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54ffad1 "Derek caught my arm again as I started to move--at this rate, it was going to be as sore as my injured one. "Dog," he said, jerking his chin toward the fenced yard. "It was inside earlier." Expecting to see a Doberman slavering at the fence, I followed his gaze to a little puff of white fur, the kind of dog women stick in their purses. It wasn't even barking, just staring at us, dancing in place. "Oh, my God! It's a killer Pomeranian." I glanced up at Derek. "It's a tough call, but I think you can take him." derek dog Kelley Armstrong
956a485 "He pivoted, gaze following me as I crossed to the shower and turned on the cold water, so it would drown out our conversation without steaming up the room. Great," he muttered."Now they're going to think we're showering together. Maybe we can just tell them we were washing off the crawl space dirt and trying to conserve water." derek Kelley Armstrong
2a046cb "I'm behind you." I spun to see Derek. "I can't win," he said. "You're as skittish as a kitten." derek Kelley Armstrong
adafc00 "If there's anything I can do- I know there probably isn't, but..." Just be here" derek Kelley Armstrong
f6fedee "He had a newspaper rolled in his hand, bearing down on me like a puppy that had piddled on the carpet. "Bad Chloe," I muttered. "What?" I'd forgotten his bionic hearing. "Bad Chloe." I gestured at the rolled-up paper and put out my hand. "Get it over with." derek Kelley Armstrong
fd94c2e "He balled up my discarded sweatshirt and put it against his shoulder. "Go on," he said. "I don't bite." "And from what I hear, that's a good thing." He gave a rumbling chuckle. "Yeah, it is." I leaned against his shoulder." derek Kelley Armstrong
708d31b "He was trying to tell me something." Derek snorted. "Aren't they all? Must be a rule in the ghost handbook--if in danger of evaporating, make sure you're in the middle of a dire pronouncement." -- derek ghosts necromancer supernatural urban-fantasy young-adult Kelley Armstrong
5d1e5a7 "He wore sweatpants and a T-shirt and had stopped in the middle of the hall, furiously scratching one bare forearm. "Fleas?" I said." derek Kelley Armstrong
cadc7e4 "You didn't answer my question. Are you all right?" I didn't do anything" Yeah. You did." He looked at me. "You did a lot" -Chloe & Derek-" derek Kelley Armstrong
fe8a283 And he says I have lousy timing derek the-reackoning Kelley Armstrong
c008d4b "And stop doing that," he said. "Backing away, giving me that look." Like you're scaring me? Maybe you are." He stepped back so fast he wobbled and caught himself, and the look on his face--It vanished in a second, the scowl returning. I'd never hurt you, Chloe. You should know--" He stopped. Paused. Then wheeled and started walking away. "Next time? Handle it yourself. I'm done taking care of you." derek Kelley Armstrong
61ef03c "Screw caution," Tori said. "I'm outta here." We looked at her. "Well, I am. As long as someone comes with me." We kept looking at her. She sighed. "Fine, but when everything goes to hell, just remember, I get to blame you guys, because I wanted to leave right away." chloe derek kelley reckoning tori Kelley Armstrong
e0f5c63 "If it gets too bad, go. I'll understand." I won't." derek Kelley Armstrong
c573dbd I glanced at Derek. The boy wonder didn't melt into a pile of goo, although his gaze was glued to Rowena's chest. Avoiding eye contact. Good strategy. derek fantasy good-strategy ilona-andrews magic-bites rowena Ilona Andrews
14fbe97 "Was she telling you to stay away from me?" I asked. He paused, then said, "Yeah." He squeezed my hand out of Aunt Lauren's sight. "It's okay. We're good." Chloe and Derek" -- derek lauren Kelley Armstrong
d63ffb6 Put your badass faces on and follow me. derek kate Ilona Andrews
d292431 "What did you tell them?" "I don't recall. I think I mentioned your discipline and ability to follow orders. I may have said something about you being a team player." Derek emitted a strangled cough. "Why?" I demanded. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Curran resumed hammering. "I'm sorry," I said into the phone, sticking me finger into my other ear so I could hear. "His Majesty tends to exaggerate things. I'm not a team player. I'm undisciplined and I have a problem with authority. Also, the Beast Lord can't hammer for shit." On the roof Derek was laughing his head off." derek funny kate-daniels roof Ilona Andrews
