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b713117 There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. supernatural William Shakespeare
f85d5f7 Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring. supernatural welcome Bram Stoker
54c6843 And then there are the rare ones who know love, who understand it. Who freely give of themselves, demanding only a return of that love,that trust. kisten rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
1336b14 4. Religion. Your reason is now mature enough to examine this object. In the first place, divest yourself of all bias in favor of novelty & singularity of opinion... shake off all the fears & servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. . You will naturally examine first, the religion of your own country. Read the Bible, then as you would read or . The facts which are within the ordinary course of nature, you will believe on the authority of the writer, as you do those of the same kind in and . The testimony of the writer weighs in their favor, in one scale, and their not being against the laws of nature, does not weigh against them. But those facts in the Bible which contradict the laws of nature, must be examined with more care, and under a variety of faces. Here you must recur to the pretensions of the writer to inspiration from God. Examine upon what evidence his pretensions are founded, and whether that evidence is so strong, as that its falsehood would be more improbable than a change in the laws of nature, in the case he relates. For example in the book of Joshua we are told the sun stood still several hours. Were we to read that fact in or we should class it with their showers of blood, speaking of statues, beasts, &c. But it is said that the writer of that book was inspired. Examine therefore candidly what evidence there is of his having been inspired. The pretension is entitled to your inquiry, because millions believe it. On the other hand you are astronomer enough to know how contrary it is to the law of nature that a body revolving on its axis as the earth does, should have stopped, should not by that sudden stoppage have prostrated animals, trees, buildings, and should after a certain time have resumed its revolution, & that without a second general prostration. Is this arrest of the earth's motion, or the evidence which affirms it, most within the law of probabilities? You will next read the New Testament. It is the history of a personage called Jesus. Keep in your eye the opposite pretensions: 1, of those who say he was begotten by God, born of a virgin, suspended & reversed the laws of nature at will, & ascended bodily into heaven; and 2, of those who say he was a man of illegitimate birth, of a benevolent heart, enthusiastic mind, who set out without pretensions to divinity, ended in believing them, and was punished capitally for sedition, by being gibbeted, according to the Roman law, which punished the first commission of that offence by whipping, & the second by exile, or death . ...Do not be frightened from this inquiry by any fear of its consequences. If it ends in a belief that there is no God, you will find incitements to virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise, and the love of others which it will procure you... In fine, I repeat, you must lay aside all prejudice on both sides, and neither believe nor reject anything, because any other persons, or description of persons, have rejected or believed it... I forgot to observe, when speaking of the New Testament, that you should read all the histories of Christ, as well of those whom a council of ecclesiastics have decided for us, to be Pseudo-evangelists, as those they named Evangelists. Because these Pseudo-evangelists pretended to inspiration, as much as the others, and you are to judge their pretensions by your own reason, and not by the reason of those ecclesiastics. Most of these are lost... [ ] book-of-joshua contradiction critical-examination divine-inspiration evidence examine inquiry inspiration joshua livy new-testament probability science supernatural tacitus testimony Thomas Jefferson
586ef84 Urban survival rule 22: Never annoy an armed man. elena-michaels supernatural Kelley Armstrong
708d31b "He was trying to tell me something." Derek snorted. "Aren't they all? Must be a rule in the ghost handbook--if in danger of evaporating, make sure you're in the middle of a dire pronouncement." -- derek ghosts necromancer supernatural urban-fantasy young-adult Kelley Armstrong
3beeeeb Plan B?' Ivy said. 'What is plan B?' Jenks reddened. 'Grab the fish and run like hell,' he muttered, and I almost giggled. ivy jenks rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
