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3d2a090 To dwellers in a wood, almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature. trees wood Thomas Hardy
863c292 I had never before thought of how awful the relationship must be between the musician and his instrument. He has to fill it, this instrument, with the breath of life, his own. He has to make it do what he wants it to do. And a piano is just a piano. It's made out of so much wood and wires and little hammers and big ones, and ivory. While there's only so much you can do with it, the only way to find this out is to try; to try and make it do everything. everything instrument ivory-tower life music musician piano relationship wires wood James Baldwin
73934f9 Maybe that is the one real division between men: wood men and desert men. men trees wood Kurban Said
fb25d03 Nel sole di marzo, mentre era seduto su una catasta di ceppi di faggio che scricchiolavano per il caldo, avvenne che egli pronunciasse per la prima volta la parola <>. Aveva gia visto il legno centinaia di volte, aveva sentito la parola centinaia di volte. La capiva anche, infatti d'inverno era stato mandato fuori spesso a prendere legna. Ma il legno come oggetto non gli era mai sembrato cosi interessante da darsi la pena di pronunciarne il nome. Cio avvenne soltanto quel giorno di marzo, mentre era seduto sulla catasta. La catasta era ammucchiata a strati, come una panca, sul lato sud del capannone di Madame Gaillard, sotto un tetto sporgente. I ceppi piu alti emanavano un odore dolce di bruciaticcio, dal fondo della catasta saliva un profumo di muschio, e dalla parete d'abete del capannone si diffondeva nel tepore un profumo di resina sbriciolata. Grenouille era seduto sulla catasta con le gambe allungate, la schiena appoggiata contro la parete del capannone, aveva chiuso gli occhi e non si muoveva. Non vedeva nulla, non sentiva e non provava nulla. Si limitava soltanto ad annusare il profumo del legno che saliva attorno a lui e stagnava sotto il tetto come sotto una cappa. Bevve questo profumo, vi annego dentro, se ne impregno fino all'ultimo e al piu interno dei pori, divenne legno lui stesso, giacque sulla catasta come un pupazzo di legno, come un Pinocchio, come morto, finche dopo lungo tempo, forse non prima di una mezz'ora, pronuncio a fatica la parola <>. Come se si fosse riempito di legno fin sopra le orecchie, come se il legno gli arrivasse gia fino al collo, come se avesse il ventre, la gola, il naso traboccanti di legno, cosi vomito fuori la parola. E questa lo riporto in se, lo salvo, poco prima che la presenza schiacciante del legno, con il suo profumo, potesse soffocarlo. Si alzo a fatica, scivolo giu dalla catasta, e si allontano vacillando come su gambe di legno. Per giorni e giorni fu preso totalmente dall'intensa esperienza olfattiva, e quando il ricordo saliva in lui con troppa prepotenza, borbottava fra se e se <>, a mo' di scongiuro. wood Patrick Süskind
d70be72 Fire's the sun, unwindin' itself out o' the wood. fire wood David Mitchell
2f3a6dc "I love the smell of old books," Mandy sighed, inhaling deeply with the book pressed against her face. The yellow pages smelled of wood and paper mills and mothballs." -- books dream mothballs nerd nostalgia old paper-mill reading smell smell-of-books surreal vintage wood Rebecca McNutt
150f1b5 It all I can do not to cry. I make myself wood I say to myself, Celie, you a tree. That's how I come to know trees fear man. abuse-survivor change comfort defence dehumanisation persona tree wood Alice Walker
3808eec "I know what I'm talking about, Alecto! When I think of Jud, I think of the times he wanted to be a coal miner, the times he took Wendy and me sailing in the harbour, the times he showed me how to play soccer, but I forgot all the bullying and I'll never understand why. And now you ask me, you ask me what happened once we were in high school. You said you didn't understand what having a family was like, so ask me!" Mandy was shouting at him without even realizing it, her words sharp and unforgiving. "I...." Alecto started, hesitating for a moment. "You don't seem like yourself Mandy Valems, not at all...." "No, go ahead! You want to know what having a real family is like?" Mandy snapped, turning to stare at him coldly. "Ask me what happened, I'll tell you anything you want to know!" "...What happened?" Alecto asked quietly, looking nervous and confused. "I stayed late after school in shop class when I was in grade 9, trying to keep my lousy grades up. I was building a birdhouse, something like that, and that was when Jud and all his popular jock friends came storming in, laughing and swearing like a bunch of pigs," Mandy continued. "So ask me what happened next." "I... I don't want to ask you what happened," Alecto replied. "Ask me!" Mandy yelled. "Alright, what happened next...?" Alecto questioned." assault attack beat-up bully bullying canada cape-breton-parents confession conflict cruelty fight friend friendship high-school imaginary-friend nova-scotia school shop stress wood wood-shop Rebecca McNutt