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b4cc8a2 Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty. con devil lie sexy wit Holly Black
b4c9ac9 The liar's punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. liar lie punishment George Bernard Shaw
a1f36cc "I never lie," I said offhand. "At least not to those I don't love." deciet hate interview-with-the-vampire lestat lie lies love lovers lying secret secrets truth vampire vampires Anne Rice
ba7fdae There's that horrible-beautiful moment, that bitter-sweet impasse where you know that somebody is bullshitting you but they're doing it with such panache and, it's because they say exactly what you want to hear, at that point in time. bittersweet lie self-deception Irvine Welsh
3bde908 Being a practiced liar doesn't mean you have a powerful imagination. Many good liars have no imagination at all; it's that which gives their lies such wide-eyed conviction. lie Philip Pullman
9c79981 With all due respect, if you're forty-three, then I'm a fetus. lie David Levithan
909601f Mr Lorry asks the witness questions: Ever been kicked? Might have been. Frequently? No. Ever kicked down stairs? Decidedly not; once received a kick at the top of a staircase, and fell down stairs of his own accord. dickens humor lie witness Charles Dickens
20303ea The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, were being ashamed of what they were, lying about it, trying to be somebody else. Honesty was Fats' currency, his weapon and defense. It frightened people when you were honest; it shocked them. Other people, Fats had discovered, were mired in embarrasment and pretense, terrified that their truths might leak out, but Fats was attracted by rawness, by everything that was ugly but honest, by the dirty things about which the likes of his father felt humiliated and disgusted. Fats thought a lot about messiahs and pariahs; about men labeled mad or criminal; noble misfits shunned by the sleepy masses. honesty humanity humiliation lie lying J.K. Rowling
b18f9ce Language always betrays us, tells the truth when we want to lie, and dissolves into formlessness when we would most like to be precise. language lie sexing-the-cherry truth Jeanette Winterson
2f552ef I survive at the edge of friends circles. dark deceit friends lie motives sad Holly Black
f5ff219 Everything he had ever done that had been better left undone. Every lie he had told -- told to himself, or told to others. Every little hurt, and all the great hurts. Each one was pulled out of him, detail by detail, inch by inch. The demon stripped away the cover of forgetfulness, stripped everything down to truth, and it hurt more than anything. forgetfulness hurt lie truth Neil Gaiman
3935896 Half-truths are worth more than outright lies. lie truth George R.R. Martin
579c8b2 I think the difference between a lie and a story is that a story utilizes the trappings and appearance of truth for the interest of the listener as well as of the teller. A story has in it neither gain nor loss. But a lie is a device for profit or escape. I suppose if that definition is strictly held to, then a writer of stories is a liar - if he is financially fortunate. john-steinbeck lie story writer John Steinbeck
403dc95 It's exhausting, the energy it takes to unknow a truth. honesty lie lies truth Chuck Palahniuk
9987ca5 A lie, as you probably know, has a taste all its own. Blocky and bitter and never quite right, like when you pop a piece of fancy chocolate into your mouth expecting toffee filling and you get lemon zest instead. lie life taste truth Jodi Picoult
7a70fbc That's the crazy thing about lies. You start to fall for them, yourself. lie Jodi Picoult
73a7e61 But Katie knew it was a sin, had known from the moment she made the decision to lie with Adam. However, the transgression wasn't making love without the sanction of marriage. It was that for the first time in her life, Katie had put herself first. Put her own wants and needs above everything and everyone else. everyone everything first-time had-known lie making-love marriage moment needs saction sin transgression wants without-marriage Jodi Picoult
2bb7d18 Within every elaborate lie, a kernel of truth. honesty lie lies lying stories truth Marisha Pessl
cda9bdb Someone who lies and someone who tells the truth are playing on opposite sides, so to speak, in the same game. Each responds to the facts as he understands them, although the response of the one is guided by the authority of the truth, while the response of the other defies that authority and refuses to meet its demands. The bullshitter ignores these demands altogether. He does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it. He pays no attention to it at all. By virtue of this, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are. lie truth Harry G. Frankfurt
f0cb4b4 I am smiling a big adopted-orphan smile as I write this ... I still love scribbling the word - WRITER - any time on a form, questionnaire, document asks for my occupation. Fine, I write personality quizzes, I don't write about the Great Issues of the Day, but I think it's fair to say I am a writer ... ('Adopted-orphan smile', I mean, that's not bad, come on.) compulsive-lying crazy-bitch ego egotistical fantasy liar lie lies out-of-touch-with-reality pretending reality self-righteous smile smiling superiority-complex vain vainity wannabe wannabewriter writer writing Gillian Flynn
