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03f3c38 Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler's heart, kill your darlings. deleting editing kill revising writing Stephen King
cb322cd Many have tried to kill us. All have failed. -Valek kill Maria V. Snyder
ae0a77a Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not. act acting actor actors adage adages animal animals aphorism aphorisms audacity axiom axioms balls be-yourself boldness brave bravery cojones conform conforming conformity courage courageous courageousness daring dead death deep dictum dictums die epigram epigrams facade façades fear fearful fearlessness fit-in fitting-in fruit fruits gallantry gnome gnomes grit guts hardihood heroism herself himself human human-being human-beings humans humor humour insightful inspiration inspirational inspire inspired intrepidity kill killed lemon lemons made-me-think make-you-think maxim maxims motivated motivational motive moxie murder murdered nerve nonconformity oneself orange people peoples person persons plant plants pluck pluckiness pretend pretender pretenders pretending produce profound proverb proverbs provoke-thought quotation quotations quote quotes satire satirical saying sayings self spunk standing-out standout themselves thought-provoking thoughtful tree trees true-grit valour words-to-live-by yourself Mokokoma Mokhonoana
81affdc It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses. catastrophes deaths diseases kill murders Virginia Woolf
1dcf117 "Kill you all!" The clown was laughing and screaming. "Try to stop me and I'll kill you all! Drive you crazy and then kill you all! You can't stop me!" death horror it kill king monster murder pennywise stephen Stephen King
399b1c9 "You're lucky to have a friend who will kill for you." So. I once had a friend who died for me, and now one who killed for me. Why didn't I feel lucky?" kill Carrie Vaughn
0d91ffd "Small men oft feel a need to prove their courage with unseemly boasts," he declared. "I doubt if he could kill a duck." Tyrion shrugged. "Fetch the duck." courage dance dragons duck funny humor kill martin prove small soiaf tyrion George R.R. Martin
3661421 When I took the pills, I wanted to kill someone I hated. I didn't know that other Veronikas existed inside me, Veronikas that I could love. decide die existence hate hospital insane kill love menthal other pill suicidal Paulo Coelho
811ca20 Can'ttrustpeople. Won'tdoanygood. They'llkillyoueverytime. They'llkilleachother. They'llkilleveryone. kill people the-sheep-man trust war Haruki Murakami
3c947f4 "As a person i couldnt say, although i am well apuainted with tales of his atrocities. every time brom and i crossed paths with him, he was trying to kill us. or ratar, capture, torture, and then killus, none of which are productive to establishing a close relationship" _ Jeod" christopher-paolini eragon inheritance-cycle jeod kill morzan Christopher Paolini
a68f82b The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on. He took a face from the ancient gallery And he walked on down the hall He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he Paid a visit to his brother, and then he He walked on down the hall, and And he came to a door...and he looked inside Father, yes son, I want to kill you Mother...I want to...fuck you kill killer the-end The Doors
c024a40 As he bent closer, he realized they were words -- words his wife had carved into the cave ice with the last of her dying strength. As he read them, he felt them like three hard blows in the stomach. KILL THE CHILD callum-hunt kill magisterium the-iron-trial Holly Black
1e8f39c We shall not kill and maybe next time we even won't. kill William Faulkner
1ebf7a0 You've thrown down the gauntlet. You've brought my wrath down upon your house. Now, to prove that I exist I must kill you. As the child outlives the father, so must the character bury the author. If you are, in fact, my continuing author, then killing you will end my existence as well. Small loss. Such a life, as your puppet, is not worth living. But... If I destroy you and your dreck script, and I still exist... then my existence will be glorious, for I will become my own master. damned death dying heaven hell kill life living master murder puppet wrath Chuck Palahniuk
22d5c73 Some of us, perhaps all of us, believe that it is legitimate to kill enemy soldiers in a war, as if war were a special circumstance that shrinks the sizes of enemy souls. kill soul war Douglas R. Hofstadter
7d92322 When you finally betray me, I hope you care enough to try to kill my yourself. kill sith star-wars Drew Karpyshyn
