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b3988c5 "Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mistakes is just part of life. What does the world want of me? Does it want me to take no risks, to go back to where I came from because I didn't have the courage to say "yes" to life?" paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
7a4d6d5 I've learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that you're with me, even when you're not by my side. you paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
b8fd9f8 nn nHwl dwman tfsyr l'mwr wfq m nryd, l wfq m hy `lyh paulo-coelho باولو كويلو
3c8ae60 "It's risky, falling in love." "I know that," I answered. "I've been in love before. It's like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day, you want more. You're not addicted yet, but you like the sensation, and you think you can still control things. You think about the person you love for two minutes, and forget them for three hours. "But then you get used to that person, and you begin to be completely dependent on them. Now you think about him for three hours and forget him for two minutes. If he's not there, you feel like an addict who can't get a fix. And just as addicts steal and humiliate themselves to get what they need, you're willing to do anything for love." "What a horrible way to put it," he said." -- paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
6d79c94 In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
576b510 Never be ashamed,' he said. 'Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.' 'How will I know which is which?' 'By the taste. You can only know a good wine if you have first tasted a bad one. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
44975e3 If I must be faithful to someone or something, I have, first of all, have to be faithful to myself. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
8e07806 'Hynan nHtj l~ 'n nkwn Grb `n 'nfsn, `ndy'dh synyr lnwr fy rwHn m nHtj l~ rw'yth paulo-coelho ألف باولو كويلو
cc770c1 It is not time that changes man nor knowledge the only thing that can change someone's mind is love. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
9695ada No one owns anything. Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realize that nothing really belongs to them. And if nothing belongs to me, then there's no point wasting my time looking after things that aren't mine. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
f8d3bbd Love is not to be found in someone else but in ourselves; we simply awaken it. But in order to do that, we need the other person. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
128fcf9 All religions lead to the same God, and all deserve the same respect. Anyone who chooses a religion is also choosing a collective way for worshipping and sharing the mysteries. Nevertheless, that person is the only one responsible for his or her actions along the way and has no right to shift responsibility for any personal decisions on to that religion. paulo-coelho politics religion Paulo Coelho
e75cf8b Life moves very fast. It rushes us from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
f62faa3 Choosing a path means having to miss out on others paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
e32243c everyone knows how to love because we are all born with that gift. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
0564cd1 Sometimes, you get no second chance and that its best to accept the gifts the world offers you. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
653ad0c The boat is safer anchored at the port; but that's not the aim of boats. paulo-coelho the-pilgrimage Paulo Coelho
0bff251 It isn't expectations that carry us forward, it's our desire to go on. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
8cdcf2d There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning. paulo-coelho romance the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
6cc3ecd God hides the fires of hell within paradise. god hell irony paradise paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
9beffce The true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
6daaac0 When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. paulo-coelho the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
5352ac9 Learn to recognize omens, and follow them paulo-coelho philosophical the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
23b02fd When we meet someone and fall in love, we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. And yet if something goes wrong, there is nothing left! paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
2cc8109 We always have the necessary resources to face the storms that life throws at us, but most of the time,those resources are locked up in the depths of our heart and we waste an enormous amount of time trying to find them.By the time we've found them,we already been defeated by adversity. like-the-flowing-river paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
4b393d0 Its best to live as if it were the first and last day of my life. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
e9c9af4 During sex, it is very difficult to deceive the other person because that is when each person shows who they really are. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
fc27782 And they will return one day knowing the miracle of the heavens and of all the world. God knew what he was doing when he drew their attention to the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he hadn't wanted them to eat it, he would never have mentioned it. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
8582517 All we have to do is understand that we're all here for a reason and to commit ourselves to that. Then we can laugh at our sufferings, large and small and walk fearlessly, aware that each step has meaning inspirational life love meanings paulo-coelho reason sufferings understand Paulo Coelho
2f3ef6e The aim of every human being is to understand the meaning of total love. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
3b57b32 How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes before to vanish so quickly? paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
7ea908a She asks him to touch her, to feel her with his hands, because bodies always understand each other, even when souls do not. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
a7684f8 When I had nothing to lose, I had everything. When I stopped being who I am, I found myself. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's
2b175cd d` mn Hwlk ynmwn m`k paulo-coelho ألف باولو كويلو
ad9688a 'nt tsfr wlknk lm ttrk mnzlk b`d m dmn m`an, wstZl `l~ hdhh lHl; fl~ jnbk shkhS y`rfk, whdh ymn`k Hsan zy'fan mn l'lf@. an l'wn lttb` wHdk, wqd tjd lwHd@ thqyl@ lwT'@ wtfwq lHtml, wlkn syzwl hdh lsh`wr tdryjyan Hyn tbq~ `l~ twSl m` lakhryn paulo-coelho ألف باولو كويلو
