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6ad280b "You so need to lighten up about that potato-launcher incident," Butch said. Phury rolled his eyes and eased back in the banquette. "You broke my window." "Of course we did. V and I were aiming for it." "Twice." "Thus proving that he and I are outstanding marksmen." paranormal-romance vampires J.R. Ward
b1d844c "That's you," Wrath said. You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath." "But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate." "How about bASStard?" Z suggested. "Nice. I feel that." fantasy nicknames paranormal-romance sobriquet vampires J.R. Ward
769918c "I'm gonna kill him," Eve said, or at least that was what it sounded like filtered through the pillow. Stake him right in the heart, shove garlic up his ass, and-and-" And what?" (Michael) When did you get home?" Claire demanded. Apparently just in time to hear my funeral plans. I especially like the garlic up the ass. It's...different." humor vampires Rachel Caine
873b679 "Crap, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "I'm thinking we have about fifteen vampires and no blood," Claire said. "Is that it?" "No, I was thinking we're out of chips. Of course that's what I was thinking." humor vampires Rachel Caine
5a47c16 "Isabelle!" he called again. "Let down your raven hair!' "Oh my God," Clary muttered. "There was something in that blood Raphael gave you, wasn't there? I'm going to kill him." city-of-heavenly-fire clary isabelle shadowhunters simon sizzy the-mortal-instruments vampires Cassandra Clare
f3a21d2 "After a moment, Wrath turned to John. "This is Lassiter, the fallen angel. One of the last times he was here on earth, there was a plague in central Europe-" "Okay, that was so not my fault-" "-which wiped out two-thirds of the human population." "I'd like to remind you that you don't like humans." "They smell bad when they're dead." "All you mortal types do." fallen-angel fiction paranormal-romance romance vampires J.R. Ward
13dd19e "There aren't any syringes." Red Sox came over and held a sterile pack out. When she tried to take it from him, he kept a grip on the thing. "I know you'll use this wisely." "Wisely?" She snapped the syringe out of his hand. "No, I'm going to poke him in the eye with it. Because that's what they trained me to do in medical school." humor medical paranormal-romance vampires J.R. Ward
0f48ac7 "That's brain tissue. How can you-?" Claire shut her mouth, fast. "Never mind. I don't think I wanna know." "Truly, I think that's best. Please take it." He showed his teeth briefly in a very unsettling grin. "I'm giving you a piece of my mind." "I so wish you hadn't said that." humor vampires Rachel Caine
a1f36cc "I never lie," I said offhand. "At least not to those I don't love." deciet hate interview-with-the-vampire lestat lie lies love lovers lying secret secrets truth vampire vampires Anne Rice
6fdee3e Sometimes it's not the optimist you need, but another pessimist to walk beside you and know, absolutely know, that the sound in the dark is a monster, and it really is as bad as you think. Did that sound hopeless? It didn't feel hopeless. It felt reassuring. It felt - real. vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
4be4d97 I can't help being a gorgeous fiend. It's just the card I drew. vampires Anne Rice
cd2c20e There was this about vampires : they could never look scruffy. Instead, they were... what was the word... deshabille. It meant untidy, but with bags and bags of style. vampires Terry Pratchett
7ec79ad "Jealous?" "Maybe." "No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse." vampires Rachel Caine
bb2301d Eric moved the broom experimentally and made an attempt to sweep the glass into the pan while it lay in the middle of the floor. Of course, the pan slid away. Eric scowled. I'd finally found something Eric did poorly. humor vampires Charlaine Harris
629ada3 I'm here because she's here, and she belongs to me. ~Rephaim vampires P.C. Cast
61b17ae So this was different. I was amazing now - to them and to myself. It was like I had been born to be a vampire. The idea made me want to laugh, but it also made me want to sing. I had found my true place in the world, the place I fit, the place I shined. vampires Stephenie Meyer
b6def91 "Of course, everyone's going to freak out when you show up at school." "Freak out? Why?" "Because you're so much hotter now than when you left." She shrugged. "It's true. Must be a vampire thing." Simon looked baffled. "I'm hotter now?" "Sure you are. I mean, look at those two. They're both totally into you." She pointed to a few feet in front of them, where Isabelle and Maia had moved to walk side by side, their head bent together. Simon looked up ahead at the girls. Clary could almost swear he was blushing. "Are they? Sometimes they get together and whisper and at me. I have no idea what it's about." "Sure you don't." Clary grinned. "Poor you, you have two cute girls vying for your love. Your life is hard." simon-lewis vampires Cassandra Clare
18d51ff "V settled back against the pillows and measured the hard line of her chin. "Take off your coat." "Excuse me?" "Take it off." "No." "I want it off." "Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you." fantasy jane-witcomb paranormal paranormal-romance vampires vishous J.R. Ward
6dd8b14 "Niall had been able to mask the odor of fairy from Eric in the restaurant, but I saw from the flare of Eric's nostrils that the intoxicating scent clung to me. Eric's eyes closed in ecstasy, and he actually licked his lips. I felt like a T-bone just out of reach of a hungry dog. fairies humor intoxication sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
de12e65 Some loves have to be given up, others have to be forgotten. Strange as it may sound, if you think of me as a monster, but I can love most passionately. I do not think of myself as evil. love monsters vampires Christopher Pike
