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b540bac A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. power Henry Miller
18cbf5e I wonder if fears ever really go away, or if they just lose their power over us. love power powerful Veronica Roth
120447a Knowledge is power. Power to do evil...or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil. good knowledge power Veronica Roth
766eb84 "Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, power timing waiting Fulton J. Sheen
d8afc47 I met an old lady once, almost a hundred years old, and she told me, 'There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. How much do you love me? And Who's in charge? love power Elizabeth Gilbert
5f4bce0 One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. capitalism corruption government history oppression power rationalization society Carl Sagan
e3619b2 This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy. forest happiness honesty inspirational life love nature power Susan Polis Schutz
f464aad When Gansey was polite, it made him powerful. When Adam was polite, he was giving power away. gansey power raven-boys Maggie Stiefvater
7c07a72 They joined hands. So the world ended. And the next one began. crown-prince-of-adarlan dorian-havillard king-of-adarlan power queen-of-terrasen Sarah J. Maas
0a687df It's all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power. guns power Chuck Palahniuk
81001bc I've come to the conclusion that people who wear headphones while they walk, are much happier, more confident, and more beautiful individuals than someone making the solitary drudge to work without acknowledging their own interests and power. confidence inspirational life music power spiritual truth work Jason Mraz
d020875 Names have power. names power Rick Riordan
509ea2e For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit. double-standards hypocrisy politics power war-crimes Noam Chomsky
f70a586 When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts. lies power Michael Ende
9deaf17 When one with honeyed words but evil mind Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state. deceit deception elections evil false-promises falsehood government power seduction tyranny Euripides
743d1e1 There are times when the world is rearranging itself, and at times like that, the right words can change the world. control greatness power words Orson Scott Card
6e72e7e I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance. circumstance distance endure inspirational long-distance-love love power relationships soul-mates true-love Steve Maraboli
04d376e You gain power by pretending to be weak. power weak Chuck Palahniuk
c138d56 Never assume that the person you are dealing with is weaker or less important than you are. Some people are slow to take offense, which may make you misjudge the thickness of their skin, and fail to worry about insulting them. But should you offend their honor and their pride, they will overwhelm you with a violence that seems sudden and extreme given their slowness to anger. If you want to turn people down, it is best to do so politely and respectfully, even if you feel their request is impudent or their offer ridiculous. power power-of-words powerful practices quotes-i-love quotes-of-betrayal quotes-that-make-sense quotes-to-define-my-life quotes-to-live-by Robert Greene
32ec10d Today is a new day. Don't let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life! action circumstances destiny greatness history inspirational life mediocre motivational mundane new-day power shape today truth victim victim-mentality Steve Maraboli
aff2b37 "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets: committed creatiion initiative magic power providence William Hutchison Murray
3005a98 Because there was a hunger in me to see everything and do everything. I wanted to be everyone I saw. I wasn't enough for me. Can you understand that? learn life power Sidney Sheldon
7401058 Truly powerful people have great humility. They do not try to impress, they do not try to be influential. They simply are. People are magnetically drawn to them. They are most often very silent and focused, aware of their core selves. ... They never persuade, nor do they use manipulation or aggressiveness to get their way. They listen. If there is anything they can offer to assist you, they offer it; if not, they are silent. inspirational leadership power Sanaya Roman
b391ddb Sisters in battle, I am shield and blade to you. As I breathe, your enemies will know no sanctuary. While I live, your cause is mine. battle inspirational power sisterhood war warbringer wonder-woman Leigh Bardugo
6485917 The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them. change happiness inspirational personal-responsibility potential power responsibility success victim Steve Maraboli
b504c8b Power-lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind. education power tyranny Ayn Rand
5ac7146 The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly. curse dorian-gray gods good-looks inspirational intelligence oscar-wilde power stupid-people wealth youth brains Oscar Wilde
418d2c0 Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bind Chaos wants to devour Cal wants to live burn cal devour elements fire flow humor magic power rise Cassandra Clare
031cfbc Power attracts the corruptible. Suspect any who seek it. power Frank Herbert