f06ee84 ...when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too. paulo-coelho the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
7168ba3 stTl`n l'sy'l@ dhth dwman, wsnHtj dwman l~ lql` `n tkbrn lky ntqbl 'n qlwbn `l~ `lm bsbb wjwdn hn paulo-coelho ألف باولو كويلو
283088f As he looked up at the clouds or down at the precipice, he realized that this woman was the most important thing in his life; that she was the explanation, the sole reason for the existence of those rocks, that sky, that winter. If she were not there with him, it wouldn't matter if all the angels of heaven came flying down to comfort him--Paradise would make no sense. love paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
a7bd6d5 m`an nkhT ktb lHy@, lqtn mrswm@ mn lqdr, w'ydyn mtshbk@ fyymnn b'n ln 'n nHdth ltGyyr fy hdh l`lm, ml yshm bklm@ wbjml@ wbSwr@, wlkn fy lnhy@ kl dhlk yshkl m`n~; s`d@ lwHd hy s`d@ ljmy` paulo-coelho باولو كويلو
99d3aa6 The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's
f18c91d They were so ignorant, so naive, so resigned to their lot. They refused to believe anything that didn't fit in with what they were used to believing. paulo-coelho the-devil-and-miss-prym Paulo Coelho
752d0ba The closer one gets to realizing his destiny,the more that destiny becomes his true reason for being. paulo-coelho the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
a5d2f39 "War crimes, you say? No matter how many policies you put on paper, in reality, there are no rights and wrongs in war. War itself is a crime. War cannot be justified. I believe, the only people, in this world, whose opinions matter, are the ones who go the extra mile to help other people expecting nothing in return. Soldiers who fight fiercely for their country, the doctors in Sri Lanka's public hospitals attending to hundreds of patients at a time for no extra pay , the nuns who voluntarily teach English and math to children of refugee camps in the north, the monks who collect food to feed entire villages during crises, they are the people worth listening to, their opinion matters. So find me one of them who will say: they wish the war didn't end in 2009, that they wish Sri Lanka was divided into two parts. Find me one of them who agrees with the international war crime allegations against Sri Lanka, and I will listen. ife inspiration paulo-coelho sri-lanka war war-crimes Thisuri Wanniarachchi
90b41dd The truth is that we don't want to be saved by in the way God has chosen; we want to keep absolute control over our every step, to be fully conscious of our decisions, to be capable of choosing the object of our devotion. It isn't like that with love - it arrives, moves in, and starts directing everything. hope inspirational love paulo-coelho unexpected Paulo Coelho
d79ab9f "At some point, we have each said through our tears, "I'm suffering for a love that's not worth it." We suffer because we feel we are giving more than we receive. We suffer because we feel we are giving more than we receive. We suffer because our love is going unrecognized. We suffer because we are unable to impose our own rules. But ultimately there is no good reason for our suffering, for in every love lies the seed of our growth." favorite love paulo-coelho river-piedra suffering worth Paulo Coelho
a40f548 He learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke--the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love. paulo-coelho the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
d8f5a9d The acomodador or giving-up point: there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, a disappointment in love, even a victory that we did not quite understand, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of the process of increasing his hidden powers, the shaman must first free himself from that giving-up point and, to do so, he must review his while life and find out where it occured. moving-on paulo-coelho the-zahir Paulo Coelho
abfc685 I m two women: one wants to have all the joy, passion and adventure that life can give me. The other wants to be a slave to routine, to family life, to the things that can be planned and achieved. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's
992214c "They know what the "perfumes" are going to say because they always say the same thing, but they pretend to believe them anyway. (a)"I could change your life." (b)"A lot of women would like to be in your shoes." (c)"You're young now, but what will become of you in a few years' time? You need to think about making a longer-term investment." (d)"I'm married, but my wife . . ." (This opening line can have various endings: ". . . is ill," ". . . has threatened to commit suicide if I leave her," etc.) (e)"You're a princess and deserve to be treated like one. I didn't know it until now, but I've been waiting for you. I don't believe in coincidences and I really think we ought to give this relationship a chance." paulo-coelho the-winner-stands-alone Paulo Coelho
6702787 All love stories have much in common. I wen through the same thing at one point in my life. But that's not what I remember. What I remember is that love returned in the form of another man, new hopes, and new dreams. hope love-stories paulo-coelho river-piedra Paulo Coelho
040e998 If his decision is correct, he will win the battle, even if it lasts longer than expected. If his decision is wrong, he will be defeated and he will have to start all over again- only this time with more wisdom. But once he has started, a warrior of the light perseveres until the end. motivational paulo-coelho perseverance regrets winner-stands-alone Paulo Coelho
8a41c7c The person who gives him or herself wholly, the person who feels freest, is the person who loves most wholeheartedly. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's
d625f9c As though everything truly had to be faced without fear, as a mere fact of life - we don't choose the things that happen to us, but we can choose how we react to them. hippie inspirational paulo-coelho truth Paulo Coelho
7d00d24 A writer once said that it is not time that changes man, nor knowledge; the only thing that can change someone's mind is love. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho
1484720 Sebab aku tidak hidup di masa lalu ataupun di masa depan. Aku hanya tertarik pada saat ini. Berbahagialah orang yang bisa berkonsentrasi hanya untuk saat ini. Akan kaulihat bahwa di gurun ini pun ada kehidupan, di langit sana bintang-bintang bersinar, dan suku-suku berperang karena mereka bagian dari umat manusia. Hidup ini akan terasa seperti pesta bagimu, suatu festival meriah, sebab hidup ini adalah saat yang kita jalani sekarang. paulo-coelho the-alchemist Paulo Coelho
69df2ff Keeping passion at bay or surrendering blindly to it-which of these two attitudes is the least destructive? I don't know. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's
ef41f32 I'm a housewife and a prostitute, both of us living in the same body and doing a battle with each other. paulo-coelho Paulo Coelho's