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8f75452 The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. strategy victory war Sun Tzu
148dba1 All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. strategy tactics war warfare Sun tzu
3e0e16a In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity strategy Sun-Tzu
54aa3bc If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected . security strategy tactics war Sun Tzu
826a155 Look. I have a strategy. Why expect anything? If you don't expect anything, you don't get disappointed. disappointment expectations hope life strategy Patricia McCormick
d4a994e When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. strategy war sun tzu
f6ef080 who wishes to fight must first count the cost strategy war Sun Tzu
9604556 To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. intimidation peace psychology strategy victory war Sun Tzu
4b79875 I need you to be clever, Bean. I need you to think of solutions to problems we haven't seen yet. I want you to try things that no one has ever tried because they're absolutely stupid. ender ender-wiggin strategy Orson Scott Card
9333e3e The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent. strategy war Sun Tzu
273b033 Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots. strategy war Sun Tzu
8b1bd4d The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy's cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him. inspirational martial-arts philosophy strategy Miyamoto Musashi
c49fa05 If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. strategy war Sun Tzu
79f70fe There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must not be attacked, towns which must not be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed. strategy war Sun Tzu
01ac8d8 Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack. strategy war Sun Tzu
bc3a6a9 Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. strategy war Sun Tzu
5998062 Great results, can be achieved with small forces. strategy war Sun Tzu
2a2bc26 If your enemy offers you two targets, strike at a third. adversary battle strategy war Robert Jordan
a0bbc3b Knowing the enemy enables you to take the offensive, knowing yourself enables you to stand on the defensive. strategy war Sun Tzu
9c3ebd2 Bravery without forethought, causes a man to fight blindly and desperately like a mad bull. Such an opponent, must not be encountered with brute force, but may be lured into an ambush and slain. strategy war Sun Tzu
25e366c mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy strategy war Sun Tzu
624c22c Never venture, never win! strategy war Sun Tzu
7d6790b If his forces are united, separate them. strategy war Sun Tzu
8920900 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. strategy war Sun Tzu
8ca36ea Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical. strategy war Sun Tzu
63cc9e5 Any man who retreats into a cave which has only one opening deserves to die. depression despair leadership strategy Frank Herbert
2bc1fec Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will. strategy war Sun Tzu
1eec63c Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day. strategy war Sun Tzu
54442ca who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits strategy war Sun Tzu
e70c486 If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak. strategy war Sun Tzu
77c84bd Conform to the enemy's tactics until a favorable opportunity offers; then come forth and engage in a battle that shall prove decisive. strategy war Sun Tzu
7975477 When your army has crossed the border, you should burn your boats and bridges, in order to make it clear to everybody that you have no hankering after home. strategy war Sun Tzu
870b982 It is a long-cherished tradition among a certain type of military thinker that huge casualties are the main thing. If they are on the other side then this is a valuable bonus. casualties military strategy tactics war Terry Pratchett
b8f6a95 A man may plant a tree for a number of reasons. Perhaps he likes trees. Perhaps he wants shelter. Or perhaps he knows that someday he may need the firewood. motive planning purpose strategy Joanne Harris
333170e the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation strategy war Sun Tzu
f65ebad If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. strategy war Sun Tzu
aac407e Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions. constant shape strategy war water Sun Tzu
3a340de do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat strategy war Sun Tzu
655fe19 if you fight with all your might, there is a chance of life; where as death is certain if you cling to your corner strategy war Sun Tzu
2b1da81 Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose. strategy war Sun Tzu
36df218 the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. enemy opportunity strategy war Sun Tzu
f9fde6a Conceal your dispositions, and your condition will remain secret, which leads to victory; show your dispositions, and your condition will become patent, which leads to defeat. strategy war Sun Tzu
12170ff If you don't have a righteous objective,eventually you will suffer. When you do the right thing for the right reason,the right result awaits. strategy Chin-Ning Chu
fdfde06 You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended. strategy war Sun Tzu
0c01b37 When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy. strategy war Sun Tzu
bb3855b Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home. bait enemies home strategy war Sun Tzu
5b5cee6 The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points; strategy war Sun Tzu
ed04671 If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst. [One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man.] strategy war Sun Tzu
010e7da We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors. strategy war Sun Tzu
5dd5061 You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked. strategy war Sun Tzu
d1ed90e Whether in an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind. strategy war Sun Tzu
79c3b68 There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen. strategy war Sun Tzu
1e3820d Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted. field fighting strategy war Sun Tzu
3415664 When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is INSUBORDINATION. strategy war Sun Tzu
34706ff The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. strategy war Sun Tzu
bb871bb Unhappy is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the result is waste of time and general stagnation. strategy war Sun Tzu
ac75ed1 When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is COLLAPSE. strategy war Sun Tzu
