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0ff945a I've been fighting to be who I am all my life. What's the point of being who I am, if I can't have the person who was worth all the fighting for? fighting funny humour husband inspirational love lover relationships romance spiritual sweet wife Stephanie Lennox
c9f584c Sleep is my lover now, my forgetting, my opiate, my oblivion. lover oblivion opiate sleep Audrey Niffenegger
ca5e03b Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel. lover madman minstrel Neil Gaiman
3e45173 Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. The lunatic, the lover and the poet Are of imagination all compact: One sees more devils than vast hell can hold, That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic, Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt: The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. devils earth egypt fantasy helen imagination love lover lunatic madmen poet poetry reason words Shakespeare William Shakespeare
5b333a2 Vengeance was one hell of a roommate. dagger dark lover wrath J.R. Ward
8c48ab4 "He shook his head, just looking at me. - "What?" I asked. - "Nothing" he said. - "Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything." I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, "I`m not beau-" - "You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman." - "Never seen it." awkward beautiful boy flirt girl gorgeous hazel john-green life looking-at-me love lover lovers natalie-portman real real-life silence smile smiling the-fault-in-our-stars turn-me-on vendetta John Green The Fault in Our Stars
595ae91 Often you don't know whether a woman is friend, enemy or lover until it is too late. Sometimes, she is all three. lover women Robert Jordan
cf2286a Sometimes in life, from out of a myriad of prosaic decisions like what to eat and where to sleep and how to dress, a true crossroads is revealed. In these moments, when the fog of relative irrelevancy lifts and fate rolls out a demand for free will, there is only left or right - no option of four-by-fouring into the underbrush between two paths, no negotiating with the choice that has been presented. You must answer the call and pick your way. And there is no reverse. black brotherhood dagger lover ward J.R. Ward
126e10a No people find each other more absurd than lovers love lover people relationships C.S. Lewis
ecd9633 You can run from the truth. You can run and hide from the truth. You can deny and avoid the truth. But you cannot destroy the truth. Nor can you make the lie true. You must know that love will always uncover the truth. love-at-first-sight love-hurts love-quotes love-story lovely lovequotes lover lovers music poet poetry-love rare-images-of-love realistic-poetry realistic-poetry-quotes tags-cinderella tags-delano-johnson tags-fantasy tags-love Delano Johnson
b0ffd85 "Oh, God, Francesca,Now there's a good one.Why?Why? Why?" He gave each one a different tenor, as if he were testing out the word, asking it to different people. "Why?" he asked again, this time with increased volume as he turned around to face her. "Why? It's because I love you, damn me to hell. Because I've always loved you. Because I loved you when you were with John, and I loved you when I was in India, and God only knows I don't deserve you, but I love you, anyway." Francesca sagged against the door. "How's that for a witty little joke?" he mocked. "I loveyou. I loveyou, my cousin's wife. I loveyou, the one woman I can never have. I loveyou, Francesca Bridger-ton Stirling." julia-quinn lover Julia Quinn
18ca08a "And when I fall in love," I began, "I will build a mountain to touch the sky. Then, my lover and I will have the best of both worlds, reality firmly under our feet, while we have our heads in the clouds with all our illusions still intact. And the purple grass will grow all around, high enough to reach our eyes." clouds dreamers dreaming dreams fall-in-love feet firm grass grounded heads idealists ideals illusions love lover mountain purple realist reality sky worlds V.C. Andrews
9a8a41d I'm up for it. Whatever it is. As long as it means I'll always be with you. love lover Melissa de la Cruz
309d56c "Forget your voice, sing! Forget your feet, dance! awareness awareness-quotes be become beloved conscious consciousness consciousness-quotes dance enjoy feet forget hafez hafiz harmony inspirational kamand kamand-kojouri khayyam kojouri let-go letting-go-quotes life live living-in-the-now love lover moment music present rumi saadi sing song spiritual spirituality sufi surrender voice yourself Kamand Kojouri
