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bfee671 "A pair of werewolves occupied another booth. They were eating raw shanks of lamb and arguing about who would win in a fight: Dumbledore from Harry Potter books or Magnus Bane. "Dumbledore would totally win," said the first one. "He has the badass Killing Curse." The second lycanthrope made a trenchant point. "But Dumbledore isn't real." "I don't think Magnus Bane is real either," scoffed the first. "Have you ever met him?" "This is so weird," said Clary, slinking down in her seat. "Are you listening to them?" "No. It's rude to eavesdrop," said Jace." eavesdropping fight magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
9e03bb3 "If you don't know what you want," the doorman said, "you end up with a lot you don't." -- fight Chuck Palahniuk
4ab1788 Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say. family fight percy-jackson relatives Rick Riordan
6289488 But she wasn't around, and that's the thing when your parents die, you feel like instead of going in to every fight with backup, you are going into every fight alone. back-up death death-of-a-loved-one dying fight loss parents Mitch Albom
33cc17c It was important, Dumbledore said, to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated. . . . evil fight J.K. Rowling
82a9244 you might want to decide fast. We live in a dangerous world. If you see a chance to be happy, you have to fight for it, so later you have no regrets. enjoy-life enjoyment fight happy joy life no-regrets Ilona Andrews
b05dca6 War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, -- is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other. ethics fight foreign-policy injustice inspirational justice morality motivational patriotic safety selfish tyranny war will John Stuart Mill
83a1cc9 Stand firm in the Lord. Stand firm and let Him fight your battle. Do not try to fight alone. christian fight inspirational lord alone Francine Rivers
9f42187 "The mage pulled my knife out of his side and looked at it. "Nice knife." The voice was deep but female. I threw my second knife. The blade bit into the mage's chest. Shit. Missed the neck. "Here, have another one." fight kate sarcasm Ilona Andrews
1642018 Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may. fight Chuck Palahniuk
d6065ec Kyo: Of course, I'll beat YOU, too! Yuki: Don't you ever get tired of saying that? Kyo: Beating you is my vocation! It's my goal in life! Yuki: It's so unfair that I keep having to take abuse just because you can't meet your goals. Kyo: THAT CONDESCENDING ATTITUDE OF YOURS REALLY PISSES ME OFF! Yuki: And that revolting thought process of yours pisses me off. condescending fight humor Natsuki Takaya
4277d68 Those who use religion for their own benefit are detestable. We are against such a situation and will not allow it. Those who use religion in such a manner have fooled our people; it is against just such people that we have fought and will continue to fight. fight inspirational religion secularism Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
b69fe7f The educated ones leave, the ones with the potential to right the wrongs. They leave the weak behind. The tyrants continue to reign because the weak cannot resist. Do you not see that it is a cycle? Who will break that cycle? fight oppression revolution voice Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
b797a39 Patience is a virtue, but there comes a moment when you must stop being patient and take the day by the throat and shake it. If it fights back; fine. I'd rather end up bloody at the end of the day, then unhurt with no progress made, no knowledge gained. I'd rather have a no, then nothing. I'd forgotten that about myself. fight inspirational laurell-k-hamilton patience Laurell K Hamilton
99cc6c1 Fear could break a line faster than any enemy charge. empire-of-storms fear fight strength war Sarah J. Maas
e429bc3 You're trying to escape from your difficulties, and there never is any escape from difficulties, never. They have to be faced and fought. escape facing-problems fight Enid Blyton
976d99d "It's a dirty way to fight, but I'm late for lunch." - Valek to Yelena" fantasy fight humor valek yelena Maria V. Snyder
4ba7aea [...]you don't have to be Sun freakin Tzu to know that real fighting isn't about killing or even hurting the other guy, it's about scaring him enough to call it a day. fight sun-tzu Max Brooks