796d6a4 We are at our most powerful the moment we no longer need to be powerful. acceptance-of-oneself awareness fear inspiration inspirational love power self-acceptance self-awareness self-love surrender trust vulnerability Eric Micha'el Leventhal
a13a626 I have met some highly intelligent believers, but history has no record to say that [s]he knew or understood the mind of god. Yet this is precisely the qualification which the godly must claim--so modestly and so humbly--to possess. It is time to withdraw our 'respect' from such fantastic claims, all of them aimed at the exertion of power over other humans in the real and material world. atheism belief fantasy god humility inspirational modesty power religion respect arrogance Christopher Hitchens
e65d563 and so will the world end, I think, a victim of love rather than hate. For love's ever been the more destructive weapon, sure. love power victim world Stephen King
4ba0904 When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do. creativity destiny identity imagination inspirational power self transcendence transformation RuPaul
a6c7159 "Can I tell you a boring science fact?" she whispered. "I bet you didn't learn it in Shadowhunter history class." "If you're trying to distract me from talking about my feelings, you're not being very subtle about it." He touched her face. "You know I make speeches. It's okay. You don't have to make them back. Just tell me you love me," "I'm not trying to distract you." She held up her hand and wiggles the fingers. "There are a hundred trillion cells in the human body," she said. "And every single one of the cells of my body loves you. We shed cells, and grow new ones, and my new cells love you more than the old ones, which is why I love you more every day than I did before. It's science. And when I die and they burn my body and I become ashes that mix with the air, and part of the ground and the trees and the stars, everyone who breathes air of sees the flowers that grow out of the ground or looks up at the stars will remember you and love you, because I love you that much," She smiled. "How was that for a speech?" jace-herondale love pg-699 power Cassandra Clare
0168bc6 If I look at the mass I will never act. activism apathy genocide helplessness inspirational power Mother Teresa
544a368 I wish that all nations may recover and retain their independence; that those which are overgrown may not advance beyond safe measures of power, that a salutary balance may be ever maintained among nations, and that our peace, commerce, and friendship, may be sought and cultivated by all. It is our business to manufacture for ourselves whatever we can, to keep our markets open for what we can spare or want; and the less we have to do with the amities or enmities of Europe, the better. Not in our day, but at no distant one, we may shake a rod over the heads of all, which may make the stoutest of them tremble inspirational power Thomas Jefferson
af8fb4c I wish that all nations may recover and retain their independence; that those which are overgrown may not advance beyond safe measures of power, that a salutary balance may be ever maintained among nations, and that our peace, commerce, and friendship, may be sought and cultivated by all. It is our business to manufacture for ourselves whatever we can, to keep our markets open for what we can spare or want; and the less we have to do with the amities or enmities of Europe, the better. Not in our day, but at no distant one, we may shake a rod over the heads of all, which may make the stoutest of them tremble. . power Thomas Jefferson
96c23fc She never forgets a slight, real or imagined. She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance. And she is greedy. Greedy for power, for honour, for love. cersei-lannister greed love power tyrion-lannister George R.R. Martin
9ed553c Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it. power rebels tyrants Tobias Wolff
9d50c93 "We Lannisters do have a certain pride," said Tyrion Lannister. "Pride?" Catelyn snapped. His mocking tone and easy manner made her angry. "Arrogance, some might call it. Arrogance and avarice and lust for power." "My brother is undoubtedly arrogant," Tyrion Lannister replied. "My father is the soul of avarice, and my sweet sister Cersei lusts for power with every waking breath. I, however, am innocent as a little lamb. Shall I bleat for you?" He grinned." avarice innocence power George R.R. Martin
d10c435 Seven years, Dawn. Working with the Slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful... a witch. A demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit, but come a full moon, he had a wolfy mojo not to be messed with. Powerful, all of them. And I'm the guy who fixes the windows buffy-the-vampire-slayer extraordinary inspirational observation ordinary power seeing underdog Joss Whedon
ed794dd What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the willso fo the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand. humanity power sociology Leo Tolstoy
a6f8feb He's flint, you're tinder. flame jude love-story lust power taryn the-cruel-prince Holly Black
7bb9d29 Whoever has experienced the power and the unrestrained ability to humiliate another human being automatically loses his own sensations. Tyranny is a habit, it has its own organic life, it develops finally into a disease. The habit can kill and coarsen the very best man or woman to the level of a beast. Blood and power intoxicate ... the return of the human dignity, repentance and regeneration becomes almost impossible. power Fyodor Dostoyevsky
