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c6eb014 Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation. They tend to dislike conflict. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions. sociology psychology Susan Cain
19fec60 Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it. writing inspiration sociology creativity Steven Pressfield
011bc65 It's supposed to be automatic, but actually you have to push this button. sociology technology John Brunner
c6f2055 My dear, I used to think I was serving humanity . . . and I pleasured in the thought. Then I discovered that humanity does not want to be served; on the contrary it resents any attempt to serve it. So now I do what pleases myself. sociology Robert A. Heinlein
ed794dd What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the willso fo the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand. humanity sociology power Leo Tolstoy
eca384a That is the paradox of the epidemic: that in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first. sociology Malcolm Gladwell
0b104c1 ...sense of futility that comes from doing anything merely to prove to yourself that you can do it: having a child, climbing a mountain, making some sexual conquest, committing suicide. The marathon is a form of demonstrative suicide, suicide as advertising: it is running to show you are capable of getting every last drop of energy out of yourself, to prove it... to prove what? That you are capable of finishing. Graffiti carry the same message. They simply say: I'm so-and-so and I exist! They are free publicity for existence. Do we continually have to prove to ourselves that we exist? A strange sign of weakness, harbinger of a new fanaticism for a faceless performance, endlessly self-evident. jean-baudrillard sociology Jean Baudrillard
d48ec3e "It's daft, locking us up," said Nanny. "I'd have had us killed." "That's because you're basically good," said Magrat. "The good are innocent and create justice. The bad are guilty, which is why they invent mercy." good philosophy-of-science ethics sociology evil Terry Pratchett
4ea0ddd fsh`r `ndh fj'@ brGb@ GmD@ l tqwm fy sm` mwsyq~ hy'l@, fy sm` Djyj mTlq wSkhb jmyl wfrH yktnf kl shy wyuGrq wykhnq kl shy, fykhtfy l~ l'bd l'lm wlGrwr wtfh@ lklmt. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
9647834 lmwsyq~ blnsb@ lfrnz hy lfn l'kthr qrban mn ljml ldywnysy ldhy yqdWs lnshw@. ymkn lrwy@ 'w llwH@ 'n tdwWkhn wlkn bS`wb@. 'm m` lsmfwny@ lts`@ lbythwvn, 'w m` lswnt@ lmw'lf@ mn alty bynw walt lnqr lbrtwk, 'w m` 'Gny@ llbytlz, fn lnshw@ t`tryn. mn jh@ 'khr~ fn frnz l yfrWq byn lmwsyq~ l`Zym@ wlmwsyq~ lkhfyf@. fhdh ltfryq ybdw lh khbythan wblyan, fhw yHb mwsyq~ lrwk wmwzr `l~ Hd sw. lmwsyq~ blnsb@ lh mHrWr@: dh tHrrh mn lwHd@ wln`zl wmn Gbr lmktbt. wtftH fy dkhl jsdh 'bwban ltkhrj lnfs wttakh~ m` lakhryn. km 'nh yHb lrqS l~ jnb dhlk wysh`r bl's~ l'n sbyn l tshrkh hdh lwl`. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
4229800 lwqt lnsny l ysyr fy shkl dy'ry bl ytqdm fy khT mstqym. mn hn, l ymkn llnsn 'n ykwn s`ydan l'n ls`d@ rGb@ fy ltkrr. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
b0f1fb6 And when there are enough outsiders together in one place, a mystic osmosis takes place and you're inside. sociology Stephen King
ea4a6e7 ymkn khtSr m's@ Hy@ <> lthql. nqwl mthlan n Hmlan qd sqT fwq 'ktfn. fnHml hdh lHml. ntHmlh 'w l ntHmlh wntSr` m`h, wfy lnhy@ m 'n nkhsr wm 'n nrbH. wlkn m ldhy Hdth m` sbyn blDbT? l shy. ftrqt `n rjl l'nh knt rGb@ fy lftrq `nh. hl lHqh b`d dhlk? hl Hwl lntqm? l. fm'sth lyst m's@ lthql nm m's@ lkhf@ wlHml ldhy sqT fwqh lm ykn Hmlan bl kn khf@ lky'n lty l tuTq. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
101da58 knt tsh`r brGb@ jmH@ l'n tqwl lh km tqwl 'tfh lns: <>. wlknh l tstTy` wl t`rf 'n ttlfZ bmthl hdhh lklmt. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
3877393 To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is prostitution. writing inspiration sociology creativity Steven Pressfield
0abc93c l ymkn llnsn 'bdan 'n ydrk mdh `lyh 'n yf`l, l'nh l ymlk l Hy@ wHd@, l ys`h mqrnth biHaywt sbq@ wl SlHh fy Hywt lHq@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