77802c0 "He's not doing anything he shouldn't be doing, right?" "Like what?" "Like hitting on you." "Ew. No, of course not. He doesn't see me that way." Michael shook his head and went back to his coffee. "What? You think he does?" "Sometimes he looks at you a little... oddly, that's all. Maybe you're right. Maybe he just wants you for your blood." "Again, Ew! What's with you this morning?" "Not enough coffee." funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
62e921d "You humans, always eating. I'll make you soup. You can eat it while you keep working." Myrnin set aside his book and walked into the back of the lab. "Don't use the same beaker you used for poisons!" Claire yelled after him. He waved a pale hand. "I mean it!" funny ghost-town humor myrnin rachel-caine the-morganville-vampires vampires Rachel Caine
1796a5e "Myrnin, who hadn't said much, suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her. She stiffened, shocked, and for a panicked second wondered whether he'd suddenly decided to snack on her neck... but it was just a hug. His body felt cold against hers, and way too close, but then he let go and stepped back. "You've done very well. I'm extremely proud of you," he said. There was a touch of color high in his pale cheeks. "Do go home now. And shower. You reek like the dead." Which, coming from a vampire, was pretty rich." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
1b3013e "You okay?" "Fine." "Your heart's beating really fast." "Gee, thanks. That's very comforting that you can hear it." He smiled, and it was the old Michael, the one she'd first met before all the vamp stuff. "Yeah, I know it is. Sorry. Just stay behind me if there's trouble." "You sound like Shane." "Well, he did say he'd kill me if I got you hurt. I'm just looking after my own neck." "Liar." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampires Rachel Caine
ff302b6 You know what we call pedestrians in Morganville? Mobile bloodbanks. claire-danvers eve-rosser michael-glass mobile morganville-vampires pedestrian shane-collins vampires Rachel Caine
6ba249e "She can go with us to the lab and keep Myrnin pinned down while we pull the plug, if he's not... you know, better." "Define BETTER with that guy." "Not all fangs and raaaaar." funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
7cef417 I am not a bat. ~Rephaim vampires P.C. Cast
e1a6c97 Vampires, real vampires, didn't nibble on the necks of nubile young virgins. They tore people to pieces and sucked the blood out of the chunks. vampires David Wellington
befe081 "Here," Myrnin said, his voice still gentle and low. "Amelie said you had to work. No one said you had to work alone." He picked up the next part and slotted it in, took the screwdriver from Claire's numbed fingers, and fastened it with a couple of deft, fast movements. "I'll be your hands." She wanted to cry, because it was so sweet, but it wouldn't do any good." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
23b4b29 In the spring of 1988, I returned to New Orleans, and as soon as I smelled the air, I knew I was home. It was rich, almost sweet, like the scent of jasmine and roses around our old courtyard. I walked the streets, savoring that long lost perfume. new-orleans vampires Anne Rice
20dbb19 "Myrnin turned away to pick up his Ben Franklin spectacles, balanced them on his nose, and looked over them to say, "Don't do drugs. I feel I ought to say that." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
07d1cda "Oliver laughed - actually laughed."I like this new Claire," he said. "You should work her this hard all the time, Myrnin. She's interesting when she's forthright." Claire, possessed by the spirit of Eve, shot him the finger. Which made him laugh again, shake his head, and walk up the steps." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires oliver rachel-caine vampires Rachel Caine
29d001d "Oh, Claire," he said. "You think me a far better man than I am. That's kind, and flattering." "Are you saying that you -" "Doughnuts!" Myrnin interrupted her and darted away, to zip back in seconds with an open box." doughnuts ghost-town morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
d4bae40 "He'll come back," Simon said again. "For you." vampires Cassandra Clare
80dc264 "Nobody's cut out for this town," Shane said. "Nobody sane anyway." "Says the kid who came back." "Yeah, kind of proves my point." doctor doctor-mills dr-mills ghost-town michael michael-glass morganville-vampires rachel-caine s-claire shane shane-collins the-morganville-vampire-series the-morganville-vampires vampire vampires Rachel Caine
90b03c9 "Promise me, Amelie, that you'll crucify me with silver before you allow me to fall in love." "I hardly think there's any chance of that," Amelie said. "I doubt you have the capacity." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
054d649 Yo, cop. We're heading for Screamer's. You wanna come? vampires J.R. Ward
6de6973 "You've turned into quite a bossy little thing," Myrnin said. "I think I might like it." claire-danvers driving morganville-vampire morganville-vampire-series morganville-vampires myrnin myrnin-and-claire vampire vampires Rachel Caine
807e23f "See?" he said, with an unholy amount of glee. "I hardly broke any laws at all. I should drive more often." "No. Trust me, you shouldn't," Eve said. "Think of all the little old people and the children." driving morganville-vampire morganville-vampire-series morganville-vampires myrnin myrnin-and-claire vampire vampires Rachel Caine