d266935 "Of course I need you. I go insane when I see you. You can do almost anything you wish with me. Is that what you want to hear? Almost, Dominique. And the things you couldn't make me do -- you could put me through hell if you demanded them and I had to refuse you, as I would. Through utter hell, Dominique. Does that please you? Why do you want to know whether you own me? It's so simple. Of course you do. All of me that can be owned. You'll never demand anything else. But you want to know whether you could make me suffer. You could. What of it?" The words did not sound like surrender, because they were not torn out of him, but admitted simply and willingly. She felt no thrill of conquest; she felt herself owned more than ever, by a man who could say these things, know them to be true, and still remain controlled and controlling -- as she wanted him to remain." own power Ayn Rand
652cd9f But they held tighter to each other, past and present and future; flickering between an ancient hall in a mountain castle perched above Orynth, a bridge suspended between glass towers, and another place, perfect and strange, where they had been crafted from stardust and light. A wall of night knocked them back. But they could not be contained. The darkness paused for breath. They erupted. dorian-havilliard power queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
e1a1784 At that moment, Harry fully understood for the first time why people said Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared. The look upon Dumbledore's face as he stared down at the unconscious form of Mad-Eye moody was more terrible than Harry could have ever imagined. There was no benign smile upon Dumbledore's face, no twinkle in the eyes behind the spectacles. There was cold fury in every line of the ancient face; a sense of power radiated from Dumbledore as though he were giving off burning heat. badass dumbledore harry-potter j-k-rowling power powerful J.K. Rowling
cfe2ad2 "... in a cycle as old as tribalism, ignorance of the Other engenders fear; fear engenders hatred; hatred engenders violence; violence engenders further violence until the only "rights", the only law, are whatever is willed by the most powerful." -- hatred ignorance power violence David Mitchell
073b5fd Desire is an odd thing. As soon as it's sated, it transmutes. If we receive golden thread, we desire the golden needle. power throne Holly Black
b4a5e36 profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you. power profanity Kurt Vonnegut
4d97342 There comes a moment in history when ignorance is no longer a forgivable offense... a moment when only wisdom has the power to absolve. - Bertrand Zobrist ignorance power wisdom Dan Brown
226fbbf There is something powerful in the whispering of obscenities, about those in power. There's something delightful about it, something naughty, secretive, forbidden, thrilling. It's like a spell, of sorts. It deflates them, reduces them to the common denominator where they can be dealt with. power powerful secretive Margaret Atwood
3b22976 Some people still think knowledge is power. knowledge palahniuk power Chuck Palahniuk
16d400b The real power in America is held by a fast-emerging new Oligarchy of pimps and preachers who see no need for Democracy or fairness or even trees, except maybe the ones in their own yards, and they don't mind admitting it. They worship money and power and death. Their ideal solution to all the nation's problems would be another 100 Year War. money politics power war Hunter S. Thompson
cec2b1c Everything is within your power change change-life change-quotes change-the-world change-your-life change-your-mind empowered empowerment encourae-yourself encourage-yourself encouragement encouragement-and-attitude encouragement-quotes encouraging encouraging-quotes innate-wisdom inner-strength inspirational inspiring inspiring-quote inspiring-quotes law-of-attraction motivating motivational motivational-quotes personal-development positive positive-quote positive-thinking positivity power power-of-the-subconscious-mind power-of-thoughts power-of-will power-of-women powerful powerful-quotes powerful-women powerful-words self-empowered self-empowerment self-healing self-help self-help-inspiration self-help-motivator self-help-quote self-help-quotes self-improvement spiritual spiritual-quote spiritual-wisdom strength strength-of-mind strength-of-spirit strong strong-will strong-willed strong-woman strong-women subconscious uplifting Janice Trachtman
2912aeb What good is power when you're too wise to use it? power restraint wisdom Ursula K. Le Guin
376447a Ignorance and power and pride are a deadly mixture, you know. power pride Robert Fulghum
1f13715 "Celaena opened her arms wide, Goldryn burning bright in one hand. "Behold my power, Maeve. Behold what I grapple with in the deep dark, what prowls under my skin." Celaena exhaled a breath and extinguished each and every flame in the city. The power wasn't in might or skill. It was in the control -- the power lay in controlling ." power Sarah J. Maas
6439672 "Station is the paradox of the world of my people, the limitation of our power within the hunger for power. It is gained through treachery and invites treachery against those who gain it. Those most powerful in Menzoberranzan spend their days watching over their shoulders, defending against the daggers that would find their backs. Their deaths usually come from the front." -Drizzt Do'Urden" -- darkness power war R.A. Salvatore
