"As Lothaire lifted the lid with a sense of dread, Nix murmured, "Hint: it's the middle one." Elizabeth's fragile finger.Seeing it severed like this brought on a visceral reaction--pain shooting through his own hand, radiating throughout his regenerated heart. He closed the lid with a swallow, sentimentally pocketing the package. "You gave her your heart, and she gave you the bird." Nix sighed. "Songs will be written about this."
"He jerked back. "What is this? Be like you were with me the other times! When you melted for me." "That was before I fully understood what a nasty piece of work you are." "Because of a few shifter beheadings? Come on, Lizvetta, it's not as if I went around cock-slapping gnomes." Her jaw dropped."
" Nix clasped her hands over her chest, sighing, "He gave you his heart. That's so romantic. So much better than a candy heart. Those get stuck in the fangs, you know."
When she absently worried her bottom lip with one of her adorable little fangs, he sighed. The Enemy of Old fucking . Dear gods, it'd finally happened to him. Happiness. Then his own fangs sharpened.I will kill anyone who tries to take this feeling away from me.
" , he thought again. "I could hate her for what she did to me." "Because of one unsuccessful beheading?" She tapped her claw to her chin. "Wow. I never thought you were such a pussy. I'm rethinking our friendship."
"She seemed to soften at that, but then she asked, "Has anything really changed?" "I've learned I need to consult you in matters, lest you decapitate me."
"She gazed up at him. "Just don't forget our new motto, Leo. 'We can always murder them later, but we can't bring them back.'" "My wise and clever Bride."
I have an idea. Let's take off our clothes and fool around on the settee. If I trip and fall and land smack-dab on your cock, then it won't be your fault.
"Then realization had dawned. "Oh, my God, you're the one who hurt Davis, the boy I was with. You saw us together, and you threw him down a gully. He broke both of his legs!" "He lived?" Gaze narrowing, Lothaire had murmured, "Not for much Longer."
"This is a kill-or-be-killed scenario, leech," Regin the Radiant, a glowing-skinned millennium-old swordswoman, told Ellie in a baleful tone. "So raise your weapon and prepare for your end. 'Cause I'm about to take your head." Ellie yawned. Ten days of this was getting old. "Girl, I don't wanna play video games anymore." --
"His tone dripping condescension, Lothaire crooned, "Ah children, it's not yet story time." He closed his eyes and turned away, saying over his shoulder, "To anyone who contemplates even nearing me while I sleep: I will garrote you with your own viscera."
"Finally the vampire released him with another groan, sitting back on his haunches. "Your blood is in power." Running his tongue over a fang, he said, "Among other things. I believe I might be high. But I it."
"Your retaliation is unspeakable. For this alone, you must forgive me for my treatment of you." "Still high-handed?" "I risked my neck just now to say that in front of you."
"He can learn things about me through your blood. Can learn about my sister!" She briefly covered her mouth. "He can see everything we've done! I don't want that leech to know what we do in private." Lothaire strolled up, making a scoffing sound. "As if I don't watch you two live from a distance."
"..., It'd taken her several seconds to react to the sight of them together. She'd been almost hypnotized by the scene as Lothaire drank. Chase's masculine face had been tense, his gray eyes focused on the ground. Lothaire's face had been starkly beautiful, his pale blond hair brushing Chase's shoulder. Light and dark. One terrible, one tragic. And Lothaire had been... hard. "Oh, gods!" She cried as she ran back along the trail. "
"Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun."
"Because fate would not slight me so unspeakably. I'd seek a noon-day sun if I were paired with one such as you." "Such as me," she repeated blandly. She'd been mocked too often over her lifetime to take offense. Her skin was as thick as armor. "Yes, you. An ignorant, mortal Kmart checkout girl." He took the sharpest knife from his place setting, absently turning it between his left thumb and forefinger. "Kmart? I should have been so lucky. Those jobs were hard to come by. I worked at my uncle's outfitter shop." "Then you're even worse. You're an outfitter checkout girl with aspirations for Kmart." "Still better than a demon." --
"I give you a week, maybe two, before you're driven to bite someone." "I don't know how to... to bite or drink! But you could teach me." "And what could you possibly do in return?" Lothaire waved a negligent hand. "Play football for me? Break in my jeans really well?"
"You're a fuckin' parasite." . Filthy leeches. "Words still hurt, Chase. Besides, you should be thanking me. My advice about the Valkyrie clearly worked. And speaking of females, if I call you by one's name while my fangs are plunged deep in your neck, just run with it."
"You see, that's the thing with you detrus," Chase began in a contemplative tone. "Your bodies are abominations. If I severed your arms--" Lothaire yawned loudly. "--you'd merely regenerate from the injury. You might experience pain, but you wouldn't suffer the horror of permanent loss, not like a human." Lothaire grew increasingly bored by this. "When I get free, I believe I'll show you your spine. I'll hand it to you so casually, politely even, as if expecting you to remark upon it."
"Lothaire briefly gazed heavenward. "Chase is clearly a reluctant sharer. Which should incite her curiosity about what's going on in his head. She's a disgustingly self-righteous Valkyrie, filled with the need to fix things, to right wrongs. If anything needed fixing ..." He waved a hand to indicate Declan from head to toe. "As wrong as he can be."
"Looking at you reminds me of the kind of man I should be with." "And what kind of man is that? Drunken, poor, pathetic?" "No. I've never met him, but I see him plain as day. He has crinkles around his eyes when he smiles and tanned skin from working outdoors. Honest labor has callused his hands. He and I will hunt together, cook and eat big family meals together. He'll marry me and love my family, too." Voice gone soft, she said, "He'll give me a baby boy and a girl."
"Trehan &Lothaire "My Bride poisoned me so that I would lose a match against the demon male she loves." Lothaire hiked his shoulders. "So?" "Did you not hear me? She dumped toxins into a goblet of blood, then handed it to me, urging me to drink" "Who doesn't have petty spats during courtship? So fucking what?" "So she doesn't fucking want me!" Lothaire roared back, "She doesn't get a godsdamned say in the matter!" "Trehan's brows drew together. "What are you advising "advising--that I abduct her? As you recently did the Forbearer king? And your Bride before him?" Lothaire snapped his fingers. "Exactly"
"You could run, and I could stay to fend them off," the vampire offered. "For some reason, I feel amazingly refreshed." He swung an amused look at Declan that made him grind his teeth. "And it seems I'm quite handy against them."-- --Natalya tossed away her busted TEP-C. "So, Lothaire, you're going to fight them out of the blackness of your heart?"
"He gave her an indulgent look. "I'll forgive these rash words for now." She sputtered, " Let's talk about who should be forgiving who." "Whom," he corrected. "Shut up! I'm in the right here. Remember all those things you did to me?"
"Once I'm free, we're going to find out exactly how much pain you can endure while remaining conscious. I won't stop until you tell me where my ring is." He leaned in to say at his ear, "I'll be sure to make you feel your ."
"Lothaire to Trehan: "You are related to me by blood and, like me, are a Dacian royal." "So?" "So that means your ridiculous behavior reflects "upon me." "What are you talking about? My ridiculous behavior?I've done nothing to warrant this summoning, Lothaire. I keep to my library--and to myself. "Exactly. You sit in your room and stroke off to memories of your Bride."