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2dfb210 The wish of death had been palpably hanging over this otherwise idyllic paradise for a good many years humour inspirational romance thriller young-adult John Richard Spencer
2787839 I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid I'll never get a chance to live! crime diamond-eyes fantasy humour inspirational science-fiction thriller A.A. Bell
58720eb Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him. fool holmes intelligence sherlock thriller Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
3d9f32b "I always wanted to eat with a Negro," Grandma said. Yeah, well I always wanted to eat with a boney-assed old white woman," Lula said. "So I guess this works out good." mystery thriller Janet Evanovich
20b164f You know when I told you the joke about how a friend will help you move, but a real friend will help you move a body? I was only kidding. brad-thor fiction scot-harvath thriller Brad Thor
6c77361 Nine had heard whisperings that the secretive Bilderberg Group was effectively the World Government, undermining democracy by influencing everything from nations' political leaders to the venue for the next war. He recalled persistent rumors and confirmed media reports that the Bilderberg Group had such luminaries as Barack Obama, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Tony Blair, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush. Other Bilderberg members sprung forth from Nine's memory bank. They included the founders and CEOs of various multinational corporations like Facebook, BP, Google, Shell and Amazon, as well as almost every major financial institution on the planet. amazon-com barack-obama bilderberg bill-clinton clinton conspiracy conspiracy-theories conspiracy-theory facebook george-w-bush google hillary-clinton microsoft morcan the-ninth-orphan the-orphan-trilogy thriller tony-blair James Morcan
4d21dc4 I didn't know that once you've proven yourself useful to the wrong people, you'll never be free again. mystery suspense thriller Steve Hamilton
fc654b2 The finest thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself. Michel de Montaigne mystery mystery-series noir psychological-thriller thriller Laurie Stevens
cb4de22 But show business has always been like that - any kind of show business. If these people didn't live intense and rather disordered lives, if their emotions didn't ride them too hard--well, they wouldn't be able to catch those emotions in flight and imprint them on a few feet of celluloid or project them across the footlights. mystery-novels thriller Raymond Chandler
330e5d9 A man who lives a part, not to others but alone, is exposed to obvious psychological dangers. In itself the practice of deception is not particularly exacting. It is a matter of experience, a professional expertise. It is a facility most of us can acquire. But while a confidence trickster, a play actor or a gambler can return from his performance to the ranks of his admirers, the secret agent enjoys no such relief. For him, deception is first a matter of self defense. He must protect himself not only from without, but from within, and against the most natural of impulses. Though he earn a fortune, his role may forbid him the purchase of a razor. Though he be erudite, it can befall him to mumble nothing but banalities. Though he be an affectionate husband and father, he must within all circumstances without himself from those with whom he should naturally confide. Aware of the overwhelming temptations which assail a man permanently isolated in his deceit, Limas resorted to the course which armed him best. Even when he was alone, he compelled himself to live with the personality he had assumed. It is said that Balzac on his deathbed inquired anxiously after the health and prosperity of characters he had created. Similarly, Limas, without relinquishing the power of invention, identified himself with what he had invented. The qualities he had exhibited to Fiedler: the restless uncertainty, the protective arrogance concealing shame were not approximations, but extensions of qualities he actually possessed. Hence, also, the slight dragging of the feet, the aspect of personal neglect, the indifference to food, and an increasing reliance on alcohol and tobacco. When alone, he remained faithful to these habits. He would even exaggerate them a little, mumbling to himself about the iniquities of his service. Only very rarely, as now, going to bed that evening, did he allow himself the dangerous luxury of admitting the great lie that he lived. political spy thriller John le Carré
c5172d3 Concert pianists get to be quite chummy with dead composers. They can't help it. Classical music isn't just . It's a personal diary. An uncensored confession in the dead of night. A baring of the soul. Take a modern example. Florence and the Machine? In the song 'Cosmic Love,' she catalogs the way in which the world has gone dark, distorting her, when she, a rather intense young woman, was left bereft by a love affair. 'The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out. classical-music confession cosmic-love diary florence-and-the-machine florence-welch horror love-affair lyrics music mystery night-film suspense thriller Marisha Pessl
