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bc4070c Fall down again, Bella?' No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face. eclipse emmet-cullen jacob-black stephenie-meyer twilight werewolf Stephenie Meyer
04db088 Why am I covered in feathers breaking-dawn twilight Stephenie Meyer
7956877 You're intoxicated by my very presence. twilight Stephenie Meyer
0f59203 Life sucks, and then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky. life twilight Stephenie Meyer
63c3305 I wanted the monster back and that was plainly wrong. eclipse edward-cullen ian-o-shea new-moon soul the-host twilight wanderer Stephenie Meyer
be9bf89 A hundred yards away, Mike Newton was lowering Bella's limp body to the sidewalk. She slumped unresponsively against the wet concrete, her skin chalky as a corpse. I almost took the door off the car. car edward-cullen midnight-sun mike overreaction twilight Stephenie Meyer
f0b1335 Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. twilight Stephenie Meyer
a547cac No headboards were broken. humor twilight John Green
4d5d3fa "Isn't it supposed to be like this?" He smiled. "The glory of first love, and all that. It's incredible, isn't it, the difference between reading about something, seeing it in the pictures, and experiencing it?" "Very different," I agreed. "More forceful than I'd imagined." edward-cullen first-love twilight Stephenie Meyer
0d34270 Oh, that's just great. I come all the way back here, risking major brain cell burnout, and you don't even believe me? I'm basically guaranteeing myself a lifetime of heartbreak, and all you have to say is that you think I'm not right in the head? heaven-sent hector-da-silva jesse susannah-simon suze twilight Meg Cabot
c993486 I watched her, waiting. She smiled. Her lips curved up and the edges, and her chocolate eyes warmed. I'd just admitted to stalking her, and she was smiling. midnight-sun twilight Stephenie Meyer
3548a6c Anne came dancing home in the purple winter twilight across the snowy places. snow twilight L.M. Montgomery
5f8ad47 "Edward can do everything, right?" I explained. Jasper snickered and Esme gave Edward a reproving look. "I hope you haven't been showing off-it's rude," she scolded. "Just a bit," he laughed freely. "He's been too modest actually," I corrected. "Well, play for her," Esme encouraged. "You just said showing off was rude," he objected. "There are exceptions to every rule," she replied." edward-cullen esme-cullen jasper-hale twilight Stephenie Meyer
bb366f7 "It might do wonders for your marriage," Amelia continued. "It's lovely to talk to your husband after you've been to bed together. They just lie there feeling grateful and say yes to everything." - Amelia to Poppy" lisa-kleypas poppy tempt twilight Lisa Kleypas
52ee555 but you see, just because we've been...dealt a certain doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above- to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. to try to retain whatever essential humanity we can. twilight Stephenie Meyer
c9ced7b Like a stalker. An obsessed stalker. An obsessed, vampire stalker edward midnight-sun stalker stephenie-meyer twilight vampire Stephenie Meyer
287bacf It's late,' he said again, murmuring, almost crooning now, his voice smoother than silk. 'Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love. edward love twilight Stephenie Meyer
a2f21f0 I believe that. But I want you to know something -- when it comes to all this enemies nonsense, I'm out. I am a neutral country. I am Switzerland. I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures. Jacob is family. You are . . . well, not exactly the love of my life, because I expect to love you for much longer than that. The love of my existence. I don't care who's a werewolf and who's a vampire. If Angela turns out to be a witch, she can join the party, too. love stephenie-meyer twilight Stephenie Meyer
8cf70c3 "How old are you?" she asked. My answer was automatic and ingrained. "Seventeen." "And how long have you been seventeen?" midnight-sun stephenie-meyer twilight Stephenie Meyer
ebf613f Stop being so... optimistic. It's getting on my nerves. twilight Stephenie Meyer
5d84f2e I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented. And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I wasn't as eager to escape Forks as I should be, as any normal, sane person would be. twilight Stephenie Meyer
b22266b I didn't want to kill girls... even vampire girls. Though I might make an exception for that blonde. twilight Stephenie Meyer
7844741 Your scent is like a drug to me like my own personal brand of heroin. twilight Stephenie Meyer
c577f73 Well... don't be offended, but you smell like a dog. edward-cullen twilight Stephenie Meyer
910782b It was sort of the pattern to my life - I'd never been strong enough to deal with the things outside my control, to attack the enemies or outrun them. To avoid the pain. Always human and weak, the only thing I'd ever been able to do was keep going. Endure. Survive. bella-swan breaking-dawn life stephenie-meyer twilight Stephenie Meyer
