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4d631e4 To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem. political politics Douglas Adams
883d5fa "The word "We" is as lime poured over men, which sets and hardens to stone, and crushes all beneath it, and that which is white and that which is black are lost equally in the grey of it. It is the word by which the depraved steal the virtue of the good, by which the weak steal the might of the strong, by which the fools steal the wisdom of the sages. What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey? But I am done with this creed of corruption. I am done with the monster of "We," the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame. And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: "I." individualism political Ayn Rand
b36bdd9 ... Without a sense of identity, there can be no real struggle... inspirational political Paulo Freire
8be779b To oppose something is to maintain it... You must go somewhere else; you must have another goal; then you walk a different road. inspirational political Ursula K. Le Guin
4ea0ddd fsh`r `ndh fj'@ brGb@ GmD@ l tqwm fy sm` mwsyq~ hy'l@, fy sm` Djyj mTlq wSkhb jmyl wfrH yktnf kl shy wyuGrq wykhnq kl shy, fykhtfy l~ l'bd l'lm wlGrwr wtfh@ lklmt. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
9647834 lmwsyq~ blnsb@ lfrnz hy lfn l'kthr qrban mn ljml ldywnysy ldhy yqdWs lnshw@. ymkn lrwy@ 'w llwH@ 'n tdwWkhn wlkn bS`wb@. 'm m` lsmfwny@ lts`@ lbythwvn, 'w m` lswnt@ lmw'lf@ mn alty bynw walt lnqr lbrtwk, 'w m` 'Gny@ llbytlz, fn lnshw@ t`tryn. mn jh@ 'khr~ fn frnz l yfrWq byn lmwsyq~ l`Zym@ wlmwsyq~ lkhfyf@. fhdh ltfryq ybdw lh khbythan wblyan, fhw yHb mwsyq~ lrwk wmwzr `l~ Hd sw. lmwsyq~ blnsb@ lh mHrWr@: dh tHrrh mn lwHd@ wln`zl wmn Gbr lmktbt. wtftH fy dkhl jsdh 'bwban ltkhrj lnfs wttakh~ m` lakhryn. km 'nh yHb lrqS l~ jnb dhlk wysh`r bl's~ l'n sbyn l tshrkh hdh lwl`. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
ecf6a8c Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives. - John Adams patriotism political service David McCullough
4229800 lwqt lnsny l ysyr fy shkl dy'ry bl ytqdm fy khT mstqym. mn hn, l ymkn llnsn 'n ykwn s`ydan l'n ls`d@ rGb@ fy ltkrr. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
bf0b988 Everyone has the right to make his own decisions, but none has the right to force his decision on others. political Ayn Rand
ea4a6e7 ymkn khtSr m's@ Hy@ <> lthql. nqwl mthlan n Hmlan qd sqT fwq 'ktfn. fnHml hdh lHml. ntHmlh 'w l ntHmlh wntSr` m`h, wfy lnhy@ m 'n nkhsr wm 'n nrbH. wlkn m ldhy Hdth m` sbyn blDbT? l shy. ftrqt `n rjl l'nh knt rGb@ fy lftrq `nh. hl lHqh b`d dhlk? hl Hwl lntqm? l. fm'sth lyst m's@ lthql nm m's@ lkhf@ wlHml ldhy sqT fwqh lm ykn Hmlan bl kn khf@ lky'n lty l tuTq. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
101da58 knt tsh`r brGb@ jmH@ l'n tqwl lh km tqwl 'tfh lns: <>. wlknh l tstTy` wl t`rf 'n ttlfZ bmthl hdhh lklmt. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
1e5e535 "Do you work for the government, any government?" "I pay taxes, which means I work for the government, part of the time. Yes." irony political Roger Zelazny
0abc93c l ymkn llnsn 'bdan 'n ydrk mdh `lyh 'n yf`l, l'nh l ymlk l Hy@ wHd@, l ys`h mqrnth biHaywt sbq@ wl SlHh fy Hywt lHq@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
c8ab6ea . . . [O]nce we begin to feel deeply all the aspects of our lives, we begin to demand from ourselves and from our life-pursuits that they feel in accordance with that joy which we know ourselves to be capable of. Our erotic knowledge empowers us, becomes a lens through which we scrutinize all aspects of our existence, forcing us to evaluate those aspects honestly in terms of their relative meaning within our lives. inspirational political sexuality social women Audre Lorde