912b121 "Desandra shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, Kate? Have you thought of walking up to Hugh and telling him that he's got the biggest dick ever?" She spread her arms to the size of a baseball bat. "No, you think it would work?" I asked. "It's worth a try. May be he'll be so happy you noticed his pork sword, he'll forget all about trying to kill us." Pork sword. Kill me now. "I'll think about it." Ascanio began patting his clothes. "What?" Derek growled. "Looking for something to take notes with." derek desandra hugh-d-ambray kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
2eed698 "Quick, Derek, it's your chance to shine," Ascanio said. Derek gave him a withering look. "Desandra is a mother, Robert is married, Kate's affianced, and I'm an old soul. You're the closest thing to a virgin we've got. Get on with growing some flowing locks." banter derek humor kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
669ddb3 "What's wrong?" I didn't say a word." Something's up. What is it?" Nothing." His head turned, gaze going to mine. "Yeah?" Yes." A snort and he returned to his bowl..." derek Kelley Armstrong
36fd9b0 "What the hell is this?" Desandra asked "This is Cuddles. She's a mammoth donkey." Derek grinned, leaning on the fence. "Do you have any self-respect left?" "Nope." derek desandra kate Ilona Andrews
7540a5e "Sit your ass down, Don Juanabe," Derek said. "Don Juanabe?" Ascanio pulled out his swords. "Don Juan Wannabe," Derek explained. "See I shortened it. If you still don't get it, I'll write it down for you after the fight." "You've maxed out your wit quota for the night," Ascanio said. "I'm just getting started." "Be careful, you might sprain something in your brain." banter derek humor Ilona Andrews
a79bb4d "Derek, you just don't say things like that to a woman. Keep going this way and you'll spend your life alone." "Don't change the subject. Andrea is cool. And she smells nice. It will be okay." Apparently I was supposed to sniff people to determine their competence. "How do you know?" He shrugged. "You just have to trust her." derek kate Ilona Andrews
232cf10 "I've been assigned to bodyguard you." Derek snorted. Ascanio pretended not to hear it. "The Beast Lord spoke to me this morning. I'm responsible for your well-being, and if you get injured, I'll answer to him personally." Oh, that bastard. Found the kid an impossible job, did he? Derek laughed quietly. Ascanio finally deemed it necessary to acknowledge Derek's existence. "Is something funny?" "I don't even know you, and I feel sorry for you." derek kate-daniels Ilona Andrews
bf8acbc "Oh, my God! It's a killer Pomeranian." I glanced up at Derek. "It's a tough call, but I think you can take him." derek dog pomeranian Kelley Armstrong
9bdf593 "He's having a vision," I said. "That's what happens." (Maya) "Attractive, I know," Corey said between gritted teeth. "And now I get new witnesses to my humiliation. Wonderful." "We're used to it," Chloe said. "Derek used to do that when he Changed. Only worse." "Thank you for sharing," Derek muttered. She grinned. "You're welcome." corey derek maya-delaney visions Kelley Armstrong
719d6be I opened the bag and pulled out a small box of chocolates. She flashed me a huge smile that would have looked totally real ... if I didn't know her better. Her face went bright red now as she stammered, She stopped as I held out the bag. I said. She looked in and let out a choking laugh. Then, still grinning, she reached in and pulled out a penlight, a Swiss army knife and a purse-sized can of mace. She sputtered another laugh. I said. She smiled up at me. She rose on tiptoes again and put her arms around my neck. derek gift romantic Kelley Armstrong