87f2894 I had traded the fight against love for the fight against loneliness, the fight against life for the fight against death. fight loneliness love F. Scott Fitzgerald
a77ab7e father, [was] a mid-level phonecompany manager who treated my mother at best like an incompetent employee. At worst? He never beat her, but his pure, inarticulate fury would fill the house for days, weeks, at a time, making the air humid, hard to breathe, my father stalking around with his lower jaw jutting out, giving him the look of a wounded, vengeful boxer, grinding his teeth so loud you could hear it across the room ... I'm sure he told himself: 'I never hit her'. I'm sure because of this technicality he never saw himself as an abuser. But he turned our family life into an endless road trip with bad directions and a rage-clenched driver, a vacation that never got a chance to be fun. abusive abusive-parents anger broken-home childhood childhood-memories communication divorce emotional-abuse family father fight fighting fights fury heartbreak heartbroken love love-lost malice mental-abuse mother parenthood parents parents-and-children rage scared sexism silence terror Gillian Flynn
03b13d4 "Centuries of fighting, and for what? I say. "Today it ends. I can't live in fear any longer. I've cursed this power. I've both enjoyed and misused it. And I've hidden it away. Now I must try to wield it correctly, to marry it to a purpose and hope that is enough." fight gemma-doyle meaning power rebel Libba Bray
0e44371 "Faeries began calling foul play, demanding Tamlin be released from the curse, calling her a liar. Through the haze, I saw Rhysand crouching by Tamlin. Not to help him, but to grab the- "You are all pigs - all scheming, filthy pigs." Then Rhysand was on his feet, my bloody knife in his hands. He launched himself at Amarantha, swift as a shadow, the ash dagger aimed at her throat. She lifted a hand - not even bothering to look - and he was blasted back by a wall of white light. But the pain paused for a second, long enough for me to see him hit the ground and rise again and lunge for her - with hands that now ended in talons. He slammed into the invisible wall Amarantha had raised around herself, and my pain flickered as she turned to him. "You traitorous piece of filth," she seethed at Rhysand. "You're just as bad as the human beasts." One by one, as if a hand were shoving them in, his talons pushed back into his skin, leaving blood in their wake. He swore, low and vicious. "You were planning this all along." feyre fight rhys rhysand Sarah J. Maas
8b2655a I must fight with my weapons. Not his. Not selfishness and brutality and shame and resentment. collector fight fowles john resentment selfishness shame weapons John Fowles
9a53a7e A fight like this was stunning, revealing not just how much he was on the lookout for enemies, but how she too was unable to abandon argument which escalated into rage. Neither of them would back off, they held bitterly to principles. Can't you tolerate people being different, why is this so important? If this isn't important, nothing is. The air seemed to grow thick with loathing. All over a matter that could never be resolved. They went to bed speechless, parted speechless the next morning, and during the day were overtaken by fear - hers that he would never come home, his that when he did she would not be there. Their luck held, however. They came together in the late afternoon pale with contrition, shaking with love, like people who had narrowly escaped an earthquake and had been walking around in naked desolation. fight Alice Munro
46ee506 "She shrieks above the din. "If you wish a battle, I shall give it. I am the last of my kind. I shall not lie down without a fight." fight gemma-doyle gorgon Libba Bray
7378b2f And the seventh rule is if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight. fight Chuck Palahniuk
ad7c490 And we must still try or we would be leaving our friends to fight without us. I think this is what you have meant by duty, all along; I do understand, at least this much of it. fight friends Naomi Novik
4b24c79 "But they fight in the name of the creator." "I don't care if they fight in the name of broccoli. The goal remains the same." creator fight Maria V. Snyder
