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a2cca46 You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won't mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.... connections are made with the heart, not the tongue. affection communication heartwarming human-connections human-nature humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-love inspirational-quotes relationships C. JoyBell C.
1a2ae1d If you're reading this.. alive congratulations hope humanity inspiration inspirational inspire life poetry smile wisdom Chad Sugg
6236c7d Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. god heart humanity inspirational prayer religion souls weakness Mahatma Gandhi
133e114 We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don't even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets! It's time to put an end to this. It's time for us to let ourselves be loved. growing humanity inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-love inspirational-quotes learning life-and-living life-lessons love people real-love reality reality-of-life those-who-love-us to-be-loved true-love what-matters C. JoyBell C.
41294b5 One love, one heart, one destiny. bob-marley compassion destiny heart humanity inspirational love Robert Marley
61290d9 Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people. being-human goodness human human-nature humanism humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quote inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring kindness life life-and-living life-lessons life-philosophy life-quotes living love optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking smile smiles Roy T. Bennett
090884d If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. compassion connecting humanity inspirational love sharing Mother Teresa
a9a9e37 And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human. So she was turned into a pillar of salt. So it goes. humanity Kurt Vonnegut
8eff89b We're so self-important. So arrogant. Everybody's going to save something now. Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save the snails. And the supreme arrogance? Save the planet! Are these people kidding? Save the planet? We don't even know how to take care of ourselves; we haven't learned how to care for one another. We're gonna save the fuckin' planet? . . . And, by the way, there's nothing wrong with the planet in the first place. The planet is fine. The people are fucked! Compared with the people, the planet is doin' great. It's been here over four billion years . . . The planet isn't goin' anywhere, folks. We are! We're goin' away. Pack your shit, we're goin' away. And we won't leave much of a trace. Thank God for that. Nothing left. Maybe a little Styrofoam. The planet will be here, and we'll be gone. Another failed mutation; another closed-end biological mistake. extinction humanity inspirational pale-blue-dot perspective George Carlin
9b9b0fc Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. defeat humanity life Ralph Ellison
e5f1ff1 There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human- in not having to be just happy or just sad- in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time. being-human happiness human human-nature humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-quotes inspiring life life-and-living living sadness C. JoyBell C.
036cdcd I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we're actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we're suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before! human humanity inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspiring life life-and-living living people self-awareness stars strength supernova truth C. JoyBell C.
f6a8987 Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul. humanity sadness Oscar Wilde
123efe8 But if I'm it, the last of my kind, the last page of human history, like hell I'm going to let the story end this way. I may be the last one, but I am the one still standing. I am the one turning to face the faceless hunter in the woods on an abandoned highway. I am the one not running but facing. Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity. And if this is humanity's last war, then I am the battlefield. cassie human humanity inspirational powerful survivor Rick Yancey
8fa29fc I'm not in search of sanctity, sacredness, purity; these things are found after this life, not in this life; but in this life I search to be completely human: to feel, to give, to take, to laugh, to get lost, to be found, to dance, to love and to lust, to be so human. dancing feeling human human-nature humanism humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes life life-and-living living living-life passion purity sacredness sanctity C. JoyBell C.
2ae16ef Let's tell the truth to people. When people ask, 'How are you?' have the nerve sometimes to answer truthfully. You must know, however, that people will start avaoiding you because, they, too, have knees that pain them and heads that hurt and they don't want to know about yours. But think of it this way: If people avoid you, you will have more time to meditate and do fine research on a cure for whatever truly afflicts you. humanity self-worth social-mores Maya Angelou
29668f7 How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world. goodness humanity inspirational life light world good-deeds William Shakespeare
025e191 Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. evil humanity kindness Terry Pratchett
8a7a06d I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sand castles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skills is their capacity to escalate. humanity Markus Zusak
4b85f0f Anger is like flowing water; there's nothing wrong with it as long as you let it flow. Hate is like stagnant water; anger that you denied yourself the freedom to feel, the freedom to flow; water that you gathered in one place and left to forget. Stagnant water becomes dirty, stinky, disease-ridden, poisonous, deadly; that is your hate. On flowing water travels little paper boats; paper boats of forgiveness. Allow yourself to feel anger, allow your waters to flow, along with all the paper boats of forgiveness. Be human. anger forgiveness hate human humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspiring water C. JoyBell C.
1026c43 One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today. Say, "I love you", "I'm sorry", "I appreciate you", "I'm proud of you"...whatever you're feeling. Send random texts, write a cute note, embrace your truth and share it...cause a smile today for someone else...and give plenty of hugs. action compassion humanity inspirational kindness life living-now motivational seize-the-day spirituality success Steve Maraboli
9efc797 Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the hard lessons of life are meant to make you better, not bitter. growing heart humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring learning life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes living optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking what-matters Roy T. Bennett
c557b80 Growing up means learning what life is. When you're little, you have a set of ideals, standards, criteria, plans, outlooks, and you think that you have to sit around and wait for them to happen to you and then life will work. But life isn't like that, for anybody; you can't fall in love with a standard, you have to fall in love with a person. You can't live in a criteria, you have to live your life. You can't wait for your plans to materialize, because they may never materialize the way you think they will. You can't wait to watch your ideals and standards walk up to you, because you can't know what's yours until you have it. I always say, always take the first chance in case you never get a second one, but growing up takes that even one step further, growing up means that you have to hold on to what you have, when you have it, because what you have- that's yours- and all the ideals and criteria you have set in your head, those aren't yours, because those haven't happened to you. growing growth humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes learning life life-and-living life-experiences life-lessons C. JoyBell C.
