There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning.
"But he was able to understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning of things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that wil carry him into places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision." - The Alchemist, Paulo Cohelo -" --
You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love... the love that speaks the Language of the World.
Everyone has his or her own way of learning things. His way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we're both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.
We, their hearts, become fearful just thinking of loved ones who go away forever, or of moments that could have been good but weren't, or of moments that could have been found but were forever hidden in the sands.
Sometimes it's better to be with the sheep, who don't say anything. And better still to be alone with one's books. They tell their incredible stories at the time when you want to hear them. But when you're talking to people, they say some things that are so strange that you don't know how to continue the conversation.
"... "That at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie." - The Alchemist, Paulo Cohelo -"
He learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke--the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart. It was love.
Sebab aku tidak hidup di masa lalu ataupun di masa depan. Aku hanya tertarik pada saat ini. Berbahagialah orang yang bisa berkonsentrasi hanya untuk saat ini. Akan kaulihat bahwa di gurun ini pun ada kehidupan, di langit sana bintang-bintang bersinar, dan suku-suku berperang karena mereka bagian dari umat manusia. Hidup ini akan terasa seperti pesta bagimu, suatu festival meriah, sebab hidup ini adalah saat yang kita jalani sekarang.