c950d5d I try to be a good cop. I try to be a good little soldier and follow orders up to a point. But in the end I'm not really a cop, or a soldier. I am a legally sanctioned murderer. I am the Executioner. fiction supernatural urban-fantasy vampire Laurell K. Hamilton
f685a41 Ivy turned. 'He bit you on the neck?' she said, deadpan serious but for her eyes. 'Oh, then it's got to be love. She won't let me bite her neck. supernatural vampire witch Kim Harrison
9d2c2cf But a slow, deeply satisfied smile came over him, and his breath quickened. 'So softly it starts,' he whispered. 'Foolishly clever and with an unsurvivable trust. It just saved your miserable life, that questionable show of thought, my itchy-witch.' Al's smile shifted, becoming lighter. 'And now you will live to possibly regret it. demons fiction rachel-morgan supernatural Kim Harrison
9a8e769 Reason, Observation and Experience -- the Holy Trinity of Science -- have taught us that happiness is the only good; that the time to be happy is now, and the way to be happy is to make others so. This is enough for us. In this belief we are content to live and die. If by any possibility the existence of a power superior to, and independent of, nature shall be demonstrated, there will then be time enough to kneel. Until then, let us stand erect. content experience happiness holy-trinity hope inspiration nature observation reason science supernatural trinity Robert Green Ingersoll
ffdf34b Ivy!' I stammered, then glared at Kisten. 'You told Ivy? Thanks a hell of a lot. Want to call my mom next? kisten rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
35c1d01 Edward smiled, I smiled, even Bernardo smiled. Olaf just looked sinister. fiction hunter supernatural urban-fantasy vampire Laurell K. Hamilton
7a08bb0 Jenks enthusiastically leaned against the counter and opened the box. Bypassing the plastic knife, he broke off about a third of it and took a huge bite. Ivy watched, appalled, and I shrugged. His mouth moving as he hummed, Jenks finished unpacking the sacks. I was half dead, Ivy was whoring herself to keep me safe, but Jenks was okay as long as he had chocolate. humor pixy romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
ead76c8 It's poor judgment', said Grandpa 'to call anything by a name. We don't know what a hobgoblin or a vampire or a troll is. Could be lots of things. You can't heave them into categories with labels and say they'll act one way or another. That'd be silly. They're people. People who do things. Yes, that's the way to put it. People who *do* things. monsters names supernatural Ray Bradbury
3f87abe You had this all planned, didn't you?' I accused. 'Thought you could come in here and seduce me like you do everyone else?' It wasn't as if I could be angry, lying atop him as I was, but I tried. kisten rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
2300c44 I've never even been to Long Island supernatural Meg Cabot
e1ca8a6 We ask only to be reassured About the noises in the cellar And the window that should not have been open supernatural T.S. Eliot
97c5d3f Big lots,' I said, seeing the eighty-year-old oaks and shady lawns. The houses were set way back and had iron fences and stone drives. The harder to hear your neighbors scream, my dear,' was David's answer, and I sent my head up and down in agreement. humor rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
f9c0920 Supernatural is a dangerous and difficult word in any of its senses, looser or stricter. But to fairies it can hardly be applied, unless super is taken merely as a superlative prefix. For it is man who is, in contrast to fairies, supernatural; whereas they are natural, far more natural than he. Such is their doom. mankind supernatural the-tolkien-reader J.R.R. Tolkien
3f2b063 There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath... mermaids moby-dick ocean sea siren sirens supernatural Herman Melville
3c6d3b6 "Stare at him," said Ghost. "They won't bite you if you keep staring at them." Steve backed away. "They bite?" Not really. They hiss at you, mostly. The only time geese are ever dangerous is when you happen to be standing on the edge of a cliff. I heard about a guy that almost got killed that way." By geese?" Yeah, there was a whole flock of them coming after him. All hissing and cackling and stabbing at his ankles with their big ol' beaks. He didn't know you had to stare them right in the eye, and he panicked. They backed him right over a fifty-foot cliff." So how come he didn't die?" This guy had wings," said Ghost. "He flew away." supernatural vampires Poppy Z. Brite
f86e9af His right ear still held both studs, and I wondered who had the missing earring. I would have asked, but was afraid he'd tell me Ivy had it. kisten rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