b9776e9 kn lHb bynh wbyn tyryz jmylan, bkl t'kyd, wlknh kn mt`ban: wjb `lyh dy'man 'n ykhfy 'mran m, w'n ytktm, w'n ystdrk, w'n yrf` mn m`nwyth, w'n yw'syh, w'n ythbt bstmrr Hbh lh w'n ytlq~ mlmt Gyrth w'lmh w'Hlmh, w'n ysh`r bldhnb, w'n ybrr nfsh w'n y`tdhr . . lan kl lt`b tlsh~ wlm tbqa l lHlw@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
1b2309a lm ykwn mtHdyn bHnn laW fy llyl 'thn lnwm. kn ymskn dy'man b'ydyhm ftuns~ `ndy'dh lhwy@ (hwy@ Dw lnhr) lty knt tfSl bynhm. wlkn hdhh llyly lm tkn t`Ty twms l lwqt wl lwsyl@ lHmyth wl`tn bh. ldhlk fhw `ndm kn yrh fy lSbH ynqbD qlbh wyrtjf khwfan mn 'jlh: knt tbdw Hzyn@ wmtw`k@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
3d2a64d So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the century--the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light--are unsolved; so long as social asphyxia is possible in any part of the world;--in other words, and with a still wider significance, so long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Miserables cannot fail to be of use. HAUTEVILLE HOUSE, 1862. [Translation by Isabel F. Hapgood] les-misérables political poverty society victor-hugo Victor Hugo
c9679f8 sbq ly 'n qultu anfan n lst`rt khTyr@ wn lHb ybd' mn st`r@. wbklm@ 'ukhr~: lHb ybd' fy llHZ@ lty tsjaWl fyh mr'@ dkhwlh fy dhkrtn lsh`ry@ mn khll `br@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
615fa56 fkWr twms: n mDj`@ mr'@ wlnwm m`h rGbtn lyst mkhtlftyn fHsb bl mtnqDtn 'yDan. flHb l ytjl~ blrGb@ fy mmrs@ ljns (whdhh lrGb@ tnTbq `l~ jml@ l tHS~ mn lns) wlkn blrGb@ fy lnwm lmshtrk (whdhh lrGb@ l tkhSW l mr'@ wHd@). friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
8fc405e We believe that to govern perfectly it is necessary to avoid governing too much. political James Hilton
3084575 Patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or wrong, which is infamous, or my country is always right, which is imbecile. political tired Patrick O'Brian
08c7c39 lm ykn Srkhh lhthan wlm ykn t'wWhan, bl Srkh Hqyqy. knt tSrkh bSwt `lin l~ drj@ 'n twms 'b`d r'sh `n wjhh wk'n Swth lz`q sythqb Tbl@ 'dhnh. lm ykn hdh lSrkh t`byran `n lshbq flshbq hw lt`by'@ lqSw~ llHws: nrqb lakhr bntbh blG wnsm` 'dn~ 'Swth. lkn Srkh tyryz kn bkhlf dhlk, yryd 'n yurhq lHws wymn`h mn lrw'y@ wlsm`. knt lmthly@ lsdhj@ lHbWh hy lty tz`q fy dkhlh rGb@ fy lG kl ltnqDt, wfy lG thny'y@ lrwH wljsd, wHtW~ fy lG lzmn. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
12979be thm 'rdft: <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
8c8765c knt lt`byr `n lqrf ldhy tmlWkh fj'@ mn ljns lbshry. ftdhkr 'nh qlt lh mw'khran: <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
83a2c7b dh kn lhyj ljnsy aly@ ytsl~ bh lkhlq, fn lHb, khlfan ldhlk l yntmy l lyn wymknn mn khllh lflt mn qbD@ lkhlq. flHb hw Hrytn. lHb hw m wr kl <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
9ca0456 tdhkr `ndh 'sTwr@ 'flTwn lshhyr@ <>: ffy lsbq kn lbshr mzdwjy ljns fqsWmhm llh l~ 'nSf thym `br l`lm mftsh@ b`Dh `n b`D. lHb hw tlk lrGb@ fy yjd lnSf lakhr lmfqwd mn 'nfsn. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
075ddff mndh dhlk lHyn wklhm yGtbT msbqan blnwm swy@. w'myl tqryban llqwl b'n lhdf mn ljm` blnsb@ lhm lm ykn lnshw@ bl ln`s ldhy y`qbh. why, khS@, lm tkn tstTy` 'n tnm mn dwnh. lw Sdf wbqyt wHyd@ fy shqth lSGyr@ (lty lm t`d l mjrd khd`@) knt Gyr qdr@ `l~ GmD jfn Tyl@ llyl. 'm byn dhr`yh fknt tGfw dy'man mhm tkn drj@ DTrbh. kn yrwy mn 'jlh bSwt khft qSSan ybtd`h 'w trWhtin wklmt mDHk@ y`ydh blhj@ rtyb@. knt hdhh lklmt ttHwl fy mkhyWlth l~ rw'~ mshwWsh@ t'khdh bydh l~ lHlm l'wl. kn ymlk t'thyran khrqan `l~ Gfy'h wknt tGfw fy ldqyq@ lty yqrr hw 'n yntqyh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