501a874 "He squeezed my shoulder and smiled at me. I realized that I hadn't kissed him hello, I always kissed him hello. Of course, I was still covered in blood and other bodily fluids, and none of them were his, but he might not understand that that was why I hadn't wanted to get too close. Some of my confusion must have shown on my face, because his smile widened. He turned me around by the shoulders, gave me a little push towards the bathroom, and slapped me on the ass. "Get cleaned up, I'll take care of things here." "I can't believe that you just did that," I said. "Did what?" he said, and he was grinning at me. I could probably count on one hand the number of times Micah had grinned at me. His eyes were sparkling with laughter as if it were all he could do not to let it out. I was happy to see him having a good time, really I was. But I wasn't sure what was funny, and I didn't have the courage to ask. It was probably something that would be at my expense, or something I'd just done that he found cute. I was not cute. Confused, fucked-up, bruised, but not cute. Nathaniel and Damian knew better, but as I passed Gregory, I had to say, "If you touch my ass, I will rip you a new one." I said it as I moved past him, not even pausing. "You're no fun," he growled. I looked back just before I turned out of sight of him. "Oh, I'm a lot of fun, just not around you." He snarled at me. "Bitch." "Woof, woof," I said, and finally made it into the bathroom." gregory micah vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
a6941b5 "Bite me, Goth princess," Shane called from the back. "Not literally or anything." "Maybe you should say that to Michael." "Not funny, Eve," Michael said. Eve raised her eyebrows and held her fingers up, measuring off about an inch. "Little bit," she said." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
ae53b03 "Hey!" Claire called after him, as she leaned her backpack against the wall. "No onions!" "Your loss!" "I meant for YOU! Not if you want to get kissed tonight!" "Damn, girl. Harsh." ghost-town halitosis kissing morganville-vampires rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
9209fa3 "Myrnin said softly. "And how is it that you do not understand that HERE, in THIS place, this girl belongs to me, not to you?" -- morganville-vampires myrnin shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
74ecef5 "I have a big hole in my heart," I said. "But it'll close over." I don't want to sound all Dr. Phil," she said. "But don't let the scab seal the pain in, okay?" That's good advice," I said. "I hope I can manage it." bill-compton heartbreak sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
cf7ba1b Vanity, thy name is vampire. thomas-raith vampires vanity Jim Butcher
9025c4a "I'm starved." -Juli "How can you be starved? You just ate a huge bowl of popcorn." -Elspeth "Popcorn isn't food, it's popcorn." -Vicki" food immortals sisters vampires Lynsay Sands
f39075e "You're much shorter than my mom." "Brat," she said, surprised into a giggle. "That's no way to talk to a vampire." "Bloodsucking brat." "Better" he said." doctor-mills ghost-town michael-glass morganville-vampires rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
0d5152f "He started to touch the mechanism under the keyboard, then pulled his hand back with a snap. "Ah," he said. "Must deactivate the security....Turn around, please." "What?" "Turn around, Claire. It's a secure password!" "You have GOT to be kidding." "Why ever would I joke about that? Please turn." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
d487216 I've won Satan's lottery. vampires Christopher Moore
e0bf1c1 "And if you don't think I can hold my own against all those eighteenth-century mortals you were out tagging, then you're a fool, Casanova." ... "Oh, yes, I know all about you." He went still. "What are you talking about?" "I was alive back then. And all the Lore heard about the ruthless warlord brothers from Estonia. The general, the scholar, the enigma, and . . . the manwhore." fey humor immortals-after-dark kresley-cole paranormal-romance valkyrie vampires Kresley Cole
07c132d "Does it give you deja voodoo how alike the houses are?" "That's deja vu, and I hate you right now." "For narcing on you to your mom? Wait until you hear what I tell your dad." From the sly grin on his face, she knew what he was thinking. "Don't you even think about it." "I could tell him about the time we-" "Hell, no." -- doctor doctor-mills dr-mills ghost-town michael michael-glass morganville-vampires rachel-caine s-claire shane shane-collins the-morganville-vampire-series the-morganville-vampires vampire vampires Rachel Caine
d287d37 "Shane, in case we don't ... don't come out of this, I wanted to say..." He glanced over at her, and she felt her whole body warm from it. She remembered that look. It made her feel naked inside and out, but not in a creepy kind of way. In a way that felt.... Free. "If what you say is true, and I guess it has to be, I think I know why we're ... together," he said. "I think I'd fall for you no matter what, Claire. You're kind of awesome." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
0a4b065 "Ugh," he said after a few swallows. "Dead blood." Jace's eyebrows went up. " Isn't all blood dead?" "The longer the animal whose blood I'm drinking has been dead, the worse the blood tastes," Simon explained. "Fresh is better." "But you've never drunk fresh blood. Have you?" Simon raised his own eyebrows in response. "Well, aside from mine, of course," Jace said. "And I'm sure my blood is fan-tastic." blood jace simon vampires Cassandra Clare
770c693 Another vampire pushed her way through the crowd to stand at his side--a pretty blue-haired Asian girl in a silver foil skirt. Clary wondered if there were any ugly vampires, or maybe any fat ones. Maybe they didn't make vampires out of ugly people. Or maybe ugly people just didn't want to live forever. vampires Cassandra Clare