bdec760 I knew Derek didn't lack empathy--he couldn't forget what he'd done to that kid who attacked Simon. But it was like what he held some weird list of checks and balances, and if you got on the wrong side, like Tori had, he had no problem 'kicking you on the curb,' to face whatever fate waited. I said. I stood and brushed off my jeans. When Simon rose, I thought he was going to stop me. Instead, he followed me to the door. Tori caught up, and we made it into the next room before Derek jogged out, catching my arm with a wrench that yanked me off my feet. I winced and peeled off his fingers. He dropped my arm quickly, realizing he'd grabbed my injured one. A long minute of silence, then, He turned to Tori. Tori said. She flushed and snapped, conditions derek simon stand-up-for tori Kelley Armstrong
640c8f8 I said. I pushed my left one up, showing four bruises, dark as ink spots. Simon paled. He rubbed his mouth, still staring at my arm. Simon's eyes widened, then he lowered his lids to hide his surprise. Derek's voice preceded him around the corner. I shrank back. I couldn't help it. As I did, a look passed through Derek's eyes. Remorse? Guilt? He blinked it away. derek didn-t-mean-to guilt hurt mistake simon trouble Kelley Armstrong
7fc3fe4 He wet a paper towel, and took my chin, lifting and wiping my face. He picked up my hand and started cleaning it. I leaned down, trying to see his face. He kept scrubbing. I had a few cuts and scrapes, and I was only flecked with blood, but I kept my mouth shut and let him clean. As he did, I tried to check out how badly he was hurt. His scraped cheeks were pitted with gravel. His nose was bloodied. Broken? One eye was already darkening. Was that blood in the corner? His lip was cut and swollen. Were any teeth loose? MIssing? I couldn't help it. His injuries obviously needed more attention than mine, but here was no sense saying anything until he was done. Finally, when he seemed to have scrubbed off every fleck of blood--and a few layers of skin--I said, He sighed, like now I was the one fussing too much chloe derek fussing Kelley Armstrong
9ab670e whispered a familiar voice. Thwack. He stumbled, Liz behind him, a sturdy branch raised. She hit him again, a home-run swing between the shoulders, and he went down with an oomph and an oath. She recognized the voice--or the curse--and leaned over, getting a look at him. (Liz) (Simon) derek hit liz simon sneak-up whoops Kelley Armstrong
6f7da30 "She saw Derek and without so much as a hello, leaned to look behind him. She glared up at Derek. "Where'd you leave him?" "Passed out in an alley." Derek frowned in thought. I said as Tori sputtered. " derek humor tori where-is-simon Kelley Armstrong
bf3ec8e I grabbed her by the waist and swung her around to face me. As I bent, I closed my eyes ... and kissed air as she ducked out of my grasp. I opened my eyes to see her dancing backward along the path. I made a noise in my throat. she said. I lunged. She backed away. I let out another growl and crossed my arms. She grinned, blue eyes dancing. She wheeled and ran. As I went after her, adrenaline pumped through me, like liquid fire. There was nothing quite like a chase, and one that ended with this reward was the best chase of all. chloe derek tease Kelley Armstrong
d8f7cd5 Seeing me shivering, he stretched a front leg toward the sweatshirt, pawing the edge and snarling when he realized he couldn't grab it. derek opposable-thumbs wolf Kelley Armstrong
04459ef Simon and Derek exchanged a look. Derek said. A derisive snort. Simon said. Tori's mouth hardened. Derek said. Tori sputtered a protest, but from the horror in her eyes, I knew the possibility hadn't occurred to her. I said, Derek said. He fixed her with an icy look. The expression on her face...I felt for her, whether she'd welcome my sympathy or not. Simon said, his tone softer than his brother's. I cut in. Derek said. He met Tori's gaze. derek go-off-on kind-of-person simon tori Kelley Armstrong
dbaa8b8 She shrugged. She glanced over her shoulder. I thought she was talking to me. Then Derek stepped into the doorway. she said to me. She aimed a pointed look his way. chloe derek home maya rescue running strangers Kelley Armstrong