9416f46 But she had known, better than anyone else, what demons he had faced, had known how hard he had fought to free himself from them. That he had lost the fight in the end made the struggle no less honorable. fight honor struggle Donna Woolfolk Cross
90937e1 "Let come the forces of night! We will stand!" "We will get the hell out of here is what we will do," I muttered." fight funny humor Jim Butcher
db3b234 How does one kill fear, I wonder? How do you shoot a spectre through the heart, slash off its spectral head, take it by its spectral throat? courage fear fight fright hate hope men-s-heart mental-illness mind mystery self-loathing torture Joseph Conrad
7d6901d "Mahon's wife stared down at us. Her hands went to her hips. "Which one of you idiots wants to explain to me what the hell is going on?" With great effort I raised my arm and pointed in Mahon's general direction. "Him." fight Ilona Andrews
018933f Assassins take no pride in fighting fairly. We take pride in winning. bite brawl fair fight killer lawless lose murderer no-holds-barred poisoner pride rule ruthless skirmish strike win Robin Hobb
500c08b This is everyone's fight. Because it's everyone's future. fight future life Jennifer L. Armentrout
b381398 "I hate you!" I screamed at Fang. Tucking my wings in, I aimed downward, diving toward the ground at more than two hundred miles an hour. "No you dooonnn't!" Fang's voice spiraled away into nothingness, far above me. Inside my head, almost drowned out by the roar of wind rushing by my ears, I heard the Voice make a tsking sound. You guys are crazy about each other, it said." crazy-in-love fight flying hate hate-to-love love James Patterson
0cc3a55 Lose your temper and you lose the fight. fight temper Margaret Atwood
3e816bf Tyler and me at the edge of the roof, the gun in my mouth, I'm wondering how clean this gun is. fight guns tyler-durden Chuck Palahniuk
9301ab5 Come,' he said, 'come, we must see and act. Devils or no devils, or all the devils at once, it matters not; we fight him all the same. devil devils fight fighting-evil van-helsing Bram Stoker
97f44f6 I think maybe, when I was very young, I witnessed a chaste cheek kiss between the two when it was impossible to avoid. Christmas, birthdays. Dry lips. On their best married days, their communications were entirely transactional: 'We're out of milk again.' (I'll get some today.) 'I need this ironed properly.' (I'll do that today.) 'How hard is it to buy milk?' (Silence.) 'You forgot to call the plumber.' (Sigh.) 'Goddammit, put on your coat, right now, and go out and get some goddamn milk. Now.' These messages and orders brought to you by my father, a mid-level phonecompany manager who treated my mother at best like an incompetent employee. abusive abusive-relationship abusive-relationships bad-parenting broken-home childhood childhood-memories communication depression divorce family father fight fighting fights heartbreak love love-lost mother parenthood parents parents-and-children relationship sexism silence Gillian Flynn
6e01a86 "I can't be with you. I love Brandon; I'm sorry." No! "Baby, don't say that. I will fight for you, I will. Please just give us a shot." "A part of me will probably always love you, too, but I can't take chances with you, Chase. You'll leave me one day, and it will kill me when you do." "Wha--No! I wouldn't, I swear I wouldn't." fight promise Molly McAdams
a372225 "She stood up and took the book from him, and as he smiled over his shoulder at some other kids, she threw it away and kicked him as hard as she could in the vicinity of the groin. Well, as you might imagine, Ludwig Schmeikl certainly buckled, and on the way down, he was punched in the ear. When he landed, he was set upon. When he was set upon, he was slapped and clawed and obliterated by a girl who was utterly consumed with rage. His skin was so warm and soft. Her knuckles and fingernails were so frighteningly tough, despite their smallness. You ." Her voice, too, was able to scratch him. "You . Can you spell for me?" fight thief Markus Zusak
431005f In our time mass or collective production has entered our economics, our politics, even our religion, so that some nations have substituted the idea collective for the idea God. This in my time is the danger. There is great tension in the world, tension toward a breaking point, and men are unhappy and confused. At such a time it seems natural and good to me to ask myself these questions. What do I believe in? What must I fight for and what must I fight against? fight god unhappy John Steinbeck