c0d22ea "I'm so glad you're okay." "So, how do we celebrate my okayness? It's my day off. Let's go crazy. Glow-in-the-dark bowling?" "No" "I'll let you use the kiddie ball." "Shut up. I do NOT need the kiddie ball." "The way you bowl, I think you might." He grabbed her in an exaggerated formal dance pose and whirled her around, backpack and all, which didn't make her any more graceful. "Ballroom dancing?" "Are you INSANE?" "Hey, girls who tango are hot." "You think I'm not hot because I don't tango?" He dropped the act. Shane was a smart boy. "I think you are too hot for ballroom or bowling. So you tell me. What do you want to do? And don't say study." ghost-town morganville-vampires rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
02d7c7c "Do you remember the sight we saw, my soul, that soft summer morning round a turning in the path, the disgusting carcass on a bed scattered with stones, its legs in the air like a woman in need burning its wedding poisons like a fountain with its rhythmic sobs, I could hear it clearly flowing with a long murmuring sound, but I touch my body in vain to find the wound. I am the vampire of my own heart, one of the great outcasts condemned to eternal laughter who can no longer smile. death horror murder poetry primal-scene vampires Charles Baudelaire
d0dc707 Memory was a curse, yes, he thought, but it was also the greatest gift. Because if you lost memory you lost everything. blood-and-gold curse gift memory remembering thorne vampire-chronicles vampires Anne Rice
b016b77 "How'd you get to be so good at this?" "I had a good teacher." "Better not have been Myrnin or I'll have to kick his predatory ass." "I mean you, dummy." "Oh." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
f0da36f "He was a nice guy, middle-aged, a little tired, like most doctors usually seemed to be, but he just nodded and said, "Let me take a look at him. Shane?" "I'm not dropping my pants," Shane said. "I just thought I'd say that up front." doctor-mills ghost-town morganville-vampires rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
57f2ad2 "So we get a plan," I said. "Any suggestions?" "Blow up the building," Kincaid said without looking up. "That works good for vampires. Then soak what's left in gasoline. Set it on fire. Then blow it all up again." "For future reference, I was sort of hoping for a suggestion that didn't sound like it came from that Bolshevik Muppet with all the dynamite." humor vampires Jim Butcher
5479881 "Just once" Blay said softly. "Do it just once. So I'll know what it's like." Qhuinn started to shake his head. "No...I don't think-" "Yes" After a moment, Qhuinn slid both his hands up Blay's thick neck and captured the male's sturdy jaw in his palms. "You sure?" When Blay nodded, Qhuinn titled his friend's head back and to the side and held it in place as he slowly closed the distance. Just before their mouths touched, Blay's eyelashes fluttered down and he trembled and- Blay's lips were incredibly sweet and soft. The tongue probably wasn't supposed to be part of it, but there was no helping that. Qhuinn licked inside and then sank deep as his arms slipped around Blay and held him hard. When he finally lifted his head, the look in Blay's eyes said he would let anything happen between them. Let it all happen." paranormal-romance qhuinn vampires J.R. Ward
8e54510 "Yeah, I get it; you're a vampire," she said. "Creepy. And okay, a little hot, I admit." "You don't mean that." "Come on. I still like you, you know, even if you... crave plasma." Michael blinked and looked at her as if he had never seen her before. "You what?" "Like. You." Eve enunciated slowly, as if Michael might not know the words. "Idiot. I always have. What, you didn't know?" Eve sounded cool and grown-up about it, but Claire saw the hectic color in her cheeks, under the makeup. "How clueless are you? Does it come with the fangs?" "I guess I... I just thought... Hell. I just didn't think... You're kind of intimidating, you know." "I'm intimidating? Me? I run like a rabbit from trouble, mostly," Eve said. "It's all show and makeup. You're the one who's intimidating. I mean, come on. All that talent, and you look... Well, you know how you look." " How do I look?" He sounded fascinated now, and he'd actually moved a little closer to Eve on the couch. She laughed. "Oh come on. You're a total model-babe." "You're kidding." "You don't think you are?" He shook his head. "Then you're kind of an idiot, Glass. Smart, but and idiot." Eve crossed her arms. "So? What exactly do you think about me, except that I'm intimidating?" "I think you''re...ah, interesting?" Michael was amazingly bad at this, Claire thought, but then he saved it by looking away and continuing. "I think you're beautiful. And really, really strange." Eve smiled and looked down, and that looked like a real blush, under the rice powder. "Thanks for that, " she said, "I never thought you knew I existed, or if you did, that you thought I was anything but Shane's bratty freak friend." "Well, to be fair, you are Shane's bratty freak friend." "Hey!" "You can be bratty and beautiful," Michael said. "I think it's interesting." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
a87d3e2 "What is he?" "I can't puzzle it out. He doesn't have horns, pointed ears--or apparently a need to eat. He does have small fangs, but he also sports a tan line." "You checked? Natalya, you durrrty bitch." "Hey, I had to determine if he was a blood sucker or not. Now I don't know what to think." kresley-cole vampires Kresley Cole
8c3d813 "She was almost at the top of the steps, and Shane was right behind her, when she heard Myrnin say, in a quiet voice that was like the old Myrnin, the one she actually liked, "I'm sorry, Claire. I never meant - I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't know... I don't know what I am thinking. I wish... I wish things could be like they were before." ghost-town morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