041fba1 Please don't grow up to be one of those men who lie for the sport of it, and most men do. That's a fact. That's why the world is so messed up, Noah. That's why history books are full of so much heartache, and tragedy. Politicians, dictators, kings, phoney-baloney preachers-most of 'em are men, and most of 'em lie like rugs lie men Carl Hiaasen
fdd915e Experience has tutored me well that most will lie or cheat to get the better hand. It's why I prefer solitude to social interaction. - Bethany experience lie life solitude Sherrilyn Kenyon
7205990 "Most of us hoped to be able to trust. When we were little we did not yet know the human invention of the lie - not only that of lying with words but that of lying with one's voice, one's gesture, one's eyes, one's facial expression. How should the child be prepared for this specifically human ingenuity: the lie? Most of us are awakened, some more and some less brutally, to the fact that people often do not mean what they say or say the opposite of what they mean. And not only "people," but the very people we trusted most - our parents, teachers, leaders." disillusionment hope innocence lie society truth Erich Fromm
d4f5f04 "Where are you going?" He looked over his shoulder at me. "If I stay, you won't get any sleep." "Stay," I said. "I promise to keep my hands to myself." Lie--such an outright lie. He gave me a half smile that told me he knew it, too, but nestled down, tugging me into his arms. I wrapped an arm around his waist and rested my head in the hollow of his shoulder. He idly stroked my hair. I didn't want to sleep--didn't want to lose a minute with him--but an immense exhaustion was pulling me away from consciousness, until all I knew was the touch of his fingers in my hair and the sounds of his breathing." goodbye hold intimate lie stay tamlin touching Sarah J. Maas
bf82ab1 It's easier to believe the most outlandish lie that confirms what you suspect than the most obvious truth that denies it. illusion lie Michael J. Sullivan
b7c6238 The dark side is emotion, Bane. Anger, hate, love, lust. These are what make us strong, Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Your passion is still there, Bane. Seek it out. Reclaim it. dark emotion hate lie love lust peace sith star-wars strong Drew Karpyshyn
2be9dfd If any era should be aware of the temptations to rewrite history, it is our own. lie politics Marjorie Garber
d17af1e The prevarication and white lies which a mind that keeps itself ambitiously pure is as uneasy under as a great artist under the false touches that no eye detects but his own, are worn as lightly as mere trimming when once the actions have become a lie. lie lies pure George Eliot
c711e6e And that's the problem. When you're alive, people can hurt you. It's easier to crawl into a bone cage or a snowdrift of confusion. It's easier to lock everybody out. But it's a lie. eating-disorders lie Laurie Halse Anderson
df5a512 When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool, you end up sounding like a moron instead. dissemble fool hide lie moron reveal truth Robin Hobb
67137bc The next morning the sea was calm again, the sun was shining, and the water was so blue and innocent a man might never know that under it my brother floated, dead with all his men. drowning duplicity innocence lie morning ocean sea George R.R. Martin
698dddd I don't think anybody'd remember and certainly do know everybody'd lie. The reason I'm so bitter and, as I said, 'in anguish,' nowadays, or one of the reasons, is that everybody's begun to lie and because they lie they assume that I lie too: they overlook the fact that I remember very well many things (of course I've forgotten some...) I do believe that lying is a sin, unless it's innocent lie based on lack of memory, certainly the giving of false evidence and being a false witness is a mortal sin, but what I mean is, insofar as lying has become so prevalent in the world today (thanks to Marxian Dialectical propaganda and Comitern techniques among other causes) that, when a man tells the truth, everybody, looking in the mirror and seeing a liar... those LSD heads in newspaper photographs who sit in parks gazing rapturously at the sky to show how high they are when they're only victims momentarily of a contraction of the blood vessels and nerves in the brain that causes the illusion... illusion lie lsd lying marxian-dialectical-propaganda sin truth Jack Kerouac
b5151eb The perfect life, the perfect lie, I realised after Christmas, is one which prevents you from doing that which you would ideally have done (painted, say, or written unpublishable poetry) but which, in fact, you have no wish to do. frustration lie life motivation Geoff Dyer
fc27ae4 With slight misconceptions of reality we fabricate our hopes and beliefs, and we live off crusts that we call cakes, like poor children who make-believe they're happy. hope lie life reality truth Fernando Pessoa
efc4ad7 Okay, I've lied to him. But you saw how jealous he gets. It makes me feel like I have to. And I shouldn't defend my right to be friends with another guy. lie Stephanie Perkins
9d645e6 Dreams are just lies that we tell ourselves while we're asleep. cynical deams fake false lie nightmare sleep Rebecca McNutt