b9776e9 kn lHb bynh wbyn tyryz jmylan, bkl t'kyd, wlknh kn mt`ban: wjb `lyh dy'man 'n ykhfy 'mran m, w'n ytktm, w'n ystdrk, w'n yrf` mn m`nwyth, w'n yw'syh, w'n ythbt bstmrr Hbh lh w'n ytlq~ mlmt Gyrth w'lmh w'Hlmh, w'n ysh`r bldhnb, w'n ybrr nfsh w'n y`tdhr . . lan kl lt`b tlsh~ wlm tbqa l lHlw@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
dda3ca3 Laws, it is said, are for the protection of the people. It's unfortunate that there are no statistics on the number of lives that are clobbered yearly as a result of laws: outmoded laws; laws that found their way onto the books as a result of ignorance, hysteria or political haymaking; antilife laws; biased laws; laws that pretend that reality is fixed and nature is definable; laws that deny people the right to refuse protection. A survey such as that could keep a dozen dull sociologists out of mischief for months. laws sociology Tom Robbins
1b2309a lm ykwn mtHdyn bHnn laW fy llyl 'thn lnwm. kn ymskn dy'man b'ydyhm ftuns~ `ndy'dh lhwy@ (hwy@ Dw lnhr) lty knt tfSl bynhm. wlkn hdhh llyly lm tkn t`Ty twms l lwqt wl lwsyl@ lHmyth wl`tn bh. ldhlk fhw `ndm kn yrh fy lSbH ynqbD qlbh wyrtjf khwfan mn 'jlh: knt tbdw Hzyn@ wmtw`k@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
935fc55 "You want to know what I really learned? I learned that people don't consider time alone as part of their life. Being alone is just a stretch of isolation they want to escape from. I saw a lot of wine-drinking, a lot of compulsive drug use, a lot of sleeping with the television on. It was less festive than I anticipated. My view had always been that I was my most alive when I was totally alone, because that was the only time I could live without fear of how my actions were being scrutinized and interpreted. What I came to realize is that people need their actions to be scrutinized and interpreted in order to feel like what they're doing matters. Singular, solitary moments are like television pilots that never get aired. They don't count. This, I think, explains the fundamental urge to get married and have kids[...]. We're self-conditioned to require an audience, even if we're not doing anything valuable or interesting. I'm sure this started in the 1970s. I know it did. I think Americans started raising offspring with this implicit notion that they had to tell their children, "You're amazing, you can do anything you want, you're a special person." [...] But--when you really think about it--that emotional support only applies to the experience of living in public. We don't have ways to quantify ideas like "amazing" or "successful" or "lovable" without the feedback of an audience. Nobody sits by himself in an empty room and thinks, "I'm amazing." It's impossible to imagine how that would work. But being "amazing" is supposed to be what life is about. As a result, the windows of time people spend by themselves become these meaningless experiences that don't really count. It's filler." loneliness aloneness social sociology human-nature Chuck Klosterman
c9679f8 sbq ly 'n qultu anfan n lst`rt khTyr@ wn lHb ybd' mn st`r@. wbklm@ 'ukhr~: lHb ybd' fy llHZ@ lty tsjaWl fyh mr'@ dkhwlh fy dhkrtn lsh`ry@ mn khll `br@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
615fa56 fkWr twms: n mDj`@ mr'@ wlnwm m`h rGbtn lyst mkhtlftyn fHsb bl mtnqDtn 'yDan. flHb l ytjl~ blrGb@ fy mmrs@ ljns (whdhh lrGb@ tnTbq `l~ jml@ l tHS~ mn lns) wlkn blrGb@ fy lnwm lmshtrk (whdhh lrGb@ l tkhSW l mr'@ wHd@). sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
2c85040 When modern sociologists talk of the necessity of accommodating one's self to the trend of the time, they forget that the trend of the time at its best consists entirely of people who will not accommodate themselves to anything. At its worst it consists of many millions of frightened creatures all accommodating themselves to a trend that is not there. And that is becoming more and more the situation...Every man speaks of public opinion, and means by public opinion, public opinion minus his opinion. public-opinion trends sociology G.K. Chesterton