129f96b Most of us must learn to love people and use things rather than loving things and using people. being-human happiness human human-nature humanism humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quote inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring learning life life-and-living life-lessons life-philosophy life-quotes living love optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking Roy T. Bennett
2d81f08 In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk. humanity inspirational mistakes risk school Robert T. Kiyosaki
1c6156b For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in doing so, have created a crippled race. ancient flight flying human-race humanity imperfection inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspiring journey life life-and-living life-s-journey living living-life people perfect perfection the-journey truth two-wings wings wisdom wisdom-quotes C. JoyBell C.
e112d2b We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same. We are united by the reality that all colours and all cultures are distinct & individual. We are harmonious in the reality that we are all held to this earth by the same gravity. We don't share blood, but we share the air that keeps us alive. I will not blind myself and say that my black brother is not different from me. I will not blind myself and say that my brown sister is not different from me. But my black brother is he as much as I am me. But my brown sister is she as much as I am me. brotherhood color difference differences equality harmony human humanism humanity individuality inspiration inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes life life-and-living living race respect sisterhood society unity C. JoyBell C.
f069c69 Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf. humanity mazer-rackham Orson Scott Card
3f8b51d We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane. humanity Kurt Vonnegut
c4a742a Culture does not make people. People make culture. If it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture, then we can and must make it our culture. feminism gender-equality humanity women Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
398e781 If there's only one nation in the sky, shouldn't all passports be valid for it? humanity inspiration religion Yann Martel
58016d5 Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves. charity compassion greed helping-others humanity inspirational volunteerism Horace Mann
830015d What makes you think human beings are sentient and aware? There's no evidence for it. Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told-and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists. Any other view of our species is just a self-congratulatory delusion. Next question. humanity Michael Crichton
927405a All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. humanity life mankind poetry roles stage theatre world William Shakespeare
6a91cf6 Human reason can excuse any evil. evil humanity reasoning Veronica Roth
0fec081 I find it odd- the greed of mankind. People only like you for as long as they perceive they can get what they want from you. Or for as long as they perceive you are who they want you to be. But I like people for all of their changing surprises, the thoughts in their heads, the warmth that changes to cold and the cold that changes to warmth... for being human. The rawness of being human delights me. greed human-nature humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes mankind raw rawness C. JoyBell C.
6d2f925 It seems to me now that the plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone. humanity love poetry Nick Hornby
f1dd04c I know there's evil in the world, and there always has been. But you don't need to believe in Satan or demons to explain it. Human beings are perfectly capable of evil all by themselves. humanity Tess Gerritsen
0a6d35e We're actors -- we're the opposite of people! archetypes humanity humor people symbolism theatre Tom Stoppard
10e690b If you are not the hero of your own story, then you're missing the whole point of your humanity. happiness hero humanity inspirational life motivational story success Steve Maraboli
b05a375 So you see, Good and Evil have the same face; it all depends on when they cross the path of each individual human being. good humanity Paulo Coelho
f3c8aef To me, history ought to be a source of pleasure. It isn't just part of our civic responsibility. To me, it's an enlargement of the experience of being alive, just the way literature or art or music is. civic-responsibility history humanity life mankind responsibility David McCullough
479217e All the world's a stage. humanity philosophy stage theatre universe world William Shakespeare
76de407 The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, was being ashamed of what they were; lying about it, trying to be somebody else. being-someone-else-you-are-not hating-yourself hiding humanity inspirational lying self-acceptance self-hatred shame trying-to-be-like-someone-else being-someone-else J.K. Rowling
4b3dd33 It is as inhuman to be totally good as it is to be totally evil. good humanity humans Anthony Burgess
1464ac5 Muscles aching to work, minds aching to create - this is man. inspirational life humanity John Steinbeck
814a2d2 "Idris: Are all people like this? consciousness doctor-who human-greatness humanity potential soul tardis the-doctor-s-wife vastness Neil Gaiman
bf93c36 Trees're always a relief, after people. forest humanity nature trees David Mitchell
503f538 No word matters. But man forgets reality and remembers words. history humanity memory narrative reality semiotics story truthful words Roger Zelazny
e4c8d31 Know then thyself, presume not God to scan, The proper study of mankind is Man. Placed on this isthmus of a middle state, A being darkly wise and rudely great: With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side, With too much weakness for the Stoic's pride, He hangs between, in doubt to act or rest; In doubt to deem himself a God or Beast; In doubt his mind or body to prefer; Born but to die, and reas'ning but to err; Alike in ignorance, his reason such, Whether he thinks too little or too much; Chaos of thought and passion, all confused; Still by himself abused or disabused; Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd; The glory, jest, and riddle of the world! Go, wondrous creature! mount where science guides, Go, measure earth, weigh air, and state the tides; Instruct the planets in what orbs to run, Correct old time, and regulate the sun; Go, soar with Plato to th' empyreal sphere, To the first good, first perfect, and first fair; Or tread the mazy round his followers trod, And quitting sense call imitating God; As Eastern priests in giddy circles run, And turn their heads to imitate the sun. Go, teach Eternal Wisdom how to rule-- Then drop into thyself, and be a fool! enlightenment error fallibility humanity humility mankind poetry reason Alexander Pope
f26ac99 If we wish to know about a man, we ask 'what is his story--his real, inmost story?'--for each of us is a biography, a story. Each of us is a singular narrative, which is constructed, continually, unconsciously, by, through, and in us--through our perceptions, our feelings, our thoughts, our actions; and, not least, our discourse, our spoken narrations. Biologically, physiologically, we are not so different from each other; historically, as narratives--we are each of us unique. human-condition humanity individuality uniqueness Oliver Sacks
eb88329 Anger is an essential part of being human. People are taught to deny themselves anger, and in this, they are actually opening themselves up to hate. The more you deny yourself the freedom to be angry, the more you will hate. Let yourself be angry, and hate will disintegrate, and when hate disintegrates, forgiveness prevails! The more you deny that you are angry, in attempts to be "holy" the more inhuman you will become, and the more inhuman you will become, the harder it will be to forgive. anger forgiveness hate humanism humanity inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes C. JoyBell C.