1805996 She knew only too well that the song was a beautiful lie. As soon as kitsch is recognized for the lie it is, it moves into the context of non-kitsch, thus losing its authoritarian power and becoming as touching as any other human weakness. For none among us is superman enough to escape kitsch completely. No matter how we scorn it, kitsch is an integral part of the human condition. authoritarian beauty human human-condition kitsch lie power reveal weakness Milan Kundera
c1eaa56 "{ } believers catholic catholic-church catholicism christendom church contempt coop credulity cruelty divines dreadful hell integrity lie luminous martyrs realization ritual sages shame submission ugly H.G. Wells
4299a25 "Why do they lie?" she asked herself aloud. "They say time makes losing someone you loved easier to deal with, but it only makes it worse." ask bereavement deal death-dying death-of-a-friend death-of-a-loved-one easy grief lie loss love mourning saying time worse Rebecca McNutt
0e251f7 that palpable sense of Friday joy, everyone colluding with the lie that somehow the weekend would be amazing and that, next week, work would be different, better. They never learn. joy learn lie never Gail Honeyman
5d3552e Everything she sang was true. I will leave it to you as to whether the truth can exist with details omitted, or if those lacks make a lie of it. exist gap guilty honesty lack lie omission song speak starling truth Robin Hobb
dea569f ...the terrible crumple and blanch of a lie come undone... lie lies run truth Ann Patchett
155490c When I finished, Dr. Fellows said, She lowered her voice. I said. Her brows shot up to meet her hairline. Tori smirked and leaned back onto her pillow. Tori said. Dr. Fellows shot her a look, which Tori met with a cool gaze. Tori said, chloe corey derek dr-fellows influence lie maya persuade tori Kelley Armstrong
f57361a Though I have said that I envy the normal man to the last drop of my bile, yet I should not care to be in his place such as he is now (though I shall not cease envying him). No, no; anyway the underground life is more advantageous. There, at any rate, one can ... Oh, but even now I am lying! I am lying because I know myself that it is not underground that is better, but something different, quite different, for which I am thirsting, but which I cannot find! Damn underground! lie underground Fyodor Dostoyevsky
8ed9882 I think beauty can be a great lie. Sometimes the greatest lie. deception lie M.J. Rose
04cfbc3 But the lie often repeated becomes history, and the snake-oil pitchman's forgery of yore becomes the inspirational gospel of a posterity that sees itself as worldly and wise. gospel history lie posterity Nick Tosches
3a0d63a I had told him I was searching for my keys, that's what had taken me so long in the car, and I squeezed him tighter, as if I could crush my little lie. guilt lie make-up Mitch Albom
de5a0a9 More than one thing is never true. People love to say the opposite, love to talk about inner conflict, nuances, levels of complication. But if this last year has taught her anything, it has taught her that people are clearer on what they want than they admit to themselves. They want something, or they don't. They decide to keep working at a relationship or they give up. They love someone or they love someone else. And if they love someone else, it is often the idea that they love most, especially when they haven't learned enough to figure out that this new person probably won't save them either. lie love marriage Laura Dave
a004101 ... 'You can't read everything. I've never got beyond the beginning of Proust. I love him, but I can't seem to get beyond about page three.' They were comfortable in each other's company, and this confession seemed to accentuate the ease of their relationship. The confession itself was not entirely true; Isabel had read more Proust than that, but other people undoubtedly found it reassuring to think that one had only read a few pages. Certainly those who claimed to have read Proust in his entirety got scant sympathy from others. And yet, she suddenly wondered, should you actually lie about how much Proust you've read? Some politicians, she reminded herself, did that--or the equivalent--when they claimed to be down-to-earth, no-nonsense types, just like the voters, when all the time they were secretly delighting in Proust . . . lie politicians proust Alexander McCall Smith
f04ffc6 "The devil has a thousand names," said Crews, voice rising, "but the name he takes the most pride in is Prince of Lies, because he is such a convincing fraud. Even God himself was fooled by Satan once, so what hope do we have to tell what's truth and what's false?" god lie Robert Ferrigno
af323b1 But was it cowardice to call out a lie, to insist on truth? lie truth Julie Orringer
791495c Those who lie and cheat, but do not believe what they are doing to be wrong, may be living according to ethical standards. They may believe, for any of a number of possible reasons, that it is right to lie, cheat, steal and so on. They are not living according to conventional ethical standards, but they may be living according to some other ethical standards. lie standard Peter Singer
e4098e0 Most wars start with a lie, good wars, bad wars, they start with a lie, and the peace that comes afterwards, those promises of forgiveness and cooperation and fair play for all... those are lies too, lies wrapped in hope. lie war Robert Ferrigno