c095fa1 Men are not dogs. We merely think we are and, on occasion, act as if we are. But, by believing in our nobler nature, women have the amazing power to inspire us to live up to it. gender-stereotypes love men-and-women power relationships Neil Strauss
87c2b99 But it is no use to justify yourself. It is no good to explain. It is weak to be anecdotal. It is wise to conceal the past even if there is nothing to conceal. A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires. power secret Hilary Mantel
82f8158 Power resides where men believe it resides. A very small man can cast a very large shadow. power George R.R. Martin
4782e1e From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. I was dominated, soul brain and power. brain connection kindred-spirits personality power soul Oscar Wilde
d4d95d7 Above all human existence requires stability, the permanence of things. The result is an ambivalence with respect to all great and violent expenditure of strength; such an expenditure, whether in nature or in man, represents the strongest possible threat. The feelings of admiration and of ecstasy induced by them thus mean that we are concerned to admire them from afar. The sun corresponds to that prudent concern. It is all radiance gigantic loss of heat and light, flame, explosion; but remote from men, who can enjoy in safety and quiet the fruits of this cataclysm. To earth belongs the solidity which sustains houses of stone and the steps of men (at least on its surface, for buried within the depths of the earth is the incandescence of lava). permanence power stability Georges Bataille
fd99536 But although the cliche says that power always corrupts, what is seldom said ... is that power always reveals. When a man is climbing, trying to persuade others to give him power, concealment is necessary. ... But as a man obtains more power, camouflage becomes less necessary. power Robert A. Caro
26b72f6 What better way for a ruling class to claim and hold power than to pose as the defenders of the nation. conflict government history politics power Christopher Hitchens
d015ad1 "But it doesn't take a thousand men to open a door, my lord." "It might to keep it open." diplomacy fear power Ursula K. Le Guin
cf73e49 Power is a game, and in games you do not judge your opponents by their intentions but by the effects of their actions. power Robert Greene
e9a67ec It's all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power, the same way money is power, the same way a gun is power. power Chuck Palahniuk
adce73e "Constitutions become the ultimate tyranny," Paul said. "They're organized power on such a scale as to be overwhelming. The constitution is social power mobilized and it has no conscience. It can crush the highest and the lowest, removing all dignity and individuality. It has an unstable balance point and no limitations." power tyranny Frank Herbert
03b13d4 "Centuries of fighting, and for what? I say. "Today it ends. I can't live in fear any longer. I've cursed this power. I've both enjoyed and misused it. And I've hidden it away. Now I must try to wield it correctly, to marry it to a purpose and hope that is enough." fight gemma-doyle meaning power rebel Libba Bray
6dc6e91 Being a wizard gives you more power than most, but it doesn't change your heart. We're all human. We're all of us equally naked before the jaws of pain. pain power Jim Butcher
e7ea3ee Power brings a man many luxuries, but a clean pair of hands is seldom among them. power Robert Harris
54dede2 She had been in situations like this, where people said, Convince me, and in none of those had they actually wanted to be convinced. She could lay down a perfect argument and they just invented new bullshit on the spot to justify why the answer was still no. When people said, Convince me, she knew it didn't mean they had an open mind. It meant they had power and wanted to enjoy it a minute. argumentation openness persuasion power Max Barry
f4ffe7d The President in particular is very much a figurehead -- he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had -- he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud. political-power politics power president propaganda Douglas Adams
5aa96ad For to be wise and love exceeds man's might. man power wise William Shakespeare
535c296 "But... all I said was that I was scared." After what you got to experience? That's smart, kid," I said. "I'm scared, too. Every time something like this happens, it scares me. But being strong doesn't get you through. Being smart does. I've beaten people and things who were stronger than I was, because they didn't use their heads, or because I used what I had better than they did. It isn't about muscle, kiddo, magical or otherwise. It's about your attitude. About your mind." She nodded slowly and said, "About doing things for the right reasons." You don't throw down like this just because you're strong enough to do it," I said. "You do it because you don't have much choice. You do it because it's unacceptable to walk away, and still live with yourself later." She stared at me for a second, and then her eyes widened. "Otherwise, you're using power for the sake of using power." I nodded. "And power tends to corrupt. It isn't hard to love using it, Molly. You've got to go in with the right attitude or..." Or the power starts using you," she said. She'd heard the argument before, but this was the first time she said the words slowly, thoughtfully, as if she'd actually understood them, instead of just parroting them back to me. Then she looked up. "That's why you do it. Why you help people. You're using the power for someone other than yourself." discipline harry-dresden molly-carpenter power Jim Butcher