65bcc40 The anthropologists got it wrong when they named our species Homo sapiens ('wise man'). In any case it's an arrogant and bigheaded thing to say, wisdom being one of our least evident features. In reality, we are Pan narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee. chimpanzees humanity stories Terry Pratchett
b07e739 The downfall of the attempts of governments and leaders to unite mankind is found in this- in the wrong message that we should see everyone as the same. This is the root of the failure of harmony. Because the truth is, we should not all see everyone as the same! We are not the same! We are made of different colours and we have different cultures. We are all different! But the key to this door is to look at these differences, respect these differences, learn from and about these differences, and grow in and with these differences. We are all different. We are not the same. But that's beautiful. And that's okay.In the quest for unity and peace, we cannot blind ourselves and expect to be all the same. Because in this, we all have an underlying belief that everyone should be the same as us at some point. We are not on a journey to become the same or to be the same. But we are on a journey to see that in all of our differences, that is what makes us beautiful as a human race, and if we are ever to grow, we ought to learn and always learn some more. color culture difference differences equality government harmony human humanism humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes peace race society unity C. JoyBell C.
a3664b2 It's the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It's seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can't watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor's tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health. humanity humor nature Daniel Quinn
22b3e98 The human mind isn't a terribly logical or consistent place. Most people, given the choice to face a hideous or terrifying truth or to conveniently avoid it, choose the convenience and peace of normality. That doesn't make them strong or weak people, or good or bad people. It just makes them people. humanity people Jim Butcher
dbca8d8 It is when we think we can act like God, that all respect is lost, and I think this is the downfall of peace. We lie if we say we do not see color and culture and difference. We fool ourselves and cheat ourselves when we say that all of us are the same. We should not want to be the same as others and we should not want others to be the same as us. Rather, we ought to glory and shine in all of our differences, flaunting them fabulously for all to see! It is never a conformity that we need! We need not to conform! What we need is to burst out into all these beautiful colors! color conformism conformity difference differences freedom human humanism humanity inspiration inspirational inspirational-life inspirational-quotes life living race respect C. JoyBell C.
09b55b2 God is not needed to create guilt or to punish. Our fellow men suffice, aided by ourselves. You were speaking of the Last Judgement. Allow me to laugh respectfully. I shall wait for it resolutely, for I have known what is worse, the judgement of men. For them, no extenuating circumstances; even the good intention is ascribed to crime. Have you at least heard of the spitting cell, which a nation recently thought up to prove itself the greatest on earth? A walled-up box in which the prisoner can stand without moving. The solid door that locks him in the cement shell stops at chin level. Hence only his face is visible, and every passing jailer spits copiously on it. The prisoner, wedged into his cell, cannot wipe his face, though he is allowed, it is true. to close his eyes. Well, that, mon cher, is a human invention. They didn't need God for that little masterpiece. humanity spiritual Albert Camus
b808ac5 The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force. drugs humanity miltary nature television Michael Parenti
8647ad5 " This was a brave statement but innocently absurd. No one will ever understand Auschwitz. What I might have set down with more accuracy would have been: Auschwitz itself remains inexplicable. The most profound statement yet made about Auschwitz was not a statement at all, but a response. The query: "At Auschwitz, tell me, where was God?" And the answer: "Where was man?" evil god humanity man understanding William Styron
20ea3eb Blushing is the most peculiar and most human of all expressions. embarassment emotions humanity Charles Darwin
b32eaa2 What it means to be human is to bring up your children in safety, educate them, keep them healthy, teach them how to care for themselves and others, allow them to develop in their own way among adults who are sane and responsibile, who know the value of the world and not its economic potential. It means art, it means time, it means all the invisibles never counted by the GDP and the census figures. It means knowing that life has an inside as well as an outside. And I think it means love. education humanity love Jeanette Winterson
fe440b5 We who bore the mark might well be considered by the rest of the world as strange, even as insane and dangerous. We had awoken, or were awakening, and we were striving for an ever perfect state of wakefulness, whereas the ambition and quest for happiness of the others consisted of linking their opinions, ideals, and duties, their life and happiness, ever more closely with those of the herd. They, too, strove; they, too showed signs of strength and greatness. But as we saw it, whereas we marked men represented Nature's determination to create something new, individual, and forward-looking, the others lived in the determination to stay the same. For them mankind--which they loved as much as we did--was a fully formed entity that had to be preserved and protected. For us mankind was a distant future toward which we were all journeying, whose aspect no one knew, whose laws weren't written down anywhere. hermann-hesse humanity Hermann Hesse
8505a05 They're animals, all right. But why are you so goddam sure that makes us human beings? humanity humanity-and-society life Stephen King
19b06f2 To enter heaven is to become more human than you ever succeeded in being on earth; to enter hell, is to be banished from humanity. hell humanity C.S. Lewis