c6cd995 mn ybGy <> bstmrr, `lyh 'n yst`d ywman llSb@ bldwr. lkn m hw ldwr? 'hw lkhwf mn lsqwT? wlkn lmdh nSb bldwr `l~ shrf@ lsTH Ht~ wlw knt mzwd@ bdrbzyn mtyn? dhlk 'n ldwr shy mkhtlf `n lkhwf mn lsqwT. nh Swt lfrG yndyn mn l'sfl fyjdhbn wyftnn. nh lrGb@ fy lsqwT lty nqwmh fym b`d wqt 'Sbtn ldh`r. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
0d7f307 `ndh tdhkr twms Hky@ 'uwdyb. 'uwdyb 'yDan lm ykn `rfan b'nh yDj` 'mh, wm` dhlk fnh `ndm `rf bl'mr lm yjd nfsh bryy'an. wlm ystT` tHml mshhd lshq ldhy sbbh jhlh ffq' `ynyh wGdr <> whw '`m~. kn twms ysm` z`yq lshyw`yyn whm ydf`wn `n br@ dhmthm, wyfkr: bsbb jhlkm fqd hdh lbld Hryth lqrwn `dyd@ mqbl@ wtz`qwn qy'lyn b'nkm 'bry? kyf tjrw'wn b`d `l~ lnZr Hwlykm? kyf, 'lm tSbw blhl`? 'w l `ywn ldykm ltbSrw! lw knt `ndkm `ywn Hqan lkntm fq'tmwh wGdrtm <>! knt hdhh lmqrn@ trwq lh l~ Hd 'nh kn yst`mlh mrran fy 'Hdythh m` 'Sdqy'h, wkn y`bWr `nh b`brt 'kthr ldh`an w'kthr fSH@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
0e04761 nh lmn lmDHk-lmbky 'n tSyr 'khlqn lHsn@ bltHdyd fy SlH lshrT@, wlsbb 'nn lm nt`lm lkdhb. fSyG@ l'mr: <> lty rsWkhh abw'h w'mhtn fy 'dhhnn, tj`ln nsh`r bTryq@in aly@ bl`r Hyn nkdhb Ht~ wlw kn 'mm lshrTy ldhy ystjwbn. wnh l'shla `lyn 'n ntkhSm m`h w'n nshtmh (whdh l m`n~ lh) mn 'n nkdhb `lyh SrH@ (fym hdh hw l'mr lwHyd ldhy yjdr lqym bh). friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
d129fac kn dhlk tlmyHan l~ l`br@ lmwsyqy@ l'khyr@ mn rb`y@ bythwvn l'khyr@ lty tt'lf mn htyn lfkrtyn: 'lys mn dhlk bduW? lys mn dhlk bdW. wlky ykwn m`n~ hdhh lklmt wDHan jlyan, dwWn bythwvn fy mTl` l`br@ lmwsyqy@ l'khyr@ lklmt ltly@: <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
bb80126 ws`dthm lm tkn `l~ lrGm mn lHzn bl bfDlh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
f4f01c8 lHnyn l~ ljn@ dhan hw rGb@ lnsn fy 'lan ykwn nsnan. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
97298dc s'lh mdh bmknh 'n yqdm lh: khmr? l, l, lm tkn rGb@ fy lkhmr. dh kn hnk shy trGb fy shrbh, fsykwn lqhw@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
43e34d9 fy sfr ltkwyn, `hd llh l~ lnsn blsyd@ `l~ lHywnt. wbmknn 'n nfsr dhlk qy'lyn n llh qd '`r hdhh lslT@ lh. lnsn lys mlk lkwkb bl wkylh w`lyh dht ywm 'n yqdm kshfan lHsbh. dykrt dhhb 'b`d mn dhlk fy hdh lmnH~: j`l lnsn <>. whw mnTqy jdan blt'kyd fym yt`lq bnfyh lwjwd lrwH `nd lHywnt. fHsb m yqwl dykrt, lnsn hw lmlk wlsyd fym lHywn lys l msyWran wal@ Hy@, 'w m ymsyh bl <>. `ndm yy'n lHywn fl'mr l yt`lq bshkw~ bl bSryr tTlqh al@ tsyr bshkl syy'. fHyn ty'z `jl@ `rb@ fhdh l y`ny 'n l`rb@ tt'lm bl l'nh tHtj l~ tshHym. wblTryq@ dhth yjb 'n yufsWr nHyb lHywn. wyjb 'l nshfq `l~ klb yushraWH whw HyW fy mkhtbr. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
022e0c9 hl SHyH 'nh yjb `lyn 'n nrf` Swtn Hyn yuskt 'Hdhm rjlan? n`m. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
8057b71 Politically, the goal of today's dominant trend is statism. Philosophically, the goal is the obliteration of reason; psychologically, it is the erosion of ambition. political psychology reason statism Ayn Rand
330e5d9 A man who lives a part, not to others but alone, is exposed to obvious psychological dangers. In itself the practice of deception is not particularly exacting. It is a matter of experience, a professional expertise. It is a facility most of us can acquire. But while a confidence trickster, a play actor or a gambler can return from his performance to the ranks of his admirers, the secret agent enjoys no such relief. For him, deception is first a matter of self defense. He must protect himself not only from without, but from within, and against the most natural of impulses. Though he earn a fortune, his role may forbid him the purchase of a razor. Though he