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6f46692 She didn't need to understand the meaning of life; it was enough to find someone who did, and then fall asleep in his arms and sleep as a child sleeps, knowing that someone stronger than you is protecting you from all evil and all danger protection support Paulo Coelho
ef9a085 It judged indecent in me to come forward on this occasion; but when I see a fellow-creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak, that I may say what I know of her character. cowardice defend fake-friends friends friendship judgment judgmental judgmental-people reliance speak support supporters Mary Shelley
8387b46 I want you to have big dreams, big goals. I want you to strive to achieve them. But I don't want to see you beating yourself up every time you make a mistake. love support supporters inspirational Kelley Armstrong
b6098d0 The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn't the family. If you don't have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all. Love is so supremely important. As our great poet Auden said, 'Love each other or perish'. concern fact family life love support truth Mitch Albom
47d04da The human touch is that little snippet of physical affection that brings a bit of comfort, support, and kindness. It doesn't take much from the one who gives it, but can make a huge difference in the one who receives it. comfort human human-touch humanity humanity-quotes inspirational kindess love support Mya Robarts
1a26a25 Support for the arts -- merde! A government-supported artist is an incompetent whore! arts diy funding government grant libertarianism self-support support Robert A. Heinlein
b36c2d0 Sometimes the only thing you could do for people was to be there. support Terry Pratchett
10f1bf2 "The task of the moral philosopher-thinker is to support and strengthen the voice of human conscience, to recognize what is good or what is bad for people, whether they are good or bad for society in a period of evolution. May be a "voice crying in the wilderness", but only if that voice remains lively and uncompromising, it is possible to transform the desert into fertile land." moral philosopher support task transform uncompromising voice Erich Fromm
21b45a8 The sin we commit against each other as women is lack of support. We hurt. We hurt each other. We hide. We project. We become mute or duplicitous, and we fester like boiling water until one day we erupt like a geyser. Do we forget we unravel in grief? female friendship support women Terry Tempest Williams
4fe71d8 There must be some other possibility than death or lifelong penance ... some meeting, some intersection of lines; and some cowardly, hopeful geometer in my brain tells me it is the angle at which two lines prop each other up, the leaning-together from the vertical which produces the false arch. For lack of a keystone, the false arch may be as much as one can expect in this life. Only the very lucky discover the keystone. happiness harmony keystones love marriage married-life matrimony support togetherness Wallace Stegner
c04505d I have never created anything in my life that did not make me feel, at some point or another, like I was the guy who just walked into a fancy ball wearing a homemade lobster costume. But you must stubbornly walk into that room, regardless, and you must hold your head high. You made it; you get to put it out there. Never apologize for it, never explain it away, never be ashamed of it. You did your best with what you knew, and you worked with what you had, in the time that you were given. You were invited, and you showed up, and you simply cannot do more that that. They might throw you out - but then again, they might not. They probably won't throw you out, actually. The ballroom is often more welcoming and supportive than you could ever imagine. Somebody might even think you're brilliant and marvelous. You might end up dancing with royalty. Or you might just end up having to dance alone in the corner of the castle with your big, ungainly red foam claws waving in the empty air. that's fine, too. Sometimes it's like that. What you absolutely must not do is turn around and walk out. Otherwise, you will miss the party, and that would be a pity, because - please believe me - we did not come all this great distance, and make all this great effort, only to miss the party at the last moment. creativity hard-work individuality inspirational motivation pride support work-ethic Elizabeth Gilbert
34c1630 "As a therapist, I have many avenues in which to learn about DID, but I hear exactly the opposite from clients and others who are struggling to understand their own existence. When I talk to them about the need to let supportive people into their lives, I always get a variation of the same answer. "It is not safe. They won't understand." My goal here is to provide a small piece of that gigantic puzzle of understanding. If this book helps someone with DID start a conversation with a supportive friend or family member, understanding will be increased." goal mental-health mental-illness mpd multiple-personality-disorder multiplicity normal pain piece psychiatric psychology puzzle safe safety support trauma understanding unsafe Deborah Bray Haddock
0a20be8 I told Mama and Savannah about Ruben's proposal. That got us to talking about marriage and we laughed and cried some, and missed Papa, and it felt good to belong to each other. I don't feel as lonely today as I have in months. At least I know there are other women around me. support talking women Nancy E. Turner
e5eb53e We're never alone. As soon as we step outside the campfire glow, our Muse lights on our shoulder like a butterfly. The act of courage calls for infallibly that deeper part of ourselves that supports and sustains us. muse support sustain Steven Pressfield
