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6104f16 There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself. What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can't decipher. what we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish. There is no free will. There are no variables. history history-repeating-itself patterns Chuck Palahniuk
5723e5e I like it that order exists somewhere even if it shatters near me. chaos order patterns Elizabeth Moon
9f5c713 If we experience any failures or setbacks, we do not forget them because they offend our self-esteem. Instead we reflect on them deeply, trying to figure out what went wrong and discern whether there are any patterns to our mistakes. failures forgetfulness mistakes offense patterns self-esteem setbacks Robert Greene
4bbc03e There are patterns which emerge in one's life, circling and returning anew, an endless variation of a theme life patterns theme Jacqueline Carey
82360fd Patterns repeat themselves in history patterns Rick Riordan
6b6ccf0 I can see patterns in events, and behaviors; in mathematics, I follow slower math patterns slow Jacqueline Carey
21c035e No marriage stays in the same pattern forever. It is both the best feature of marriage and the worst, that it inevitably changes. marriage patterns Lisa Kleypas
21a9ddc America's intellectual community has never been very bright. Or honest. They're all sheep, following whatever the intellectual fashion of the decade happens to be. Demanding that everyone follow their dicta in lockstep. Everyone has to be open-minded and tolerant of the things they believe, but God forbid they should ever concede, even for a moment, that someone who disagrees with them might have some fingerhold of truth. lies lockstep patterns truth Orson Scott Card
1cbb88c Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. breaking-patterns creative creativity patterns thinking-differently Terry Tempest Williams
4835cb9 Human beings are pattern-seeking animals. It's part of our DNA. That's why conspiracy theories and gods are so popular: we always look for the wider, bigger explanations for things. gods humans patterns religion Adrian McKinty
ffd094c I do believe in fate, Anne-not the blind fate that gives one no freedom of choice, but a fate that sets down a pattern for each of our lives and gives us choices, numerous choices, by which to find that pattern and be happy. fate patterns Mary Balogh
e57bbea There's a sameness to streetlife. On every world I've ever been, the same underlying patterns play out, flaunt and vaunt, buy and sell, like some distilled essence of human behavior seeping out from whatever clanking political machine has been dropped on it from above. human-behaviour machines patterns planets political science-fiction streetlife worlds Richard K. Morgan
f905310 Every hour so many damn things in the sky! How in hell did those bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn't someone want to talk about it! We've started and won two atomic wars since 2022! Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumors; the world is starving, but we're well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much? I've heard the rumors about hate, too, once in a long while, over the years...Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes! depravity patterns selfishness Ray Bradbury
793c8b7 The truth of a myth, your Honor, is not its words but its patterns. patterns truth words David Mitchell
41f7e15 For years of our lives the days pass waywardly, featureless, without meaning, without particular happiness or unhappiness. Then, like turning over a tapestry when you have only known the back of it, there is spread the pattern. life patterns Jane Gardam
3e497a0 He placed a pinch of snow on his tongue and thought of making snow ice cream with Frank and their mother when they were small boys - 'First you stir in the vanilla' - Frank standing on a stool on his wondrously functional pre-Libya legs, the bullet that would sever his spinal cord still twenty-five years away but already approaching: a woman giving birth to a child who will someday pull the trigger on a gun, a designer sketching the weapon or its precursor, a dictator making a decision that will spark in the fullness of time into the conflagration that Frank will go overseas to cover for Reuters, the pieces of a pattern drifting closer together. bullet conflagration designer dictator frank-chaudhary functional jeevan-chaudhary libya paraplegic patterns pieces reuters snow snow-cream spinal-cord the-fullness-of-time tongue vanilla wondrous Emily St. John Mandel
2a8b0e0 It's difficult to know where to begin, sir.' 'Yes, the beginning is the tricky part. But perhaps there is no beginning, perhaps we can't look that far back.' He got up from his desk and went over to the window, from where he could see thin pillar of smoke rising into the clouds. 'I never know where anything comes from, Walter.' 'Comes from, sir?' 'Where you come from, where I come from, where all this comes from.' And he gestured at the offices and homes beneath him. He was about to say something else but he stopped, embarrassed; and in any case he was coming to the limits of his understanding. He was not sure if all the movements and changes in the world were part of some coherent development, like the weaving of a quilt which remains one fabric despite its variegated pattern. Or was it a more delicate operation than this - like the enlarging surface of a balloon in the sense that, although each part increased at the same rate of growth as every other part, the entire object grew more fragile as it expanded? And if one element was suddenly to vanish, would the others disappear also - imploding upon each other helplessly as if time itself were unravelling amid a confusion of Sights, calls, shrieks and phrases of music which grew smaller and smaller? He thought of a train disappearing into the distance, until eventually only the smoke and the smell of its engine remained. pattern patterns rationality reason Peter Ackroyd
640ecdb Civilization is always threatened from below, by patterns of belief and emotion that may once have been useful to our ancestors, but that are useful no longer. ancestors belief below civilization emotion pattern patterns threaten threatened use useful Roger Scruton
5b177e1 ...they lived in a curious but not unhappy isolation, though her father was a popular schoolteacher. Partly they were cut off by Sara's heart trouble, but also by their subscribing to magazines nobody around them read, listening to programs on the national radio network, which nobody around them listened to. By Sara's making her own clothes--sometimes ineptly-- from Vogue patterns, instead of Butterick. Even by the way they preserved some impression of youth instead of thickening and slouching like the parents of Juliet's schoolfellows. patterns Alice Munro
c5009d6 Look at the pattern this seashell makes. The dappled whorl, curving inward to infinity. That's the shape of the universe itself. There's a constant pressure, pushing toward pattern. A tendency in matter to evolve into ever more complex forms. It's a kind of pattern gravity, a holy greening power we call viriditas, and it is the driving force in the cosmos. Life, you see. ... And because we are alive, the universe must be said to be alive. We are its consciousness as well as our own. We rise out of the cosmos and we see its mesh of patterns, and it strikes us as beautiful. And that feeling is the most important thing in all the universe--its culmination, like the color of a flower at first bloom on a wet morning. It's a holy feeling, and our task in this world is to do everything we can to foster it. cosmos life nature patterns viriditas Kim Stanley Robinson
49f1bac Patterns, Mr. Tiffany once said, be they found in events, in nature, even in the stars in the firmament, are proof of history repeating itself. If we see randomness, it is only because we don't yet recognize the pattern. patterns repeats M.J. Rose