b6ad4d5 " was a great man. a wonderful intellect, a great soul of matchless courage, one of the great men of the earth -- and yet we have no right to bow down to his memory simply because he was great. Great orators, great soldiers, great lawyers, often use their gifts for a most unholy cause. We meet to pay a tribute of love and respect to because he used his matchless power for the good of man. courage eulogy good goodness greatness honor ingersoll love memory power praise respect robert-g-ingersoll robert-green-ingersoll robert-ingersoll tribute Clarence Darrow
cbf39df Understand: your mind is weaker than your emotions. But you become aware of this weakness only in moments of adversity--precisely the time when you need strength. What best equips you to cope with tthe heat of battle is neither more knowledge nor more intellect. What makes your mind stronger, and more able to control your emotions, is internal discipline and toughness.No one can teach you this skill; you cannot learn it by reading about it. Like any discipline, it can come only through practice, experience, even a little suffering. The first step in building up presence of mind is to see the need for ii -- to want it badly enough to be willing to work for it. mind power Robert Greene
2891f74 "Lucien studied the wine in his goblet. "You don't hold on to power by being everyone's friend. And among the faeries, lesser and High Fae alike, a firm hand is needed. We're too powerful, and too bored with immortality, to be checked by anything else." faeries freyre high-fae immortality lucien power powerful Sarah J. Maas
47e38f2 There was no doubt now in Ender's mind. There was no help for him. Whatever he faced, now and forever, no on ewould save him from it. Peter might be scum, but Peter had been right, always right; the power to cause pain is the only power that matters, the power to kill and destroy, because if you can't kill then you are always subject to those who can, and nothing and no one will ever save you. ender-wiggin helplessness pain peter-wiggin power will-to-power Orson Scott Card
0d5f50e If one believes that words are acts, as I do, then one must hold writers responsible for what their words do. power Ursula K. Le Guin
dd7cc99 "Nicasia said that as mortal power grows, land and sea ought to be united. And that they would be, either in the way she hoped or the way I should fear." "Ominous," I say. "It seems I have a singular taste for women who threaten me." mortal ominous power threaten women Holly Black
14a9561 There is no such things as magic, though there is such a thing as knowledge of the hidden ways of Nature. magic magic-vs-nature magic-vs-science nature power science H. Rider Haggard
11ec41b For men, the softer emotions are always intertwined with power and pride. That was why Karna waited for me to plead with him though he could have stopped my suffering with a single world. That was why he turned on me when I refused to ask for his pity. That was why he incited Dussasan to an action that was against the code of honor by which he lived his life. He knew he would regret it--in his fierce smile there had already been a glint of pain. But was a woman's heart any purer, in the end? That was the final truth I learned. All this time I'd thought myself better than my father, better than all those men who inflicted harm on a thousand innocents in order to punish the one man who had wronged them. I'd thought myself above the cravings that drove him. But I, too, was tainted with them, vengeance encoded into my blood. When the moment came I couldn't resist it, no more than a dog can resist chewing a bone that, splintering, makes his mouth bleed. Already I was storing these lessons inside me. I would use them over the long years of exile to gain what I wanted, no matter what its price. But Krishna, the slippery one, the one who had offered me a different solace, Krishna with his disappointed eyes--what was the lesson he'd tried to teach? men power pride women Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
d7e131b I'm not good at having friends. I mean, I can make myself useful to people. I can fit in. I get invited to parties and I can sit at any table I want in the cafeteria. But actually trusting someone when they have nothing to gain from me just doesn't make sense. All friendships are negotiations of power. friendship power trust Holly Black
da481de I realize the simple truth is that power isn't control at all- power is strength, and giving that strength to others. A leader isn't someone who forces others to make him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give his strength to others so that they may have the strength to stand on their own. control love overcoming power strong Beth Revis
5a4167b When you have enough power and money, you can dictate the meanings of words. power Maureen Johnson
27dc913 And his knowledge remained woefully incomplete, Harry! That which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend. Of house-elves and children's tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped... power J.K. Rowling
0e72481 In every community there is a class of people profoundly dangerous to the rest. I don't mean the criminals. For them we have punitive sanctions. I mean the leaders. Invariably the most dangerous people seek the power. While in the parlors of indignation the right-thinking citizen brings his heart to a boil. (p. 51) leaders power Saul Bellow