362cc27 I might be half Derek's size, but I was the one who sounded like a two-hundred-pound beast plowing through the woods. paranormal-romance supernatural Kelley Armstrong
aa046c5 "Then the one called Raltariki is really a demon?" asked Tak. "Yes--and no," said Yama, "If by 'demon' you mean a malefic, supernatural creature, possessed of great powers, life span and the ability to temporarily assume virtually any shape--then the answer is no. This is the generally accepted definition, but it is untrue in one respect." "Oh? And what may that be?" "It is not a supernatural creature." "But it is all those other things?" "Yes." "Then I fail to see what difference it makes whether it be supernatural or not--so long as it is malefic, possesses great powers and life span and has the ability to change its shape at will." "Ah, but it makes a great deal of difference, you see. It is the difference between the unknown and the unknowable, between science and fantasy--it is a matter of essence. The four points of the compass be logic, knowledge, wisdom and the unknown. Some do bow in that final direction. Others advance upon it. To bow before the one is to lose sight of the three. I may submit to the unknown, but never to the unknowable." supernatural unknown wisdon Roger Zelazny
dedbb75 How do we know that our life really happened and that we are not simply accumulating details, making it all up as we go along? life supernatural Rachel Klein
caadcb8 Grimes believed in what he did, with no doubts. Though he was older than me by over a decade, I suddenly felt old. Some things mark your soul, not in years but in blood and pain and selling off parts of yourself to get the bad guys, until you finally look in the mirror and aren't sure which side you're on anymore. There comes a point when having a badge doesn't make you the good guy, it just makes you one of the guys. I needed to be one of the good guys, or what the hell was I doing? fiction supernatural vampire Laurell K. Hamilton
d2c9deb In real life I do violence, but for psychic stuff I do other things better. fiction supernatural urban-fantasy vampire Laurell K. Hamilton
33ad0e1 "So, been attacked by any vampires yet?" "Not one." "Zombies? Giant spiders? Water monsters?" It's been really quiet on the supernatural front" "Too bad, 'cause I got attacked by a devil dog. It was not awesome." dogs fall-of-night giant-spider supernatural vampires water-monster zombie Rachel Caine
95c4c9d A certain atmosphere of breathless and unexplainable dread of outer, unknown forces must be present; and there must be a hint, expressed with a seriousness and portentousness becoming its subject, of that most terrible conception of the human brain - a malign and particular suspension or defeat of those laws of Nature which are our only safeguard against the assaults of chaos and the daemons of unplumbed space .... Therefore we must judge a weird tale not by the author's intent, or by the mere mechanics of the plot; but by the emotional level which it attains at its least mundane point... The one test of the really weird is simply this - whether or not there be excited in the reader a profound sense of dread, and of contact with unknown spheres and powers; a subtle attitude of awed listening, as if for the beating of black wings or the scratching of outside shapes and entities on the known universe's utmost rim. fantastic fantasy horror supernatural weird H.P. Lovecraft
b36c8ff Personally, I'm a lazy kind of guy, and leaving the door open on the mystical saves me work. I don't have to stress my brain trying to explain the unexplainable. It's magic. End of discussion. supernatural Janet Evanovich
281f3e5 I laughed when I read about being born with two hearts, one of which is devoted only to destroying humanity. humanity supernatural Rachel Klein
2f30ea0 "It was at the outskirts of the world that the Old Things accumulated, like driftwood round the edges of the sea. ("The Troll")" limits outskirts pagan supernatural weird T.H. White
25ea32d One year Halloween came on October 24, three hours after midnight. At that time, James Nightshade of 97 Oak Street was thirteen years, eleven months, twenty-three days old. Next door, William Halloway was thirteen years, eleven months, and twenty-four days old. Both touched toward fourteen; it almost trembled in their hands. And that was the October week when they grew up overnight, and were never so young any more... supernatural temptation Ray Bradbury
0f00899 Why should I be sad? Everyone has to die. If you have a body, it's too late to cry. It's only funerals I can't stand. diary supernatural Rachel Klein