be erudite, it can befall him to mumble nothing but banalities. Though he be an affectionate husband and father, he must within all circumstances without himself from those with whom he should naturally confide. Aware of the overwhelming temptations which assail a man permanently isolated in his deceit, Limas resorted to the course which armed him best. Even when he was alone, he compelled himself to live with the personality he had assumed. It is said that Balzac on his deathbed inquired anxiously after the health and prosperity of characters he had created. Similarly, Limas, without relinquishing the power of invention, identified himself with what he had invented. The qualities he had exhibited to Fiedler: the restless uncertainty, the protective arrogance concealing shame were not approximations, but extensions of qualities he actually possessed. Hence, also, the slight dragging of the feet, the aspect of personal neglect, the indifference to food, and an increasing reliance on alcohol and tobacco. When alone, he remained faithful to these habits. He would even exaggerate them a little, mumbling to himself about the iniquities of his service. Only very rarely, as now, going to bed that evening, did he allow himself the dangerous luxury of admitting the great lie that he lived. political spy thriller John le Carré
7060cb4 mn lbdyhy 'nh l t`y hdhh lHqyq@, whdh shy mfhwm: flhdf ldhy nlHqh mHjwb `n dy'man . . Hyn trGb ft@ shb@ fy lzwj fhy trGb fy shy tjhlh tmman. wlshb ldhy yrkD wr lmjd l ymlk 'dn~ fkr@ `n lmjd. ldhlk, fn lshy ldhy y`Ty m`n~ ltSrftn shy njhlh tmman. sbyn 'yDan tjhl m hw lhdf mn rGbth fy lkhyn@. 'ykwn lhdf mnh lwSwl l~ lkhf@ Gyr lmHtml@ llky'n? mndh rHylh `n jnyf why tqtrb 'kthr f'kthr mn hdh lhdf. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
b08bdc5 kn bmkn anW 'n tnhy Hyth bTryq@ 'khr~ mkhtlf@ tmman. wlkn Hfz lmHT@ wlmwt, hdh lHfz ldhy l yuns~ lqtrnh bbdy@ lHb, kn yjdhbh fy lHZt ly's, bjmlh lqy'm. flnsn ynsj Hyth `l~ Gyr `lm mnh wfqan lqwnyn ljml Ht~ fy lHZt ly's l'kthr qtm@. l ymkn dhan 'n y'khdh 'Hd `l~ rwy@ fttnh bltfq lGmD llSdf. (mthlan, tlqy frwnsky wanW wlrSyf wlmwt 'w tlqy bythwvn wtwms wtyryz wk's lkwnyk). lkn ymkn 'n yw'khdh biHqinW `l~ lnsn Hyn yu`my `ynyh `n hdhh lSdf fyHrm bltly Hyth mn bu`d ljml. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
7af5990 'thn lnhr, knt tyryz tHwl jhd@ (lkn dwn 'n ttmkn f`lan) l'n tSdq m yqwlh twms w'n tkwn s`yd@ km f`lt Ht~ lan. Gyr 'n lGyr@ lmkbwt@ fy lnhr knt tZhr bshkl 'kthr `nfan fy 'Hlmh lty tnthy dy'man bnHyb l ynqT` l Hyn ywqZh twms. knt 'Hlmh ttkrr `l~ shkl Hlqt mtnw`@ 'w mslslin tlfzywny. thm@ Hlw kn ytkrr bstmrr `l~ sbyl lmthl, whw Hlm lhrr@ lty tqfz l~ wjhh munshb@ mkhlbh fy jldh. fy lHqyq@ ymkn tfsyr hdh lHlm bshwl@: lhr@ fy llG@ ltshyky@ klm@ `my@ t`ny ft@ jmyl@. knt tyryz dhan tsh`r 'nh mhdd@ mn lns, kl lns. flns kluWhn `shyqt mHtmlt ltwms wlhdh fhy tkhf mnhn. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
e57bbea There's a sameness to streetlife. On every world I've ever been, the same underlying patterns play out, flaunt and vaunt, buy and sell, like some distilled essence of human behavior seeping out from whatever clanking political machine has been dropped on it from above. human-behaviour machines patterns planets political science-fiction streetlife worlds Richard K. Morgan