6f42dca From now on, it is our task to suspect each and everyone amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all. preparation thriller thriller-novels Agatha Christie
306c432 A fallow mind is a field of discontent. aviation bahamas carl-hiaasen cuba humor john-d-macdonald key-west mystery randy-wayne-white thriller tim-dorsey tom-corcoran John H. Cunningham
84ca554 Because I was single, there was a chance I was a homosexual. Because I went to Syracuse, wherever that was, then I was probably a Communist. Or worse, a Liberal. Because I was from Memphis, I was a subversive intent on embarrassing Ford County. thriller John Grisham
1b6d740 If he's like any other man I've ever met, it's not my smile he's going to be looking at. brad-thor fiction humor life men scot-harvath thriller Brad Thor
4ddac9e A voice flat enough to fit under a door crack. thriller Harlan Coben
1eb6ec7 I put it to the great man [Hitchcock], the key to fictitious terror is partition or containment: so long as the Bates Motel is sealed off from our world, we want to peer in, like at a scorpion enclosure. But a film that shows the world is a Bates Motel, well, that's... the stuff of Buchloe, dystopia, depression. We'll dip our toes in a predatory, amoral, godless unive3rse, but only our toes. horror movies thriller David Mitchell
5b4fc6d "You are not there, Father," I cried. "I wake up at Gaudlin Hall, I spend most of my day there, I sleep there at night. And throughout it all there is but one thought running through my mind." "And that is?" "This house is haunted." thriller John Boyne
bda738e We leave this life the same way that we enter it, totally alone, bereft. children love marriage parallel-universes science thriller Blake Crouch
a81f3e8 Can you imagine, finally showing your true self to your spouse, your soul mate, and having him not like you? gone-girl marriage messed-up sad-but-true thriller Gillian Flynn
ceb069a That's exactly where you're wrong! Any kind of person can murder. Purely circumstances and not a thing to do with temperament! People get so far -- and it takes just the least little thing to push them over the brink. Anybody. Even your grandmother. I know. female-authors murder mystery thriller Patricia Highsmith
95355b7 She had refused to draw the monster. She feared to give him form. christina-dodd fear life monster suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
0254fe2 "Fill me in on the details of your life." "I thought you didn't give a shit." "It'll give me something to do while I wait for you to stab me to death." christina-dodd humor life suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
62662af Painters, writers, musicians are lonely people. So are statesmen and admirals and generals. But then, I added to be fair, so are criminals and lunatics. Let's just say, not to be too flattering, that true individuals are lonely. -- Vivienne Michel bond crime romance spy thriller Ian Fleming
70b94ce Wenn man meine Seele zeichnen konnte, ware es irgendein wildes Gekritzel mit deutlich sichtbaren Reisszahnen. dark-places draw gillian-flynn horror insecurity malen paint seele soul thriller unsicherheit zeichnen Gillian Flynn
d583ad3 Dreema and you disagree. She cottons to Richmond, but you can't be weaned off Pelham. So I offer you a fair middle ground: relocate to northern Virginia. She transfers to the state morgue on Braddock Road, and you get to stay near your old beat. crime-fiction detective-novel mystery private-eye romance suspense thriller Ed Lynskey
9d724d7 From Chapter 1: The main rub was the lack of RnR and I burned out. Three years and three stripes later, I ejected from the MP Corps, vowing I'd never do police or criminal investigative work again. Instead, I returned home when I should've learned better. noir private-detective suspense thriller Ed Lynskey
dbac892 Noriega wound up like a baseball pitcher on top of the bed and hurled the small gun, but was low and outside for a ball. His tight-fitting house dress was bunched up high on his chubby thighs, exposing olive drab underwear. I see London, I see France, I see a crazy dictator's underpants! Chase's thoughts raced. espionage fiction literary panama spy thriller Cole Alpaugh
ddc8181 No woman will ever take care of my children but me, she said. I will not allow it, do you understand? And after I am gone Madge Toxley, if you try to make them yours, then you will live to regret it. thriller John Boyne
ecb1e9c God don't give out certain. fiction thriller Jeffery Deaver
0020c15 Whenever Elliot Norther's wife was nervous she baked. With the murder of Harriet Mason, her husband's close colleague at the Faculty, she had been unable to resist a couple of Victoria sponges. During the frenzied press speculation about the identity of the murderer, a Dundee cake had appeared, followed swiftly by a Battenberg and a Lemon Drizzle. Since news of the Wildencrust murder broke, the kitchen, dining room and study had come to resemble the storerooms of an industrial bakery, every surface heaving with the weight of sponge and cream. Yesterday, having at last been overwhelmed by the fear and rumour that swept the town, she had taken herself off to her mother's house in Hampstead, leaving her husband to soldier on alone. When he had last seen his wife, Elliot Norther noticed that she had been putting the finishing touches to an impressive, triple-tiered wedding cake, beating a batch of royal icing into a sickly paste. humor humour thriller Robert Clear