d84f692 He blinked. He shook his head, looking away. I walked around in front of him. He rolled his shoulders in a half shrug, then looked away again. I was right. He just didn't like hearing the thought voiced; it sounded too close to self-pity. I said. He mumbled the word, unconvinced. I didn't say that, of course. How could I, without it sounding weird.? But I felt it, heart hammering against my ribs, and it wasn't some romantic I can't bear to be without you nonsense. It was something deeper, more desperate. When I thought of Derek leaving, the ground seemed to slide under my feet. I needed something to hold on to, something solid and real when everything around me was changing so fast. Even if there were times I thought it would be easier without Derek there, ready to tear a strip off me at my every misstep, in some ways I relied on that--someone to keep me thinking, keep me striving to do better, keep me from burying my head and praying it all worked out. When he turned away, he must have seen it on my face. As fast as I tried to cover it up, it wasn't fast enough, and when he looked at me, the way he looked at me... derek feelings leaving Kelley Armstrong
17a7b93 "Tears sprang to my eyes. I blinked them back, grabbed some tissue, and started awkwardly trying to daub leftover dye into my pale eyebrows, praying it would make a difference. Through the mirror, I saw Tori walk in. She stopped. It would have been better if she'd laughed. Her look of horror, then something like sympathy, meant it was as bad as I thought. she said. Simon called in. He pushed open the door, saw me and blinked. Tori said. I said. Simon still shot a glare over his shoulder as Derek pushed open the door. Derek said. He looked at me. Tori hustled me out the door, brushing past the guys with a whispered "jerk" for Derek. she said as we walked. And so, Tori and I bonded over hair horror stories." derek hair-disaster simon tori Kelley Armstrong
e241883 Tori said. She waved at Derek, who was brushing off his jeans. I said to Derek. Simon said. Derek glowered. I warned. Simon winced and murmured, I said. I looked up at Derek. He wavered for a second, then crossed his arms, jaw setting. he said. derek search-party simon stupid Kelley Armstrong
80e7f70 I looked over at the others. Obviously Ash and I didn't. Daniel, Hayley, and Corey said they'd be fine. Chloe hoped she would--she had gymnastics training. Mr. Bae joked that it would be his first time in a couple of decades. Derek said nothing. Chloe said. She turned to us. Derek said. Chloe put her hands on her hips. chloe decoy derek kill maya tree-climbing werewolves Kelley Armstrong
7efed65 I whispered down. Chloe said. Derek tried to stop her. She said it made sense for her to be in the trees with me in case of a ground attack, and that convinced him. Not that it mattered, I think--she'd have done what she wanted. She obviously didn't take his crap. Still, it would drive me crazy, constantly needing to remind my boyfriend that I could handle myself just fine. My brother was bad enough. chloe derek maya stop-her take-his-crap Kelley Armstrong
94d7069 After a few moments of silence, he said, He moved down to the end of the couch, though there'd already been plenty of room. He put his arm along the back. He tried for a smile and didn't really manage it, but my heart still did a little flip. He's sorry, Chloe. He really is a sweet guy. Don't be a bitch about this. And don't screw it up. Just go over there. Give him a chance and, in no time, you'll forget everything else. And that's exactly why I stayed in my chair. I didn't want to forget everything else, or the next thing I knew, he'd be back on that roof, putting his life in danger. I said finally. He asked the question innocently enough, but his gaze dipped slightly. He looked up, confused. chloe derek sorry-for Kelley Armstrong
dab140d Simon said. I glanced back at him. Simon chuckled. derek flirting jealous pissed-off simon Kelley Armstrong