f50e372 When the positive revolution takes hold it will no longer be enough for politicians to gain points through attack or being negative. Politicians will be expected to be constructive. empathy kindness positive-thinking support women-s-values Edward De Bono
079b2be Anyone who urgently needs us deserves, in the true book of love, to be our friend. empathy friendship love support Alain de Botton
f96e43a As a collaborative leader, you support people in their work--you remove roadblocks and help them win. leader roadblocks support win Kenneth H. Blanchard
f4b59e5 No one can ever amount to anything in this life without someone else to believe in him. life support Paul Auster
80aabcf A great need of something to lean on, and a great weariness of independence and responsibility took possession of my soul; and looking round for support and comfort in that transitory mood, the emptiness of the present and the blankness of the future sent me back to the past with all its ghosts. support tiredness vulnerability Elizabeth von Arnim
475b333 "From my father I heard only these words: "But you were born for such a day as this." He closed the book and my mother joined him in embracing me. They prayed over me and they gave me a blessing. And some blessings, like the one my conservative Christian parents gave to their soon-to-be-Lutheran pastor daughter who had put them through hell, are the kind of blessings that stay with you for the rest of your life. The kind you can't speak of without crying all over again." seminary support Nadia Bolz-Weber
c425739 I am building a healthy support system and learning to use it readily. boundaries healing healthy-relationships psyche sexual-abuse-healing sharing soul-journey support support-group support-system Maureen Brady
057f219 Giving these lil' fellas a gun was important to keep the name of the Rebellions strong, because whenever the name drops, it's only a matter of time before someone kicks your door in. Scrooge, former leader of the Rebellion Raiders street gang that once boasted of having some ten thousand members brand-name carrying-weapons community-policing forward-thinking gang-addiction gang-intervention gang-leaders gang-members gang-pride position-to-win protecting-your-name protection ready ready-for-action rebellion-raiders reliable reputation school-gangs strategy strong support trust turf-wars violence-addiction Drexel Deal
a9ac7b7 Tremors hit, quaking her hard enough for him to feel them. He wrapped his arms around her and bent his face close to hers. He might not understand what was going on in her head, but a mighty squall was battering her hull, and if he couldn't figure out how to shelter her from it, he aimed to be her anchor until it passed. friendship hugs love marriage-life marriage-of-convenience protective-hero support Karen Witemeyer
c4c74e6 Most of the mortgaged farmers. Most of the white-collar workers who had been unemployed these three years and four and five. Most of the people on relief rolls who wanted more relief. Most of the suburbanites who could not meet the installment payments on the electric washing machine. Such large sections of the American Legion as believed that only Senator Windrip would secure for them, and perhaps increase, the bonus. Such popular Myrtle Boulevard or Elm Avenue preachers as, spurred by the examples of Bishop Prang and Father Coughlin, believed they could get useful publicity out of supporting a slightly queer program that promised prosperity without anyone's having to work for it. The remnants of the Kuklux Klan, and such leaders of the American Federation of Labor as felt they had been inadequately courted and bepromised by the old-line politicians, and the non-unionized common laborers who felt they had been inadequately courted by the same A.F. of L. Back-street and over-the-garage lawyers who had never yet wangled governmental jobs. The Lost Legion of the Anti-Saloon League--since it was known that, though he drank a lot, Senator Windrip also praised teetotalism a lot, while his rival, Walt Trowbridge, though he drank but little, said nothing at all in support of the Messiahs of Prohibition. These messiahs had not found professional morality profitable of late, with the Rockefellers and Wanamakers no longer praying with them nor paying. Besides these necessitous petitioners, a goodish number of burghers who, while they were millionaires, yet maintained that their prosperity had been sorely checked by the fiendishness of the bankers in limiting their credit. These were the supporters who looked to Berzelius Windrip to play the divine raven and feed them handsomely when he should become President, and from such came most of the fervid elocutionists who campaigned for him through September and October. politicians politics support voters Sinclair Lewis
ec22a98 "I never miss Meeting now," I said. "Do not look surprised. I have sent many a prayer heavenward on your behalf. And your father is not home yet. Your uncle sails under more danger of his own making. There is more to living in a town than I knew when you were young. Things have happened. It is important to go and to give to the poor and to keep in good graces with all who know us." community friendship support togetherness Nancy E. Turner
98e49ea The leaders at that time believed so much in protecting the name and the reputation of the gang, that I along with one or two other individuals who were still in school who were trusted, responsible, and ready were given weapons to take to school to make sure that if anything arises, the matter would be dealt with properly. They made sure that even if their presence were not there during a fight, we were in a position to properly defend ourselves. Troit Lynes, former death row inmate of Her Majesty Prison brand-name carrying-weapons community-policing forward-thinking gang-addiction gang-intervention gang-leaders gang-members gang-pride position-to-win protecting-your-name protection ready ready-for-action rebellion-raiders reliable reputation school-gangs strategy strong support trust turf-wars violence-addiction Drexel Deal