33da326 But you can't put fight into a man's guts if he hasn't any fight in him. There are some of us so cowardly that you can't ever make heroes of us, not even if you frighten us to death. We know too much, maybe. There are some of us who don't live in the moment, who live a little ahead, or a little behind. fight soldier Henry Miller
b99f99c There are animals we haven't stopped by. Don't think they're harmless. Life will defend itself no matter how small it is. fight Yann Martel
50e2bd4 My only choice was to fight my way out, even if I didn't think I would make it. depression-recovery eating-disorder-recovery fight life recovery Laurie Halse Anderson
572bd08 "You have terminated me," one of them said in a strange, flat voice. "But I am one of many." "Robots!" Iggy breathed, taking Total from Angel. "One of many, one of many, one of many," the robot Eraser was saying. Now Nudge saw the red light in its eyes, saw how they were fading and winking out. bombs fight flying funny lol repeating robot James Patterson
7cf1b83 The Warrior knows that no man is an island. He cannot fight alone; whatever his plan, he depends on other people. He needs to discuss his strategy, to ask for help, and, in moments of relaxation, to have someone with whom he can sit by the fire, someone he can regale with tales of battle. fight fire help island man people plan relaxation strategy tale warrior Paulo Coelho
b8e888b They say cowardice is infectious; but then argument is, on the other hand, a great emboldener; fight infectious Stevenson Robert Louis
6c98104 "I wil not heat treason from my own daughter elizabeth fight plantagenet woodville Philippa Gregory
0b7c524 "There was a loud shuffling above. A line of redcoats took their position at the edge of the ravine and aimed down at the rebels. "Present!" the British officer screamed to his men. "Present!" yelled the American officer. His men brought the butts of their muskets up to their shoulders and sighted down the long barrels, ready to shoot and kill. I pressed my face into the earth, unable to plan a course of escape. My mind would not be mastered and thought only of the wretched, lying, foul, silly girl who was the cause of everything. I thought of Isabel and I missed her. "FIRE!" fight love revolutionary-war war Laurie Halse Anderson
d7a93ba Why do they have windows? Is it to let a glimpse of the world in? Or for us to see out? Our own place is small perhaps, but when your old man is eaten up by his own shadow, you realize maybe that in every house, something so savage and sad and brilliant is standing up, without the world even seeing it. Maybe that's what these pages of words are about. Bringing the world to the window. fight inspiration life understanding-life Markus Zusak
4b795b6 It will never end. Till the world ends in the chaos of Ragnarok, we will fight for our women, for our land, and for our homes. Some Christians speak of peace, of the evil of war, and who does not want peace? But then some crazed warrior comes screaming his god's filthy name into your face and his only ambitions are to kill you, to rape your wife, to enslave your daughters, and take your home, and so you must fight. chaos christians daughters end enslave evil face fight god home kill must name peace ragnarok rape take war warrior wife world Bernard Cornwell
6c88bef I could admire his skills, and be relieved when he was on my side in a fight. But for a rat to like the cat? That scenario ended only one way. With one dead rat. fight spy spying Maria V. Snyder
00a3707 "It wasn't an attack. We'd been together too many times before, made love together too many times before, for it to be that. It was just that fear had suddenly entered, and made us dangerous strangers. ("New York Blues")" fight Cornell Woolrich
2a7151c Numai moartea e o forta la fel de absoluta, dar in lupta de veacuri dintre aceste doua puteri, dragostea este cea care ia moartea de gat, ii pune genunchiul in piept, o bate ziua si noaptea, o invinge in fiecare primavara, o urmareste pas cu pas si-n fiecare groapa pe care aceasta o sapa, dragostea arunca samanta unei vieti noi. fight ideal inspirational love Henryk Sienkiewicz
19c2853 Mood's a thing for cattle or for making love. You fight when the necessity arises, no matter your mood. fight love mood necessity Frank Herbert