5ee345a Yeah, I worry what will happen when we stop running. When we go back to school. When she meets other boys. Boys who don't argue and snap at her. Boys who don't obsessively worry about her. Boys that could take her to a movie and stay right until the end, not have to leave halfway through because he started turning into a wolf. But she wouldn't pick up some random guy in the mall. Ever. So why was I over-reacting? I don't know. I saw the guy and something ignited in my brain, a flash-fire that burned away reason and common sense. If Simon hadn't stopped me, I'd have made an idiot of myself and called attention to us. Worse, I'd have embarrassed Chloe. I was over-protective enough as it was. Frothing at the mouth because a guy talked to her? Really not going help us get to that next anniversary. derek other-boys worry Kelley Armstrong
2794e23 She pointed at the text as if it was a piece of rotten meat. I said. I picked the book up and double checked the title, to make sure I hadn't misidentified the subject. I said. I looked up to see she'd already left the room. Simon pointed at the text, grinned and faked a yawn. I said, striding after her. chloe derek humor physics simon Kelley Armstrong
29066cf she asked. I gave a soft growl at the last one and she laughed. she said. derek fetch wolf Kelley Armstrong
57c11f7 Her eyes widened in panic. I paused. She smiled. She blushed and lifted on her tiptoes to kiss me. chloe derek sweet Kelley Armstrong
7e43894 Corey muttered once the were gone. I wasn't sure I disagreed. corey derek maya Kelley Armstrong
1563858 SImon said. Derek said. derek humor simon Kelley Armstrong
821dab3 When Derek hesitated, Chloe said, He scowled at her. she said. derek risk strangers Kelley Armstrong
155490c When I finished, Dr. Fellows said, She lowered her voice. I said. Her brows shot up to meet her hairline. Tori smirked and leaned back onto her pillow. Tori said. Dr. Fellows shot her a look, which Tori met with a cool gaze. Tori said, chloe corey derek dr-fellows influence lie maya persuade tori Kelley Armstrong
d7da82d I stopped short and sighed as Derek stepped up behind me, arms sliding around my waist. I leaned back against him and relaxed. he said, bending to my ear. There was no trace of anger in his voice now. Now it was his turn to sigh. derek listening order Kelley Armstrong
100de7f he snapped when I answered. I glanced at Tori's back, a half mile away. A growl. He knew better than to answer. Despite my lack of defensive superpowers, I'd gotten myself-- and Tori-- out of plenty of scrapes. Sometimes, knowing you don't have the skills to fight can be a bonus. With Tori, overconfidence equals lack of caution and, yes, as Derek would say, common sense. I said. A louder growl. I said. He grumbled something I couldn't hear and probably didn't want to. derek not-there order take-care-of Kelley Armstrong
c756ae6 my voice cracking. Simon squeezed my hand. His lips lowering to my ear, whispering, He went rigid, head lifting. Tori said behind me. derek simon tori why-is-she-here Kelley Armstrong
8e60dcb Simon appeared at the doorway behind Tori and Derek. He waved to me and mouthed Not a bad idea. I snuck around them and zipped out the door to where Simon waited. Then I glanced back at Tori. he said. He led me into the next room. Derek called. Simon took my elbow and steered me at a jog through the house as Derek's footsteps pounded behind us. derek get-away run-away simon Kelley Armstrong
e07394a I used to think that once we started going out, Derek would change. When I admitted that to Tori, she nearly laughed herself into an aneurysm and gave me a lecture on the stupidity of expecting to change a guy. Maybe I didn't have her dating experience, but I knew you didn't go out with someone because you thought you'd change him. That wasn't what I'd meant. I liked Derek the way he was. I'd just hoped getting closer would mean landing on the sharp side of his tongue less often. chloe dating derek tori Kelley Armstrong