6c55b53 I do not understand what makes mothers think they are walking-talking thermometers.But I think somewhere during the process of giving birth and changing diapers, they actually begin to belive they have this supernatural sense. mothers supernatural Melody Carlson
c480500 "Yet, despite all, it is a difficult thing to admit the existence of ghosts in a coldly factual world. One's very instincts rebel at the admission of such maddening possibility. For, once the initial step is made into the supernatural, there is no turning back, no knowing where the strange road leads except that it is quite unknown and quite terrible. ("Slaughter House")" horror supernatural Richard Matheson
a31e202 But there was something in the air, a watchfulness laced with a charge of malice. The eyes observing us were invisible, but were observing us, nonetheless. sookie-stackhouse supernatural true-blood vampires werewolves Charlaine Harris
920c017 "He did not himself believe in the supernatural, but the thing happened, and he proposed to tell it as simply as possible. It was stupid of him to say that it shook his faith in mundane affairs, for it was just as mundane as anything else. Indeed the really frightening part about it was the horribly tangible atmosphere in which it took place. None of the outlines wavered in the least. The creature would have been less remarkable if it had been less natural. It seemed to overcome the usual laws without being immune to them. ("The Troll")" mundane supernatural troll T.H. White
53cea79 we know little of the things for which we pray naivete prayer supernatural Geoffrey Chaucer
90fa04f "Rivera rubbed his temples. "Satan told you to do it?" he said wearily. "No." "Elvis?" "I told you, it's supernatural." elvis supernatural Christopher Moore
72e2f3f "In lieu of Tasers, you'll have to hit me. Hard as you can. Then maybe some kind of fight-or-flight response will kick in and I'll turn into a bat to get away from you." "Fight or flight." "Yes." "Only half of that is flight." humor humour paranormal supernatural transformation vampires Adam Rex
04eef8b The only way, I thought to myself, that this could get any weirder would be if it turns out he has that dead body's head on ice where in the basement, some ready for transplantation onto Cindy Crawford's body as soon as it becomes available. ghosts high-school supernatural ya Meg Cabot
dee0cac "I don't think I could ever see her closely," the sentinel replied, "however close she came." His own voice was hushed and regretful, echoing with lost chances. "She has a newness," he said. "Everything is for the first time. See how she moves, how she walks, how she turns her head -- all for the first time, the first time anyone has ever done these things. See how she draws her breath and lets it go again, as though no one else in the world knew that air was good. It is all for her. If I learned that she had been born this very morning, I would only be surprised that she was so old." The second sentinel stared down from his tower at the three wanderers. The tall man saw him first, and next the dour woman. Their eyes reflected nothing but his armor, grim and cankered and empty. But then the girl in the ruined black cloak raised her head, and he stepped back from the parapet, putting out one tin glove against her glance. In a moment she passed into the shadow of the castle with her companions, and he lowered his hand. "She may be mad," he said calmly. "No grown girl looks like that unless she is mad. That would be annoying, but far preferable to the remaining possibility." "Which is?" the younger man prompted after a silence. "Which is that she was indeed born this morning. I would rather that she were mad." madness supernatural Peter S. Beagle
88630ba It is when the individual's faith is weak, not strong, that he will be afraid of an honest fictional representation of life; and when there is a tendency to compartmentalize the spiritual and make it resident in a certain type of life only, the supernatural is apt gradually to be lost. faith fiction supernatural Flannery O'Connor
cbe964b "It's suicide," Doc Holland said, shaking his head. "Fools, all of them. This isn't any conventional war- this is madness." The general let out a weary breath. "No, Doctor-this is fear . . . and fear makes fools of us all." fear-quotes inclusion learning-from-mistakes progress supernatural warfare working-together L.A. Banks
721832c "All that Delaura noticed, though, was the uproarious crowing of the roosters. ordinary supernatural superstition Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