5615fb5 O mundo esta apodrecendo. A Igreja e corrupta e os reis sao fracos. Cabe a nos fazer um mundo novo, amado por Deus, mas para faze-lo temos de destruir o velho. Temos de tomar o poder e depois dar o poder a Deus. E por isso que estamos lutando. fight inspirational Bernard Cornwell
228c52b And you're Cameron Wolfe. That' gotta start meaning somethin' boy. That's gotta start churnin' inside us, making us wanna be someone for those names, and not just another couple of guys who amounted to nothin' but what people said we would. No way. We're getting' out of that. We have to. We're gonna crawl and moan and fight and bite and bark at anything that gets in our way or tries to hunt us down and shoot us. All right? be-someone bite fight hunt-us-down names shoot-us someone Markus Zusak
38ef7b8 "O'Shaughnessy is hitting Denholt on the side of his head with his free arm, great, walloping, pile-driver blows. The two of them stagger together, like partners in a crazy dance. Glass is breaking all around them. Gray smoke from the six shots, pink-and-white dust from the chipped brick-and-plaster walls, swirl around them in a rainbow haze. Something vividly green flares up from one of the overturned retorts, goes right out again. O'Shaughnessy tears the emptied gun away, flings it off somewhere. More breaking glass, and this time a tart pungent smell that makes the nostrils sting. The crunch of pulverized tube glass underfoot makes it sound as if they were scuffling in sand or hard-packed snow. ("Jane Brown's Body")" fight fistfight scuffle Cornell Woolrich
4cf925d When a man cannot fight he would curse. The gods like to feel needed. feel fight gods man needed Bernard Cornwell
b474c51 That paper-- it sits there, open at the employment section. It sits there like a war, and each small advertisement is another trench for a person to dive into. To hope and fight in. fight life struggle unemployment Markus Zusak
feec133 The color of defeat chokes her pupils, even though her nod and smile and uncomfortable sitting motion on the couch indicate that she is not finished yet. She will carry on, like all of us. Smile stubborn. Smile with instinct, then lick your wounds in the darkest of corners. Trace the scars back to your own fingers and remember them. defeat fight Markus Zusak
5ba3ad7 I remember laughing at that moment, and I remember my son frowning at me in puzzlement. What I remember best of all, though, was the sudden certainty that the gods were with me, that they would fight for me, that my sword would be their sword. 'We're going to win,' I told my son. I felt as if Odin or Thor had touched me. I had never felt more alive and never felt more certain. I knew there would be no more mistakes and that this was no dream. I had come to Bebbanburg and Bebbanburg would be mine. bebbanburg best certainty fight frowning gods laughing me mine mistakes moment odin puzzlement remember son sudden swords thor touched were Bernard Cornwell
98c2d53 have you killed me, false thief? brute canterbury fight fighting marriage Chaucer Geoffrey
e654e78 "What you really want to know," I say, "is how to make sure we all don't just rip each other apart, right?" The fight earlier is way too fresh in our minds. We are a powder keg; just a spark will blow us apart." amy-martin apart atu-series blow bob-martin fight shades-of-earth Beth Revis
5ca8374 Hot, bright heat filled him like some ecstatic poison, and Hartan's pony shied in terror as a wordless howl burst from his throat. His dripping ears were flat to his skull, fire crackled in his brown eyes, his huge sword blurred in a whirring figure eight before him, and the brigand running at him gawked in sudden panic. The raider's feet skidded in mud as he tried to brake, but it was far too late. He was face-to-face with the worst nightmare of any Norfressan, a Horse Stealer hradani in the grip of the Rage, and a thunderbolt of steel split him from crown to navel. brigand ecstasy ecstatic fear fight fire gawk heat howl hradani nightmare panic poison skirmish steel sword terror thief David Weber
79ecfbd There are lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. fight life love women Chuck Palahniuk