2e3828a I know you're frustrated that he's keeping you locked up like this, but don't give him too bad a time when he gets back. He loves you more than you know. It terrifies him to be away from you. rosalie twilight Stephenie Meyer
d81636a I looked at the stained-glass image of the lamb in the window above me, but that only reminded me that lambs are famous for being led to slaughter, or sometimes hanging out with lions in ill-advised relationships. funny humor humour lambs slaughter twilight Maureen Johnson
8d91706 I was a vampire, and she had the sweetest blood I'd smelled in eighty years. edward-cullen edward-cullen-quote midnight-sun romance twilight twilight-saga vampire Stephenie Meyer
84d2cbe It was Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the television series, 1997-2003, not the lackluster movie that preceded it) that blazed the trail for Twilight and the slew of other paranormal romance novels that followed, while also shaping the broader urban fantasy field from the late 1990s onward. Many of you reading this book will be too young to remember when Buffy debuted, so you'll have to trust us when we say that nothing quite like it had existed before. It was thrillingly new to see a young, gutsy, kick-ass female hero, for starters, and one who was no Amazonian Wonder Woman but recognizably ordinary, fussing about her nails, her shoes, and whether she'd make it to her high school prom. Buffy's story contained a heady mix of many genres (fantasy, horror, science-fiction, romance, detective fiction, high school drama), all of it leavened with tongue-in-cheek humor yet underpinned by the serious care with which the Buffy universe had been crafted. Back then, Whedon's dizzying genre hopping was a radical departure from the norm-whereas today, post-Buffy, no one blinks an eye as writers of urban fantasy leap across genre boundaries with abandon, penning tender romances featuring werewolves and demons, hard-boiled detective novels with fairies, and vampires-in-modern-life sagas that can crop up darn near anywhere: on the horror shelves, the SF shelves, the mystery shelves, the romance shelves. joss-whedon pop-culture twilight vampires Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
2b4eb8d "That's certainly a problem. But that's not what I was thinking of. It's just that you are so soft, so fragile. I have to mind my actions every moment that we're together so that I don't hurt you. I could kill you quite easily, Bella, simply by accident." His voice had become just a soft murmur. He moved his icy palm to rest it against my cheek. "If I was too hasty... if for one second I wasn't paying enough attention, I could reach out, meaning to touch your face, and crush your skull by mistake. You don't realize how incredibly breakable you are. I can never, never afford to lose any kind of control when I'm with you." romance twilight Stephenie Meyer
ae8839c What is a valid reason for someone to love someone else? Since apparently I'm doing it wrong. twilight Stephenie Meyer
49561d8 It was growing dark on this long southern evening, and suddenly, at the exact point her finger had indicated, the moon lifted a forehead of stunning gold above the horizon, lifted straight out of filigreed, light-intoxicated clouds that lay on the skyline in attendant veils. Behind us, the sun was setting in a simultaneous congruent withdrawal and the river turned to flame in a quiet duel of gold....The new gold of moon astonishing and ascendant, he depleted gold of sunset extinguishing itself in the long westward slide, it was the old dance of days in the Carolina marshes, the breathtaking death of days before the eyes of children, until the sun vanished, its final signature a ribbon of bullion strung across the tops of water oaks. childhood memories moon nature south-carolina sun sunset twilight Pat Conroy
1b3f462 I can do this, I lied to myself feebly. No one was going to bite me. funny twilight vampire Stephenie Meyer
19a0447 One of the many hazards of socializing with vampires. It makes you smell bad. A minor hazard, comparatively. twilight Stephenie Meyer
5ffddf4 Do you like scary stories? he asked ominously. Jacob Black jacob-black twilight Stephenie Meyer
e6a1c0b "She's just a little faint," I reassured Mrs. Hammond. "They're blood typing in biology." midnight-sun stephenie-meyer twilight Stephenie Meyer
3dbbe7b "I glared at him. "I may not die now... but I'm going to die sometime. Every minute of the day, I get closer. And I'm going to get old." bella-swan twilight Stephenie Meyer
bb2e1ff I wasn't interesting. And he was. Interesting... and brilliant... and mysterious... and perfect... and beautiful... and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand. -Bella Swan twilight twilight-saga Stephenie Meyer
0d420db I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful. chapter-1 p-19 twilight Stephenie Meyer
854e18b I came to witness. I stay to fight. twilight Stephenie Meyer