cc08796 "We do not get to vote on who owns what, or on relations in factory and so on, for all this is deemed beyond the sphere of the political, and it is illusory to expect that one can actually change things by "extending" democracy to ple's control. Radical changes in this domain should be made outside the sphere of legal "rights", etcetera: no matter how radical our anti-capitalism, unless this is understood, the solution sought will involve applying democratic mechanisms (which, of course, can have a positive role to play)- mechanisms, one should never forget, which are themselves part of the apparatus of the "bourgeois" state that guarantees the undisturbed functioning of capitalist reproduction. In this precise sense, Badiou hit the mark with his apparently wired claim that "Today, the enemy is not called Empire or Capital. It's called Democracy." it is the "democratic illusion" the acceptance of democratic procedures as the sole framework for any possible change, that blocks any radical transformation of capitalist relations." political politics Slavoj Žižek
2461186 ybdw 'n fy ldmG mnTq@ khS@ tmman wymkn tsmyth b<>, why lty tsjWl kl l'shy lty sHrtn 'w lty j`ltn nnf`l 'mmh, wkl m y`Ty lHytn jmlh. mdh t`rWf twms l~ tyryz, lm y`d l'y mr'@ lHq fy 'n ttrk 'thran wlw `bran fy hdhh lmnTq@ mn dmGh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
3096657 qlt: <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
525ef59 zd `l~ dhlk 'n hdhh l'Hlm, l~ fSHth, knt jmyl@. lqd 'Gfl frwyd hdh ljnb fy nZryth `n l'Hlm. flHlm lys fqT blGan (blGan mrmwzan `nd lqtD) bl hw 'yDan nshT jmly wl`b@ llkhyl. whdhh ll`b@ hy bHd dhth qym@. flHlm hw lbrhn `l~ 'n ltkhyl wtSwWr m lys lh wjwd, hw Hd~ lHjt l'ssy@ llnsn, whn ykmn 'Sl lkhTr lkhd` lkmn fy lHlm. flw 'n lHlm lys jmylan, l'mknn nsynh bshwl@. ldhlk, knt tyryz trj` bstmrr l~ 'Hlmh wt`ydh fy mkhylth wtkhtlq mnh 'sTyr. 'mW twms fkn y`ysh fy knf lsHr lmnwWm, sHr ljml l'lym l'Hlm tyryz. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
2d6c166 kn ykhsh~ fy 'Glb l'Hyn 'n yjdh jls@ `l~ 'rD ldkn ldhy tshtry mnh lsjy'r. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
cdb619d lm tkn lrwH qdr@ `l~ shH@ bSrh `n shy'b@ lwld@ lmstdyr@ lsmr fwq l`n@ tmman; knt lrwH tr~ fy hdhh lshy'b@ khtman wsmt bh ljsd, wknt tjd 'n tHrk `Dw Gryb `l~ mqrb@ jdan mn hdh lkhtm lmqds, 'mr fyh tjdyf. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
e9b296c "The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy." Woodrow Wilson, twenty-eighth President of the United States of America. Served 1913-1921. President during World War I, only President to be interred within Washington, DC, at the National Cathedral." political Max Allan Collins
aeb3e0c l 'Hd y`rf dhlk bSwr@ 'fDl mm y`rf lsysywn. fm 'n yrw al@ tSwyr `l~ mqrb@ mnhm Ht~ yhbuWw rkDyn thr 'wl Tfl ySdfwnh fyHmlwnh fy 'dhr`thm wyqblwnh fy khdh. <> hw lmthl l'`l~ lkl lsysyyn wlkl lHrkt lsysy@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
9a8d877 j fy bdy@ sfr ltkwyn 'n llh khlq lnsn wj`lh ytslT `l~ lTywr wl'smk wlmshy@. bTby`@ lHl, lHq fy sfk dm 'yWlin 'w bqr@ hw lshy lwHyd ldhy tfqt `lyh lnsny@ jm` btakhin Ht~ khll lHrwb l'kthr dmwy@. qd ybdw ln hdh lHq bdyhyan l'nn n`tbr 'nfsn fy qm@ lslm. wlkn ykfy 'n ytdkhl shkhS shkhS thlth fy ll`b@, zy'r atin mthlan mn kwkb akhr wqd 'mrh llh: <>, ftSbH `ndy'dh bdh@ ltkwyn mwD` shk fy lHl friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
e8d3e20 y`tbr tftysh lmwTnyn wmrqbthm mn lnshTt ljtm`y@ l'ssy@ wldy'm@ fy lbldn lshyw`y@. faliky ynl rsm HqWh fy qm@ m`rD 'w mwTnun `l~ t'shyr@ lqD `Tlth `l~ lshTy', 'w lky ttm lmwfq@ `l~ nDmm l`b kr@ l~ lfryq lwTny, yjb 'n tjtm` 'Slan kl 'nw` ltqryr wlshhdt lty tkhShm, (shhd@ lnTwr wzml l`ml wlshrT@ wkhly@ mwZWfwn m`dWwn lhdhh lmhm@. 'm m yql fy hdhh ltSryH fl `lq@ lh lbt@ bmwhb@ lmwTn fy lrsm 'w fy l`b lkr@, wl `lq@ lh bm dh knt tsmH lh Hlth lSHy@ bqD `Tl@ `l~ lshTy'. hnk 'mr wHd yhm whw m ysmW~ <> ('y mdh yqwl lmwTn, bmdh yfkr, kyf ytSrf, hl yshrk fy ljtm`t 'w fy ltZhrt fy l'wl mn yr). wbm 'n kl shy (lHy@ lywmy@ wltrqy@ wl`Tlt) mrtbT blTryq@ lty yqyWmwn fyh slwk lmwTn, fn ljmy` mDTrwn dhan, (mn 'jl ll`b m` lfryq lwTny 'w lltmkn mn qm@ m`rD, 'w lqD `Tl@ `l~ shTy' lbHr) lltSrf bTryq@ tj`l `lmthm Hsn@. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
