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bac4435 Give her hell from us, Peeves. george-weasley hell mischief peeves umbridge J.K. Rowling
a864e6f "No sight so sad as that of a naughty child," he began, "especially a naughty little girl. Do you know where the wicked go after death?" "They go to hell," was my ready and orthodox answer. "And what is hell? Can you tell me that?" "A pit full of fire." "And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?" "No, sir." "What must you do to avoid it?" I deliberated a moment: my answer, when it did come was objectionable: "I must keep in good health and not die." hell humor religion Charlotte Brontë
a36295c Hell is--other people! hell people Jean-Paul Sartre
f1315be "There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened." hell C.S. Lewis
7283a4a Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,...Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape. hell incrementalism C.S. Lewis
b5570ee All hope abandon, ye who enter here. hell latin motto Dante Alighieri
4c7af18 I told him I believed in hell, and that certain people, like me, had to live in hell before they died, to make up for missing out on it after death, since they didn't believe in life after death, and what each person believed happened to him when he died. hell profound Sylvia Plath
bc6b4d4 What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. expectation heaven hell life Chuck Palahniuk
389356e animals never worry about Heaven or Hell. neither do I. maybe that's why we get along heaven hell Charles Bukowski
f924ede "I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of "Admin." The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern." " big-business bureaucracy corporations corporatocracy dictatorship efficiency evil hell management police-state C.S. Lewis
09a3e04 Though I obviously have no proof of this, the one aspect of life that seems clear to me is that good people do whatever they believe is the right thing to do. Being virtuous is hard, not easy. The idea of doing good things simply because you're good seems like a zero-sum game; I'm not even sure those actions would still qualify as 'good,' since they'd merely be a function of normal behavior. Regardless of what kind of god you believe in--a loving god, a vengeful god, a capricious god, a snooty beret-wearing French god, or whatever--one has to assume that you can't be penalized for doing the things you believe to be truly righteous and just. Certainly, this creates some pretty glaring problems: Hitler may have thought he was serving God. Stalin may have thought he was serving God (or something vaguely similar). I'm certain Osama bin Laden was he was serving God. It's not hard to fathom that all of those maniacs were certain that what they were doing was right. Meanwhile, I do things that I are wrong; they're not on the same scale as incinerating Jews or blowing up skyscrapers, but my motivations might be worse. I have looked directly into the eyes of a woman I loved and told her lies for no reason, except that those lies would allow me to continue having sex with another woman I cared about less. This act did not kill 20 million Russian peasants, but it might be more 'diabolical' in a literal sense. If I died and found out I was going to hell and Stalin was in heaven, I would note the irony, but I couldn't complain. I don't make the fucking rules. good hell virtues Chuck Klosterman
73ed2b5 There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket - safe, dark, motionless, airless - it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell. heaven hell love pets unloving vulnerability-selfishness C.S. Lewis
f68bea8 Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you. You better not die. You might actually go to hell. death deserved hell karma lestat lestat-de-lioncourt louis punishment remorse vampire Anne Rice
92f6412 Hell wasn't a major reservoir of evil, any more then Heaven, in Crowley's opinion, was a fountain of goodness; they were just sides in the great cosmic chess game. Where you found the real McCoy, the real grace and the real heart-stopping evil, was right inside the human mind. good heaven hell Terry Pratchett
008afed Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire days sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The devil made me do it.' I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them. hell lucifer Neil Gaiman