990f051 The doctor from the mainland came and went. Silence settled over the island again, like a displaced curtain falling back in thickened, heavier folds. For there was a different quality in the silence now. It had tasted something, rich food on which it had long been thinly rationed. Shadowy things were trooping up, called by that scent of blood, like flies that smell carrion. They were not strangers to the old house; they had been ill-fed and at a distance, now they were hungry and avid and near. ghost horro supernatural Evangeline Walton
847d7d0 root, what unites us are our unproven irrational beliefs of one kind or another in non-material dimensions of reality, inhabited by incorporeal beings that interact with us and frame our destiny in mysterious ways. paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
319bce1 We might feel very sure that there is no more to reality that the material world in which we live, but we cannot prove that this is the case. Theoretically there could be other realms, other dimensions, as all religious traditions and quantum physics alike maintain. Theoretically, the brain could be as much a receiver as a generator of consciousness and thus might be fine-tuned in altered states to pick up wavelengths that are normally not accessible to us. paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
e75ab8f On the left side of the balcony, at the rear just outside the open doorway through which I'm looking, I suddenly become aware of the presence of a figure. It is an imposing statue, about six feet high and apparently carved in one piece from some green stone - perhaps jade. The sculptor provided excellent detailing of fine robes, and a belt, and something - possibly a sword? - suspended from the belt. At first this stunning piece of sculpture seems just that - a harmless, inanimate statue. I'm curious to see more of it and move my point of view a little closer to get to look at its face. To my surprise, the statue is half animal, half human. It has the body of a powerful and well-muscled man but the head of a crocodile, like Sobek, the ancient Egyptian crocodile god. And now I suddenly realise it is alive - a living being, a supernatural guardian. At this moment its eyes swivel sideways and it is looking at me, taking note of me. The look is intelligent, appraising somehow sly, but yet not threatening. What is this living statue, this being of jade? The vision fades... paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
2b19acc It takes courage to throw off unproductive methods and approaches that the majority of scholars in your field have unquestioningly yoked themselves to for decades. paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
7beab31 One night after dinner a group of us were talking about the supernatural, and one of our dinner guests said that when the electric light was invented, people began to lose the dimension of the supernatural. In the days before we could touch a switch and flood every section of the room with light, there were always shadows in the corner, shadows which moved with candlelight, with firelight; and these shadows were an outward and visible sign that things are not always what they seem; there are things which are not visible to the mortal human being; there are things beyond our ken. supernatural Madeleine L'Engle
189f5b4 If haunting is anything, perhaps that's what it is; time in the wrong place. hauntings paranormal supernatural time Jeanette Winterson
c3f6acb Most human characteristics that are genuinely universal are easily accounted for in evolutionary terms, and the arguments are widely known. For example, we all live in families and societies because to do so aids our survival and the propagation of our genes. We all have the capacity for love because it is an emotion that promotes family and social life. We all have laws of one kind or another because these, too, reinforce family and social ties and thus make us stronger and more competitive. We all eat food and drink water because we will soon die if we don't. We all use the unique human gift of language to preserve knowledge handed down from previous generations, and to create culture - thus further sharpening our competitive edge. paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
12d8b3a root, what unites us are our unproven irrational beliefs of one kind or another of non-material dimensions of reality, inhabited by incorporeal beings that interact with us and frame our destiny in mysterious ways paranormal spiritual supernatural Graham Hancock
21d7a88 The Sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the globe . . . The sea is only a receptacle for all the prodigious, super-natural things that exist inside it. It is only movement and love; it is the living infinite. anthony-doerr infinite love sea supernatural the-sea Anthony Doerr
3d76d0d Only me. It had always only been me. I'd just needed to believe in her. In me. paranatural paranormal self-esteem self-love supernatural Meg Cabot