51fef0e The only teacher that's worth anything to you is your enemy. ender learning mentor strategy war Orson Scott Card
018f839 You can talk all you want about having a clear purpose and strategy for your life, but ultimately this means nothing if you are not investing the resources you have in a way that is consistent with your strategy. In the end, a strategy is nothing but good intentions unless it's effectively implemented. planning resource-allocation strategy Clayton M. Christensen
6ad00f0 Change is hard at first,Messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. persistence strategy Robin S. Sharma
040031c Religion, too, is a weapon. What manner of weapon is religion when it becomes the government? religion strategy wisdom Frank Herbert
e957d4d Many problems can be solved by a man not frightened by them. fear planning strategy Robert A. Heinlein
df7e5d8 "Try more strategy and less force. Passion never wins any game, never mind what they say." He said something similar now: "Excuses don't win a game. You should try strategy." strategy win Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
3c9f11b It's one thing to have a goal, but it's quite another thing to actually accept the challenge, develop a strategy to press for the goal, make the sacrifices, pay the price to move forward, and blessing of blessing, to realize some part of it. challenge christian develop dream faith goal god heart love sacrifice strategy women Elizabeth George
ab42477 ...this protracted war will pass through three stages. The first stage covers the period of the enemy's strategic offensive and our strategic defensive. The second stage will be the period of the enemy's strategic consolidation and our preparation for the counter-offensive. The third stage will be the period of our strategic counter-offensive and the enemy's strategic retreat. revolution strategy war Mao Zedong
3c09521 Thinking and planning is one side of life; doing is another. A man cannot be doing all the time. crystal-cave fantasy king-arthur legend mary-stewart merlin planning strategy tactics Mary Stewart
7cf1b83 The Warrior knows that no man is an island. He cannot fight alone; whatever his plan, he depends on other people. He needs to discuss his strategy, to ask for help, and, in moments of relaxation, to have someone with whom he can sit by the fire, someone he can regale with tales of battle. fight fire help island man people plan relaxation strategy tale warrior Paulo Coelho
662ce32 Injuries, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savour being less lasting may the less offend; whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little, that so they may be more fully relished. political-philosophy politics shrewdness strategy Niccolò Machiavelli
33f88eb If your opponent is better armed and has longer reach, then surprise is your only ally. And then you'd better hope he's half asleep. enemy opponent strategy tactics wisdom Sherwood Smith
1e2dcdd Cole envisioned the next few weeks passing as a sort of painless montage: there'd be music, and different moments of the townspeople hard at work building a defensive wall around the perimeter of the town, and digging holes to serve as traps, and training with the few weapons they had. There'd be a wiping of perspiration and drinks raised to one another and the exchange of friendly smiles between comrades, and perhaps deeper, more meaningful glances between him and MaryAnn. But by midmorning of the first day, Cole had come to the unavoidable conclusion that the remainder of the experience would in fact drag on in exceedingly real time, with lots of heaving and hoing and digging and hauling under the hot sun, full of the kind of intense straining that raised the danger of a really spectacular hernia. And, judging from the few tense conversations he'd had so far, he foresaw a series of increasingly strident arguments with Nora regarding matters strategic. Plus, of course, at the end of all this effort they'd all probably be dead. defensive-fortifications montage real-time seven-samurai-homage strategy Michael Rubens
5139495 Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that a zigzag strategy is the best way to get ahead. strategy success treasure zigzag Tahir Shah
6eb33bc "The best way to predict future is to create it." Abraham Lincoln" leadership strategy Gary Chapman
300139f Government was rarely more than a choice between the disastrous and the unpalatable. realism strategy Barbara W. Tuchman
057f219 Giving these lil' fellas a gun was important to keep the name of the Rebellions strong, because whenever the name drops, it's only a matter of time before someone kicks your door in. Scrooge, former leader of the Rebellion Raiders street gang that once boasted of having some ten thousand members brand-name carrying-weapons community-policing forward-thinking gang-addiction gang-intervention gang-leaders gang-members gang-pride position-to-win protecting-your-name protection ready ready-for-action rebellion-raiders reliable reputation school-gangs strategy strong support trust turf-wars violence-addiction Drexel Deal
c4a811a Confronted by menace or what is perceived as menace, governments will usually attempt to smash it, rarely to examine it, understand it, and drefine it. leadership pride statecraft strategy Barbara W. Tuchman
3fb4058 Happiness is wanting what you have. Being happy with what you've got. Enjoying it, and making it all it could be. action-learning complexity self-development strategy Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
98e49ea The leaders at that time believed so much in protecting the name and the reputation of the gang, that I along with one or two other individuals who were still in school who were trusted, responsible, and ready were given weapons to take to school to make sure that if anything arises, the matter would be dealt with properly. They made sure that even if their presence were not there during a fight, we were in a position to properly defend ourselves. Troit Lynes, former death row inmate of Her Majesty Prison brand-name carrying-weapons community-policing forward-thinking gang-addiction gang-intervention gang-leaders gang-members gang-pride position-to-win protecting-your-name protection ready ready-for-action rebellion-raiders reliable reputation school-gangs strategy strong support trust turf-wars violence-addiction Drexel Deal
38af6e7 When a kingdom rests on it, I always expect difficulty. Then, if there is none, no blame. But if there is, one is prepared. optimism pessimism planning pragmatism strategy Geraldine Brooks
8dca081 The wiles of a veteran turned the younger man's own gift of speed against him. haste strategy Geraldine Brooks