The key to seeing the world's soul, and in the process wakening our own, is to get over the confusion by which we think that fact is real and imagination is illusion.
What saps your energy and drains your strength? If it makes you feel bad on the inside, it will make those around you feel bad too! Don't be the energy vampire whom people want to avoid.
Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy. Having desire, vision, and focus will help you turn your bus in the right direction, and positive energy is needed to take you where you want to go.
Throw out and discard all negative energy that comes your way and find the positives in the situations. You may be having a bad day at work or a lot to do, but be thankful you have a job to go to while many others do not. Always fuel your life with positive energy if you want to be successful.
"Guard your energy by setting boundaries, just saying 'no," and limiting your interactions with people who drain you. The measure--how do they make you feel?"
What makes one person approachable and another one not? That simple difference alone can make or break your success in your life, in your relationships, and in your career.
Approachability is a crucial way of being that empowers you with an extraordinary edge to make a great first impression, invite interaction, build rapport, and win friends.
"Don't you love meeting an approachable person? They roll out the proverbial "welcome mat." Their energy and engaging openness make us feel safe. They project the messages, "I'm so glad to meet you. I like you. Tell me more about you. I'm so glad that you're here," without even saying a word."
Expect good things from people; they feel it. You never know who you are going to meet, and projecting approachability will open doors of opportunity for you that you may not have discovered otherwise.
We are comforted when a person, place, or business is warm and inviting. Making us feel this way increases the likelihood that we will want to learn more, do business with them, or pursue a meaningful interaction.
Consider how others may feel about you before, during, and after talking. Are you projecting an attitude that results in others feeling accepted and welcome? Are you encouraging people to speak and engage with you through your approachability?
"The "Law of Attraction" simply states: "What you think about, you bring about." Whatever you focus on will expand and attract more of the same. Whatever you are putting out there is usually what you are getting back. So, if you don't like what you're getting, you've got to change what you are giving."
Are you being approachable when you are around new people? Ever not know what to say? Simply smile when you make eye contact. This is a subliminal invitation to help others feel safe--allowing a conversation to follow naturally.
"Welcome" is a word to use often! Leaders who maintain an open-door policy inspire trust, teamwork, and healthier communication. They are more likely to earn respect, gain buy-in, and foster collaboration."
When individuals feel comfortable approaching their leaders, their confidence to share ideas, discuss problems, and offer suggestions is strengthened. It emboldens them to take personal ownership and perform at higher levels within the organization.
Unfortunately, unapproachable leaders create a tense environment that may prevent their people from bringing their best strengths and talents or challenges and solutions forward.
Trying to engage with an unapproachable person can lead to embarrassment, alienation, and resistance. Why would we set ourselves up for that kind of pain and failure? It's no wonder that people may avoid them--the risk of rejection is too great.
Ask yourself and become more aware--are you . . . * Speaking poorly of others in judgment, gossip, and intolerance? * Looking for, dwelling on, and obsessing over the negative? * Being grumpy, negative, and infecting others with your bad attitude or victim mentality?
The consistency of their moods and emotions creates a predictable and consistent outcome that can be reassuring in our turbulent times. You know you can depend on approachable people to be well balanced, accepting, and empathetic to the needs and feelings of others.
You magnetize what you are being. You give a smile . . . you get a smile back. If you point fingers with anger, you will get anger in return. If you are obsessing about scarcity, you will continue to live in lack. If you focus on nurturing friends, you will enjoy more enriching relationships.
Without even realizing it, we magnetize people, opportunities, and outcomes. Many people continue to attract dysfunctional folks who bring trauma, drama, crisis, and negativity and then wonder why they are so miserable. Be cognizant of how you're being because it is most certainly attracting what you're receiving.
"Cheri Davis is a fun, energetic, positive, and beautiful friend. We both share a vibrant and positive energy which is a rare and wonderful quality. No matter what is going on in the world, we have a magic ability to energize each other and make the day better simply by speaking. She once said to me, "Susan, our low is most people's high." Indeed. We will not always match the energies of others, and when theirs is lower than ours, that can be a very good thing!"
Emotion is energy in motion; therefore, different states of mind, perceptions, and feelings can all result in different electromagnetic frequencies. How can you elevate your enthusiasm and energize your life?