29f733f If we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reasons for a Bill of Rights. With it comes a certain decency, humility and community spirit. In the demon-haunted world that we inhabit by virtue of being human, this may be all that stands between us and the enveloping darkness. education humanity rights science skepticism society Carl Sagan
ed794dd What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the willso fo the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand. humanity power sociology Leo Tolstoy
e43560c The longing for Paradise is man's longing not to be man. humanity life nature nurture philosophy roots Milan Kundera
61591ab she wasn't very interesting but few people are. bukowski conversation death family humanity interesting life love people poem poetry society women Charles Bukowski
7c4f039 "One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me. . ." humanity the-little-prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
13d0dbe I think there is a song out there to describe just about any situation. art artist connection humanity inspirational life lyrics music musician poetry song-lyrics songs songwriting truth world Criss Jami
e24f354 How fragile we are under the sheltering sky. Behind the sheltering sky is a vast dark universe, and we're just so small. humanity life Paul Bowles
25cf192 Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life. humanity love self-giving Henri J.M. Nouwen
df5cf5a Love is about bottomless empathy, born out of the heart's revelation that another person is every bit as real as you are. And this is why love, as I understand it, is always specific. Trying to love all of humanity may be a worthy endeavor, but, in a funny way, it keeps the focus on the self, on the self's own moral or spiritual well-being. Whereas, to love a specific person, and to identify with his or her struggles and joys as if they were your own, you have to surrender some of your self. humanity love Jonathan Franzen
30e4130 How easy it is to invent a humanity, for anyone at all. humanity Margaret Atwood
20303ea The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, were being ashamed of what they were, lying about it, trying to be somebody else. Honesty was Fats' currency, his weapon and defense. It frightened people when you were honest; it shocked them. Other people, Fats had discovered, were mired in embarrasment and pretense, terrified that their truths might leak out, but Fats was attracted by rawness, by everything that was ugly but honest, by the dirty things about which the likes of his father felt humiliated and disgusted. Fats thought a lot about messiahs and pariahs; about men labeled mad or criminal; noble misfits shunned by the sleepy masses. honesty humanity humiliation lie lying J.K. Rowling
2c428bd All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. actors humanity mankind stage theater world William Shakespeare
5b70898 Don't you find it a beautiful clean thought, a world empty of people, just uninterrupted grass, and a hare sitting up? ecology humanity D.H. Lawrence
dedb3da A human being without the proper empathy or feeling is the same as an android built so as to lack it, either by design or mistake. We mean, basically, someone who does not care about the fate which his fellow living creatures fall victim to; he stands detached, a spectator, acting out by his indifference John Donne's theorem that 'No man is an island,' but giving that theorem a twist: that which is a mental and a moral island . humanity Philip K. Dick
1fc1106 "Scholars discern motions in history & formulate these motions into rules that govern the rises & falls of civilizations. My belief runs contrary, however. To wit: history admits no rules; only outcomes. What precipitates outcomes? Vicious acts & virtuous acts. What precipitates acts? Belief. Belief is both prize & battlefield, within the mind & in the mind's mirror, the world. If we humanity is a ladder of tribes, a colosseum of confrontation, exploitation & bestiality, such a humanity is surely brought into being, & history's Horroxes, Boerhaaves & Gooses shall prevail. You & I, the moneyed, the privileged, the fortunate, shall not fare so badly in this world, provided our luck holds. What of it if our consciences itch? Why undermine the dominance of our race, our gunships, our heritage & our legacy? Why fight the "natural" (oh, weaselly word!) order of things? Why? Because of this:--one fine day, a purely predatory world consume itself. Yes, the devil shall take the hindmost until the foremost the hindmost. In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul. For the human species, selfishness is extinction. Is this the doom written within our nature? If we that humanity may transcend tooth & claw, if we divers races & creeds can share this world as peaceably as the orphans share their candlenut tree, if we that leaders must be just, violence muzzled, power accountable & the riches of the Earth & its Oceans shared equitably, such a world will come to pass. I am not deceived. It is the hardest of worlds to make real. Torturous advances won over generations can be lost by a single stroke of a myopic president's pen or a vainglorious general's sword. A life spent shaping a world I Jackson to inherit, not one I Jackson shall inherit, this strikes me as a life worth the living." humanity life-and-living David Mitchell
47d04da The human touch is that little snippet of physical affection that brings a bit of comfort, support, and kindness. It doesn't take much from the one who gives it, but can make a huge difference in the one who receives it. comfort human human-touch humanity humanity-quotes inspirational kindess love support Mya Robarts
72a6ec1 God's creatures who cried themselves to sleep stirred to cry again. crying cycle darkness doom doomed god god-s-creation hannibal hell horror humanity insanity mental-illness murder never-ending prison psychopath punishment serial-killer serial-killers sleep the-silence-of-the-lambs Thomas Harris
19971f9 We all are men, in our own natures frail, and capable of our flesh; few are angels. character falliability flaws frailty humanity mankind perfection William Shakespeare
fe6db0b "There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous." ( , February 19, 1938)" emotion humanity inspirational science truth Raymond Chandler