078b6d3 I suppose I could understand it if men had simply forgotten unicorns, or if they had changed so that they hated all unicorns now and tried to kill them when they saw them. But not to see them at all, to look at them and see something else-what do they look like to one another, then? What do trees look like to them, or houses, or real horses, or their own children? forget forgetting forgotten hate kill men unicorns Peter S. Beagle
e934785 I will kill you if you set me free,' the eyes said. 'Set me free. free kill Peter S. Beagle
aadf9d0 "Tears shone in Lucien's remaining eye as he raised his hands and removed the fox mask. The brutally scarred face beneath was still handsome--his features sharp and elegant. But my host was looking at Tamlin now, who slowly faced my dead body. Tamlin's still-masked face twisted into something truly lupine as he raised his eyes to the queen and snarled. Fangs lengthened. Amarantha backed away--away from my corpse. She only whispered "Please" before golden light exploded. The queen was blasted back, thrown against the far wall, and Tamlin let out a roar that shook the mountain as he launched himself at her. He shifted into his beast form faster than I could see--fur and claws and pound upon pound of lethal muscle. She had no sooner hit the wall than he gripped her by the neck, and the stones cracked as he shoved her against it with a clawed paw. She thrashed but could do nothing against the brutal onslaught of Tamlin's beast. Blood ran down his furred arm from where she scratched. The Attor and the guards rushed for the queen, but several faeries and High Fae, their masks clattering to the ground, jumped into their path, tackling them. Amarantha screeched, kicking at Tamlin, lashing at him with her dark magic, but a wall of gold encompassed his fur like a second skin. She couldn't touch him. "Tam!" Lucien cried over the chaos. A sword hurtled through the air, a shooting star of steel. Tamlin caught it in a massive paw. Amarantha's scream was cut short as he drove the sword through her head and into the stone beneath. And then closed his powerful jaws around her throat--and ripped it out." animalistic beast emotional-tears fury high-fae high-lord kill lucien mask rage tamlin wrath Sarah J. Maas
f2c5d70 "We should know who they are," I said, "before we kill them. That's just being polite." kill know polite should Bernard Cornwell
eb33dc8 "But Amarantha rolled her eyes and slouched in her throne. "Shatter him, Rhysand." She flicked a hand at the High Lord of the Summer Court. "You may do what you want with the body afterward." The High Lord of the Summer Court bowed--as if he'd been given a gift--and looked to his subject, who had gone still and calm on the floor, hugging his knees. The male faerie was ready--relieved. Rhys slipped a hand out of his pocket, and it dangled at his side. I could have sworn phantom talons flickered there as his fingers curled slightly. "I'm growing bored, Rhysand," Amarantha said with a sigh, again fiddling with that bone. She hadn't looked at me once, too focused on her current prey. Rhysand's fingers curled into a fist. The faerie male's eyes went wide--then glazed as he slumped to the side in the puddle of his own waste. Blood leaked from his nose, from his ears, pooling on the floor. That fast--that easily, that irrevocably ... he was dead. "I said shatter his mind, not his brain," Amarantha snapped. The crowd murmured around me, stirring. I wanted nothing more than to fade back into it--to crawl back into my cell and burn this from my mind. Tamlin hadn't flinched--not a muscle. What horrors had he witnessed in his long life if this hadn't broken that distant expression, that control? Rhysand shrugged, his hand sliding back into his pocket. "Apologies, my queen." He turned away without being dismissed, and didn't look at me as he strode for the back of the throne room. I fell into step beside him, reining in my trembling, trying not to think about the body sprawled behind us, or about Clare--still nailed to the wall. The crowd stayed far, far back as we walked through it. "Whore," some of them softly hissed at him, out of her earshot; "Amarantha's whore." But many offered tentative, appreciative smiles and words--"Good that you killed him; good that you killed the traitor." feyre kill mind punish rhysand Sarah J. Maas