e53c064 Look, part of the whole technique of disempowering people is to make sure that the real agents of change fall out of history, and are never recognized in the culture for what they are. So it's necessary to distort history and make it look as if Great Men did everything - that's part of how you teach people they can't do anything, they're helpless, they just have to wait for some Great Man to come along and do it for them. culture history power Noam Chomsky
baa241d You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship. Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. gentleness love material-things money power substitute tenderness Mitch Albom
dc53499 Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith. dreams faith inspiration inspirational metaphysics mystical-poetry mystical-powers positive-motivation power spirituality Aberjhani
5738d8d It's always good to be underestimated. power smarts strentgh-and-weakness war Melissa de la Cruz
8e4edc0 I am so tired - so tired of being of being whirled on through all these phases of my life, in which nothing abides by me, no creature, no place; it is like the circle in which the victims of earthly passion eddy continually. exhaustion power powerlessness tried Elizabeth Gaskell
5459a7f But by this time I was acutely conscious of the gap between law and justice. I knew that the letter of the law was not as important as who held the power in any real-life situation. injustice justice law legal-system power privilege Howard Zinn
bec0852 Dumbledore raised his finger for silence, a silence which fell as though he had struck Uncle Vernon dumb. awesome dumbledore harry-potter j-k-rowling power uncle-vernon J.K. Rowling
dda6fc3 If fucking up is power, I should be the Hulk by now. power Richard Kadrey
2625fd8 The people who must never have power are the humorless. To impossible certainties of rectitude they ally tedium and uniformity. power totalitarianism tyranny Christopher Hitchens
b906f72 Am I racially kin to this man? Baynes wondered. So closely so that for all intents and purposes it is the same? Then it is in me, too, the psychotic streak. A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power. How long have we known this? Faced this? And--how many of us do know it? fascism future german government nazism power psychosis totalitarianism Philip K. Dick
1b30a26 "Really? And what curse befalls the Adams of the world?" Ann opens her mouth and, presumably thinking of nothing to say, closes it again. It is Felicity who answers, eyes steely. "They are weak to temptation. And we are their temptresses." -- men power temptaion women Libba Bray
9db9d52 The idea that each corporation can be a feudal monarchy and yet behave in its corporate action like a democratic citizen concerned for the world we live in is one of the great absurdities of our time-- democracy feudalism government power Kim Stanley Robinson
255871a Do not wait for a coronation; the greatest emperors crown themselves. bold boldness crown king politics power Robert Greene
02f1717 To me, the conclusion that the public has the ultimate responsibility for the behavior of even the biggest businesses is empowering and hopeful, rather than disappointing. My conclusion is not a moralistic one about who is right or wrong, admirable or selfish, a good guy or a bad guy. My conclusion is instead a prediction, based on what I have seen happening in the past. Businesses have changed when the public came to expect and require different behavior, to reward businesses for behavior that the public wanted, and to make things difficult for businesses practicing behaviors that the public didn't want. I predict that in the future, just as in the past, changes in public attitudes will be essential for changes in businesses' environmental practices. economics politics power public Jared Diamond
252aefb All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. government ideology magnetism mythology politics power religion science-fiction Frank Herbert
f46dfa7 He was demanding. He always would be. But sometimes, he was so vulnerable and she realized she had power in the relationship as well. She hadn't expected that. He was as vulnerable to her as she was to him. He just acted arrogant and bossy, but deep down, where it counted, he didn't want to lose her either. power relationship vulnerable Christine Feehan
771e646 You can't retire to weakness -- you've got to learn to control strength. power strength weakness Wallace Stegner
53b6954 we were nothing more than actions to reactions - helpless against our own fate. It's true. I react and others pay. haley love power west Katie McGarry
536e825 "Remember the great film with Bette Davis, All About Eve? There's a scene after the scheming Eve steals Margo's role through trickery & then gets this magnificent review. Margo of course is effing & blinding all over the place. And crying. Her director rushes into her house, puts his arms around her & says, "I ran all the way". That's what I want." celebrity film hollywood movies power Martha Grimes
b98399d "But why do some people support [the heretics]?" "Because it serves their purposes, which concern the faith rarely, and more often the conquest of power." "Is that why the church of Rome accuses all its adversaries of heresy?" "That is why, and that is also why it recognizes as orthodoxy any heresy it can bring back under its own control or must accept because the heresy has become too strong." heresy orthodoxy power Umberto Eco