9da8278 I am successful because of my brains and my guts, put together, and I don't need some fancy-ass degree from a bunch of sweater-vest-wearing pricks who haven't gotten laid since Bush Senior was president... Do you know who studies sociology? People who would rather observe life than live it. intelligence guts brains sociology Erin McCarthy
ebf7dac The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum--even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. politics society sociology media Noam Chomsky
8c8765c knt lt`byr `n lqrf ldhy tmlWkh fj'@ mn ljns lbshry. ftdhkr 'nh qlt lh mw'khran: <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
12979be thm 'rdft: <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
08c7c39 lm ykn Srkhh lhthan wlm ykn t'wWhan, bl Srkh Hqyqy. knt tSrkh bSwt `lin l~ drj@ 'n twms 'b`d r'sh `n wjhh wk'n Swth lz`q sythqb Tbl@ 'dhnh. lm ykn hdh lSrkh t`byran `n lshbq flshbq hw lt`by'@ lqSw~ llHws: nrqb lakhr bntbh blG wnsm` 'dn~ 'Swth. lkn Srkh tyryz kn bkhlf dhlk, yryd 'n yurhq lHws wymn`h mn lrw'y@ wlsm`. knt lmthly@ lsdhj@ lHbWh hy lty tz`q fy dkhlh rGb@ fy lG kl ltnqDt, wfy lG thny'y@ lrwH wljsd, wHtW~ fy lG lzmn. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
83a2c7b dh kn lhyj ljnsy aly@ ytsl~ bh lkhlq, fn lHb, khlfan ldhlk l yntmy l lyn wymknn mn khllh lflt mn qbD@ lkhlq. flHb hw Hrytn. lHb hw m wr kl <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
9ca0456 tdhkr `ndh 'sTwr@ 'flTwn lshhyr@ <>: ffy lsbq kn lbshr mzdwjy ljns fqsWmhm llh l~ 'nSf thym `br l`lm mftsh@ b`Dh `n b`D. lHb hw tlk lrGb@ fy yjd lnSf lakhr lmfqwd mn 'nfsn. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
075ddff mndh dhlk lHyn wklhm yGtbT msbqan blnwm swy@. w'myl tqryban llqwl b'n lhdf mn ljm` blnsb@ lhm lm ykn lnshw@ bl ln`s ldhy y`qbh. why, khS@, lm tkn tstTy` 'n tnm mn dwnh. lw Sdf wbqyt wHyd@ fy shqth lSGyr@ (lty lm t`d l mjrd khd`@) knt Gyr qdr@ `l~ GmD jfn Tyl@ llyl. 'm byn dhr`yh fknt tGfw dy'man mhm tkn drj@ DTrbh. kn yrwy mn 'jlh bSwt khft qSSan ybtd`h 'w trWhtin wklmt mDHk@ y`ydh blhj@ rtyb@. knt hdhh lklmt ttHwl fy mkhyWlth l~ rw'~ mshwWsh@ t'khdh bydh l~ lHlm l'wl. kn ymlk t'thyran khrqan `l~ Gfy'h wknt tGfw fy ldqyq@ lty yqrr hw 'n yntqyh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
293d937 Concurrently, the growing class power and public voice of conservative and liberal well-to-do black folks easily obscures the class cruelty these individuals enact both in the way they talk about underprivileged blacks and the way they represent them. The existence of that class cruelty and its fascist dimensions have been somewhat highlighted by the efforts of privileged-class blacks to censor the voices of black youth, particularly gangsta rappers who are opposing bourgeois class values by extolling the values of street culture and street vernacular. Significantly, the attack on urban underclass black youth culture and its gangster dimensions (glamorization of crime, etc.) is usually presented via a critique of sexism. Since most privileged-class blacks have shown no interest in advancing feminist politics, the only organized effort to end sexism and sexist oppression, this attack on sexism seems merely gratuitous, a smoke screen that deflects away from the fact that what really disturbs bourgeois folks is the support of rebellion, unruly behavior, and disrespect for their class values. In reality, they and their white counterparts fear the power these young folks have to change the minds and life choices of youth from privileged classes. If only underclass black folks were listening to gangsta rap, there would be no public effort to silence and censor this music. The fear is that it will generate class rebellion. sociology bell hooks
0d7f307 `ndh tdhkr twms Hky@ 'uwdyb. 'uwdyb 'yDan lm ykn `rfan b'nh yDj` 'mh, wm` dhlk fnh `ndm `rf bl'mr lm yjd nfsh bryy'an. wlm ystT` tHml mshhd lshq ldhy sbbh jhlh ffq' `ynyh wGdr <> whw '`m~. kn twms ysm` z`yq lshyw`yyn whm ydf`wn `n br@ dhmthm, wyfkr: bsbb jhlkm fqd hdh lbld Hryth lqrwn `dyd@ mqbl@ wtz`qwn qy'lyn b'nkm 'bry? kyf tjrw'wn b`d `l~ lnZr Hwlykm? kyf, 'lm tSbw blhl`? 'w l `ywn ldykm ltbSrw! lw knt `ndkm `ywn Hqan lkntm fq'tmwh wGdrtm <>! knt hdhh lmqrn@ trwq lh l~ Hd 'nh kn yst`mlh mrran fy 'Hdythh m` 'Sdqy'h, wkn y`bWr `nh b`brt 'kthr ldh`an w'kthr fSH@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