49bef17 "...Do you think there's somewhere else, some other place to go after this one?" Mandy blurted out. "You mean when you die, where will you end up?" Alecto asked her. "...I wouldn't know... back to whatever void there is, I suppose." "I've thought about it... every living thing dies alone, it'll be lonely after death," Mandy sighed sadly. "That freaks me out, does it scare you?" "I don't want to be alone," Alecto replied wearily. "We won't be, though. We'll be dead, so we'll just be darkness, not much else, just memories, nostalgia and darkness." "I don't want to be any of that either though," Mandy exclaimed, bursting into tears and crying, keeping her eyes to the floor, her voice shaky as she spoke to him. "When we die, we'll still be nothing, the world will still be nothing, everything'll just be nothing!" "You're real though, at least that's something," Alecto pointed out, holding his hand out in front of her. Smiling miserably, Mandy took his hand in her own and sat there beside him quietly." dead death depression disturbing dying frightened funeral grief grim heaven imagination kill lost misery nirvana nostalgia purgatory sadness scary spooky time truth void Rebecca McNutt
4b795b6 It will never end. Till the world ends in the chaos of Ragnarok, we will fight for our women, for our land, and for our homes. Some Christians speak of peace, of the evil of war, and who does not want peace? But then some crazed warrior comes screaming his god's filthy name into your face and his only ambitions are to kill you, to rape your wife, to enslave your daughters, and take your home, and so you must fight. chaos christians daughters end enslave evil face fight god home kill must name peace ragnarok rape take war warrior wife world Bernard Cornwell
cf9d9a3 Zach finally acknowledges me when my elbow smacks against his side as I shove my way between him and Rachel. He straightens and mumbles so only I can hear, I mutter. Zach smirks. Rachel asks. I say. She blinks as if she just woke up. I step aside so Rachel can exit the driver's seat. Because Rachel is every guy's fantasy, Zach begs her to stay: she should see the engine, she can ride in his car, she can drive his car. Each of his attempts to lure her to stay causes me to think of one more way to hide the body parts after I kill him. back-off beg cars hard-on isaiah kill lure rachel-young stay zach Katie McGarry
fa84b91 For two years, all you have to do is go where they tell you, stay behind your rifle, and kill and not be killed. It's simple, but simple isn't the same as easy. easy go kill killed rifle same simple tell John Scalzi
13c5794 Whatever doesn't destroy you, makes you stronger. Hardships have a way of toughening us, if they don't kill us. destroy hardships kill landry pearl-in-the-mist stronger survival tough v-c-andrews V.C. Andrews
69965f0 Surely the Gods did not bring me safe through fire and sea only to kill me with a flux. fire flux gods kill sea George R.R. Martin
be413fa "Just a shower. If you want me to stay on the opposite side, I will. I won't kiss. I won't touch." Echo flashes that siren smile. "What if I want to kiss you?" "You're trying to kill me, aren't you?" kill kiss noah-hutchins shower Katie McGarry
f35e8d3 When the old men kill themselves, the cities are dying. dying kill old-men Robert Ludlum
58af878 "You are not in Disneyland," he said. "The little people you see running around over here are not Mouseketeers. Some of them are friendly, and some of them have a strong desire to kill you. If you remember that, and manage to kill them before they kill you, then you have a good chance of getting through your year of service here." desire disneyland friendly kill little-people mouseketeers service strong Walter Dean Myers
3fff438 "Geraldine keeps her eyes trained on him as she slowly reaches into her purse, wrapping her fingers around her gun. "...Callo, I'm so sorry that your life ended up this way," she sighs as she gets out of her side of the car, her feet burning from the cold as her high heels sink into the fallen snow. "Aren't you scared?" "I'm you, Geraldine... I fell into the same trap as you, anyway," Callo answers. His large eyes are shining with tears, but he doesn't seem afraid in the least. "...The dead don't feel anything, you know... not even guilt or regret. So, what is there to be afraid of?" apology dead death depressed depression die dying emotion eyes fear forlorn forlornness friend friendship guilt gun high-heels kill lonliness mental-illness purse regret revolver tears trap usurer Rebecca McNutt
80e7f70 I looked over at the others. Obviously Ash and I didn't. Daniel, Hayley, and Corey said they'd be fine. Chloe hoped she would--she had gymnastics training. Mr. Bae joked that it would be his first time in a couple of decades. Derek said nothing. Chloe said. She turned to us. Derek said. Chloe put her hands on her hips. chloe decoy derek kill maya tree-climbing werewolves Kelley Armstrong