4e5cd9d The door slapped shut, sound echoing as Derek marched across the yard, dead on target. I looked around, desperate for an escape route, but there was none. Go forward and deal with Derek, or run back toward Simon and have to deal with both of them. I kept walking. he snapped. Relief washed through me. I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just pointed back to the woods. I mumbled, trying to get past him. Without a sound, he was right in front of me, blocking my path he said. I tore my gaze away. I tried to pass him, but he stooped, trying to get a look at my face. When i wouldn't let him, he caught my chin. I jerked back, flinching at his touch, heart thudding at it, too. I told myself Simon was wrong. I'd never be dumb enough to fall for Derek. But I had. With him so close, my stomach kept doing weird little flips. It wasn't fear. It hadn't been fear for a while. he said, voice softer. Then his breath caught, the growl coming back as he snapped, He bit off the words, cheeks reddening like he was embarrassed even to think Simon might be responsible. crying derek where-is-he Kelley Armstrong
6fddd0d Simon was smiling as he said it, but Derek glanced away with a gruff Simon lowered himself on my other side, so close he brushed against me, hand resting on mine. Derek said. I said. chloe derek jealous simon Kelley Armstrong
95db7da I called. No answer. I took a few more steps, then called a little louder, A branch snapped in the woods. I pictured Derek, in the middle of a Change, unable to respond, and hurried toward the forest's edge. The noise stopped and I paused at the end of the path leading in, peering into the dark woods, listening. Another snap. Something like a groan. I stepped in. It took only a few paces for the morning light to fade and darkness to envelop me. I jumped as he rounded a corner down the path. I didn't need full daylight to see the expression on his face at all to know I was in trouble, just the set of his shoulders and he long strides as he bore down on me. I began. I lifted my hands. chloe derek looking-for Kelley Armstrong
d5d7c72 We ran to the others--it was clear Derek wasn't accepting a leisurely stroll. I took the lead so this huge guy wouldn't come barreling down on them. That wasn't the way anyone needed to wake up. It was still chaos. Derek barked orders. Chloe tried to calm him. When he didn't listen, I snapped that he wasn't helping matters. He snapped back. Ash jumped to my defense, snarling like an alley cat. Daniel intervened to mediate. Derek turned on him. Corey rushed to Daniel's side, fists ready. Rafe braced to join in if a fight broke out. It was fun. chloe derek maya ordering snapped Kelley Armstrong
c5491fc (Chloe) (Derek) derek friendship Kelley Armstrong
1a30714 An exhale, relieved that I understood. I turned. He put his fingers under my chin. His mouth opened. Shut. I lifted onto my toes, put my hands around his neck, and pulled him down. When our lips met, that first jolt...It was everything I hadn't felt with Simon, everything I'd wanted to feel. His hands went around my waist, pulling me closer-- Simon's footsteps thudded through the hall. We jumped apart. Derek grumbled. derek kiss lousy-timing worth-it Kelley Armstrong
473f92c He held out an old eight millimeter video camera. A video camera? What would I use it for? Recording our great escape? I didn't say that, because I knew it wasn't the point. This was a gift, a way to say His eyes begged me to take it. Just take it. Forgive him. Forget what happened. Start over. And that's what I wanted to do--accept his gift and smile and see that spark in his eyes and-- derek forgive gift sorry Kelley Armstrong
7d8a724 As we sat, Derek pulled a handful of energy bars from his pocket, and gave me one. Simon reached into his pockets. Tori said. Simon sat on the crate beside me. Derek interrupted. Simon swore under his breath. He turned to me. derek showing-up simon weird Kelley Armstrong
233f0da I glanced in the first open door and stopped short. Desks. Four tiny desks. A wall of faded posters of alphabet animals. A blackboard, still showing the ghost of numbers. I blinked, certain I was seeing wrong. Derek nudged my legs, telling me to get moving. I looked at him, and I looked at the classroom. This was where Derek had grown up. Four tiny desks. Four little boys. Four young werewolves. For a second, I could see them--three boys working at the three clustered desks, Derek alone at the fourth, pushed slightly away, hunched over his work, trying to ignore the others. Derek nudged me again, whining softly, and I looked down to see him eyeing the room, every hair on his neck on end, anxious to get away from this place. childhood chloe derek lab werewolves Kelley Armstrong