a2cbbed ...Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers... for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality... But I had gradually come by this time, i.e., 1836 to 1839, to see that the Old Testament from its manifestly false history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, the rainbow at sign, &c., &c., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian. ...By further reflecting that the clearest evidence would be requisite to make any sane man believe in the miracles by which Christianity is supported, (and that the more we know of the fixed laws of nature the more incredible do miracles become), that the men at that time were ignorant and credulous to a degree almost uncomprehensible by us, that the Gospels cannot be proved to have been written simultaneously with the events, that they differ in many important details, far too important, as it seemed to me, to be admitted as the usual inaccuracies of eyewitnesses; by such reflections as these, which I give not as having the least novelty or value, but as they influenced me, I gradually came to disbelieve in Christianity as a divine revelation. The fact that many false religions have spread over large portions of the earth like wild-fire had some weight with me. Beautiful as is the morality of the New Testament, it can be hardly denied that its perfection depends in part on the interpretation which we now put on metaphors and allegories. But I was very unwilling to give up my belief... Thus disbelief crept over me at a very slow rate, but was at last complete. The rate was so slow that I felt no distress, and have never since doubted even for a single second that my conclusion was correct. I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all of my friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine. atheism autobiography belief charles-darwin damnable divine-revelation doctrine doubt evidence hell hindu hinduism history interpretation metaphors miracles new-testament old-testament orthodox punishment resurrection revelation sacred-books skepticism tyrant Charles Darwin
0108365 Let this hell be our heaven. hell love Richard Matheson
adca16b Hell was not a pit of fire and brimstone. Hell was waking up alone, the sheets wet with your tears and your seed, knowing the woman you had dreamed of would never come back to you. hell lost-love tears Lisa Kleypas
2be5afd Rabe'a al-Adiwiyah, a great woman saint of Sufism, was seen running through the streets of her hometown, Basra, carrying a torch in one hand and a bucket of water in the other. When someone asked her what she was doing, she answered, 'I am going to take this bucket of water and pour it on the flames of hell, and then I am going to use this torch to burn down the gates of paradise so that people will not love God for want of heaven or fear of hell, but because He is God. god heaven hell John Green
ea4a7f9 When I was little I bragged about my firefighting father: my father would go to heaven, because if he went to hell he would put out all the fires father firefighting heaven hell humor kate-fitzgerald Jodi Picoult
b17ffc0 Faustus: Stay, Mephistopheles, and tell me, what good will my soul do thy lord? Mephistopheles: Enlarge his kingdom. Faustus: Is that the reason he tempts us thus? Mephistopheles: Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris. (It is a comfort to the wretched to have companions in misery.) faustus hell lucifer mephistopheles Christopher Marlowe
30f3dfb And yet all loneliness, angers, hatreds, envies, and itchings that (Hell) contains, if rolled into one single experience and put into the scale against the least moment of the joy that is felt by the least in Heaven, would have no weight that could be registered at all. Bad cannot succeed even in being bad as truly as good is good. heaven hell joy loneliness C.S. Lewis
14da37f girls please give your bodies and your lives to the young men who deserve them besides there is no way I would welcome the intolerable dull senseless hell you would bring me and I wish you luck in bed and out but not in mine thank you. bukowski death dull funny girls hell irony life love misogyny poem poetry rejection sexuality women Charles Bukowski
19b06f2 To enter heaven is to become more human than you ever succeeded in being on earth; to enter hell, is to be banished from humanity. hell humanity C.S. Lewis
cd8fae5 Mephistopheles: Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it. Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss? hell religion Christopher Marlowe
021646d He supposed that even in Hell, people got an occasional sip of water, if only so they could appreciate the full horror of unrequited thirst when it set in again. hell horror stephen-king thirst Stephen King
1c98d42 Fools that will laugh on earth, most weep in hell. hell Christopher Marlowe
c999d52 After all, is not a real Hell better than a manufactured Heaven? heaven hell love E.M. Forster
6a75b18 The clear awareness of having been born into a losing struggle need not lead one into despair. I do not especially the idea that one day I shall be tapped on the shoulder and informed, not that the party is over but that it is most assuredly going on--only henceforth in my absence. (It's the second of those thoughts: the edition of the newspaper that will come out on the day after I have gone, that is the more distressing.) Much more horrible, though, would be the announcement that the party was continuing forever, and that I was forbidden to leave. Whether it was a hellishly bad party or a party that was perfectly heavenly in every respect, the moment that it became eternal and compulsory would be the precise moment that it began to pall. atheism death despair eternal-life heaven hell life meaning-of-life obituary Christopher Hitchens