5d76388 But the only measure that he knows is desire desire for power and so he judges all hearts. Into his heart the thought will not enter that any will refuse it that having the Ring we may seek to destroy it. If we seek this we shall put him out of reckoning. power J.R.R. Tolkien
8a7ea9a It seems, in fact, that the more advanced a society is, the greater will be its interest in ruined things, for it will see in them a redemptively sobering reminder of the fragility of its own achievements. Ruins pose a direct challenge to our concern with power and rank, with bustle and fame. They puncture the inflated folly of our exhaustive and frenetic pursuit of wealth. fame folly power rank ruins society wealth Alain de Botton
48c35e7 "The convoluted wording of legalisms grew up around the necessity to hide from ourselves the violence we intend toward each other. Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. You have done violence to him, consumed his energy. Elaborate euphemisms may conceal your intent to kill, but behind any use of power over another the ultimate assumption remains: "I feed on your energy." politics power time violence Frank Herbert
8044e49 In a fallen world marked by human depravity and deep-seated sin, in a world where Hitler and Stalin had recruited millions of followers to commit mass murder, love must harness power and seek justice in order to have moral meaning. Love without power remained impotent, and power without love was bankrupt. followers hitler humanity impotence love mass-murder moral-meaning power sin stalin Timothy B. Tyson
9146bd4 Human history can be viewed as a slowly dawning awareness that we are members of a larger group. Initially our loyalties were to ourselves and our immediate family, next, to bands of wandering hunter-gatherers, then to tribes, small settlements, city-states, nations. We have broadened the circle of those we love. We have now organized what are modestly described as super-powers, which include groups of people from divergent ethnic and cultural backgrounds working in some sense together -- surely a humanizing and character building experience. If we are to survive, our loyalties must be broadened further, to include the whole human community, the entire planet Earth. Many of those who run the nations will find this idea unpleasant. They will fear the loss of power. We will hear much about treason and disloyalty. Rich nation-states will have to share their wealth with poor ones. But the choice, as H. G. Wells once said in a different context, is clearly the universe or nothing. fear peace power sharing Carl Sagan
7db378a How can a world be good in which Money is the moving power, and Self-interest the guiding star? power H. Rider Haggard
d111774 "The have influence, but no power." "In my experience, influence is power." power Orson Scott Card
040ccdc It is a world completely rotten with wealth, power, senility, indifference, puritanism and mental hygiene, poverty and waste, technological futility and aimless violence, and yet I cannot help but feel it has about it something of the dawning of the universe. Perhaps because the entire world continues to dream of New York, even as New York dominates and exploits it. new-york postmodern power Jean Baudrillard
89316ca He would be able to create a scent that was not merely human, but super human, an angels scent, so indescribably good and vital that who ever smelt it would be enchanted and with his whole heart would have to love him. control enchanted love lust perfume power scent superhuman Patrick Süskind
f688d45 "All empires fall, eventually." "But why? It's not for lack of power. In fact, it seems to be the opposite. Their power lulls them into comfort. They become undisciplined. Those who had to earn power are replaced by those who have known nothing else. Who have no comprehension of the need to rise above base desires.["]" empires power Max Barry
7f54efa "It is supposed that power corrupts,' the caterpillar said in a voice as untroubled as time itself. "yet the powerful are often corrupt before they are powerful. In fact, I find that they too often become powerful by being corrupt. Whether real or perceived, a lack of power can also corrupt." corruption power Frank Beddor
3cdc8eb Proximity to power has an unsurprising ability to mutate a politician's spinal cord into bright yellow jelly. affordable-care-act barack-obama bravery cowardice health-care health-care-reform politics power united-states united-states-elections-2008 Tariq Ali
aa65057 I tell you, money can't build your spire for you. Build it of gold and it would simply sink deeper. impossibility money power William Golding
a18474b Often, our misunderstandings about love are born in disruptive family relationships, where someone was either one-up or one-down to an extreme. There is an appropriate and necessary difference in the balance of power between parents and young children, but in the best situations, there should be no power struggles by the time those children have become adults - just deep connection, trust, and respect between people who sincerely care about each other. In disruptive families, children are taught to remain one-up or one-down into adulthood. And this produces immature adults who either seek to dominate others (one-up) or who allow themselves to be dominated (one-down) in their relationships - one powerful and one needy, one enabling and one addicted, one decisive and one confused. In relationships with these people, manipulation abounds. Especially when they start to feel out of control. abusive codependency control counseling disfunction enable enabling family-relationships manipulation power psychology Tim Clinton