4fbcef7 Sometimes it would be nice not to have to do my best. Sometimes it would just be nice not to have a crisis to deal with. - Anita Blake vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
e07a662 "Claire said. "I might be able to get him to stop." "Who, crazy dude? Maybe. Or he might pull your head off," Shane said. "I kind of worry." She couldn't help but smile. "Yeah?" "A little bit." "That's ...nice." He studied her, and returned the smile. "Yeah," he said. "Kind of is, actually." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins teacher vampire vampires Rachel Caine
804934a You can't go around... licking things that come out of a water treatment plant. That's just... unsanitary. morganville myrnin vampires Rachel Caine
f838c7f "I think so," she [Claire] said. "Just watch your back, okay?" "Nah, Michael's got mine." He [Shane] looked straight into her eyes. "I've got yours." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
ee3b626 With great hotness comes great responsibility. spiderman vampires Alyxandra Harvey
9bb1cf5 Super-secret Ninja Club sounds way cooler than the whole BFF thing. bree-tanner diego labels super-secret-ninja-club vampire vampires Stephenie Meyer
55e5598 Stop your doubting, my love. I knew you would find me. ~Jack vampires Melissa de la Cruz
85cdab9 "Well, friend, I don't know about your tastes, but I tend to like it very bloody," Myrnin said. He shifted position, dragging Claire along like a rag doll without any effort at all. "Have we been introduced?" "Probably not. Why, are you asking me out, sweetheart?" "You're not my type, darling. Is this one yours?" "No," Frank said, and looked at Shane, just in a quick flicker. "Let's say she's a friend of the family." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
79489b7 "I'm faster than the rest of you, if .. Because I'm a vampire," Michael said, and it was some kind of breakthrough for him to say that. "If you get in trouble, I'll be there." "Nice," Shane said. "I'm warming up to this bloodsucking thing, Mikey." "No, you're not." "Okay, no, I'm not, but right now let's pretend I am." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
13004e9 "Yes," he said. "I am sure. I double-checked everything after you went home yesterday. I even made a few improvements, just in case." The first part of that reassured her. The second part... not so much. "What kind of improvements?" "Oh, nothing, really. Mostly just streamlining. You really did very well; I certainly don't want you to think that I am one of those people who has to be in control all the- Oh, well, I suppose that's actually true- I do have to be in control all the time. But only because I am in charge, of course." funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
542dda1 Vampires were always either trying to kill me, or own me. God I hated being popular. sarcasm vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
531fcdf He hung up on her. She'd just been hung up on by a disembodied brain in a jar. Fantastic. vampires Rachel Caine
4976d4f Even bipolar vampires needed sleep from time to time, and he was well past his recommended safe dosage of stress. myrnin vampires Rachel Caine
695f4e7 "That's very rude," Myrnin said. "I haven't brought my fangs our for some time. Not in mixed company, anyway." morganville myrnin vampires Rachel Caine
1c4e7f4 "She took a deep breath, "Last chance. Are you in need of rescuing?" His expression turned very strange, almost as if she'd struck him, "Yes," he said finally." books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
4d00d24 Vampires do breathe, by the way, but their chests don't move like humans'. Have you ever lain in the arms of your sweetheart and tried to match your breathing to his, or hers? You do it automatically. Your brain only gets involved if your body is having trouble. Fortunately there was nothing about this situation that was like being in the arms of a sweetheart except that I was leaning against someone's naked chest. I could no more have breathed with him than I could have ignited gasoline and shot exhaust out my butt because I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car. humor vampires Robin McKinley
0ece14e "So crosses don't do anything against your kind?" Sean asked. "No," Arland said. "There is no mystical force repelling us." "Then why?" "We're forbidden to kill a creature in a moment of prayer or invocation of their deity. Well, we can, technically, but you have to do penance and purify yourself and nobody wants to spend weeks praying and bathing themselves in the sacred cave springs. The water's only a fraction warmer than ice. When one of you holds up a cross, it's difficult to determine whether you're praying, invoking, or just waving it around. So the sane strategy is to back away." vampires Ilona Andrews
e3bb048 Are you a prude?' He seemed genuinely curious. 'No!' But after a second, I said, 'But may be compared to you, yes! I like my privacy. I get to decide who sees me naked. Do you get my point?' 'Yes. Objectively speaking, you have beautiful points.' I thought the top of my head would pop off... (Sookie Stackhouse & Claude, Dead in the Family) paranormal sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
32e36be "Amelie said, "I won't be your servant in Morganville. Nor should you be mine. Equals." She offered her hand to him, and he looked down at it, clearly taken aback. But he took it. "Now defend what is ours, my partner." He grinned ... grinned! ... and whirled to meet Myrnin in midleap as Myrnin attacked." eve-rosser funny ghost-town humor michael-glass morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine shane-collins vampire vampires Rachel Caine