aa4d12d It strikes me profoundly that the world is more often than not a bad and cruel place. american-psycho conclusion crime cruel demons epiphany evil gore horror human-beings human-nature humanity humans life living murder murderer murderers psycho psychopath quote serial-killer serial-killers society the-world theory Bret Easton Ellis
8d877d2 They didn't understand what they were doing. I'm afraid that will be on the tombstone of the human race. humanity science understanding Michael Crichton
bb57597 Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor. Perhaps, in a way, that's where humanity is now: about to discover we're not as smart as we thought we were, will be forced by life to surrender our attacks and defenses which avail us of nothing, and finally break through into the collective beauty of who we really are. cataclysm change humanity humility life perseverance revelation-of-self tragedy transformation Marianne Williamson
487b23d There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do. humanity kings leadership treachery David Gemmell
6f5e1ba "I would like you to teach [the orcs] civilised behaviour," said Ladyship coldly. He appeared to consider this. "Yes of course, I think that would be quite possible," he said. "And who would you send to teach the humans?" humanity monsters Terry Pratchett
696b758 "Twisted and perverse are the ways of the human mind," Jane intoned. "Pinocchio was such a dolt to try to become a real boy. He was much better off with a wooden head." humanity pinocchio real-boy reality Orson Scott Card
9488820 Loving humanity means as much, and as little, as loving raindrops, or loving the Milky Way. You say that you love humanity? Are you sure you aren't treating yourself to easy self-congratulation, seeking approval, making certain you're on the right side? humanity mankind Julian Barnes
e4d61c8 No shame in saying that I felt a loneliness drifting through me. Funny how it was, everyone perched in their own little world with the deep need to talk, each person with their own tale, beginning in some strange middle point, then trying so hard to tell it all, to have it all make sense, logical and final. humanity truth Colum McCann
6a7c7f7 It is because Humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way. humanity life Oscar Wilde
07628cd Ah! how little knowledge does a man acquire in his life. He gathers it up like water, but like water it runs between his fingers, and yet, if his hands be but wet as though with dew, behold a generation of fools call out, 'See, he is a wise man!' Is it not so? foolishness futility humanity intelligence knowledge learning mankind stupidity wisdom H. Rider Haggard
f65570a Every soul is special. They're all beautiful. They're all far more significant than anyone on this rock realizes. I think when people are at their best, they're acting in accordance with their soul. The ones who have gone bad don't have bad souls. They've just given up on keeping in touch with them. humanity Jim Butcher
bfbbc70 What do we mean by saying that existence precedes essence? We mean that man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world-and defines himself afterward. classic-quotes essence existence humanity mankind self-awareness self-definition Jean-Paul Sartre
4404529 Human beings, whatever their backgrounds, are more open than we think, that their behavior cannot be confidently predicted from their past, that we are all creatures vulnerable to new thoughts, new attitudes. And while such vulnerability creates all sorts of possibilities, both good and bad, its very existence is exciting. It means that no human being should be written off, no change in thinking deemed impossible. dignity humanity love-and-respect-for-all vulnerability Howard Zinn
dda68f1 Everybody sins, Francis. The terrible thing is that we love our sins. We love the thing that makes us evil. heroes humanity love psychology robert-cormier sin Robert Cormier
2745915 And now that its ruby eyes are set into the gold, you cannot see their tear-shape, so they seem to be laughing rather than crying. It is a constant reminder to me of the human ability to create something beautiful even when things are at the darkest. despair hope humanity inspiration Cressida Cowell
f8e6aa5 I still believe in man in spite of man. I believe in language even though it has been wounded, deformed, and perverted by the enemies of mankind. And I continue to cling to words because it is up to us to transform them into instruments of comprehension rather than contempt. It is up to us to choose whether we wish to use them to curse or to heal, to wound or to console. hope humanity language Elie Wiesel
619569f We're all mad, the whole damned race. We're wrapped in illusions, delusions, confusions about the penetrability of partitions, we're all mad and in solitary confinement. delusions humanity illusions madness solitude William Golding
cc59f9b When I applied to graduate school many years ago, I wrote an essay expressing my puzzlement at how a country that could put a man on the moon could still have people sleeping on the streets. Part of that problem is political will; we could take a lot of people off the streets tomorrow if we made it a national priority. But I have also come to realize that NASA had it easy. Rockets conform to the unchanging laws of physics. We know where the moon will be at a given time; we know precisely how fast a spacecraft will enter or exist the earth's orbit. If we get the equations right, the rocket will land where it is supposed to--always. Human beings are more complex than that. A recovering drug addict does not behave as predictably as a rocket in orbit. We don't have a formula for persuading a sixteen-year-old not to drop out of school. But we do have a powerful tool: We know that people seek to make themselves better off, however they may define that. Our best hope for improving the human condition is to understand why we act the way we do and then plan accordingly. Programs, organizations, and systems work better when they get the incentives right. It is like rowing downstream. goverment humanity incentives politics social-policy Charles Wheelan