6cc3ecd God hides the fires of hell within paradise. god hell irony paradise paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
acecdcc Our heaven is their hell, said God. I like a balanced universe. god heaven hell Margaret Atwood
72a6ec1 God's creatures who cried themselves to sleep stirred to cry again. crying cycle darkness doom doomed god god-s-creation hannibal hell horror humanity insanity mental-illness murder never-ending prison psychopath punishment serial-killer serial-killers sleep the-silence-of-the-lambs Thomas Harris
69fff8c Love demands freedom. It always has, and it always will. We are free to resist, reject, and rebel against God's ways for us. We can have all the hell we want. heaven hell spirituality Rob Bell
440e370 "Swamp Thing, in Hell: "Demon...How...could God...allow such a place? Etrigan: Think you God built this place, wishing man ill and not lusts uncontrolled or swords unsheathed? Not God, my friend. The truth's more hideous still: These halls were carved by men while yet they breathed. God is no parent or policeman grim dispensing treats or punishments to all. hell theology Alan Moore
fe1d67f Heaven would be Hell in no time if every cruel, selfish, vicious soul went to Heaven. hell Anne Rice
d9b5f31 How miserably hypocritical, you might say, but no sooner am I offered a chance to flee Hell than I yearn to stay. Few families hold their relations as closely as do prisons. Few marriages sustain the high level of passion that exists between criminals and those who seek to bring them to justice. It's no wonder the Zodiac Killer flirted so relentlessly with the police. Or that Jack the Ripper courted and baited detectives with his - or her - coy letters. We all wish to be pursued. We all long to be desired. damned desire heaven hell serial-killers Chuck Palahniuk
e5b96f9 Mephistopheles: Within the bowels of these elements, Where we are tortured and remain forever. Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is must we ever be. And, to conclude, when all the world dissolves, And every creature shall be purified, All places shall be hell that is not heaven. hell mephistopheles purgatory Christopher Marlowe
31c8bd6 "So with curious eyes and sick surmise We watched him day by day, And wondered if each one of us Would end the self-same way, eyes hell oscar-wilde soul Oscar Wilde
6f2b966 But like a boat with a twisted rudder, I kept coming back to the same place. I wasn't going anywhere. I was myself, waiting on the shore for me to return. Was that so depressing? Who knows? Maybe that was 'despair.' What Turgenev called 'disillusionment.' Or Dostoyevsky, 'hell.' Or Somerset Maugham, 'reality.' Whatever the label, I figured it was me. disillusionment dostoyevsky hell maugham reality self Haruki Murakami
60843b4 A pleasant morning. Saw my classmates Gardner, and Wheeler. Wheeler dined, spent the afternoon, and drank Tea with me. Supped at Major Gardiners, and engag'd to keep School at Bristol, provided Worcester People, at their ensuing March meeting, should change this into a moving School, not otherwise. Major Greene this Evening fell into some conversation with me about the Divinity and Satisfaction of Jesus Christ. All the Argument he advanced was, 'that a mere creature, or finite Being, could not make Satisfaction to infinite justice, for any Crimes,' and that 'these things are very mysterious.' (Thus mystery is made a convenient Cover for absurdity.) [ ] argument cover divinity-of-jesus excuse hell infinite mystery John Adams
d742f36 Now we come to forgiveness. Don't worry about forgiving me right now. There are more important things. For instance: keep the others safe, if they are safe. Don't let them suffer too much. If they have to die, let it be fast. You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves. heaven hell Margaret Atwood
ae2c4fd "I'm not interested in absolute moral judgments. Just think of what it means to be a good man or a bad one. What, after all, is the measure of difference? The good guy may be 65 per cent good and 35 per cent bad--that's a very good guy. The average decent fellow might be 54 per cent good, 46 per cent bad--and the average mean spirit is the reverse. So say I'm 60 per cent bad and 40 per cent good--for that, must I suffer eternal punishment? "Heaven and Hell make no sense if the majority of humans are a complex mixture of good and evil. There's no reason to receive a reward if you're 57/43--why sit around forever in an elevated version of Club Med? That's almost impossible to contemplate." -- hell punishment reward Norman Mailer
d8f9714 What hell condemned, let heaven now heal. faith healing heaven hell hope inspiration inspirational-quotes positive-motivation recovery spirituality Aberjhani
34d80b4 If we want hell, if we want heaven, they are ours. That's how love works. It can't be forced, manipulated, or coerced. It always leaves room for the other to decide. God says yes, we can have what we want, because love wins. hell religion spirituality Rob Bell
