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f276e77 Didn't they realize that the only way to change things was to act? change change-the-world Tamora Pierce
02016af The only people who can change the world are people who want to. And not everybody does. change-the-world dreams inspirational people Hugh MacLeod
cec2b1c Everything is within your power change change-life change-quotes change-the-world change-your-life change-your-mind empowered empowerment encourae-yourself encourage-yourself encouragement encouragement-and-attitude encouragement-quotes encouraging encouraging-quotes innate-wisdom inner-strength inspirational inspiring inspiring-quote inspiring-quotes law-of-attraction motivating motivational motivational-quotes personal-development positive positive-quote positive-thinking positivity power power-of-the-subconscious-mind power-of-thoughts power-of-will power-of-women powerful powerful-quotes powerful-women powerful-words self-empowered self-empowerment self-healing self-help self-help-inspiration self-help-motivator self-help-quote self-help-quotes self-improvement spiritual spiritual-quote spiritual-wisdom strength strength-of-mind strength-of-spirit strong strong-will strong-willed strong-woman strong-women subconscious uplifting Janice Trachtman
2fb6971 We resonate with one another's sorrows because we are interconnected. Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by changing ourselves. If I become a center of love and kindness in this moment, then in a perhaps small but hardly insignificant way, the world now has a nucleus of love and kindness it lacked the moment before. This benefits me and it benefits others. being-whole benefits-all benefits-me center change-ourselves change-the-world interconnectedness kindness love meditation mindfulness resonate sorrow Jon Kabat-Zinn
e081db6 "Finding one's place in the world is never easy. Have courage and be true to who you are. change-the-world courage inspirational Christopher Paolini
cdd0e77 ...she was something more- a force, a stable, familiar force like something out of my past which kept me from whirling off into some unknown which I dared not face. It was a most painful position for at the same time Mary reminded me constantly that something was expected of me, some act of leadership, some newsworthy achievement;... change-the-world don-t-give-up racism revolution speak-out Ralph Ellison
2982823 Think about the stigma that is attached to the idea that alcoholism is a disease, an incurable illness, and you have it. That's a terrible thing to inflict on someone. Labeling alcoholism as a disease, a cause unto itself, simply no longer fits with what we know today about its causes. addiction addiction-treatment addictions-treatment-centers alcohol-disease alcoholism change-the-world chris-prentiss confidence cure-addiction disease healing healing-abuse healing-trauma overcome-addiction passages-malibu passages-rehab passages-ventura pax-prentiss rehab-centers self-image Chris Prentiss
2b30b9d Believe that is cure is possible for you. Discover and heal the underlying causes with a holistic recovery program. Adopt a philosophy based on what is true in the Universe. addiction-cure addiction-free addiction-treatment-center alcohol-addiction-treatment change change-the-world chris-prentiss curing-addiction drug-addiction-treatment freedom good-books happiness healing health holistic-health holistic-treatment inspiration inspire life non-12-step non12step passages-malibu passages-ventura philosophy recommended-reading renew self-help self-improvement sober sober-living sobriety treatment-program universe wisdom Chris Prentiss
5a50a6e In 1935, when there were no other programs, the founders of AA, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, stepped up to the plate and took action to help a crippled population. All credit for the establishment of their wonderful, life-saving group goes to them and to those who came after them who have continued the tradition. However, there are hundreds of millions of people who still need help who are not among the estimated two or three million who attend twelve-step meetings. addiction-cure addiction-therapy addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse change change-the-world chris-prentiss drug-abuse perspective philosophy twelve-step twelve-steps Chris Prentiss
47d87e9 In 1935, when there were no other programs, the founders of AA, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, stepped up to the plate and took action to help a crippled population. All credit for the establishment of their wonderful, life-saving group goes to them and to those who came after them who have continued the tradition. However, there are not among the estimated two or three million who attend twelve-step meetings. 12-steps addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse change change-the-world chris-prentiss drug-abuse passages-malibu philosophy tradition twelve-step Chris Prentiss