d74f8d4 Human beings are ultimately nothing but carriers-passageways- for genes. They ride us into the ground like racehorses from generation to generation. Genes don't think about what constitutes good or evil. They don't care whether we are happy or unhappy. We're just means to an end for them. The only thing they think about is what is most efficient for them. heredity humanity science Haruki Murakami
eb14ac5 Nevertheless, in this sea of human wretchedness and malice there bloomed at times compassion, as a pale flower blooms in a putrid marsh. hope hope-and-despair humanity Henryk Sienkiewicz
82d613a In the days when hyenas of hate suckle the babes of men, and jackals of hypocrisy pimp their mothers' broken hearts, may children not look to demons of ignorance for hope. bigotry coexistence coexisting-together coexistência election-year-politics extremism gun-laws gun-violence hate-crimes hatred human-rights-day humanity hypocrisy ignorance intelligence leadership megalomania national-history-day nonviolent-conflict-resolution police-reform police-shootings political-commentary political-corruption politics prejudice presidential-election terrorism world-suicide-prevention-day xenophobia Aberjhani
4f719ff "Nothing can describe the withering horror of this. You feel lost, sick at heart before such unmasked hatred, not so much because it threatens you as because it shows humans in such an inhuman light. You see a kind of insanity, something so obscene the very obscenity of it (rather than its threat) terrifies you. It was so new I could not take my eyes from the man's face. I felt like saying: "What in God's name are you doing to yourself?" hate humanity John Howard Griffin
8e9f799 The best place for discovering what a man is is the heart of the desert. Your plane has broken down, and you walk for hours, heading for the little fort at Nutchott. You wait for the mirages of thirst to gape before you. But you arrive and you find an old sergeant who has been isolated for months among the dunes, and he is so happy to be found that he weeps. And you weep, too. In the arching immensity of the night, each tells the story of his life, each offers the other the burden of memories in which the human bond is discovered. Here two men can meet, and they bestow gifts upon each other with the dignity of ambassadors. connecting decency humanity Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
b1aa921 Humans are part of nature, and nature is one great big wood chipper. Sooner or later, everything shoots out the other end in a spray of blood, bones, and hair. humanity nature Douglas Coupland
3793d90 [T]he family is a school of compassion because it is here that we learn to live with other people. (68) family humanity life living Karen Armstrong
ae70715 Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joy's garden blossomed. americans faith famous-quotes-from-classic-books haiku haikus healing history humanity joy multiculturalism multiculturalismo multiculturalità national-history-day patriotism personal-growth philosophy rebith rejuvenation remembering-september-11 spirituality teaching-diversity world-suicide-prevention-day Aberjhani
1a6faca Even in darkness it is possible to create light and encourage compassion. That it is possible to feel free inside a prison. That even in exile, friendship exists and can become an anchor. That one instant before dying, man is still immortal. humanity Elie Wiesel
f2c1074 It is really wonderful how much resilience there is in human nature. Let any obstructing cause, no matter what, be removed in any way, even by death, and we fly back to first principles of hope and enjoyment. humanity people resilience Bram Stoker
dc8d582 It is such a supreme folly to believe that nuclear weapons are deadly only if they're used. The fact that they exist at all, their presence in our lives, will wreak more havoc than we can begin to fathom. Nuclear weapons pervade our thinking. Control our behavior. Administer our societies. Inform our dreams. They bury themselves like meat hooks deep in the base of our brains. They are purveyors of madness. They are the ultimate colonizer. Whiter than any white man that ever lived. The very heart of whiteness. colonizer danger fear folly humanity humans madness mind-control nuclear-bomb nuclear-threat nuclear-weapons truth white whiteness Arundhati Roy
896b19f One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. That is an astonishing statement and yet proven a thousand times every day of our lives. It expresses, in part, our inescapable connection with the outside world, the fact that we touch other people's lives simply by existing. humanity inspirational misattributed-plutarch J.K. Rowling
f04af26 The measure of civilized behavior is compassion. humanity travel Paul Theroux
821863d The definition of an asshole is a guy who doesn't believe what he's seeing. humanity Richard Bachman
22a3df5 A man's every action is inevitably conditioned by what surrounds him and by his own body. humanity Leo Tolstoy
dda9065 All the great groups that stood about the Cross represent in one way or another the great historical truth of the time; that the world could not save itself. Man could do no more. Rome and Jerusalem and Athens and everything else were going down like a sea turned into a slow cataract. Externally indeed the ancient world was still at its strongest; it is always at that moment that the inmost weakness begins. But in order to understand that weakness we must repeat what has been said more than once; that it was not the weakness of a thing originally weak. It was emphatically the strength of the world that was turned to weakness and the wisdom of the world that was turned to folly. In this story of Good Friday it is the best things in the world that are at their worst. That is what really shows us the world at its worst. It was, for instance, the priests of a true monotheism and the soldiers of an international civilisation. Rome, the legend, founded upon fallen Troy and triumphant over fallen Carthage, had stood for a heroism which was the nearest that any pagan ever came to chivalry. Rome had defended the household gods and the human decencies against the ogres of Africa and the hermaphrodite monstrosities of Greece. But in the lightning flash of this incident, we see great Rome, the imperial republic, going downward under her Lucretian doom. Scepticism has eaten away even the confident sanity of the conquerors of the world. He who is enthroned to say what is justice can only ask: 'What is truth?' So in that drama which decided the whole fate of antiquity, one of the central figures is fixed in what seems the reverse of his true role. Rome was almost another name for responsibility. Yet he stands for ever as a sort of rocking statue of the irresponsible. Man could do no more. Even the practical had become the impracticable. Standing between the pillars of his own judgement-seat, a Roman had washed his hands of the world. humanity rome G.K. Chesterton