cdb3a6e Systemic processes tend to reward people for making decisions that turn out to be right--creating great resentment among the anointed, who feel themselves entitled to rewards for being articulate, politically active, and morally fervent. entitlement fervor political reward right Thomas Sowell
385943b lqh btyryz kn HSyl@ Sdf st b`yd@ lHtml. lkn, khlfan ldhlk 'fl tqs 'hmy@ Hdth, wkthr@ m`nyh brtbTh b'kbr `dd mmkn mn lSdf? wHdh lSdf@ ymkn 'n tkwn dht mGz~. fm yHdth blDrwr@, m hw mtwq` wytkrr ywmyan ybq~ shyy'an 'bkm. wHdh lSdf@ nTq@. ns`~ l'n nqr' fyh km yqr' lGjrywn fy lrswm lty ykhTh thfl lqhw@ fy mqr lfnjn. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
f6edd0b I'm alone in the sky where there's nothing to lose The Sun's not eternal That's why there's the blues Majestical jailhouse our Joy's in the Cage Hearts full of hatred will outlast my old age ginsberg life-lessons political Allen Ginsberg
5ede662 "The only way that America can protect its prosperity and political stability will be to depopulate the Third World? Should we be surprised that the AIDS virus showed up about 1975? Do you understand what the term "depopulate" means?" political Chuck Palahniuk
6056bb3 fy mmlk@ <> ltwtlytry@ t`T~ ljbt msbqan mHriWm@ bdhlk 'y sw'l jdyd. yntj `n dhlk 'n lnsn ldhy ytsl hw l`dw lHqyqy l <>. lsw'l hw mthl mskyn ymzq lqmsh@ lmrswm@ lldykwr fySbH fy lmstT` rw'y@ m ykhtby' khlfh. hkdh shrHt sbyn ltyryz m`n~ lwHth: mn l'mm lkdhb lSrkh, wmn lkhlf lHqyq@ lty l yudrk knhh. l 'n hw'l ldhyn ynDlwn Dd l'nZm@ lmsmW@ twtlytry@ qlaWm ymknhm lnDl mn khll 'sy'l@ wshkwk. fhum 'yDan bHj@ l~ qn`thm wl~ Hqyqthm lbsyT@ lty yftrD 'n yfhmh 'kbr `dd mmkn mn lns w'n tHdth frzan dm`yan jm`yan. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
75b61fe `dt tyryz l~ lnwm mn jdyd. wlknh hw lm ystT` lnwm. kn ytkhylh myt@ wtr~ 'Hlman rhyb@. wlm ykn fy stT`th yqZh l'nh myt@. n`m, hdh hw lmwt: 'n tnm tyryz wtr~ 'Hlman fZy`@ dwn 'n ytmkn mn yqZh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
2f8fb90 In this, then, lies their power of understanding--understanding, without words, what is authentic or inauthentic. Thus it was the grimaces, the histrionisms, the false gestures and, above all, the false tones and cadences of the voice, which rang false for those wordless but immensely sensitive patients. It was to these (for them) most glaring, even grotesque, incongruities and improprieties that my aphasic patients responded, undeceived and undeceivable by words. This is why they laughed at the President's speech. humorous political politics ronald-reagan Oliver Sacks
9b57c5f w'n hnk 'yDan w'yDan kwkb 'khr~ Hyth ymkn lljns lbshry 'n yld mn jdyd mrtqyan fy kl mr@ drj@an ('y Hy@) `l~ sulaWm lkml. tlk hy lfkr@ lty ykwWnh twms `n l`awd l'bdy. nHn 'yDan skn hdhh l'rD ('y lkwkb rqm wHd, kwkb n`dm lkhbr@), lys fy mknn Tb`an l 'n nkwWn fkr@ GmD@ jdan `m sySyr bHl lnsn fy lkwkb l'khr~. tur~ hl sykwn 'kthr thqlan? hl sykwn lkml fy mtnwl ydh? whl sytmkn mn lwSwl lyh bwsT@ ltkrr? Dmn 'fq hdhh lywTwby wHdh, ymkn lmfhwmy ltshw'm wltfw'l 'n ykwn lhm m`n~: flmtfy'l hw dhlk ldhy ytSwr 'n ltrykh lnsny sykwn 'ql dymwm@ `l~ lkwkb rqm 5. wlmtshy'm hw dhlk ldhy l ySdWq hdh l'mr. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
880da0a If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides of a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget that their is such a thing as war. If the government if inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. political Ray Bradbury
fa6be0e lkhyn@. mndh Tfwltn wlwld wm`lm lmdrs@ ykrrn `l~ msm`n b'nh 'fZ` shy fy lwjwd. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