445910b You say I have no power? Perhaps you speak truly... But -- you say that dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar... Ask yourselves, all of you... What power would hell have if those imprisoned were not able to dream of heaven? heaven hell Neil Gaiman
5189863 Aquello esta sobre las brasas de la tierra, en la mera boca del infierno. Con decirle que muchos de los que alli se mueren al llegar al infierno regresan por su cobija. hell humor Juan Rulfo
118fcfd Any love is natural and beautiful that lies within a person's nature; only hypocrites would hold a man responsible for what he loves, emotional illiterates and those of righteous envy, who, in their agitated concern, mistake so frequently the arrow pointing to heaven for the one that leads to hell. hell hypocrites love Truman Capote
e1961cb You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves. heaven hell Margaret Atwood
ccc8261 Exactly what the powers of hell feed on: the best instincts in man. hell human-nature instinct Philip K. Dick
97aa308 Hell is full of musical amateurs: music is the brandy of the damned. May not one lost soul be permitted to abstain? hell music George Bernard Shaw
6c71d67 They say that in the second before our death, each of us understands the real reason for our existence, and out of that moment, heaven or hell is born. heaven hell life Paulo Coelho
96d1b96 Through me is the way to the city of woe. Through me is the way to sorrow eternal. Through me is the way to the lost below. Justice moved my architect supernal. I was constructed by divine power, supreme wisdom, and love primordial. Before me no created things were. Save those eternal, and eternal I abide. Abandon all hope, you who enter. hell inferno stanley-lombardo-translation Dante Alighieri
9298a44 They believe themselves Lucifer's equals, Cain, all these pitiful little gnats. But there is only one that we have ever owned to be our superior. There is but one greater than us, and to him... to him we no longer speak. hell lucifer Neil Gaiman
b573610 After Hatuey, a fifteenth-century Indian insurrectionist, had been fixed to the stake, his Spanish captors extended him the choice of converting to Christianity and ascending to Heaven of going unrepentantly to Hell. Gathering that his executioners expected to go to heaven, Hatuey chose the other expected hatuey heaven hell indian Kathy Acker
8718c3b Those who meet Jesus always experience either joy or its opposites, either foretastes of Heaven or foretastes of Hell. Not everyone who meets Jesus is pleased, and not everyone is happy, but everyone is shocked. christ christianity heaven hell jesus jesus-christ jesus-shock meeting-jesus philosophy shock spirituality theology peter kreeft
1ebf7a0 You've thrown down the gauntlet. You've brought my wrath down upon your house. Now, to prove that I exist I must kill you. As the child outlives the father, so must the character bury the author. If you are, in fact, my continuing author, then killing you will end my existence as well. Small loss. Such a life, as your puppet, is not worth living. But... If I destroy you and your dreck script, and I still exist... then my existence will be glorious, for I will become my own master. damned death dying heaven hell kill life living master murder puppet wrath Chuck Palahniuk
ff26166 Many governments employ torture but this was the first time that the element of Saturnalia and pornography in the process had been made so clear to me. If you care to imagine what any inadequate or cruel man might do, given unlimited power over a woman, then anything that you can bring yourself to suspect was what became routine in ESMA, the Navy Mechanics School that became the headquarters of the business. I talked to Dr. Emilio Mignone, a distinguished physician whose daughter Monica had disappeared into the precincts of that hellish place. What do you find to say to a doctor and a humanitarian who has been gutted by the image of a starving rat being introduced to his daughter's genitalia? Like hell itself the school was endorsed and blessed by priests, in case any stray consciences needed to be stilled. esma hell sadism sexual-abuse torture Christopher Hitchens
3b4246c So, is there an afterlife, and if so, what will it be like? I don't have a clue. But I am confident that the one who has buoyed us up in life will also buoy us up through death. We die into God. What more that means, I do not know. But that is all I need to know. bible christianity death heaven hell Marcus J. Borg
bc69f91 God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell. christian christopher-marlowe creator demons devil eternity faust god hard-truths hell lucifer marlowe truth E.A. Bucchianeri
5fb6888 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. bible bible-verse christian faith heaven hell hope salvation saved spirituality Anonymous
c4d366f You couldn't get a decent drink in either of them, for a start. And the boredom you got in Heaven was almost as bad as the excitement you got in Hell. hell Neil Gaiman Terry Pratchett