576d8c9 You want fantasy? Here's one... There's this species that lives on a planet a few miles above molten rock and a few miles below a vacuum that'd suck the air right out of them. They live in a brief geological period between ice ages, when giant asteroids have temporarily stopped smacking into the surface. As far as they can tell, there's nowhere else in the universe where they could stay alive for ten seconds. And what do they call their fragile little slice of space and time? They call it real life. humanity humour realism science universe Terry Pratchett
b6d18a4 Their manners are more gentle, kind, than of our generation you shall find. humanity manners shakespeare tempest William Shakespeare
362b88a Individual cultures and ideologies have their appropriate uses but none of them erase or replace the universal experiences, like love and weeping and laughter, common to all human beings. angel-art anti-racism antiracism appropriate-application coexistence common-ground cultural-boundaries cultural-demographics cultural-differences cultural-heritage cultural-literacy cultural-relativism demographics diversity ending-violent-jihad ending-war faith-in-humanity faith-in-love human-beings human-condition humanity ideologies ideology ideology-religion-war-compromise interfaith-dialogue joy joy-of-life laughter love-for-humanity multiculturalism multiculturalismo nonviolent-conflict-resolution peacism philosophy-for-millennials race-relations racial-division racial-identity social-philosophy sociological-imagination spiritual-philosophy universal universal-love universal-truths universality waging-peace weeping Aberjhani
bdcaf1e Just when the gods had ceased to be, and the Christ had not yet come, there was a unique moment in history, between Cicero and Marcus Aurelius, when man stood alone. classical humanity religion rome Gustave Flaubert
24ab8a6 For God's sake, let us be men not monkeys minding machines or sitting with our tails curled while the machine amuses us, the radio or film or gramophone. Monkeys with a bland grin on our faces. humanity machines monkeys reflection thought D.H. Lawrence
2c42f9e On either side of a potentially violent conflict, an opportunity exists to exercise compassion and diminish fear based on recognition of each other's humanity. Without such recognition, fear fueled by uninformed assumptions, cultural prejudice, desperation to meet basic human needs, or the panicked uncertainty of the moment explodes into violence. antiracism assumptions charter-for-compassion compassion compassion-action-network compassion-heals-lives cultural-differences cultural-diversity desperation fear global-community humanity militarization military-conflict nonviolence nonviolent-conflict-resolution opportunity-quotes overcoming-fear panic peacism polarization police-reform police-shootings political-philosophy prejudice slpendid-literarium stop-killing-each-other terrorism terrorists trust uncertainty waging-peace war xenophobia Aberjhani
b534708 It is a beautiful thing to be on fire for justice... there is no greater joy than inspiring and empowering others--especially the least of these, the precious and priceless wretched of the earth! antiracism black-prophetic-fire democracy economic-disparity empowerment humanity impoverishment inspiration joy political-motivation political-movements poor-people servant-leadership social-injustice social-justice social-movements Cornel West
87e1879 For my own part I would as soon be descended from that heroic little monkey, who braved his dreaded enemy in order to save the life of his keeper; or from that old baboon, who, descending from the mountains, carried away in triumph his young comrade from a crowd of astonished dogs--as from a savage who delights to torture his enemies, offers up bloody sacrifices, practices infanticide without remorse, treats his wives like slaves, knows no decency, and is haunted by the grossest superstitions. apes belief evolution great-ape great-apes humanity humans man preference sacrifice slavery superstition torture Charles Darwin
fee470d Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was a manifestation of hope that humanity might one day get out of its own way by finding the courage to realize that love and nonviolence are not indicators of weakness but gifts of significant strength. agape-love american-history black-history-month civil-rights-movement compassion-heals-lives conflict-resolution courage dreams faith famous-authors famous-speeches great-leaders hope human-rights-day humanity i-have-a-dream-speech leadership love martin-luther-king-day martin-luther-king-jr mlk-day mlkdream50 national-history-day nonviolence nonviolent-conflict-resolution police-reform police-shootings spiritual-visions spirituality strength voting-rights-act-of-1965 Aberjhani
5e4ecc6 Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many. Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled, And each man fixed his eyes before his feet. Flowed up the hill and down King William Street, To where St Mary Woolnoth kept the hours With a dead sound on the final stock of nine. There I saw one I knew, and stopped him crying: 'Stetson! You, who were with me in the ships at Mylae! That corpse you planted last year in your garden, Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed? Oh keep the Dog far hence, that's friend to men, Or with his nails he'll dig it up again! You! hypocrite lecteur!-mon semblable,-mon frere! fear humanity london the-wasteland war T.S. Eliot
