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36ab0de Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent. existence western knowledge horror Cormac McCarthy
225dc7b It is not an unusual life curve for Westerners - to live i n and be shaped by the bigness, sparseness, space clarity & hopefulness of the West, to go away for study and enlargement and the perspective that distance and dissatisfaction can give, and then to return to what pleases the sight and enlists the loyalty and demands the commitment. life-and-living philosophy vastness west western Wallace Stegner
6b714fb Yong is the outer manifestation of something. Ti is the underlying essence. Technology is a yong associated with a particular ti that is ... Western, and completely alien to us [the Chinese]. For centuries, since the time of the Opium Wars, we have struggled to absorb the yong of technology without importing the Western ti. But it has been impossible. Just as our ancestors could not open our ports to the West without accepting the poison of opium, we could not open our lives to Western technology without taking in the Western ideas, which have been as a plague on our society. The result has been centuries of chaos. history western society technology Neal Stephenson
b20838b "The meaning of life in western secular society is to be successful. So many people are success mad and they are encouraged to reach for something and have so called "worthwhile goals". Money, fame, power, good looks, possessions are the indicators of success and the media and advertising companies exploit this. People are conditioned to believe that they can only feel happy or good about themselves if they have these things. This of course is not true." money looks lies good meaning success happiness life truth companies conditioned indicators what possessions conditioning is of fame successful western society goals secular media deceit power Tim Crawshaw
94ce3fa one day you stepped in snow, the next in mud, water soaked in your boots and froze them at night, it was the next worst thing to pure blizzardry, it was weather that wouldn't let you settle. frontier-and-pioneer-life western snow weather E.L. Doctorow
cce4161 They began to come upon chains and packsaddles, singletrees, dead mules, wagons. Saddletrees eaten bare of their rawhide coverings and weathered white as bone, a light chamfering of miceteeth along the edges of the wood. They rode through a region where iron will not rust nor tin tarnish. The ribbed frames of dead cattle under their patches of dried hide lay like the ruins of primitive boats upturned upon that shoreless void and they passed lurid and austere the black and desiccated shapes of horses and mules that travelers had stood afoot. literature western Cormac McCarthy
28d17d3 "You know that if I ever do settle down with some woman, Lillie is going to come after you next," Hawk said. "She's relentless. She'll have you married within weeks after I tie the knot. Mark my words." He took another drink and swallowed. "Be afraid. Be very afraid." romance thriller western suspense B.J. Daniels
dd6e970 He leaned forward and began to count off on the fingers of the hand that held the cigarette: She aint American. She aint a citizen. She dont speak english. She works in a whorehouse. No, hear me out. And last but not least--he sat holding his thumb--there's a son of a bitch owns her outright that I guarangoddamntee you will kill you graveyard dead if you mess with him. Son, aint there no girls on this side of the damn river? Not like her. Well I'll bet that's the truth if you ever told it. romance western lovesick Cormac McCarthy
3e75262 he had offered some of his own background. A youth in the South. An education in the North. Bred for life in the East. Trying not to die in the West. mortality western Mary Doria Russell
894f866 "Yoshoku is the Japanese take on Western foods; much of it was created during the Meiji period (1868-1912), when, after centuries of isolation, Japan began importing goods and ideas from the outside world, including food. Yoshoku dishes such as (salisbury steak in brown sauce), curry rice, potato croquettes, and "spaghetti " are now much-loved comfort food. They're also so unlike the dishes that inspired them that they tend to be really hard for Westerners to appreciate." yōshoku western Matthew Amster-Burton
7bddb4f As Rachel ran with her 18-month-old son James Pratt, she was knocked down to the ground by a hoe, dragged by her hair, and separated from her child. She found herself taken to the area where her uncle Benjamin had been mutilated; arrows had been stuck in his body, and passing warriors thrust spears into it. parker-s-fort true-stories southwest native-americans western texas Noel Marie Fletcher
027d0b1 I been packin' iron for so long that if I don't have one on me somewheres, I walk slant-wise. western William W. Johnstone