66e5c18 "I don't reckon it's allowed, going round setting fire to people," said Adam. "Otherwise people'd be doin' it all the time." "It's all right if you're religious," said Brian reassuringly. "And it stops the witches from goin' to Hell, so I expect they'd be quite grateful if they understood it properly." heaven hell humour witches Terry Pratchett
d603ab8 You turn the light on, you get all kinds of bugs. hell religion spirtuality Rob Bell
c4216b2 "You know," she murmured, "we're all heading straight to hell." "Yes," said Masako, giving her a bleak look. "It's like riding downhill with no brakes." "You mean, there's no way to stop?" "No, you stop all right - when you crash." -- hell mistakes regret trouble Natsuo Kirino
0e16db4 You did thirst for blood, and with blood I fill you hell inferno Dante Alighieri
f368a87 "You listen to me, and listen good!" she shouted, shocking me. "I am not evil because I have a thousand years of demon smut on my soul!" she exclaimed, the tips of her hair trembling and her face flushed. "Every time you disturb reality, nature has to balance it out. The black on your soul isn't evil, it's a promise to make up for what you have done. It's a mark, not a death sentence. And you can get rid of it given time." "Ceri, I'm sorry," I fumbled, but she wasn't listening. "You're an ignorant, foolish, stupid witch," she berated, and I cringed, my grip tightening on the copper spell pot and feeling the anger from her like a whip. "Are you saying because I carry the stink of demon magic, that I'm a bad person?" "No..." I wedged in. "That God will show no pity?" she said, green eyes flashing. "That because I made one mistake in fear that led to a thousand more that I will burn in hell?" "No. Ceri -" I took a step forward. "My soul is black," she said, her fear showing in her suddenly pale cheeks. "I'll never be rid of it all before I die, but it won't be because I'm a bad person but because I was a frightened one." blackness damnation demon-magic hell redemption soul Kim Harrison
c0be49c Tolstoy said, 'The antagonism between life and conscience may be removed either by a change of life or by a change of conscience.' Many of us have elected to adjust our consciences rather than our lives. Our powers of rationalization are unlimited. They allow us to live in luxury and indifference while others, whom we could help if we chose to, starve and go to hell. change compassion conscience conviction guilt hell hunger indifference power rationalization starvation stewardship tolstoy Randy Alcorn
6cdd690 ...,dying seems like the greatest weakness, and in a world where people say you're lazy for not shaving your legs, then being dead seems like the ultimate character flaw. Chapter I. dead flaw hell humor palahniuk Chuck Palahniuk
af01886 Despair was a heavy blackness that let no light in or out. It was a hell beyond expression. despair expression hell Yann Martel
4cdfd16 "We'd better eat before we raise hell." - Aelin Ashrvyer Galathynius" eat empire-of-storms eos food hell meal raise-hell sarah-j-maas throne-of-glass tog Sarah J. Maas
d214904 That child of Hell had nothing human; nothing lived in him but fear and hatred. devil dr-jekyll dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde hate hatred hell horor Robert Louis Stevenson
095d9d8 I am hell with a knife and there is nothing I can really do about it but try and keep my mouth shut and try not to let it show. hell teenagers Lynda Barry
3405bfe No one's happy here, you know that. But I am content, and maybe that's enough for me. contentment happiness hell lost-in-time melissa-de-la-cruz Melissa de la Cruz
a3df49d They told me that nothing was a sin, just a poor life choice. Poor impulse control. That nothing is evil. Any concept of right versus wrong, according to them, is merely a cultural construct relative to one specific time and place. They said that if anything should force us to modify our personal behavior it should be our allegiance to a social contract, not some vague, externally imposed threat of flaming punishment. fun funny heaven hell humor inspirational life motivational true chuck palahniuk
469ffb5 Liz: What's it like in hell? Ketut: Same like heaven. Universe is a circle, Liss. To up, to down -- all same, at end. Liz: Then how can you tell the difference between heaven and hell? Ketut: Because of how you go. Heaven, you go up, through seven happy places. Hell you go down, through seven sad places. This is why it better for you to go up, Liss. Liz: You mean, you might as well spend your life going upward, through the happy places, since heaven and hell -- same destinations -- are the same thing anyway? Ketut: Same-same. Same in end, so better be happy on journey. heaven hell sad Elizabeth Gilbert
e214fe3 Wherever you go..., you'll see Heaven and Hell on every side... in . Look for them and you'll soon know them. There on your left, Hell shuffles by, carrying a reluctant, gloomy chicken, his only comrade. There on your right, Heaven spring past, singing - a lunatic, a little too much for civilized contact. Just the way it always was. hell purgatory Daniel Quinn
