"You were born a giver, don't die a taker. You were born an earner, don't die a begger. You were born a sharer, don't die a hoader. You were born a lover, don't die a hater. You were born a builder, don't die a destroyer. You were born a creator, don't die an immitator. You were born a leader, don't die a follower. You were born a learner, don't die a teacher. You were born a doer, don't die a talker. You were born a dreamer, don't die a doubter. You were born a winner, don't die a loser. You were born an encourager, don't die a shamer. You were born a defender, don't die an aggressor. You were born a liberator, don't die an executioner. You were born a soldier, don't die a murderer. You were born an angel, don't die a monster. You were born a protecter, don't die an attacker. You were born an originator, don't die a repeater. You were born an achiever, don't die a quitter. You were born a victor, don't die a failure. You were born a conqueror, don't die a warrior. You were born a contender, don't die a joker. You were born a producer, don't die a user. You were born a motivator, don't die a discourager. You were born a master, don't die an amateur. You were born an intessessor, don't die an accusor. You were born an emancipator, don't die a backstabber. You were born a sympathizer, don't die a provoker. You were born a healer, don't die a killer. You were born a peacemaker, don't die an instigater. You were born a deliverer, don't die a collaborator.
"Compassion is a seed, empathy is the root, kindness is the stem, charity is the tree, and love is the fruit. Intelligence is a seed, understanding is the root, intuition is the stem, knowledge is the tree, and wisdom is the fruit. Skill is a seed, talent is the root, excellence is the stem,
"I see for you. You see for me. We see for each other. I hear for you. You hear for me. We hear for each other. I think for you. You think for me. We think for each other. I speak for you. You speak for me. We speak for each other. I stand for you.
"The 7 Secrets of Overcoming Your Haters 1. Identify your haters. 2. Study your haters. 3. Understand your haters. 4. Confront your haters. 5. Admonish your haters.
"If you want to sing, sing like today is your last. If you want to dance, dance like today is your last. If you want to laugh, laugh like today is your last. If birds sing without worrying about who is listening to them, and monkeys dance without worrying about who is watching them, and hyenas laugh without worrying about who is mocking them,
"I see you. You see me. We see each other. I know you. You know me. We know each other. I am who I am. You are who you are. We are who we are. I am here to help you.
"To know more learn more. To learn more read more. To read more study more. To win more risk more. To risk more do more. To do more dream more. To dream more live more.
"The weak dread obstacles, the foolish invite them, the wise avoid them, the strong battle them, and the great overcome them. The strong overwhelm opponents, the mighty crush them, the shrewd outwit them,
"No matter how tall or wide a tree is, it started off a seed. No matter how tall or wide a building is, it started off a brick. No matter how tall or wide a fire is, it started off a flame. No matter how tall or wide a mountain is, it started off a rock. No matter how tall or wide a baby is, he started off a cell. No matter how deep or wide a heart is, it started off a spirit. No matter how deep or wide an idea is, it started off a thought. No matter how deep or wide a concept is, it started off a desire. No matter how deep or wide a memory is, it started off an experience. No matter how deep or wide an experience is, it started off an awareness. No matter how deep or wide a stream is, it started off a puddle. No matter how deep or wide a river is, it started off a stream. No matter how deep or wide a lake is, it started off a river.