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2ed50b0 What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. labels names personality William Shakespeare
3e82b81 And I came to believe that good and evil are names for what people do, not for what they are. All we can say is that this is a good deed, because it helps someone or that's an evil one because it hurts them. People are too complicated to have simple labels. complicated deed evil good labels name people Philip Pullman
82ad1ba Sometimes letting go is simply changing the labels you place on an event. Looking at the same event with fresh eyes. agreement-with-reality changing inspirational labels letting-go life motivational Steve Maraboli
9bb1cf5 Super-secret Ninja Club sounds way cooler than the whole BFF thing. bree-tanner diego labels super-secret-ninja-club vampire vampires Stephenie Meyer
4c45e24 There must be some Tommy Hilfiger event horizon, beyond which it is impossible to be more derivative, more removed from the source, more devoid of soul. labels social-commentary society trends William Gibson
3338317 It's possible to name everything and to destroy the world. control destruction labels life names nomenclature Kathy Acker
b91e863 Who are you?' I didn't understand the question. I'm Uri', he said. 'What's your name?' I gave him my name. 'Stopthief. labels milkweed name self Jerry Spinelli
2df1e6b I do not think much of ages. People are people. What does it matter how old or young they are? It is a category, and I do not like categories. It is a sort of pigeonhole or a label. labels Louis L'Amour
01434eb HONEY: (Apologetically, holding up her brandy bottle) I peel labels. GEORGE: We all peel labels, sweetie; and when you get through the skin, all three layers, through the muscle, slosh aside the organs (An aside to NICK) them which is still sloshable--(Back to HONEY) and get down to know what you do then? HONEY: (Terribly interested) No! GEORGE: When you get down to bone, you haven't got all the way, yet. There's something inside the bone...the marrow...and that's what you gotta get at. (A strange smile at MARTHA) facade labels marrow Edward Albee
49cd085 As a teenager, I began to question the Great Christian Sorting System. My gay friends in high school were kind and funny and loved me, so I suspected that my church had placed them in the wrong category... Injustices in the world needed to be addressed and not ignored. Christians weren't good; people who fought for peace and justice were good. I had been lied to, and in my anger at being lied to about the containers, I left the church. But it turns out, I hadn't actually escaped the sorting system. I had just changed the labels. church labels religion Nadia Bolz-Weber
c2408ae At any rate, Therese thought, she was happier than she ever had been before. And why worry about defining everything? fluid-sexuality happy labels lesbian lgbt patricia-highsmith sexuality the-price-of-salt Patricia Highsmith
e86e526 One century's saint is the next century's heretic ... and one century's heretic is the next century's saint. It is as well to think long and calmly before affixing either name to any man. dogma heresy labels orthodoxy religion sainthood stigma Ellis Peters
a97baf4 "YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO BE WEAK Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Notice any labels you attach to crying or feeling vulnerable. Let go of the labels. Just feel what you are feeling, all the while cultivating moment-to-moment awareness, riding the waves of "up" and "down," "good" and "bad," "weak" and "strong," until you see that they are all inadequate to fully describe your experience. Be with the experience itself. Trust in your deepest strength of all: to be present, to be wakeful." experience feeling good-and-bad labels meditation mindfulness moment-to-moment-awareness present riding-the-waves strength strong trust up-and-down vulnerable wakeful weak weak-and-strong Jon Kabat-Zinn
3f84edd Stay away from people who don't know who they are but want you to be just like them. People who'll want to label you. People who'll try to write their fears on your face. fear haters jerks labels projecting Richard Peck
e7c6235 The artist and the politician stand at opposite poles. The artist enhances life by his prolonged concentration upon it, while the politician emphasizes the impersonal aspect of life by his attempts to fit men into groups. labels politicians stereotypes Richard Wright