f05f157 Her eyes went so wide they nearly bulged. It was probably wrong of me to find that amusing. Or to want to take a photo of Nicholas with his fangs out and wearing a black cape lined with red satin and then hang it over my pillow in a heart-shaped frame. lucy vampires Alyxandra Harvey
375bcb8 "You see, that's the thing with you detrus," Chase began in a contemplative tone. "Your bodies are abominations. If I severed your arms--" Lothaire yawned loudly. "--you'd merely regenerate from the injury. You might experience pain, but you wouldn't suffer the horror of permanent loss, not like a human." Lothaire grew increasingly bored by this. "When I get free, I believe I'll show you your spine. I'll hand it to you so casually, politely even, as if expecting you to remark upon it." berserker dreams-of-a-dark-warrior immortals-after-dark kresley-cole lore lothaire paranormal-romance regin-the-radiant valkyrie vampires Kresley Cole
ca6a08a The Lone Ranger of vampires. Did that make me Tonto? lone-ranger vampires Robin McKinley
264a096 The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame. blood fear hellsing mythology vampires Kohta Hirano
c600499 "Little mouse," a voice said through the keyhole. "Don't you know the more you wriggle, the greater the cat's delight?" books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
4545dd8 "I never meant it," he was saying. "Never meant it to happen. Can't stand it, seeing her suffer. Must do something, do something... What do I do? What can I do...?" funny ghost-town humor morganville-vampires myrnin rachel-caine vampire vampires Rachel Caine
12b4357 When I thought of the ferocity and strength of the fairy race, and the fact that it took all I had to open the damn blister pack and extricate the water pistols, my chosen method of defense seemed ludicrous. I'd be armed with a plastic water pistol and a trowel. dead-and-gone fairies sookie-stackhouse trowel vampires Charlaine Harris
e8d5948 There are vampires. They are real, they are of our time, and they are here, close by, stalking us as we sleep... dracula real sleep stalking vampires Nicky Raven
3c6d3b6 "Stare at him," said Ghost. "They won't bite you if you keep staring at them." Steve backed away. "They bite?" Not really. They hiss at you, mostly. The only time geese are ever dangerous is when you happen to be standing on the edge of a cliff. I heard about a guy that almost got killed that way." By geese?" Yeah, there was a whole flock of them coming after him. All hissing and cackling and stabbing at his ankles with their big ol' beaks. He didn't know you had to stare them right in the eye, and he panicked. They backed him right over a fifty-foot cliff." So how come he didn't die?" This guy had wings," said Ghost. "He flew away." supernatural vampires Poppy Z. Brite
eb7bf4f Good? No, that didn't go far enough. She'd made him feel... alive. Awakened. black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward vampires zsadist J.R. Ward
f38d5b9 He whom the gods love dies young. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Menander
fd7fcb4 How is Eric?' 'Very tightly wound. Plus, a lot of stuff happened that he'll tell you about.' 'Thanks for the warning. I'll go to the house now. You're my favorite breather.' 'Oh. Well ... great.' She hung up. pam sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
4a546b4 Sometime, somewhere, life always comes to a fight, and peace always comes to an end. caine fighting life morganville morganville-vampires peace vampires war Rachel Caine
84d2cbe It was Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the television series, 1997-2003, not the lackluster movie that preceded it) that blazed the trail for Twilight and the slew of other paranormal romance novels that followed, while also shaping the broader urban fantasy field from the late 1990s onward. Many of you reading this book will be too young to remember when Buffy debuted, so you'll have to trust us when we say that nothing quite like it had existed before. It was thrillingly new to see a young, gutsy, kick-ass female hero, for starters, and one who was no Amazonian Wonder Woman but recognizably ordinary, fussing about her nails, her shoes, and whether she'd make it to her high school prom. Buffy's story contained a heady mix of many genres (fantasy, horror, science-fiction, romance, detective fiction, high school drama), all of it leavened with tongue-in-cheek humor yet underpinned by the serious care with which the Buffy universe had been crafted. Back then, Whedon's dizzying genre hopping was a radical departure from the norm-whereas today, post-Buffy, no one blinks an eye as writers of urban fantasy leap across genre boundaries with abandon, penning tender romances featuring werewolves and demons, hard-boiled detective novels with fairies, and vampires-in-modern-life sagas that can crop up darn near anywhere: on the horror shelves, the SF shelves, the mystery shelves, the romance shelves. joss-whedon pop-culture twilight vampires Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
cb8c66c Maybe it was that nearly everyone else was dead and she felt a little bit dead too, but she figured that even a vampire deserved to be saved. Maybe she ought to leave him, but she wasn't going to. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
2f48570 "We want you to tell us about vampires." Simon grinned. "What do you want to know? Scariest is Eli in Let the Right One In, cheesiest is late-era Lestat, most underrated is David Bowie in The Hunger. Sexiest is definitely Drusilla, though if you ask a girl, she'll probably say Damon Salvatore or Edward Cullen. But..." he shrugged, "You know girls." Julie's and Beatriz's eyes were wide. "I didn't think you'd know so many!" Beatriz exclaimed. "Are they... are they your friends?" "Oh, sure, Count Dracula and I are like this," Simon said, crossing his fingers to demonstrate. "Also Count Chocula. Oh, and my BFF Count Blintzula. He's a real charmer...." He trailed off as he realized no one else was laughing. In fact, no one seemed to realize he was joking. "They're from TV," he prompted them. "Or, uh, cereal." "What's he talking about?" Julie asked Jon, perfect nose wrinkling up in confusion. "Who cares?" Jon said." vampires Cassandra Clare