eecfb07 said a voice beside me. I jumped so high, my heart rammed into my throat. Derek said again. Liam stopped. He looked at me, then at his body, on the ground. He swore. dead derek ghost liam Kelley Armstrong
6c0d08f "A whisper of fabric as Derek dressed. Then a hand on my waist, a light touch, tentative. I turned and Derek was right there, his face above mine, hands sliding around me as I titled my face up-- We both jumped--again. Tori stood there, staring at us, Simon behind her, grabbing her arm. Simon began. She shook her head. Liz raced in. "Derek's ready," I said. " derek interrupt liz simon tori Kelley Armstrong
1cbc2a5 He moved into the moonlight. That was no accident. He wanted me to see his eyes burning with fever, his skin flushed, hair sweat soaked. He wanted me to say, leap out of bed, and insist on going outside with him, help him through it, a I had the last two times. I looked at him and I lay back down. He stepped froward. I sat up, swung my legs out of bed, and stood. He breathed a sigh of relief. I walked to the window. A spark of panic ignited in his eyes. After how he'd treated me today, I should have said But i didn't. Couldn't. It took everything I had to just crawl back into bed. chloe derek mean punish restraint Kelley Armstrong
b656268 As she did, someone else poked his head in. Rafe. He looked at the other two, then me. He lowered his voice. I said. He nodded and retreated. I said when he was gone. Chloe looked from me to the now-empty doorway. She trailed off and shook her head. Derek cut in. Chloe gave him a look as I inwardly flinched. derek maya rafe relationship-angst Kelley Armstrong
250c402 I made it two steps before he snorted. I turned to see him lying on his belly ready to jump up. He jerked his muzzle, telling me to come back. He cut me off with a snort. It was hard for a wolf to scowl, but he managed a good glower. I took the switchblade from my jacket pocket. A snort. A head jerk. derek wolf Kelley Armstrong
6b877ba Daniel murmured to me. Chloe gave a soft laugh. A wry smile. The wolf growled, but she only laughed and gave him a pat, then tugged him away as we went to retrieve my clothing. clothing daniel derek human-form maya skin-walker wolf Kelley Armstrong
1e917b4 Chloe. Always Chloe with him and his brother. I know I sound like a whiny brat when I complain, but I think I have a good reason. I'd just discovered that I was a witch and my mother was a bitch--the murderous kind. I was now on the run with three kids who didn't want me along. No matter how hard I tried to keep up and help out, the guys only cared about Chloe. If I ran in front of this bus to push her to safety, they'd race to her side to see if she was okay. Probably give me crap for bruising her when I shoved her out of the way. chloe complain derek simon tori Kelley Armstrong
26055d8 "A hand touched my shoulder, shaking me. I was back on the bus. It was dark and warm and I just wanted to sleep, but Chloe kept shaking my shoulder. she whispered. changing chloe derek sleep told tori Kelley Armstrong
321e610 Kit asked. Chloe and Derek's heads both whipped Kit's way. Chloe said. Dr. Inglis said. Derek said. Kit didn't answer him. He didn't even look over. Chloe looked from us to Kit, her blue eyes wide. Derek leaped to his feet. I gaped at Derek. Even Chloe looked confused. I might have known the guy for less than twenty-four hours, but short of demonic possession, I couldn't imagine him saying that. defend derek dr-inglis kit-bae shocked stand-up-for Kelley Armstrong
cb0b6d2 Of the Phoenix kids, the one Derek got along best with was Daniel. In him, Daniel had found a good sparring partner. And a plotting partner, too. Derek wasn't just the biggest and strongest in our group. He was also the smartest. Scary, off-the-charts smart. That intimidated Daniel a little at first--he's bright, but he needs to work for his grades. But Derek wasn't a show-off or a know-it-all, so they got past that and we would hang out together, the two guys, Chloe, and I planning and plotting our future, bouncing ideas off one another. derek friends smart Kelley Armstrong