0f4e270 bmkn lkwkb 'n ythw~ `l~ 'thr tfjyr lqnbl. wymkn llwTn 'n ynhbh kl ywm mkhtls jdyd, wymkn lskn lHy jmy`hm 'n yusqw l~ ktyb@ l`dm. ymknh 'n ytHml kl hdh bshwl@ 'kbr mm yjrw' `l~ lqwl, wlknh Gyr qdr `l~ tHml lHzn ldhy ysbbh Hlm wHd mn 'Hlm tyryz. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
67468f3 `ndm hd' Srkhh, nmt qrb twms w'mskt bydh Twl llyl. mndh knt fy lthmn@ why tGfw jm`@ ydyh wmtkhyl@ 'nh tmsk lrjl ldhy tHbh, rjl Hyth. kn mfhwman dhan 'n tshd bhdh l`zm `l~ yd twms. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
1f9e1f5 'Dft lmSwWr btHbWb 'mwmy : <<'jsd `ry@. wlkn hdh 'mr Tby`y jdan! wkl m hw Tby`y jmyl!>>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
e22da21 thm ql <>. sd Smt jdyd thm qT`h qy'lan: <>. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
9f171ca yntj `n dhlk 'n lwfq ltm m` lky'n ytkhdh mthlh l'`l~ `lman yuntf~ mnh lbrz, wytSrf kl wHd fyh wk'n lbrz Gyr mwjwd. hdh lmthl ljmly yd`~ <>. <> hy klm@ 'lmny@ Zhrt fy 'wsT lqrn lts` `shr l`Tfy, thm ntshrt b`d dhlk fy jmy` llGt. wlkn st`mlh bkthr@ 'zl dllth lmytfyzyqy@ l'Sly@ why: klm@ kytsh fy l'ss nfy mTlq llbrz. wblm`n~ lHrfy km blm`n~ lmjzy <> tTrH jnban kl m hw Gyr mqbwl fy lwjwd lnsny. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
4136e82 fy mjtm` tt`ysh fyh tyrt shtW~ wHyth ymkn lt'thyr hdhh ltyrt 'n yumH~ 'w yHdW bshkl mtnwb, ybq~ fy lmstT` lflt tqryban mn mHkm <>. wymkn llfrd `ndy'dh 'n yHfZ `l~ tmyzh, wllfnn 'n ykhlq '`mlan fnyW@ mdhsh@. wlkn fy lbldn lty yst'thr fyh Hzb sysy blslT@ klh, njd 'nfsn Hlan fy mmlk@ <> ldkttwry@. dh knt 'qwl dykttwry@ fny 'qSd bdhlk 'n kl m yT`n b <> mlG~an mn lHy@: kl Zhr llfrdy@, (l'n 'y nshz hw bSf@ fy wjh l'khwW@ lbsm@) wklW shk (l'n mn ybd' blshk fy ltfSyl lSGyr@ ytwSl fy nhy@ lmTf l'n yshk fy lHy@ bHd dhth). kdhlk lskhry@ (l'n kl shy fy mmlk@ <> yw'khdh `l~ mHml ljd), w'yDan l'm lty hjrt `y'lth, 'w lrjl ldhy yfDWl lrjl `l~ lns mhddan bdhlk lsh`r lmqds <>. nTlqan mn wjh@ lnZr hdhh, fn m ysm~ b <> ymkn `tbrh thGr@ `fn@ yrmy fyh <> ltwtlytry b'wskhh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
6f2244a `ndm kn symwn yfkr fy dhlk llq kn ysh`r blkhjl mn wahalh. mn lmw'kd 'nh lm yu`jb 'bh. 'm hw f'u`jb b'byh. kn ytdhkr kl klm@ tfwWh bh mstSwban mwqfh 'kthr f'kthr. hnk jml@ `l~ l'khS `lqt bdhkrth: <>. w`ndm wD` `mW Sdyqth ktb ltwr@ byn ydyh, t'thr bklmt ysw` lty tqwl: <>. kn y`rf 'n 'bh mlHd wlkn ltshbh byn ljmltyn kn blnsb@ lh wk'nh rmz khfy y`ny 'n 'bh ystHsn lTryq lty khtrh. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
8660966 knt tkhf mn 'n yuGlq `lyh dkhl n`sh w'n tudlaW~ fy 'rD 'myrk. ldhlk ktbt wSy@ shtrTt fyh 'n tuHrq jthth b`d mwth, w'n yunthr rmdh fy lhw. tyryz wtwms mt tHt sh`r lthql. 'm hy f'rdt 'n tmwt tHt sh`r lkhf@. swf tSyr 'khf mn lhw. wHsb r'y brmynyd, fn mwth tHwWl mn lslby l~ lyjby. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
9c518c6 mdh bqy mn mHtDry kmbwdy? Swr@ kbyr@ llnjm@ l'myrky@ tHml byn dhr`yh Tflan 'Sfr. mdh bqy mn twms? ktb@u: 'rd mmlk@ llh `l~ l'rD. mdh bqy mn bythwvn? rjl mqTb lwjh, msh`th lsh`r kmjnwn wynTq bSwt mkty'b <> <>. mdh bqy mn frnz? ktb@u: b`d Twl Dll, l`wd@. whkdh dwlyk, whkdh dwlyk. qbl 'n nunsa~ ntHwl l~ <>. <> hw mHT@ tSl byn lky'n wlnsyn. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
3d18a47 tjwzt md@ ltmthyly@ lmrtjl@ lHdwd. kn frnz yjd 'n hdhh lmlh@ (lty kn yqrW b'nh sHr@ `l~ kl Hl) qd Tlt 'kthr mn llzm. f'msk lqb`@ lrjly@ byn 'Sb`yh wntz`h `n r's sbyn whw ybtsm, thm `lqh fwq lq`d@. . kn l'mr kmn ymHw shrbyn rsmhm wld `fryt `l~ Swr@ mrym l`dhr. friedrich-nietzche friedrich-nietzsche love milan-kundera neitzsche novel philosophy philosophy-of-life political psychological psychology religion religion-and-philoshophy sex sociology اجتماع جنس حب علم-نفس فلسفة فلسفة-حياة كائن-لا-تحتمل-خفته ميلان-كونديرا نيتشه ميلان كونديرا