229b937 "The cloudless day is richer at its close; A golden glory settles on the lea; Soft, stealing shadows hint of cool repose To mellowing landscape, and to calming sea. And in that nobler, gentler, lovelier light, The soul to sweeter, loftier bliss inclines; Freed form the noonday glare, the favour'd sight Increasing grace in earth and sky divines. But ere the purest radiance crowns the green, Or fairest lustre fills th' expectant grove, forest love love-lost lustre melancholy memory nature pantheism reminiscence romance sadness sky twilight H. P. Lovecraft
d6d2a3a It was still twilight when they reached the flat rock. They sat, and the stone still held the warmth of the day's sun. At first there were only occasional sparkles, but as it got darker Chuck was lost in a daze pf delight as a galaxy of fireflies twinkled on and off, flinging upward in a blaze of light, dropping earthward like falling stars, moving in contiuous effervescent dance. fireflies rock stars sun twilight warmth Madeleine L'Engle
3d78b59 She could be lively only in the midst of life; in isolation she dwindled to a shadow. life madame-de-prie social-life twilight Stefan Zweig
e1d3afa "Now the evening's at its noon, its meridian. The outgoing tide has simmered down, and there's a lull-like the calm in the eye of a hurricane - before the reverse tide starts to set in. The last acts of the three-act plays are now on, and the after-theater eating places are beginning to fill up with early comers; Danny's and Lindy's - yes, and Horn & Hardart too. Everybody has got where they wanted to go - and that was out somewhere. Now everybody will want to get back where they came from - and that's home somewhere. Or as the coffee-grinder radio, always on the beam, put it at about this point: 'New York, New York, it's a helluva town, The Bronx is up, the Battery's down, And the people ride around in a hole in the ground. Now the incoming tide rolls in; the hours abruptly switch back to single digits again, and it's a little like the time you put your watch back on entering a different time zone. Now the buses knock off and the subway expresses turn into locals and the locals space themselves far apart; and as Johnny Carson's face hits millions of screens all at one and the same time, the incoming tide reaches its crest and pounds against the shore. There's a sudden splurge, a slew of taxis arriving at the hotel entrance one by one as regularly as though they were on a conveyor belt, emptying out and then going away again. Then this too dies down, and a deep still sets in. It's an around-the-clock town, but this is the stretch; from now until the garbage-grinding trucks come along and tear the dawn to shreds, it gets as quiet as it's ever going to get. This is the deep of the night, the dregs, the sediment at the bottom of the coffee cup. The blue hours; when guys' nerves get tauter and women's fears get greater. Now guys and girls make love, or kill each other or sometimes both. And as the windows on the 'Late Show' title silhouette light up one by one, the real ones all around go dark. And from now on the silence is broken only by the occasional forlorn hoot of a bogged-down drunk or the gutted-cat squeal of a too sharply swerved axle coming around a turn. Or as Billy Daniels sang it in Golden Boy: While the city sleeps, And the streets are clear, There's a life that's happening here. ("New York Blues")" evening midnight new-york-city night the-blue-hour twilight Cornell Woolrich
30e2721 Meanwhile the sunsets are mad orange fools raging in the gloom.... gloom orange sunset twilight Jack Kerouac
e519206 A life without envy, hatred and lies was not a life worth living. hatred lies madame-de-prie twilight Stefan Zweig
1ff1ff2 Warm summer twilight here in upper Illinois country in this little town deep far away from everything, kept to itself by a river and a forest and a meadow and a lake. The sidewalks still scorched. The stores closing and the streets shadowed. And there were two moons; the clock moon with four ' faces in four night directions above the solemn black courthouse, and the real moon rising in vanilla whiteness from the dark east. evening twilight Ray Bradbury
2d5955b Julie started the engine, and the air around the BSA danced to life, this time enclosing them in a roaring privacy - a momentary country, trembling at the curb. Outside, beyond their borders, the honey-slow twilight was thinning and quickening to a cold, dusty lavender. Skateboarders hurtled past like moths, urgently contorted, one-dimensional in the pale headlights rushing up the hill toward them. motorcycle privacy skateboarders twilight Peter S. Beagle
334381d "Almost Myself On a twilight road, I met a young man with my face. A denizen of some distant dust devil in drifter denim. We stood and eyed each other, then, with a look of mutual disdain, we parted. doppelgänger drifter hitchhiking poem poems-on-life poetry supernatural-mystery twilight twin-soul Stewart Stafford