0e04761 nh lmn lmDHk-lmbky 'n tSyr 'khlqn lHsn@ bltHdyd fy SlH lshrT@, wlsbb 'nn lm nt`lm lkdhb. fSyG@ l'mr: <> lty rsWkhh abw'h w'mhtn fy 'dhhnn, tj`ln nsh`r bTryq@in aly@ bl`r Hyn nkdhb Ht~ wlw kn 'mm lshrTy ldhy ystjwbn. wnh l'shla `lyn 'n ntkhSm m`h w'n nshtmh (whdh l m`n~ lh) mn 'n nkdhb `lyh SrH@ (fym hdh hw l'mr lwHyd ldhy yjdr lqym bh). sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
d129fac kn dhlk tlmyHan l~ l`br@ lmwsyqy@ l'khyr@ mn rb`y@ bythwvn l'khyr@ lty tt'lf mn htyn lfkrtyn: 'lys mn dhlk bduW? lys mn dhlk bdW. wlky ykwn m`n~ hdhh lklmt wDHan jlyan, dwWn bythwvn fy mTl` l`br@ lmwsyqy@ l'khyr@ lklmt ltly@: <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
c6cd995 mn ybGy <> bstmrr, `lyh 'n yst`d ywman llSb@ bldwr. lkn m hw ldwr? 'hw lkhwf mn lsqwT? wlkn lmdh nSb bldwr `l~ shrf@ lsTH Ht~ wlw knt mzwd@ bdrbzyn mtyn? dhlk 'n ldwr shy mkhtlf `n lkhwf mn lsqwT. nh Swt lfrG yndyn mn l'sfl fyjdhbn wyftnn. nh lrGb@ fy lsqwT lty nqwmh fym b`d wqt 'Sbtn ldh`r. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
8dd27c8 Argumentation is a human enterprise that is embedded in a larger social and psychological context. This context includes (1) the total psyches of the two persons engaged in dialogue, (2) the relationship between the two persons, (3) the immediate situation in which they find themselves and (4) the larger social, cultural and historical situation surrounding them. relationships dialogue culture sociology psychology Peter Kreeft
bb80126 ws`dthm lm tkn `l~ lrGm mn lHzn bl bfDlh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
f4f01c8 lHnyn l~ ljn@ dhan hw rGb@ lnsn fy 'lan ykwn nsnan. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
97298dc s'lh mdh bmknh 'n yqdm lh: khmr? l, l, lm tkn rGb@ fy lkhmr. dh kn hnk shy trGb fy shrbh, fsykwn lqhw@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
6fa26ce We criticize Americans for not being able either to analyse or conceptualize. But this is a wrong-headed critique. It is we who imagine that everything culminates in transcendence, and that nothing exists which has not been conceptualized. Not only do they care little for such a view, but their perspective is the very opposite: it is not conceptualizing reality, but realizing concepts and materializing ideas, that interests them. The ideas of the religion and enlightened morality of the eighteenth century certainly, but also dreams, scientific values, and sexual perversions. Materializing freedom, but also the unconscious. Our phantasies around space and fiction, but also our phantasies of sincerity and virtue, or our mad dreams of technicity. Everything that has been dreamt on this side of the Atlantic has a chance of being realized on the other. They build the real out of ideas. We transform the real into ideas, or into ideology. baudrillard sociology Jean Baudrillard
43e34d9 fy sfr ltkwyn, `hd llh l~ lnsn blsyd@ `l~ lHywnt. wbmknn 'n nfsr dhlk qy'lyn n llh qd '`r hdhh lslT@ lh. lnsn lys mlk lkwkb bl wkylh w`lyh dht ywm 'n yqdm kshfan lHsbh. dykrt dhhb 'b`d mn dhlk fy hdh lmnH~: j`l lnsn <>. whw mnTqy jdan blt'kyd fym yt`lq bnfyh lwjwd lrwH `nd lHywnt. fHsb m yqwl dykrt, lnsn hw lmlk wlsyd fym lHywn lys l msyWran wal@ Hy@, 'w m ymsyh bl <>. `ndm yy'n lHywn fl'mr l yt`lq bshkw~ bl bSryr tTlqh al@ tsyr bshkl syy'. fHyn ty'z `jl@ `rb@ fhdh l y`ny 'n l`rb@ tt'lm bl l'nh tHtj l~ tshHym. wblTryq@ dhth yjb 'n yufsWr nHyb lHywn. wyjb 'l nshfq `l~ klb yushraWH whw HyW fy mkhtbr. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
5ac7e00 It is culture that is the bully. philosophy sociology Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
7060cb4 mn lbdyhy 'nh l t`y hdhh lHqyq@, whdh shy mfhwm: flhdf ldhy nlHqh mHjwb `n dy'man . . Hyn trGb ft@ shb@ fy lzwj fhy trGb fy shy tjhlh tmman. wlshb ldhy yrkD wr lmjd l ymlk 'dn~ fkr@ `n lmjd. ldhlk, fn lshy ldhy y`Ty m`n~ ltSrftn shy njhlh tmman. sbyn 'yDan tjhl m hw lhdf mn rGbth fy lkhyn@. 'ykwn lhdf mnh lwSwl l~ lkhf@ Gyr lmHtml@ llky'n? mndh rHylh `n jnyf why tqtrb 'kthr f'kthr mn hdh lhdf. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
