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6050750 "Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot." "He's the sun god," I said. "That's not what I meant." gods hot olympians percy-jackson sun thalia Rick Riordan
fc69efc It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. summer sun wind winter Charles Dickens
4bc82ba Can you see the sunset real good on the West side? You can see it on the East side too. geography sun sunset S.E. Hinton
7c67463 Love, that moves the sun and the other stars love sun Dante Alighieri
6198c55 He stepped down, avoiding any long look at her as one avoids long looks at the sun, but seeing her as one sees the sun, without looking. anna-karenina avoiding flattery gaze love stare sun tolstoy Leo Tolstoy
e5e66e0 Putting out the stars and extinguishing the sun. sun Ray Bradbury
1f34730 By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp. mother sun Cormac McCarthy
00568c5 The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun. sun F. Scott Fitzgerald
cce1ed4 The sky is blue today, Max, and there is a big long cloud, and it's stretched out, like a rope. At the end of it, the sun is like a yellow hole. . . cloud liesel max sun the-book-thief weather Markus Zusak
7f82f77 If you're listening to this, congratulations! You survived Doomsday. I'd like to apologize straightaway for any inconvenience the end of the world may have caused you. The earthquakes, rebellions, riots,tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, and of course the giant snake who swallowed the sun--I'm afraid most of that was our fault. Carter and I decided we should at least explain how it happened. destruction earthquakes floods funny funny-and-random giant-snake humour ra rebellious riordan riots sadie-kane serpent snake sun survive tornado tsunamis Rick Riordan
d664c0c I am alive, and drunk on sunlight. drunk jaime-lannister sun sunlight George R.R. Martin
f09239a It is hard to be angry when one has seen the sun rise,' she said. It seems to be true,' he admitted. 'I wonder why.' Because it makes one feel so small and insignificant. It has been rising forever and will rise forever no matter what we do or do not do. All our problems are as nothing to the sun. emotion life philosophy sun David Gemmell
84b65d8 The Love that moves the sun and the other stars. stars sun Dante Alighieri
5ae56b6 "Why's it so sunny?" she repeated. Zooey observed her rather narrowly. "I bring the sun wherever I go, buddy," he said." sun J.D. Salinger
60dc4e0 Our problems started in Dallas, when the fire-breathing sheep destroyed the King Tut exhibit. destruction earthquakes floods funny funny-and-random giant-snake humour ra rebellious riordan riots sadie-kane serpent snake sun survive tornado tsunamis Rick Riordan
20d9330 The fish is my friend too...I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun? We were born lucky; he thought killing luck man moon nature stars sun Ernest Hemingway
1a7c393 Up then, fair phoenix bride, frustrate the sun; Thyself from thine affection Takest warmth enough, and from thine eye All lesser birds will take their jollity. Up, up, fair bride, and call Thy stars from out their several boxes, take Thy rubies, pearls, and diamonds forth, and make Thyself a constellation of them all; And by their blazing signify That a great princess falls, but doth not die. Be thou a new star, that to us portends Ends of much wonder; and be thou those ends. brides brightness happiness imagery jewels joy light metaphors phoenix radiance stars sun wedding John Donne
00af4bf Do you see that out there? The strange, unfamiliar light? It's called the sun. Let's go get us a little. sun sunlight Nora Roberts
1b686bc The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn't ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age; for the sake of Eden; to please the moon for all I know. golden-age moon sun Elizabeth Coatsworth
d78fb63 Too much sun after a Syracuse winter does strange things to your head, makes you feel strong, even if you aren't. sun syracuse weather winter Laurie Halse Anderson
ffa4f4c What a great thing, to be loved! What a greater thing still, to love! The heart becomes heroic though passion...if no one loved, the sun would go out. love sun Victor Hugo