98d90ad To man has been given the grief, often, of seeing his gods overthrown and his altars crumbling; but to the wolf and the wild dog that have come in to crouch at man's feet, this grief has never come. Unlike man, whose gods are of the unseen and overguessed, vapors and mists of fancy eluding the garmenture of reality, wandering wraiths of desired goodness and power, intangible outcroppings of self into the realm of spirit - unlike man, the wolf and the wild dog that have come into their fire find the gods in the living flesh, solid to the touch, occupying earth-space and requiring time for the accomplishment of their ends and their existence. No effort of faith is necessary to believe in such a god; no effort of will can possibly induce disbelief in such a god. There is no getting away from it. There it stands, on its two hindlegs, club in hand, immensely potential, passionate and wrathful and loving, god and mystery and power all wrapped up and around by flesh that bleeds when it is torn and that is good to eat like any flesh. god man nature power religion Jack London
6b5cecb You know what kind of person it takes to run for President? Not normal. They could start out okay, but by the time they reach that level they've sold their soul to the devil so many times and stomped the guts out of enough people that they are definitely not like you and me, not even close. power president David Baldacci
52f7535 He had used only a drop of his perfume for his performance in Grasse. There was enough left to enslave the whole world. If he wanted, he could be feted in Paris, not by tens of thousands, but by hundreds of thousands of people; or could walk out to Versailles and have the King kiss his feet; write the Pope a perfumed letter and reveal himself as the new Messiah; be anointed in Notre-Dame as Supreme Emperor before kings, or even as God come to earth. power scent smell Patrick Süskind
e9344e2 When things are good in your life, take the time to build and fortify your relationship with the Lord. Never become complacent about your relationship with Him, because there's always room to grow DEEPER! lord love power prayer relationship Stormie Omartian
fc38a76 The courtroom is one instance of the fact that while our society may be liberal and democratic in some large and vague sense, its moving parts, its smaller chambers--its classrooms, its workplaces, its corporate boardrooms, its jails, its military barracks--are flagrantly undemocratic, dominated by one commanding person or a tiny elite of power. concentration-of-power courtroom domination elite injustice power Howard Zinn
42c446d Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. destructive government happiness new power Cory Doctorow
e95ced0 Small souls who seek power over others first destroy the faith those others might have in themselves. power self Frank Herbert
9185732 Sex is like money; only too much is enough. love money passion power sex John Updike
c0be49c Tolstoy said, 'The antagonism between life and conscience may be removed either by a change of life or by a change of conscience.' Many of us have elected to adjust our consciences rather than our lives. Our powers of rationalization are unlimited. They allow us to live in luxury and indifference while others, whom we could help if we chose to, starve and go to hell. change compassion conscience conviction guilt hell hunger indifference power rationalization starvation stewardship tolstoy Randy Alcorn
8372692 If women had power what would men be but women who can't bear children? And what would women be but men who can? power women Ursula K. Le Guin
6e35b7e The evil queen was stupid to play Snow White's game. There's an age where a woman has to move on to another kind of power. Money, for example. Or a gun. power Chuck Palahniuk
b6da56e All friendships are negotiations of power. power Holly Black
c8757a6 Power's a strange thing, lad. It's a drug people like me crave it. drug power Nancy Farmer
0dab52a "But was you not afraid, good sir, when you see him come with his club?" "It is my duty," said he, "to distrust mine own ability, that I may have reliance on him that is stronger than all"." power John Bunyan
a81c91b (One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.) power Victor Hugo
50316d8 But any man who walks in the way of power and property is bound to meet hate. power selfish-motives Zora Neale Hurston
09ca4da "You've got some power," Jakkin said. "One hug--and the lights go out!" humor lights power Jane Yolen
b073a38 Virtue comes through contemplation of the divine, and the exercise of philosophy. But it also comes through public service. The one is incomplete without the other. Power without wisdom is tyranny; wisdom without power is pointless. philosophy power public-service tyranny virtue wisdom Iain Pears
012fe88 There is no neutral position in the Lord. You are either becoming more like Christ every day or you're becoming less like Him. That's because whether you realize it or not, you're never standing still. lord power praying woman Stormie Omartian
cfb2056 In that moment I found a power beyond any I'd had before, a will and a determination I would never have need if not for Lucinda, a fortitude I hadn't been able to find for a lesser cause. power strength will Gail Carson Levine
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