4b65e8d People turned out to be alive. Hitherto he had supposed that they were what he pretended to be - flat pieces of cardboard stamped with a conventional design... there came by no process of reason a conviction that they were human beings with feelings akin to his own. social-commentary society self sociology E.M. Forster
6771163 But one way or another competing and weeding takes place . . . or a race goes downhill. sociology Robert A. Heinlein
022e0c9 hl SHyH 'nh yjb `lyn 'n nrf` Swtn Hyn yuskt 'Hdhm rjlan? n`m. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
b08bdc5 kn bmkn anW 'n tnhy Hyth bTryq@ 'khr~ mkhtlf@ tmman. wlkn Hfz lmHT@ wlmwt, hdh lHfz ldhy l yuns~ lqtrnh bbdy@ lHb, kn yjdhbh fy lHZt ly's, bjmlh lqy'm. flnsn ynsj Hyth `l~ Gyr `lm mnh wfqan lqwnyn ljml Ht~ fy lHZt ly's l'kthr qtm@. l ymkn dhan 'n y'khdh 'Hd `l~ rwy@ fttnh bltfq lGmD llSdf. (mthlan, tlqy frwnsky wanW wlrSyf wlmwt 'w tlqy bythwvn wtwms wtyryz wk's lkwnyk). lkn ymkn 'n yw'khdh biHqinW `l~ lnsn Hyn yu`my `ynyh `n hdhh lSdf fyHrm bltly Hyth mn bu`d ljml. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
7af5990 'thn lnhr, knt tyryz tHwl jhd@ (lkn dwn 'n ttmkn f`lan) l'n tSdq m yqwlh twms w'n tkwn s`yd@ km f`lt Ht~ lan. Gyr 'n lGyr@ lmkbwt@ fy lnhr knt tZhr bshkl 'kthr `nfan fy 'Hlmh lty tnthy dy'man bnHyb l ynqT` l Hyn ywqZh twms. knt 'Hlmh ttkrr `l~ shkl Hlqt mtnw`@ 'w mslslin tlfzywny. thm@ Hlw kn ytkrr bstmrr `l~ sbyl lmthl, whw Hlm lhrr@ lty tqfz l~ wjhh munshb@ mkhlbh fy jldh. fy lHqyq@ ymkn tfsyr hdh lHlm bshwl@: lhr@ fy llG@ ltshyky@ klm@ `my@ t`ny ft@ jmyl@. knt tyryz dhan tsh`r 'nh mhdd@ mn lns, kl lns. flns kluWhn `shyqt mHtmlt ltwms wlhdh fhy tkhf mnhn. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
be395ba What makes the prospect of death distinctive in the modern age is the background of permanent technological and sociological revolution against which it is set, and which serves to strip us of any possible faith in the permanence of our labours. Our ancestors could believe that their achievements had a chance of bearing up against the flow of events. We know time to be a hurricane. Our buildings, our sense of style, our ideas, all of these will soon enough be anachronisms, and the machines in which we now take inordinate pride will seem no less bathetic than Yorick's skull. time work death anachronisms permanence sociology revolution technology Alain de Botton
2461186 ybdw 'n fy ldmG mnTq@ khS@ tmman wymkn tsmyth b<>, why lty tsjWl kl l'shy lty sHrtn 'w lty j`ltn nnf`l 'mmh, wkl m y`Ty lHytn jmlh. mdh t`rWf twms l~ tyryz, lm y`d l'y mr'@ lHq fy 'n ttrk 'thran wlw `bran fy hdhh lmnTq@ mn dmGh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
3096657 qlt: <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
525ef59 zd `l~ dhlk 'n hdhh l'Hlm, l~ fSHth, knt jmyl@. lqd 'Gfl frwyd hdh ljnb fy nZryth `n l'Hlm. flHlm lys fqT blGan (blGan mrmwzan `nd lqtD) bl hw 'yDan nshT jmly wl`b@ llkhyl. whdhh ll`b@ hy bHd dhth qym@. flHlm hw lbrhn `l~ 'n ltkhyl wtSwWr m lys lh wjwd, hw Hd~ lHjt l'ssy@ llnsn, whn ykmn 'Sl lkhTr lkhd` lkmn fy lHlm. flw 'n lHlm lys jmylan, l'mknn nsynh bshwl@. ldhlk, knt tyryz trj` bstmrr l~ 'Hlmh wt`ydh fy mkhylth wtkhtlq mnh 'sTyr. 'mW twms fkn y`ysh fy knf lsHr lmnwWm, sHr ljml l'lym l'Hlm tyryz. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
2d6c166 kn ykhsh~ fy 'Glb l'Hyn 'n yjdh jls@ `l~ 'rD ldkn ldhy tshtry mnh lsjy'r. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
cdb619d lm tkn lrwH qdr@ `l~ shH@ bSrh `n shy'b@ lwld@ lmstdyr@ lsmr fwq l`n@ tmman; knt lrwH tr~ fy hdhh lshy'b@ khtman wsmt bh ljsd, wknt tjd 'n tHrk `Dw Gryb `l~ mqrb@ jdan mn hdh lkhtm lmqds, 'mr fyh tjdyf. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