0ef26c6 Life is a balance. We tend to forget that as we go blithely from day to day. We eat and drink and sleep and assume we will always rise up the next day, that meals and rest will always replenish us. Injuries we expect to heal, and pain to lessen as time goes by. Even when we are faced with wounds that heal more slowly, with pain that lessens by day only to return in full force at nightfall, even when sleep does not leave us rested, we still expect that somehow tomorrow will all come back into balance and that we will go on. At some point, the exquisite balance has tipped, and despite all our flailing efforts, we begin the slow fall from the body that maintains itself to the body that struggles, nails clawing, to cling to what it used to be. balance belief believe body death decline effort fight health life pain reality strive struggle time tomorrow truth Robin Hobb
b056571 My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone got slapped. By the sound alone, one could tell that it was a hard one. I figured whoever got slapped had to be close by, so I spun around in search of this person who had just gotten the daylights slapped out of them, only to discover that the person was me. disbelief fight in-shock insulted interrupted mistaking slapped surprised thoughts Drexel Deal
afeac47 it's like being attacked by a RAT! fight fighting rejoinder Chaucer Geoffrey
6feeee9 The urge to fight, to maul, to murder: it is the greatest cancer that afflicts mankind. It obliterates the body of the victim, and the spirit of the the one who strikes the blow. I have seen it... cancer fight mankind maul murder spirit Garth Ennis
3a6c073 His head screamed at him to run.... But his heart...His heart told him to stay and fight, that even if he was deathly afraid, he had to find a way to get the ring away from her. He had to prove to himself that he was brave enough, and that he enough. fear fight Melissa de la Cruz
3808eec "I know what I'm talking about, Alecto! When I think of Jud, I think of the times he wanted to be a coal miner, the times he took Wendy and me sailing in the harbour, the times he showed me how to play soccer, but I forgot all the bullying and I'll never understand why. And now you ask me, you ask me what happened once we were in high school. You said you didn't understand what having a family was like, so ask me!" Mandy was shouting at him without even realizing it, her words sharp and unforgiving. "I...." Alecto started, hesitating for a moment. "You don't seem like yourself Mandy Valems, not at all...." "No, go ahead! You want to know what having a real family is like?" Mandy snapped, turning to stare at him coldly. "Ask me what happened, I'll tell you anything you want to know!" "...What happened?" Alecto asked quietly, looking nervous and confused. "I stayed late after school in shop class when I was in grade 9, trying to keep my lousy grades up. I was building a birdhouse, something like that, and that was when Jud and all his popular jock friends came storming in, laughing and swearing like a bunch of pigs," Mandy continued. "So ask me what happened next." "I... I don't want to ask you what happened," Alecto replied. "Ask me!" Mandy yelled. "Alright, what happened next...?" Alecto questioned." assault attack beat-up bully bullying canada cape-breton-parents confession conflict cruelty fight friend friendship high-school imaginary-friend nova-scotia school shop stress wood wood-shop Rebecca McNutt
eb636a9 NK, or natural killer, cells, which, like macrophages, attack targets like microbes, do not always kill. A 2013 article reports that about half of the NK cells sit out the fight, leaving a minority of them to become what their human observers call serial killers. fight natural-killer serial-killer Barbara Ehrenreich
f1f15d6 Why, Mr. Anderson?, Why, why?. Why do you do it? Why, why get up?. Why keep fighting?. Do you believe you're fighting...for something?. For more than your survival?. Can you tell me what it is?. Do you even know?; Is it freedom?, Or truth?. Perhaps peace?. Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself, although... only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now, You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson?. Why?, Why do you persist?. Agent Smith ( Matrix Revolutions Movie, 2003 ). existence fight freedom human-beings illusions love matrix passion perception persistence survival survival-instinct truth why why-we-live win William Irwin
e1d4202 "Be careful," she said. "You can't fight a tiger." "Yes you can," he said. "You can if you are a tiger yourself." fight inspirational tiger Nadeem Aslam