c023feb Some people had attack dogs. Ghastek had attack lawyers. vampires Ilona Andrews
5488620 "As exits go, that's a good one." It was pretty hard to have the last word with a vampire." charlaine-harris vampires Charlaine Harris
cf6509f And mortal terror in a female was Z's favorite turn-on. He got off on it like most males favored crap from Victoria's Secret. turn-on vampire vampires victoria-s-secret zsadist J.R. Ward
8bb1560 The late hour is such a friend; it has been for so many years. There is not a soul around as I carry Riley downstairs and dump him in my trunk. It is good, for I am not in the mood to kill again, and murder, for me, is very much tied to my mood, like making love. Even when it is necessary. vampires Christopher Pike
a9d59a2 "Leave him alone!" Debbie shouted. "Shut up, please, or I'll kill you," Mr Tiny replied." darren-shan debbie mr-tiny vampires Darren Shan
33ad0e1 "So, been attacked by any vampires yet?" "Not one." "Zombies? Giant spiders? Water monsters?" It's been really quiet on the supernatural front" "Too bad, 'cause I got attacked by a devil dog. It was not awesome." dogs fall-of-night giant-spider supernatural vampires water-monster zombie Rachel Caine
9ecd7a6 Okay, okay, okay ... go to your corners, boys. This is a nice Aubusson carpet you're standing on. You get blood on it and I'll have Fritz so far up my ass I'll be coughing on his hankie. jr-ward lover-mine vampires ward J.R. Ward
385e756 Keep going' she told herself, 'Don't look back.' But she looked anyways. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
ceccb87 I don't want to be a vampire' she told herself. But in her dreams, she kind of did. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
82d3568 "Be careful," Aidan called from the bed. "You don't know what he might do." "We all know what you'd do, though, don't we?" beautiful books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
5510f8f Look upon me, Mistress. Watch as I wither! black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-awakened mistress vampires zsadist J.R. Ward
3b676a2 Family. Couldn't live with them, couldn't run a stake through them. humor vampires Chloe Neill
ae0b1cd I look at you, and I see the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Inside and out you are beautiful. I know you better than anyone else could ever know you, because I can see into your thoughts and read your memories. The very light in you, our tremendous capacity for loving, humbles me. dark-secret paranormal vampires Christine Feehan
f3ff774 "So why are you so mad at me for kissing you?" "Because you took too long. If you'd done that, say, three years ago, we wouldn't have only had one kiss before we both get horribly mutilated." -- romance-funny romantic ushers vampires werewolves young-adult zombies Rusty Fischer
fee373b "Are you sure?" Aidan asked, "Gavriel's still a vampire." "He warned me about you and about them. He didn't have to. I'm not going to repay that by-" she hesitated, then frowned. "What did you call him?" "That's his name," Aidan sighed, "Gavriel. The other vampires, while they were tying me to the bed, they said his name." "Oh." With a final tug she pulled the blanked free and tossed it over to 'Gavriel" beautiful books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
b2c69e2 As I stepped onto the gloomy landing a word formed in my mind: two syllables, starts with a V and rhymes with dire. I froze in place. Nightingale said that everything was true, after a fashion, and that had to include vampires, didn't it? I doubted they were anything like they were in books and on TV, and one thing was for certain -- they absolutely weren't going to sparkle in the sunlight. funny humour sparkle vampires Ben Aaronovitch
5c054f9 I worry that when you start quoting Machiavelli to justify your actions, you have ceased to be one of the good guys. vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
f5847f5 I'm sorry,' she said to each of the dead as she unzipped and unfastened their things, 'I'm sorry Courtney. I'm sorry Marcus. I'm sorry Rachel. I'm sorry Jon. I'm sorry I'm alive and you're dead. I'm sorry I was asleep. I'm sorry I didn't save you and now I'm taking your things. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
0ef2444 You said you were allowed to lose it,' some part of her reminded herself. 'Not yet, not yet. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
e20942b But I couldn't leave Hunter alone in the house, and I would've felt terrible if I'd asked Eric to go out in the woods by himself, even though I knew he wouldn't think anything about it. In fact, probably he'd have sent Pam. pam sookie-stackhouse urban-fantasy vampires Charlaine Harris
1b3a1e0 It's a sweet setup, I'll admit. For all that the maids STILL show up each day with jumbo crucifixes, jumpy movements, and red eyes from crying over the short straw that drew them vampire duty.' Yesterday, she'd just stopped herself from raising her clenched hands above her head and chasing one of them around the room groaning, 'I vant to suck your blood. kresley-cole vampire vampires Kresley Cole
dd5b2eb I know it's practical for career women, but sneakers with suits? Jesus couldn't possibly weep harder than I did. fashion humor vampires MaryJanice Davidson
8d11271 "Good evening, gentlemen!' said the vampire. 'Please pay attention. I am a humor vampires Terry Pratchett
8c743d6 The weight of the dead was heavier than the pounds of the body. black-dagger-brotherhood jr-ward lover-avenged vampires J.R. Ward