892cbda She was my friend. Briefly, she was my lover. She was braver than I ever would have been in the moment of death. And I bet she was a hell of a shooting star. death friend hell lover moment shooting star John Scalzi
f7924e8 Something more terrible than a hell where one suffers may be imagined, and that is a hell where one is bored. boredom hell Victor Hugo
8927f3d There will be no redemption because the men who run this place do not want redemption. They want to be as near to hell as they can. hell redemption Colson Whitehead
4c8d215 Why I would sell the whole world for a single kopek, just so that nobody would bother me. Should the world go to hell, or should I go without my tea now? I'll say let the world go to hell so long as I can have my tea whenever I want it. hell tea Fyodor Dostoyevsky
6aefe83 Well, Hell was worse, of course, by definition. But Crowley remembered what Heaven was like, and it had quite a few things in common with Hell. You couldn't get a decent drink in either of them, for a start. And the boredom you got in Heaven was almost as bad as the excitement you got in Hell. hell humor Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman
e6c330d The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of Angels & God, and at liberty when of Devils & Hell, is because he was a true Poet and of the Devil's party without knowing it. devil god hell liberty milton poetry William Blake
4bf47ec This is a paradise of rising to the occasion that points out by contrast how the rest of the time most of us fall down from the heights of possibility, down into diminished selves and dismal societies. Many now do not even hope for a better society, but they recognize it when they encounter it, and that discovery shines out even through the namelessness of their experience. Others recognize it, grasp it, and make something of it, and long-term social and political transformations, both good and bad, arise from the wreckage. The door to this ear's potential paradises is in hell. disaster hell paradise Rebecca Solnit
bbfbd3b I think if Eternity held torment, its form would not be fiery rack, nor its nature, despair. I think that on a certain day amongst those days which never dawned, and will not set, an angel entered Hades -- stood, shone, smiled, delivered a prophecy of conditional pardon, kindled a doubtful hope of bliss to come, not now, but at a day and hour unlooked for, revealed in his own glory and grandeur the height and compass of his promise: spoke thus -- then towering, became a star, and vanished into his own Heaven. His legacy was suspense -- a worse boon than despair. hell hope suspense Charlotte Brontë
d82fc88 The possibility of paradise hovers on the cusp of coming into being, so much so that it takes powerful forces to keep such a paradise at bay. If paradise now arises in hell, it's because in the suspension of the usual order and the failure of most systems, we are free to live and act another way. hell paradise Rebecca Solnit
987b46c In the airport, luggage-laden people rush hither and yon through endless corridors, like souls to each of whom the devil has furnished a different, inaccurate map of the escape route from hell. hell hell-on-earth purgatory Ursula K. Le Guin
83f3007 I once went to report on a village in Russia, a community of artists who were forced to flee the cities! I'd heard that paintings hung everywhere! I heard you couldn't see the walls through all of the paintings! They'd painted the ceilings, the 82 plates, the windows, the lampshades! Was it an act of rebellion! An act of expression! Were the paintings good, or was that beside the point! I needed to see it for myself, and I needed to tell the world about it! I used to live for reporting like that! Stalin found out about the community and sent his thugs in, just a few days before I got there, to break all of their arms! That was worse than killing them! It was a horrible sight, Oskar: their arms in crude splints, straight in front of them like zombies! They couldn't feed themselves, because they couldn't get their hands to their mouths! So you know what they did!' 'They starved?' 'They fed each other! That's the difference between heaven and hell! In hell we starve! In heaven we feed each other! heaven-and-hell hell Jonathan Safran Foer