7000607 "Yes, an actual full-sized camel. If you find that confusing, just think how the criosphinx must have felt. Where did the camel come from, you ask? I may have mentioned Walt's collection of amulets. Two of them summoned disgusting camels. I'd met them before, so I was less than excited when a ton of dromedary flesh flew across my line of sight, plowed into the sphinx, and collapsed on top of it. The sphinx growled in outrage as it tried to free itself. The camel grunted and farted. "Hindenburg," I said. Only one camel could possibly fart that badly. "Walt, why in the world--?" "Sorry!" he yelled. "Wrong amulet!" The technique worked, at any rate. The camel wasn't much of a fighter, but it was quite heavy and clumsy. The criosphinx snarled and clawed at the floor, trying unsuccessfully to push the camel off; but Hindenburg just splayed his legs, made alarmed honking sounds, and let loose gas. I moved to Walt's side and tried to get my bearings." destruction earthquakes floods funny funny-and-random giant-snake humour ra rebellious riordan riots sadie-kane serpent snake sun survive tornado tsunamis Rick Riordan
6479468 People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of love. Anyone tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower on a field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the horizon. invisible love moon mystery passion soulmate sun visible witch Paulo Coelho
81e2e60 I am alive, I live, I breathe, I put my hand out, unfolded, into the sunlight. life nature sun Margaret Atwood
0b1f52e "Max." Fang let go of my hand. "Right now, it's really all about--us." He swooped down to the right in a big semicircle, ending facing me. Slowly we climbed upward, until we were almost vertical, flying straight up to the sun. While carefully synchronizing our wings--they almost touched--Fang leaned in, gently put one hand behind my neck, and kissed me. It was just about as close to heaven as I'll ever get, I guess. I closed my eyes, lost in the feeling of flying and kissing and being with the one person in the world I completely, utterly trusted. When we finally broke apart, we looked down at the others, who were way far below us now. Angel was shading her eyes, looking up at us with a big smile. She was sitting on a dolphin's back, and I hoped soon someone would explain to the dolphin that he shouldn't let Angel take advantage of his good nature. Still looking up at us, Angel gave us a big thumbs-up. "She approves," Fang said with a hint of amusement. "Jeez," I wondered aloud. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" couple dolphin flying friendship happiness heaven i-approve-too kiss kissing love otp shipping smile sun trust wings James Patterson
0292ea8 I have something to fight for and live for; that makes me a better killer. I've got what amounts to a religion now. It's learning how to breathe all over again. And how to lie in the sun getting a tan, letting the sun work into you. And how to hear music and how to read a book. What does your civilization offer? fight-for live-for religion sun Ray Bradbury
1bd89fe Remember that each light between sunrise and sunset is worth dying for at least once. light sun Tad Williams
7bd69c4 Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million moons fled after them. moon sun time Ray Bradbury
f16de5c Never Forget Who You Are Beacause Its Like Forgetingg Water Is Wet,The Sun Is Bright,Snow Is Cold.Its Rudunent. because bright cold forget forgeting is its like never rudunent snow sun the water wet who you Andrew Fukuda
49561d8 It was growing dark on this long southern evening, and suddenly, at the exact point her finger had indicated, the moon lifted a forehead of stunning gold above the horizon, lifted straight out of filigreed, light-intoxicated clouds that lay on the skyline in attendant veils. Behind us, the sun was setting in a simultaneous congruent withdrawal and the river turned to flame in a quiet duel of gold....The new gold of moon astonishing and ascendant, he depleted gold of sunset extinguishing itself in the long westward slide, it was the old dance of days in the Carolina marshes, the breathtaking death of days before the eyes of children, until the sun vanished, its final signature a ribbon of bullion strung across the tops of water oaks. childhood memories moon nature south-carolina sun sunset twilight Pat Conroy
d3e079b The sun that shines today is the sun that shone when thy father was born, and will still be shining when thy last grandchild shall pass into the darkness. clason sun George S. Clason
19ad0b9 You do not beg the sun for mercy. -Maud'dib's Travail from The Stilgar Commentary mercy sun Frank Herbert
