thousand dreamers. One conqueror is greater than a thousand warriors. One master is greater than a thousand amateurs.
"Life is a sanatorium: the ignorant are patients, wisdom is the doctor, and knowledge is the remedy. The world is a hospital: people are patients, truth is the doctor, and love is the remedy. The universe is a clinic: sinners are patients,
"Intellect is its thoughts. Happiness is its desires. Pleasure is its experiences. Truth is its thoughts. Awareness is its desires. Reality is its experiences. Imagination is its thoughts. Intention is its desires. Deeds are its experiences. Wisdom is its thoughts. Joy is its desires. Love is its experiences. The mind is its thoughts. The heart is its desires. The soul is its experiences. The past is its thoughts. The present is its desires. The future is its experiences. The world is its thoughts.
"Light in love is joy. Light in faith is hope. Light in compassion is mercy. Light in gratitude is contentment. Light in understanding is awareness. Light in intellect is discernment. Light in certainty is conviction. Light in patience is expectation. Light in truth is discovery. Light in innocence is virtue. Light in experience is illumination. Light in consciousness is realization. Light in your world is warmth. Light in your sky is energy. Light in your universe is wisdom. Light in your yourself is virtue. Light in your mind is truth. Light in your heart is knowledge.