622e1c4 In reality, the damned are in the same place as the saved--in reality! But they hate it; it is their Hell. The saved love it, and it is their Heaven. It is like two people sitting side by side at an opera or a rock concert: the very thing that is Heaven to one is Hell to the other. Dostoyevski says, 'We are all in paradise, but we won't see it'...Hell is not literally the 'wrath of God.' The love of God is an objective fact; the 'wrath of God' is a human projection of our own wrath upon God, as the Lady Julian saw--a disastrous misinterpretation of God's love as wrath. God really says to all His creatures, 'I know you and I love you' but they hear Him saying, 'I never knew you; depart from me.' It is like angry children misinterpreting their loving parents' affectionate advances as threats. They project their own hate onto their parents' love and experience love as an enemy--which it is: an enemy to their egotistic defenses against joy... Since God is love, since love is the essence of the divine life, the consequence of loss of this life is loss of love...Though the damned do not love God, God loves them, and this is their torture. The very fires of Hell are made of the love of God! Love received by one who only wants to hate and fight thwarts his deepest want and is therefore torture. If God could stop loving the damned, Hell would cease to be pure torture. If the sun could stop shining, lovers of the dark would no longer be tortured by it. But the sun could sooner cease to shine than God cease to be God...The lovelessness of the damned blinds them to the light of glory in which they stand, the glory of God's fire. God is in the fire that to them is Hell. God is in Hell ('If I make my bed in Hell, Thou art there' [Ps 139:8]) but the damned do not know Him. damnation divine-love eternal-punishment heaven hell wrath-of-god Peter Kreeft
5ea173a Alecto, do you think we have fallen from heaven, or do you think we are falling towards it? falling from heaven hell towards Rebecca McNutt
6808ca6 Hell hell because, there, evil passes unremarked upon. hell David Mitchell
8fd9a31 the Devil's hand directs our every move the things we loathed become the things we love; day by day we drop through stinking shades quite undeterred on our descent to Hell. hell Charles Baudelaire
7f8b749 Dear God, I must be dead and in hell since you're here. dislike hatred hell Catherine Coulter
b5d729f "In all seriousness, Archer claims that if you, as a living, alive person, hear the song "You're the One That I Want" from the musical Grease three times in a single day - seemingly by accident, whether in an elevator, on a radio, a telephone hold button, or whatever - it indicates that you'll surely die before sunset." grease hell premonition Chuck Palahniuk
a59efc4 What makes the earth feel like Hell is our expectation that it ought to feel like Heaven. hell hell-on-earth Chuck Palahniuk
baced13 When Jesus says he will keep you safe, he means it. Hell will have to get through him to get to you. hell jesus max-lucado safety security Max Lucado
3438e51 This is a night for song and sin and drink, for come the morrow, the virtuous and the vile burn together. death fire-and-blood hell night pious sin tomorrow vile virtuous George R.R. Martin
b9a97cb "Sometimes I felt I would die by wishing it when I went to sleep but I always woke up again and found I was still there. Every morning finding I'm still me, that's hell." "Well, get out of hell then! The gate's open and I'm holding it!" "I can't. I'm hell, myself." depressed dialogue hell iris-murdoch release suffering suicidal the-sea-the-sea trapped Iris Murdoch
fbb848a Forget the threat of Hell's infernal flames. The true torture would condemn a man to wait and wait and wait - for an eternity hell historical-fiction Sharon Kay Penman
e9958af Sometimes the reason people have a problem accepting 'the gospel' is that they sense that the God lurking behind Jesus isn't safe, loving, or good. It doesn't make sense, it can't be reconciled, and so they say no. god hell religion Rob Bell
c1eaa56 "{ } believers catholic catholic-church catholicism christendom church contempt coop credulity cruelty divines dreadful hell integrity lie luminous martyrs realization ritual sages shame submission ugly H.G. Wells
5237405 [W]hat makes earth feel like Hell is our expectation that it should feel like Heaven. heaven-and-hell hell life life-and-death Chuck Palahniuk
b173136 God has to punish sinners, because God is holy, but Jesus has paid the price for our sin, and so we can have eternal life. However true or untrue that is technically or theologically, what it can do is subtly teach people that Jesus rescues us from God. death god hell jesus religion sin Rob Bell
6fb2735 (Marlowe's) Faustus stubbornly reverts to his atheistic beliefs and continues his elementary pagan re-education ~ the inferno to him is a 'place' invented by men. christopher-marlowe disbelief faust faust-legend faustian faustus hell inferno marlowe paganism E.A. Bucchianeri
733bcae Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gates of heaven. hell John Bunyan
e7996dc Has God created millions of people over tens of thousands of years who are going to spend eternity in anguish? Can God do this, or even allow this, and still claim to be a loving God? Does God punish people for thousands of years with infinite, eternal torment for things they did in their few finite years of life? death god hell life religion Rob Bell