63d07f7 By the time it was over, we knew the dead were the lucky ones. christina-dodd death life suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
93171c5 What are we, Charlie's Angels? fiction mystery suspense thriller Terri Blackstock
be7102b The best way of keeping a low profile was to immerse himself in the mundane. Act like them, talk like them. A smile, a joke was all it took - at least during the day. The night was his own. serial-killer thriller Caroline Mitchell
da653fb Smiles were rare in this house. Smiles had to be bought and paid for. thriller Caroline Mitchell
9efc1a4 Their attention was focused on the strange kid who wore black eyeliner and dressed as if every day was a funeral. police-procedure thriller Caroline Mitchell
109717d ...the sodden, sweaty weariness of his own body, the whisky misery of it. indian-writing thriller Vikram Chandra
cf0b922 "Payne sought clarification. "Vertical or horizontal?" "Horizontal, of course." "Sorry but I can't help you." "Will you pipe down for a minute? Naturally she was dead since I work at a cemetery. Her face struck a chord though. So, I rummaged around in the old Rory memory bank, and Emily is what rings a bell. Didn't we go to school with an Emily? Tenth or eleventh grade, if I recall it correctly." crime-fiction mystery romance suspense thriller writing Ed Lynskey
28d17d3 "You know that if I ever do settle down with some woman, Lillie is going to come after you next," Hawk said. "She's relentless. She'll have you married within weeks after I tie the knot. Mark my words." He took another drink and swallowed. "Be afraid. Be very afraid." romance suspense thriller western B.J. Daniels
042b098 Many writers, good writers who ought to know better, focus so tightly on the structure demanded by a crime story that they lose track of the fact that they are writing a novel. Accusations of both sensationalism and trivialisation are, alas, often justified. fiction genre genre-fiction technique thriller writing Laurie R. King
2b9ca2f "I didn't burn down anyone's house! I didn't. I wouldn't!" Maddie looked at Jacob. "You know I wouldn't. I didn't kill you when I had the chance!" christina-dodd suspense thriller virtue-falls christina dodd
bb52dfa The thing that hunts me now thrives on terror. My terror. I fear he will come for me. I fear he will come for anyone who knows me. christina-dodd fear life suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
24787d3 "Oh, God. Not again." Not again? "Do you make a habit of driving into people's houses?" christina-dodd humor life suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
0c6bb54 He didn't want to do this... He had come here to hide. christina-dodd life suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
db5e33c I'm sorry about the screaming. I thought you were him. christina-dodd life nightmare suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
8612093 I was out on a lonely road that stretched forever into the darkness. I wanted to run, to get away from him, but it was so dark, I was afraid of where I was going. christina-dodd darkness fear life lonely suspense thriller virtue-falls Christina Dodd
efc3c9a "He was silent a moment; then he said, "I want a drink of water." She almost laughed aloud, because it was such a mundane request that could have been made of anyone, but then she saw the tension in his jaw and lips and realized that, again, he was checking out his condition, and he wanted her with him. She turned to the small Styrofoam pitcher that was kept full of crushed ice, which she used to keep his lips moist. The ice had melted enough that she was able to pour the glass half full of water. She stuck a straw into it and held it to his lips. Gingerly he sucked the liquid into his mouth and held it for a moment, as if letting it soak into his membranes. Then, slowly, he swallowed, and after a minute he relaxed. "Thank God," he muttered hoarsely. "My throat still feel swollen. I wasn't sure I could swallow, and I sure as hell didn't want that damned tube back." Behind Jay, Frank turned a smothered laugh into a cough. "Anything else?" she asked. "Yes. Kiss me." -- thriller Linda Howard
7f4d11b "Calmly, deliberately, he moved his hands down to her breasts and molded his fingers over them. Jay inhaled sharply, and he said, "Easy, easy," as he stroked the soft mounds. "Steve, no." But her eyes were closing as warm pleasure built in her, her blood beating slowly and powerfully through her veins. His thumbs rubbed over her nipples and she quivered, her breasts beginning to tighten. "You're so soft." His voice roughened even more. "God, how I've wanted to touch you. Come here, sweetheart." thriller Linda Howard
66ea601 At that exact moment, 6-0-0, the sun climbed over the skyline of oaks, revealing its full summer angry-god self. Its reflection flared across the river toward our house, a long, blaring finger aimed at me through our frail bedroom curtains. Accusing: You have been seen. You will be seen. mystery thriller Gillian Flynn