5cef2f1 It is just when people are all engaged in snooping on themselves and one another that they become anesthetized to the whole process. Tranquilizers and anesthetics, private and corporate, become the largest business in the world just as the world is attempting to maximize every form of alert. Sound-light shows, as new cliche, are in effect mergers, retrievers of the tribal condition. It is a state that has already overtaken private enterprise, as individual businesses form into massive conglomerates. As information itself becomes the largest business in the world, data banks know more about individual people than the people do themselves. The more the data banks record about each one of us, the less we exist. surveillance-society digital-culture media-studies sociology Marshall McLuhan
aeb3e0c l 'Hd y`rf dhlk bSwr@ 'fDl mm y`rf lsysywn. fm 'n yrw al@ tSwyr `l~ mqrb@ mnhm Ht~ yhbuWw rkDyn thr 'wl Tfl ySdfwnh fyHmlwnh fy 'dhr`thm wyqblwnh fy khdh. <> hw lmthl l'`l~ lkl lsysyyn wlkl lHrkt lsysy@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
385943b lqh btyryz kn HSyl@ Sdf st b`yd@ lHtml. lkn, khlfan ldhlk 'fl tqs 'hmy@ Hdth, wkthr@ m`nyh brtbTh b'kbr `dd mmkn mn lSdf? wHdh lSdf@ ymkn 'n tkwn dht mGz~. fm yHdth blDrwr@, m hw mtwq` wytkrr ywmyan ybq~ shyy'an 'bkm. wHdh lSdf@ nTq@. ns`~ l'n nqr' fyh km yqr' lGjrywn fy lrswm lty ykhTh thfl lqhw@ fy mqr lfnjn. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
ceaa40c "In our society, defecation involves an individual in activity which is defined as inconsistent with the cleanliness and purity standards expressed in many of our performances. Such activity also causes the individual to disarrange his clothing and to 'go out of play," that is, to drop from his face the expressive mask that he employs in face-to-face interaction. At the same time ic becomes difficult for him to reassemble his personal front should the need to enter into interaction suddenly occur. Perhaps that is a reason why toilet doors in our society have locks on them." sociology Erving Goffman
e8d3e20 y`tbr tftysh lmwTnyn wmrqbthm mn lnshTt ljtm`y@ l'ssy@ wldy'm@ fy lbldn lshyw`y@. faliky ynl rsm HqWh fy qm@ m`rD 'w mwTnun `l~ t'shyr@ lqD `Tlth `l~ lshTy', 'w lky ttm lmwfq@ `l~ nDmm l`b kr@ l~ lfryq lwTny, yjb 'n tjtm` 'Slan kl 'nw` ltqryr wlshhdt lty tkhShm, (shhd@ lnTwr wzml l`ml wlshrT@ wkhly@ mwZWfwn m`dWwn lhdhh lmhm@. 'm m yql fy hdhh ltSryH fl `lq@ lh lbt@ bmwhb@ lmwTn fy lrsm 'w fy l`b lkr@, wl `lq@ lh bm dh knt tsmH lh Hlth lSHy@ bqD `Tl@ `l~ lshTy'. hnk 'mr wHd yhm whw m ysmW~ <> ('y mdh yqwl lmwTn, bmdh yfkr, kyf ytSrf, hl yshrk fy ljtm`t 'w fy ltZhrt fy l'wl mn yr). wbm 'n kl shy (lHy@ lywmy@ wltrqy@ wl`Tlt) mrtbT blTryq@ lty yqyWmwn fyh slwk lmwTn, fn ljmy` mDTrwn dhan, (mn 'jl ll`b m` lfryq lwTny 'w lltmkn mn qm@ m`rD, 'w lqD `Tl@ `l~ shTy' lbHr) lltSrf bTryq@ tj`l `lmthm Hsn@. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
9a8d877 j fy bdy@ sfr ltkwyn 'n llh khlq lnsn wj`lh ytslT `l~ lTywr wl'smk wlmshy@. bTby`@ lHl, lHq fy sfk dm 'yWlin 'w bqr@ hw lshy lwHyd ldhy tfqt `lyh lnsny@ jm` btakhin Ht~ khll lHrwb l'kthr dmwy@. qd ybdw ln hdh lHq bdyhyan l'nn n`tbr 'nfsn fy qm@ lslm. wlkn ykfy 'n ytdkhl shkhS shkhS thlth fy ll`b@, zy'r atin mthlan mn kwkb akhr wqd 'mrh llh: <>, ftSbH `ndy'dh bdh@ ltkwyn mwD` shk fy lHl sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
75b61fe `dt tyryz l~ lnwm mn jdyd. wlknh hw lm ystT` lnwm. kn ytkhylh myt@ wtr~ 'Hlman rhyb@. wlm ykn fy stT`th yqZh l'nh myt@. n`m, hdh hw lmwt: 'n tnm tyryz wtr~ 'Hlman fZy`@ dwn 'n ytmkn mn yqZh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
fa6be0e lkhyn@. mndh Tfwltn wlwld wm`lm lmdrs@ ykrrn `l~ msm`n b'nh 'fZ` shy fy lwjwd. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
9b57c5f w'n hnk 'yDan w'yDan kwkb 'khr~ Hyth ymkn lljns lbshry 'n yld mn jdyd mrtqyan fy kl mr@ drj@an ('y Hy@) `l~ sulaWm lkml. tlk hy lfkr@ lty ykwWnh twms `n l`awd l'bdy. nHn 'yDan skn hdhh l'rD ('y lkwkb rqm wHd, kwkb n`dm lkhbr@), lys fy mknn Tb`an l 'n nkwWn fkr@ GmD@ jdan `m sySyr bHl lnsn fy lkwkb l'khr~. tur~ hl sykwn 'kthr thqlan? hl sykwn lkml fy mtnwl ydh? whl sytmkn mn lwSwl lyh bwsT@ ltkrr? Dmn 'fq hdhh lywTwby wHdh, ymkn lmfhwmy ltshw'm wltfw'l 'n ykwn lhm m`n~: flmtfy'l hw dhlk ldhy ytSwr 'n ltrykh lnsny sykwn 'ql dymwm@ `l~ lkwkb rqm 5. wlmtshy'm hw dhlk ldhy l ySdWq hdh l'mr. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