edade7e I never heard enough damnation from your pulpit. Many mornings I had to strain to take hold of what you were saying, Reverend. I couldn't figure it out, and got dizzy listening, the way you were dodging here and there. A lot of talk about compassion for the less fortunate, I remember that. Never a healthy sign, to my way of thinking, too much fuss and feathers about the poor. They're with us always, the Lord Himself said. Wait till the next go-around, if the poor feel so sorry for themselves on this. The first shall be last. Take away damnation, in my opinion, a man might as well be an atheist. A God that can't damn a body to an eternal Hell can't lift a body up out of the grave either. damnation death eternal-damnation god hell poor religion John Updike
a8cdff5 Purgatory is hell with hope. hell hope purgatory Philip José Farmer
6496f93 Because of Jesus' supposed predestination, God would have had to choose the people who would kill and betray his son, choose the method by which he would be killed (crucifixion), and the time at which the event would occur. Those guilty of killing Jesus would therefore be simply carrying out God's wishes without the free will to have chosen a path for themselves. free-will guilty heaven hell jesus judas romans David G. McAfee
b724084 What the hell kind of Hell was this supposed to be? funny ghost hell Jim Butcher
6b9c2b8 Life is not the end, and death is just the beginning... dead death die dying grim-reaper heaven hell life Rebecca McNutt
b73e9b5 Hell was full of clocks, he was sure of it. There was no torment, after all, that could not be exacerbated by a contemplation of time passing. The large case clock at the end of the corridor had a particularly penetrating tick-tock, audiable above and through all the noises of the house. It seemed to Lord John Grey to echo his own heartbeats, each one a step on the road towards death. death heartbeat hell lord-john time Diana Gabaldon
64d95b1 -Hace calof aqui- dije. -Si, y esto no es nada- me contesto el otro. Calmese. Ya lo sentira mas fuerte cuando lleguemos a Comala. Aquello esta sobre las brasas de la tierra, en la mera boca del infierno. Con decirle que muchos de los que alli se mueren, al llegar al infierno regresan por su cobija. hell infierno muerte méxico Juan Rulfo
21ade40 Are you an angel or a devil, sir? I need to know. Are you taking me up or down? devil down heaven hell up Eoin Colfer
34700e8 We're all going to hell anyway, why not enjoy the ride? hell Robert Ferrigno
2e6f70c Jeg trodde Auschwitz var helvete pa jord og at ingenting kunne bli verre. Der tok jeg feil. Auschwitz var et organisert helvete. Krematoriene fungerte. Likene ble ikke liggende pa appellplassen. Warszawa var et planlost helvete. auschwitz hell jøder mannen-og-muren poland warsaw Robert Savosnick
0b11ad2 "You are pretty healthy, and maybe there isn't any hell after all." "Oh, but there is Rhett! You know there is!" "I know there is but it's right here on earth. Not after we die. There's nothing after we die, Scarlett. You are having your hell now." hell Margaret Mitchell
6b3412e The angel was sitting by his bed when Simon Iddesleigh, sixth Viscount Iddesleigh, opened his eyes. He would've thought it a terrible dream, one of an endless succession that haunted him nightly -- or worse, that he'd not survived the beating and had made that final infinite plunge out of this world and into the flaming next. But he was almost certain hell did not smell of lavender and starch, did not feel like worn linen and down pillows, did not sound with the chirping of sparrows and the rustle of gauze curtains. And, of course, there were no angels in hell. hell iddesleigh simon viscount Elizabeth Hoyt
27b83fc According to your holy book, every single Buddhist, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, follower of various minor traditions or sects, those who do not affiliate themselves with a religious tradition and the approximately 2.74 billion humans who have never had the 'privilege' of hearing the word of your Messiah will be sentenced to eternal damnation in a lake of fire--regardless of moral standings or positive worldly accomplishments. If this sounds like a fair proposition to you, then I bite my tongue--but I honestly believe that the majority of Christians do not agree with these doctrinal assertions, and instead categorize themselves as 'Christians' out of cultural familiarity or perhaps out of complete ignorance in regards to the topic. christian heaven hell jew joshua-project only-way-through-jesus worship David G. McAfee
8de5b6e Merry-go-rounds are a shared lie of childhood. Cruelty masked as fun. Tedium cloaked as adventure. A great spinning vessel of torment getting the tykes ready for the damnation most of them will richly deserve, all because their minds were permanently twisted by this parade of pony horrors. hell merry-go-rounds perdition-score Richard Kadrey
50f8f3d "I asked, "You mean, you might as well spend your life going upward, through the happy places, since heaven and hell - the destinations - are the same thing anyway?" "Same - same," he said. "Same in end, so better to be happy on journey." I said, "So, if heaven is love, then hell is..." "Love, too," he said." hell life philosophy spirituality Elizabeth Gilbert