faebe56 Civilizations grow by agreements and accomodations and accretions, not by repudiations. The rebels and the revolutionaries are only eddies, they keep the stream from getting stagnant but they get swept down and absorbed, they're a side issue. Quiet desperation is another name for the human condition. If revolutionaries would learn that they can't remodel society by day after tomorrow -- haven't the wisdom to and shouldn't be permitted to -- I'd have more respect for them ... Civilizations grow and change and decline -- they aren't remade. civilization growth human-condition humanity rebellion revolution society Wallace Stegner
79c64a6 The fragility of love is what is most at stake here--humanity's most crucial three-word avowal is often uttered only to find itself suddenly embarrassing or orphaned or isolated or ill-timed--but strangely enough it can work better as a literal or reassuring statement than a transcendent or numinous or ecstatic one. humanity isolation love Christopher Hitchens
049a7b7 "All these angels start coming out of the boxes and everywhere, guys carrying crucifixes and stuff all over the place, and the whole bunch of them - thousands of them - singing "Come All Ye Faithful" like mad. Big deal. It's supposed to be religious as hell, I know, and very pretty and all, but I can't see anything religious or pretty, for God's sake, about a bunch of actors carrying crucifixes all over the stage. When they all finished and started going out the boxes again, you could tell they could hardly wait to get a cigarette of something. I saw it with old Sally Hayes the year before, and she kept saying how beautiful it was, the costumes and all. I said old jesus probably would've puked if he could see it." human-nature humanity people truth J.D. Salinger
60e65b1 [T]here is no folly of the beasts of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men. beasts human-condition humanity men Herman Melville
192496f You want to know what I'm afraid of? All right, I'll tell you. I'm afraid of men - yes, I'm very much afraid of men. And I'm even more afraid of women. And I'm very much afraid of the whole bloody human race. Afraid of them? Of course I'm afraid of them. Who wouldn't be afraid of a pack of damned hyenas? [...] And when I say afraid - that's just a word I use. What I really mean is that I hate them. I hate their voices, I hate their eyes, I hate the way they laugh. I hate the whole bloody business. It's cruel, it's idiotic, it's unspeakably horrible. I never had the guts to kill myself or I'd have got out of it long ago. cruel cruelty fear guts hate horrible horror human-race humanity hyenas idiocy idiotic men suicide women Jean Rhys
794de3c We must choose between the violence of adults and the smiles of children, between the ugliness of hate and the will to oppose it. Between inflicting suffering and humiliation on our fellow man and offering him the solidarity and hope he deserves. Or not. humanity Elie Wiesel
ff8f16e She missed the built environment of New York City. It was only in an urban landscape, amid straight lines and architecture, that she could situate herself in human time and history. She missed people. She missed human intrigue, drama and power struggles. She needed her own species, not to talk to, necessarily, but just to be among, as a bystander in a crowd or an anonymous witness. humanity new-york-city society Ruth Ozeki
0de7791 No one can tell the difference between a clone and a human. That's because there isn't any difference. The idea of clones being inferior is a filthy lie. humanity inferiority lies Nancy Farmer
988eddb Time is different for a tree than for a man. Sun and soil and water, these are the things a weirwood understands, not days and years and centuries. For men, time is a river. We are trapped in its flow, hurtling from past to present, always in the same direction. The lives of trees are different. They root and grow and die in one place, and that river does not move them. The oak is the acorn, the acorn is the oak. epistemology humanity past present time trees George R.R. Martin
c6d2edd But for a moment Dirk had a sense of inifinite loss and sadness that somewhere among the frenzy of information noise that daily rattled the lives of men he thought he might have heard a few notes that denoted the movements of gods. humanity Douglas Adams
8044e49 In a fallen world marked by human depravity and deep-seated sin, in a world where Hitler and Stalin had recruited millions of followers to commit mass murder, love must harness power and seek justice in order to have moral meaning. Love without power remained impotent, and power without love was bankrupt. followers hitler humanity impotence love mass-murder moral-meaning power sin stalin Timothy B. Tyson
7b7de19 We're not hunter-gatherers anymore. We're all living like patients in the intensive care unit of a hospital. What keeps us alive isn't bravery, or athleticism, or any of those other skills that were valuable in a caveman society. It's our ability to master complex technological skills. It is our ability to be nerds. We need to breed nerds. athleticism brainiac brains bravery breed caveman complexity future gatherer geeks genius hospital humanity hunter hunter-gatherer intelligence intensive-care mastery nerds patients society technology Neal Stephenson
c345d97 I advance in life, I grow more simple, and I become more and more patriotic for humanity. human-rights humanity patriotism simplicity Victor Hugo
cf95095 The greatest terror a child can have is that he is not loved, and rejection is the hell he fears. I think everyone in the world to a large or small extent has felt rejection. And with rejection comes anger, and with anger some kind of crime in revenge for the rejection, and with the crime guilt--and there is the story of mankind. I think that if rejection could be amputated, the human would not be what he is. humanity love rejection John Steinbeck
90e3dad Maybe she still was a pretty-head, making up irrational stories about the empty forest. The longer she stayed alone out here, the more Tally understood why the Rusties and their predecessors had believed in invisible beings, praying to placate spirits as they trashed the natural world around them. humanity nature-of-human religion spirits Scott Westerfeld
f9499bd This history of culture will explain to us the motives, the conditions of life, and the thought of the writer or reformer. history humanity life motives Leo Tolstoy
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