fa3b41e "Mr Baley", said Quemot, "you can't treat human emotions as though they were built about a positronic brain". "I'm not saying you can. Robotics is a deductive science and sociology an inductive one. But mathematics can be made to apply in either case." robotics science-fiction sociology Isaac Asimov
6056bb3 fy mmlk@ <> ltwtlytry@ t`T~ ljbt msbqan mHriWm@ bdhlk 'y sw'l jdyd. yntj `n dhlk 'n lnsn ldhy ytsl hw l`dw lHqyqy l <>. lsw'l hw mthl mskyn ymzq lqmsh@ lmrswm@ lldykwr fySbH fy lmstT` rw'y@ m ykhtby' khlfh. hkdh shrHt sbyn ltyryz m`n~ lwHth: mn l'mm lkdhb lSrkh, wmn lkhlf lHqyq@ lty l yudrk knhh. l 'n hw'l ldhyn ynDlwn Dd l'nZm@ lmsmW@ twtlytry@ qlaWm ymknhm lnDl mn khll 'sy'l@ wshkwk. fhum 'yDan bHj@ l~ qn`thm wl~ Hqyqthm lbsyT@ lty yftrD 'n yfhmh 'kbr `dd mmkn mn lns w'n tHdth frzan dm`yan jm`yan. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
368abc6 In contemporary parlance, sex is biological and gender is socially constructed. sex category language sociology gender Rebecca Solnit
9c518c6 mdh bqy mn mHtDry kmbwdy? Swr@ kbyr@ llnjm@ l'myrky@ tHml byn dhr`yh Tflan 'Sfr. mdh bqy mn twms? ktb@u: 'rd mmlk@ llh `l~ l'rD. mdh bqy mn bythwvn? rjl mqTb lwjh, msh`th lsh`r kmjnwn wynTq bSwt mkty'b <> <>. mdh bqy mn frnz? ktb@u: b`d Twl Dll, l`wd@. whkdh dwlyk, whkdh dwlyk. qbl 'n nunsa~ ntHwl l~ <>. <> hw mHT@ tSl byn lky'n wlnsyn. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
9f171ca yntj `n dhlk 'n lwfq ltm m` lky'n ytkhdh mthlh l'`l~ `lman yuntf~ mnh lbrz, wytSrf kl wHd fyh wk'n lbrz Gyr mwjwd. hdh lmthl ljmly yd`~ <>. <> hy klm@ 'lmny@ Zhrt fy 'wsT lqrn lts` `shr l`Tfy, thm ntshrt b`d dhlk fy jmy` llGt. wlkn st`mlh bkthr@ 'zl dllth lmytfyzyqy@ l'Sly@ why: klm@ kytsh fy l'ss nfy mTlq llbrz. wblm`n~ lHrfy km blm`n~ lmjzy <> tTrH jnban kl m hw Gyr mqbwl fy lwjwd lnsny. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
0f4e270 bmkn lkwkb 'n ythw~ `l~ 'thr tfjyr lqnbl. wymkn llwTn 'n ynhbh kl ywm mkhtls jdyd, wymkn lskn lHy jmy`hm 'n yusqw l~ ktyb@ l`dm. ymknh 'n ytHml kl hdh bshwl@ 'kbr mm yjrw' `l~ lqwl, wlknh Gyr qdr `l~ tHml lHzn ldhy ysbbh Hlm wHd mn 'Hlm tyryz. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
e22da21 thm ql <>. sd Smt jdyd thm qT`h qy'lan: <>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
03fbe67 "individuals are concerned not with the moral issue of realizing these standards, but with the amoral issue of engineering a convincing impression that these standards are being realized. Our activity, then, is largely concerned with moral matters, but as performers we do not have a moral concern in these moral matters. As performers we are merchants of morality. Our day is given over to intimate contact with the goods we display and our minds are filled with intimate understandings of them; but it may well be that the more attention we give to these goods, th e more d is ta n t we feel from them and from those who are believing enough to buy them. To use a different imagery, the very obligation and profitablility of appearing always in a steady moral light, of being a socialized character, forces philosophy sociology morals Erving Goffman
1f9e1f5 'Dft lmSwWr btHbWb 'mwmy : <<'jsd `ry@. wlkn hdh 'mr Tby`y jdan! wkl m hw Tby`y jmyl!>>. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
67468f3 `ndm hd' Srkhh, nmt qrb twms w'mskt bydh Twl llyl. mndh knt fy lthmn@ why tGfw jm`@ ydyh wmtkhyl@ 'nh tmsk lrjl ldhy tHbh, rjl Hyth. kn mfhwman dhan 'n tshd bhdh l`zm `l~ yd twms. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
6f2244a `ndm kn symwn yfkr fy dhlk llq kn ysh`r blkhjl mn wahalh. mn lmw'kd 'nh lm yu`jb 'bh. 'm hw f'u`jb b'byh. kn ytdhkr kl klm@ tfwWh bh mstSwban mwqfh 'kthr f'kthr. hnk jml@ `l~ l'khS `lqt bdhkrth: <>. w`ndm wD` `mW Sdyqth ktb ltwr@ byn ydyh, t'thr bklmt ysw` lty tqwl: <>. kn y`rf 'n 'bh mlHd wlkn ltshbh byn ljmltyn kn blnsb@ lh wk'nh rmz khfy y`ny 'n 'bh ystHsn lTryq lty khtrh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