c9a7400 Picture time travel as nothing more than knocking your half-read book to the floor and losing your place. You pick up the book and open the pages to a scene too early or late, but never exactly where you'd been reading. political Chuck Palahniuk
6c787c4 They were Republicans, Nixon Republicans, and so didn't subscribe to the notion that laws are supposed to apply to all people equally. humorous political politics Bill Bryson
717933c While opposing injustice nonviolently, he (Gandhi) insisted, is always morally superior to opposing it violently, opposing injustice violently is still morally superior to doing nothing to oppose it at all. democracy gandhi political protests resistance violence David Graeber
91d2a88 There are many ways to honor America. This book is mine. I have completed this journey of self-education in the belief that the most terrifying possibility since 9/11 has not been terrorism--as frightening as that is--but the prospect that Americans will give up their rights in pursuing the chimera of security. patriotic political privacy rights security terrorism David K. Shipler
090a7bd "The regime had understood that one person leaving her house while asking herself: "Are my trousers long enough? Is my veil in place? Can my make-up be seen? Are they going to whip me?" - No longer asks herself: "Where is my freedom of thought? Where is my freedom of speech? My life, is it livable? What's going on in the political prisons?" It's only natural! When we're afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection. Our fear paralyzes us. Besides, fear has always been the driving force behind all dictators' repression. Showing your hair or putting on makeup logically became acts of rebellion." -- freedom freedom-of-speech freedom-of-thought political rebellion Marjane Satrapi
cbf47ca "Animals in pens have lots of time to develop theories", said the Cow, "I've heard more than one clever creature draw a connection between the rise of tiktokism and the erosion of traditional Animal labour. We weren't beasts of burden, but we were good reliable labourers. If we were made redundant in the workforce, it was only a matter of time before we'd be socially redundant too." political society technology theory Gregory Maguire
6caafb3 The law is too important to be left to the lawyers, to paraphrase Georges Clemenceau about war and generals. We laymen know too little about our Constitution and think too superficially about its influence on the qualities of American life. Civic duty requires more. civics patriotic political skepticism David K. Shipler
cefd991 It's always far easier to murder and tear down than it is to build and educate. Easier to let power accumulate than diffuse. philosophy-of-life political Richard K. Morgan
154a95d When the Russian delegate this summer indicated the Soviet Union's interest in sending medical equipment, Dr Shigeto went right away to see the delegate and settle the matter tactfully. He is careful to steer clear of the superficial swirl of political maneuvering, but never misses any opportunity to improve the capability of the A-bomb Hospital or to enhance concretely the welfare of the patients. In that sense, he sometimes refers to himself as a 'dirty handkerchief.' That is, he serves to filter political purposes out of relief efforts so that the effect on patients is purely and concretely humane. a-bomb-hospital dirty-handkerchief donation dr-shigeto hiroshima political Kenzaburō Ōe
d5a3f8c The Nazis may write like schoolboys, but they're capable of anything. That's just why they're so dangerous. People laugh at them, right up to the last moment... dangerous isherwood nazi nazis political Christopher Isherwood