d013de5 The sun was good. The men of the llano were men of the sun. The men of the farms along the river were men of the moon. But we were all children of the white sun. bless good llano me men moon rudolfo sun ultima Rudolfo Anaya
db935bb The connection between art and Christ is like the connection between sunlight and the sun. It is, in fact, the connection between Sonlight and the Son. catholicism christ christianity god jesus jesus-christ jesus-shock philosophy son-of-god sonlight spirituality sun sunlight theology Peter Kreeft
c1c985b At dawn the waves looked like mountain ranges tipped with gold as sunbeams slanted low under burgundy clouds. nature sun water waves David Mitchell
b57a91c As the sun does not wait for prayers and incantations tob e induced to rise, but immediately shines and is saluted by all, so do you also not wait for clappings of hands and shouts of praise tob e induced to do good, but be a doer of good voluntarily and you will be beloved as much as the sun. humbleness sun Epictetus
c051198 Shadows of cloud lurked in the water, like holes the sun forgot about. forgot holes shadows sun water Markus Zusak
a32e6fc What is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? die dying macabre melt melting naked nature poetic sun sunlight wind Kahlil Gibran
0b9c83e kl ywm tshrq lshms `l~ `lm jdyd , m nsmyWh rtb@ yzkhr blfrS ljdyd@ , lkn njhl rw'y@ lkhtlf ldhy ymyz ywman `n sbqh difference sun Paulo Coelho
8c9705d Montag shook his head. He looked at a blank wall. The girl's face was there, really quite beautiful in memory: astonishing, in fact. She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a night when you waken to see the time and see the clock telling you the hour and the minute and the second, with a white silence and a glowing, all certainty and knowing what it had to tell of the night passing swiftly on toward further darknesses, but moving also toward a new sun. darkness montag sun Ray Bradbury
fda360a The breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind. hand-of-life life light sun sunlight wind windy Kahlil Gibran
ee2315d The sun was as flirty as Scarlett O'Hara with the Tarleton twins, breaking through the clouds in spectacular bursts that seemed like personal favors and then retreating for hours, days, and making us all ache for just a glimpse. sun weather Lorna Landvik
d6d2a3a It was still twilight when they reached the flat rock. They sat, and the stone still held the warmth of the day's sun. At first there were only occasional sparkles, but as it got darker Chuck was lost in a daze pf delight as a galaxy of fireflies twinkled on and off, flinging upward in a blaze of light, dropping earthward like falling stars, moving in contiuous effervescent dance. fireflies rock stars sun twilight warmth Madeleine L'Engle
35db359 At sunrise, everything is luminous but not clear clear light luminous sun sunrise Norman Maclean
eb1d405 It was a chilly morning after the night's rain, and the sun hung in the sky like a pale coin lost by someone high up in the clouds. morning simile sky sun Cornelia Funke
86d2ee1 Bosch knew the dawn had nothing on the dusk. Dawn always came up ugly, as if the sun was clumsy and in a hurry. The dusk was smoother, the moon more graceful. Maybe it was because the moon was more patient. In life and nature, Bosch thought, darkness always waits. dusk moon sun Michael Connelly
9dd74b1 Images of broken light dance behind my eyelids. How could this giant lamp compare to the sun? Everything is wrong here. Shattered. Broken. Like the light. Like me. I never thought about how important the sky was until I didn't have one. I am surrounded by walls. I have just replaced one box for another. broken claustrophobic images important light metal shattered sky sun unnatural walls wrong Beth Revis
f1f72d7 And then I realize: this isn't dirty water falling from the sky. It is--literally--blood. I look up, and a droplet of blood splashes directly into my eye. I curse, rubbing my face, trying to get the blood out, but it's everywhere, it's like trying to dry off in the middle of the ocean. Shielding my face as best I can, I stare up into the sky. I am in the center of a cyclone. Giant white clouds swirl like a spiraling galaxy above me, the eye a tiny dark speck. The storm rages, throwing out bloody rain like punches, the wind so vicious it tears my clothes and cuts my skin. Representative Belles's mind is swirling with dark thoughts--bloody thoughts--and they have created the biggest storm I have ever seen. I have to stop the cyclone. I have to get him into a peaceful reverie, something that he can hold on to while I root around his brain, looking for answers. I focus all of my concentration on stopping the bloody rain. The drops come slower and slower. I take a deep breath, imagining the clouds breaking up, spinning into fluffy bits of cotton-candy like clouds. I don't open my eyes until the sounds of beating rain disappear and I can feel the warmth of the Mediterranean sun on my face. clouds cyclone mediterranean nightmare rain reverie sky stop storm sun Beth Revis