e749d31 Nate said. Brad slapped another photo on the table. A smiling teenage girl with blue eyes and blond hair streaked with red. Carter grunted. They looked surprised. The cute smiling girl definitely did not seem like a romantic match for the scowling brute in the other photos. But Brad had done enough surveillance to be sure of his facts. Carter's face screwed up. Theo said. Nate said. Carter said, still eying the photo. Nate said. cains carter chloe derek nate Kelley Armstrong
76b86be Just a guy. A college-aged guy. Talking to Chloe. I watched him bend over the table, hands planted on it, his gaze fixed on Chloe, his lips parting in a smile as he said something to her. A slow burn started in my gut, and before I could stop myself, I was barreling down on them, Simon's protests fading behind me. derek guy jealous Kelley Armstrong
b6b2bfe I flicked an eraser at him. He ducked it and threw me a grin. While I was getting my Changes under control, we'd decided I should try once a week. While Simon was joking about house-breaking, that's kind of what it was like--take me outside regularly, where I'd attempt to perform a bodily function, and hopefully train my body to do it on a schedule. So far, I felt like a month-old puppy, struggling to control my bladder before it was ready to be controlled. derek house-breaking joking simon Kelley Armstrong
8414ee8 Tori said. Derek said. Tori waved her injured palm. She rolled her eyes. I said. She gave me a wan smile. chloe count-on derek injured tori Kelley Armstrong
f4e4344 Step. Block. I blurted before I could stop myself. I took a deep, shuddering breath. I was going to say But Derek's expression said he already knew the answer. The look on his face...I'd been humiliated before, having Simon accuse me of liking Derek, but that was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw Derek's look. Not just surprise, but shock. Shock and horror. he said. Again, the words flew out before I could stop them. This time, I didn't care. I'd completely humiliated myself, and now I was just empty and ashamed. All I wanted was to get him out of my way, and if telling him that made him run in terror, then good. But he didn't run. He just stared at me, and that was worse. I felt like the biggest loser at school, admitting to the coolest guy that she liked him. He stood there gaping like he must have heard me wrong. derek humiliated like Kelley Armstrong
7266480 He pushed to his feet, wobbly, still adjusting to his new center of gravity. He gingerly moved one forepaw, then the next, one rear paw, then the other. He picked up the pace, but still slow as he circled the clearing. A snort, like he'd figured it out, and he broke into a lope, stumbled and plowed muzzle-first into the undergrowth. I stifled a laugh, but not very well. and he glowered at me. He snorted and turned fast. When I fell back, he gave a growling chuckle. He lunged again. This time I stood my ground and he checked his leap at the last second...and toppled sideways. I didn't hide my laugh that time. He twisted fast, grabbed my pajama leg and wrenched, and down I went. He growled a chuckle. I fingered an imaginary tear in my pant leg. He walked over for a better look. I tried to grab his foreleg, but he darted out of my reach and tore across the clearing. chloe derek exercise run teasing-banter wolf Kelley Armstrong
ea3077b I said. A dismissive snort as he got to his feet. He tried running again, and didn't fall, but did more lurching than loping, his legs threatening to tangle at every step. derek keep-score learning-to-walk wolf Kelley Armstrong
6494da4 Derek stopped short. I smacked into his back--not for the first time, since he insisted on walking in front of me. I'd been tripping on his heels and mumbling apologies the whole way. When I'd slow down to let him get farther ahead, he'd snap at me to keep up. Simon said. He was behind me--sticking to the curbside, walking as close as Derek. While normally I wouldn't complain about Simon being so close, I had the weird sensation of being blocked in. As we started forward again, I tried dropping back with Tori, who lagged behind, but Simon put his finger on my elbow and steered me back into place. I said. Tori said. chloe derek simon Kelley Armstrong