3d18a47 tjwzt md@ ltmthyly@ lmrtjl@ lHdwd. kn frnz yjd 'n hdhh lmlh@ (lty kn yqrW b'nh sHr@ `l~ kl Hl) qd Tlt 'kthr mn llzm. f'msk lqb`@ lrjly@ byn 'Sb`yh wntz`h `n r's sbyn whw ybtsm, thm `lqh fwq lq`d@. . kn l'mr kmn ymHw shrbyn rsmhm wld `fryt `l~ Swr@ mrym l`dhr. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
4136e82 fy mjtm` tt`ysh fyh tyrt shtW~ wHyth ymkn lt'thyr hdhh ltyrt 'n yumH~ 'w yHdW bshkl mtnwb, ybq~ fy lmstT` lflt tqryban mn mHkm <>. wymkn llfrd `ndy'dh 'n yHfZ `l~ tmyzh, wllfnn 'n ykhlq '`mlan fnyW@ mdhsh@. wlkn fy lbldn lty yst'thr fyh Hzb sysy blslT@ klh, njd 'nfsn Hlan fy mmlk@ <> ldkttwry@. dh knt 'qwl dykttwry@ fny 'qSd bdhlk 'n kl m yT`n b <> mlG~an mn lHy@: kl Zhr llfrdy@, (l'n 'y nshz hw bSf@ fy wjh l'khwW@ lbsm@) wklW shk (l'n mn ybd' blshk fy ltfSyl lSGyr@ ytwSl fy nhy@ lmTf l'n yshk fy lHy@ bHd dhth). kdhlk lskhry@ (l'n kl shy fy mmlk@ <> yw'khdh `l~ mHml ljd), w'yDan l'm lty hjrt `y'lth, 'w lrjl ldhy yfDWl lrjl `l~ lns mhddan bdhlk lsh`r lmqds <>. nTlqan mn wjh@ lnZr hdhh, fn m ysm~ b <> ymkn `tbrh thGr@ `fn@ yrmy fyh <> ltwtlytry b'wskhh. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
8660966 knt tkhf mn 'n yuGlq `lyh dkhl n`sh w'n tudlaW~ fy 'rD 'myrk. ldhlk ktbt wSy@ shtrTt fyh 'n tuHrq jthth b`d mwth, w'n yunthr rmdh fy lhw. tyryz wtwms mt tHt sh`r lthql. 'm hy f'rdt 'n tmwt tHt sh`r lkhf@. swf tSyr 'khf mn lhw. wHsb r'y brmynyd, fn mwth tHwWl mn lslby l~ lyjby. sex psychological political religion love philosophy جنس friedrich-nietzche milan-kundera neitzsche اجتماع كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة religion-and-philoshophy حب philosophy-of-life friedrich-nietzsche sociology novel psychology ميلان كونديرا
3003434 The stubborn inequalities in the Unites States are not the result of some people living in a physical environment. Their environment is built by social forces, and those forces last for centuries because they are regenerated across the generations. history-of-mankind history-of-the-united-states sociology psychology Carl Zimmer
6f87690 It's an overreaction, my dear. History goes by swings. People overreact and pass harsh unrealistic laws which attempt to stamp out an essential social process. When this happens, the people who understand have to carry on as best they can until the pendulum swings back. sociology James Tiptree Jr.
d042bd6 A society whose members are helpless need idols. marxism sociology psychology Erich Fromm
d2610da "I don't really like organizations where people are "deemed" things." -- institutionalism organizational-culture sororities sociology Mindy Kaling
6a700c9 "In describing the ways that religious and other types of communities appropriate and understand their histories, among both fundamentalists and non-fundamentalists, the sociologist Anthony Giddens utilizes the term "reflexivity" and states that it is the characteristic of "all human action." Reflexivity takes place when individuals and/or communities utilize their perceptions of their histories as a way of guiding their present and future actions. For Giddens, tradition is a means of "handling time and space, which asserts any particular activity or experience with the community of past, present, and future, these in turn being structured by recurrent social practices." In light of this, tradition is a set of entities which religious communities and cultures continually reconstruct within certain parameters. Religions are not completely static in that almost every new generation reinvents the religious and cultural inheritance from the generations that preceded it." religion fundamentalism islam islamism sociology Jon Armajani
7a7130e On election days, the burdens of poverty and corruption and of a creaky economic system are put aside, and India celebrates. Many voters dress especially for the occasion... None quite voice the thought, but those who came in a steady stream to vote seemed to be saying that India may have fallen far behind its neighbors in the struggle for prosperity, but as long as it can choose its governments, it can hope for better in the future. sociology Shashi Tharoor
60a4dd1 Shakespeare was a far better psychologist than Freud, and Jane Austen a far better sociologist than Durkheim shakespeare freud sociology creativity psychology Matt Ridley