cace98d Dios me creo para que yo lo imitara de noche. El es el Sol, yo soy la Luna. Mi luz flota sobre todo lo que es futil o ha terminado, fuego fatuo, margenes de rio, pantanos y sombras. diablo dios god luna moon sol sun Fernando Pessoa
49d7600 If no one loved, the sun would go out. les-misérables love sun Victor Hugo
0168608 The sea, like a crinkled chart, spread to the horizon, and lapped the sharp outline of the coast, while the houses were white shells in a rounded grotto, pricked here and there by a great orange sun. coastline ocean sea sun Daphne du Maurier
651a63b They sat on the boarding house porch and saw the sun plunge into the same crack in the earth from which the night emerged. crack earth night renewal sun their-eyes-were-watching-god zora-neale-hurston Zora Neale Hurston
92e7607 She could not have asked for a more perfect day. The sun was shining, the humidity was low. There was a slight breeze. The water was a silvery blue. It was a bright, beautiful, early, autumn day. Perfect. bay blue breeze fall ocean sun water waves Sharon Brubaker
bad00ff The sun, the hero of every day, the impersonal old man that beams as brightly on death as on birth, came up every morning and raced across the blue dome and dipped into the sea of fire every evening. death heartache heartbreak hero renewal sun Zora Neale Hurston
ef74bb9 They will say that the Universe has no purpose and no plan, that since a hundred suns explode every year in our Galaxy, at this very moment some race is dying in the depths of space. Whether that race has done good or evil during its lifetime will make no difference in the end: there is no divine justice, for there is no God. evil galaxy god good justice race space sun universe Arthur C. Clarke
1e4856b "Our Sun is not Earth's true "mother." Although many peoples of Earth have worshipped the Sun as a god that gave birth to Earth, this is only partially correct. Although Earth was originally created from the Sun (as part of the ecliptic plane of debris and dust that circulated around the Sun 4.5 billion years ago), our Sun is barely hot enough to fuse hydrogen to helium. This means that our true "mother" sun was actually an unnamed star or collection of stars that died billions of years ago in a supernova, which then seeded nearby nebulae with the higher elements beyond iron that make up our body. Literally, our bodies are made of stardust, from stars that died billions of years ago." mother-sun stardust sun supernova Michio Kaku
859c925 "The days were brief and attenuated and the season appeared to be fixed - neither summer nor winter, spring nor fall. A thermal haze of inexpressible sweetness, though bearing tiny bits of grit or mica, had eased into the Valley from the industrial region to the north and there were nights when the sun set at the western horizon as if it were sinking through a porous red mass, and there were days when a hard-glaring moon like bone remained fixed in a single position, prominent in the sky. ("Family")" pollution sun Joyce Carol Oates
999d312 Son, let me tell you a little something about the environment... you can try to fix it up all you want, but it's a waste of time. Sooner or later we'll all be doomed... slaughtered by terrorists, baked in the heat of the sun, nuked until our shadows glow... greed is good. We don't exist to help other people, we exist to grow the hell up, have kids, get old and die, while consuming all we can. Nothing comes after. There's no wrath, no day of reckoning... we just go. POOF! We have no reason to aspire to change the world, son. We'll thrive by feeding off of whatever's available. How else do you think we ended up rich? You don't get ahead by being nice, Thomas. environment fix greed heat nice nuclear rich sun terrorism Rebecca McNutt