d7dfe12 Pam. Listen.' 'The phone is pressed to my ear. Speak.' 'Appius Livius Ocella just dropped in.' 'Fuck a zombie!' - Sookie & Pam, Dead in the Family, Charlaine Harris fantasy paranormal sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
42ea1d6 "Behind Tana there was the sounds of splintering wood, as though something very large had hot the door. "No," she said softly, "Oh no. No." "Leave me," said Gavriel. ....."Shut up or I might," she told him." books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
41ac999 "You may stay. But Jessica, please watch what you say and do. Don't look them in the eyes for long. Speak only when spoken to. Yes, sir; yes, ma'am." "Sit up. Arf," I teased. "What about her?" Jessica cried, pointing in my general direction. "She's more in need of an etiquette lesson than I am." "Yeah," I said, "but I'm the Queen. With a capital fucking Q. Hey, you're looking me in the eyes for too long! Eric, make her stop!" humor vampires MaryJanice Davidson
e15b4db I sidestepped the vampire's rush, and drove my half of the former blasting rod down at its back, Buffy-like. Maybe it works better on television. harry-dresden vampires Jim Butcher
8a105b1 [I]t seemed to me now that a Catholic church was the right companion for all these horrors. Didn't Catholicism deal with blood and resurrected flesh on a daily basis? Wasn't it expert in superstition? I somehow doubted that the hospitable plain Protestant chapels that dotted the university could be much help; they didn't look qualified to wrestle with the undead. I felt sure those big square Puritan churches on the town green would be helpless in the face of a European vampire. A little witch burning was more in their line--something limited to the neighbors. church protestantism vampires Elizabeth Kostova
6ffb76b In the dream, Tana's mother loved her more than anyone or anything. More than death. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
7310826 His voice had a faint trace of an accent she couldn't place - one that made her pretty sure he was no local kid infected the night before. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
573ee56 "Okay," I said. "I'd hoped to avoid this, but... Bill, I rescind your invitation into my house." Bill began walking backward to the door, a helpless look on his face, and my brush still in his hand. Eric grinned at him triumphantly. "Eric," I said, and his smile faded. "I rescind your invitation into my house." And backward he went, out my door and off my porch. The door slammed shut behind (or maybe in front of?) them." club-dead eric-northman sookie-stackhouse vampires Charlaine Harris
080630c "May I search it?" she asked. "We screen for weapons." I stared at her, always a risky thing to do to a vampire. "Of course not. I have no weapons." sophie-a vampires Charlaine Harris
bffd6ce There will never be slaves in Britain,' Godalming continued, 'but those who stay warm will naturally serve us, as the excellent Bessie has just served me. Have a care, lest you wind up the equivalent of some damned regimental water-bearer.' In India, I knew a water-bearer who was a better man than most. horror vampires Kim Newman
c8dd12c I'm not the one going for a biology degree. I'm just a philosophy major who eats people. funny humor parasites vampires zombies Scott Westerfeld
fe22a5b "But I also slaughtered you real mother and father. In a moment of mad rage, I took their lives and left you an orphan. If you choose to take my life as a payment for theirs, you will be within your rights and no vampire will hold it against you. Pass judgment on me, Gavner Purl, and let your hand rise or fall as destiny decides it must." -Larten Crepsley" larten-crepsely palace-of-the-damned vampires Darren Shan
7718289 please,Tana,please.' -lots of characters in The Coldest Girl in Coldtown books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
af12949 Why would a vampire create a younger vampire if there was a possibility the young one might end up destroying the old one?' Stephin stared. 'If you can explain to me how this is different from parenting in general I might know how to answer that. vampires Adam Rex
be3d140 Why write a song when no one can play the notes or understand the lyrics? humor series vampires Christopher Moore
1e354a9 He saw trust. Complete trust. It was a gift, a precious one, and it humbled him. I've got you, Emeline. I will always be with you. Dragomire to Emeline, Dark Legacy, Dark #27 crime dark-27 dark-legacy fantasy mystery paranormal romance vampires Christine Feehan
cc3484b The Catholic Church sees voluntary vampirism as a kind of suicide. I tend to agree. Though the Pope also excommunicated all animators, unless we ceased raising the dead. Fine; I became Episcopalian. episcopalians vampires Laurell K. Hamilton
900ae89 The Shrink always warned me that carriers stay wracked with lifelong guilt. It's not an uplifting thing having turned lovers into monsters. We feel bad that we haven't turned into monsters ourselves--survivor's guilt, that's called. And we feel a bit stupid that we didn't notice our own symptoms earlier. I mean, I'd been sort of wondering why the Atkins diet was giving me night vision. But that hadn't seemed like something to worry about... funny guilt humor ombies parasites vampires Scott Westerfeld
e54ab6d for frail but surprisingly strong fairies who had lost their way above ground for burned mermaids and sick vampire girls for wild wolfish women with sharp teeth and leaves in their hair feminism girls mermaids strength vampires wild-women wolves women Francesca Lia Block
63380ed Quant au sang, ah, le sang, le sujet entier me fascine. En plus, j'aime ca, quand ca coule tout chaud et que je suis assoiffee. Et je le suis souvent. la-vampire-1 vampires Christopher Pike
399f563 Slicker than snot on a door handle. paranormal vampires witches Kim Harrison