20f5204 And what lights the sun? Its own fire. And the sun goes on, day after day, burning and burning. The sun and time. The sun and time and burning. Burning. The river bobbled him along gently. Burning. The sun and every clock on the earth. It all came together and became a single thing in his mind. After a long time of floating on the land and a short time of floating in the river he knew why he must never burn again in his life. epiphany fire sun time water Ray Bradbury
b174e19 DYER. (Sits down) There was nothing that I recall save that the Sunne was a Round flat shining Disc and the Thunder was a Noise from a Drum or a Pan. VANNBRUGGHE. (Aside) What a Child is this! (To Dyer) These are only our Devices, and are like the Paint of our Painted Age. DYER. But in Meditation the Sunne is a vast and glorious Body, and Thunder is the most forcible and terrible Phaenomenon: it is not to be mocked, for the highest Passion is Terrour. plays sun symbolism thunder Peter Ackroyd
35c17d9 When the sun touched the earth, it spread out along the horizon like a giant yolk oozing free of its skin. metaphor sun Christopher Paolini
a37c500 The sun was deaf'nin' so high up, yay, it roared an' time streamed from it. sun David Mitchell
e3fd2c3 The one created thing which we cannot look at is the one thing in the light of which we look at everything. Like the sun at noonday, mysticism explains everything else by the blaze of its own victorious invisibility. Detached intellectualism is (in the exact sense of a popular phrase) all moonshine; for it is light without heat, and it is secondary light, reflected from a dead world. But the Greeks were right when they made Apollo the god both of imagination and of sanity; for he was both the patron of poetry and the patron of healing. Of necessary dogmas and a special creed I shall speak later. But that transcendentalism by which all men live has primarily much the position of the sun in the sky. We are conscious of it as of a kind of splendid confusion; it is something both shining and shapeless, at once a blaze and a blur. But the circle of the moon is as clear and unmistakable, as recurrent and inevitable, as the circle of Euclid on a blackboard. For the moon is utterly reasonable; and the moon is the mother of lunatics and has given to them all her name. moon moonlight mysticism religion sun transcendentalism G.K. Chesterton
2358808 The sun dances in her and she has an immense joy of life dance happiness joy sun women James Clavell
b9547f5 When it was daylight, we'd been sitting on a stoop watching the street get light. She mentioned the light took eight minutes to leave the sun and reach us. You couldn't help but love that light traveling so far through the loneliest of spaces to get here, to come so far. It was like we were the only two people in the world. love sun Marisha Pessl
f68f444 He needed the warmth of the sun to take away the chill of foreboding that grew in him. foreboding sun warmth Francine Rivers
d578ae3 "It's tempting to think of red for sun," she said, "but it has to be just a dash, not much. More of a dark orange and a hint of brown. And then white on yellow on white. Not bright white,' she said. 'The kind of white that makes you squint, but in a softer way...' 'Go look at fire for a while. Go spend some time with fire.' Looking at fire was interesting, I have to admit. I sat with a candle for a couple hours. It has these stages of color: the white, the yellow, the red, the tiny spot of blue I'd heard mentioned but never noticed." fire perception seeing sun Aimee Bender
7ec3313 The April sun, weak but determined, shone through a castle window and from there squeezed itself through a small hole in the wall and placed one golden finger on the little mouse. light mouse sun Kate DiCamillo
c45fd5b She lasted three months, then passed on a September day when everything seemed split open with sunlight. mother sun Colum McCann
5e35067 The fact had become as invisible to him as someone on Earth thinking about being held to a spinning celestial object by nothing more than mass, shielded from the fusion reaction of the sun by only distance and air. fact space sun James S.A. Corey
3acc391 With every fall of the sun and rise of the moon, I can hear it. The Prophecy. It echoes through the halls of time. It is written on the surface of every star. Even the sun and moon cannot withhold the news of the second coming. I hear it. And I fear it. epic-fantasy fantasy-fiction fiction light moon novel sun young-adult young-adult-fiction Brian A. McBride
d65f4d3 You can order the sun to come up if you time it right. I'm not driving this bus. Making it do what I want would be like talking someone out of a seizure. orders seizures sun James S.A. Corey