82396cf Stephan was secretive and a liar, but he was a very gentle and expert lover. She was the petted, cherished child, the desired mistress, the worshipped, perfumed goddess. She was all these things to Stephan - or so he made her believe. goddess liar love lover mistress worship Jean Rhys
0d1572e "How can you be a lover of love faith god hafez hafiz impossible in-love kamand kamand-kojouri kojouri love love-movement love-poems love-quotes love-revolution love-wins lover religion rumi spiritual spirituality sufi sufism Kamand Kojouri
d4c5590 "You know how it goes: at some point in your life, you fell in love with someone and had a glimpse of God. Then you abandoned life and lover beloved celebrate celebrating celebration christ divine divinity glimpse god goes hafez hafiz in-love jesus kamand kamand-kojouri know kojouri life love love-is-love love-movement love-revolution love-wins lover point religion rumi someone spiritual spirituality sufi sufism universe worship worshipping Kamand Kojouri
c07bec7 "Love releases us into the realm of divine imagination, where the soul is expanded and reminded of its unearthly cravings and needs. We think that when a lover inflates his loved one he is failing to acknowledge her flaws - "Love is blind." But it may be the other way around. Love allows a person to see the true angelic nature of another person, the halo, the aureole of divinity. Certainly from the perspective of ordinary life this is madness and illusion. But if we let loose our hold on our philosophies and psychologies of enlightenment and reason, we might learn to appreciate the perspective of eternity that enters life as madness, Plato's divine frenzy." craving divine divinity enlightenment illusion imagination love lover madness platohtenment Thomas Moore
c3dc219 "Bella. "Nathan Malone is dead." He caught her shoulders, shook her. "No!" she screamed back. And she couldn't hit him. She wanted to, and she couldn't. "look at me," he yelled. "Look at me, Bella. What happened killed the man you loved. All that is left is this. The man you see now.The name name I carry now. Anything else is no possible." "No!" She pulled away from him, stumbled to her feet, and shook with the rage pounding through her. "The name may be dead, but you are not dead. "You weren't just a SEAL," she cried. "You weren't just a friend, or a son, or a grandson, or a brother. You weren't just a warrior." She clenched her fists, pressed to her stomach as the agony swell up through every cell of her body. "You are my husband. My lover. It doesn't matter if your name is Nathan, Noah, or hey fucking you, you are my my lover. My soul. My heart." husband lover nathan-malone noah-blake sabella soul wild-card Lora Leigh
7f74547 Every woman feels. It just takes the right man to make things combust. lover lovers men men-and-women relationship relationships romance sex women women-s-fiction women-writers Barbara Delinsky
892cbda She was my friend. Briefly, she was my lover. She was braver than I ever would have been in the moment of death. And I bet she was a hell of a shooting star. death friend hell lover moment shooting star John Scalzi
41fdfe2 wlkn knt 'nt l`z wlsrwr ! lHy@ SHr qHl@ mhlk@ w 'nt bh wHdk lwH@ lkhDr lrTyb@ tlwdh bh lnfs life lover Naguib Mahfouz
0c839f6 syaamuyyel kryaamaar, yini prthm dike myaanuyyelaa de mNtebherde benaame kyyekttaa romaanttik bokaami si krechilen -- romaanttisijmer sonaali dinguloyy -- tini phyaakaashe ek jaarmaan baabaa ebN myylaa ek cile maayyer prsprbirodhii phsl / ei dbait shurur sngge yog krun phraasi shikssaa aar saahityik prekssaaptt, aar aapni abaak hben -- kiNbaa, hyyto, pritusstt o maansikbhaabe tRpt -- taaNr critrer adbhut jttiltaar kthaa shune / syaamuyyeler aache bishuddh, bhruukoNckaano, kaalokphir phoNttaar mtn ckcke dui cokh, uddht o abjnyaachaap naak, behaayyaa kaamuk tthoNtt, cauko sbairaacaarii thutni, aar raaphaayyelke nkl-kraa maathaabhrti cul / --- lokttaa ekisngge bhiissnn als, krunnaa-jaagaano uccaakaangkhii, ebN khyaati-paaoyyaa abhaagaa ; kennaa saaraajiibne uni aadhkhyaaNcrraa dhyaandhaarnnaa chaarraa aar kichui brro ekttaa bhaabte paarenni / kuNrremir ye suury onaar caaripaashe copordin rod chrraayy taa onaake kssiyye diyyechil, aar kheyye phelechil onaake deyyaa sbrger ysaamaany prtibhaar khoraak / pyaariser ei bhyyngkr jiibne aami ye smst aaddek-bishaal maanussder dekhechi, syaamuyyel seisb jmghttiyyaa caalu cijer ceyye beshi-kichu chilen -- duniyyaar baaire ekjn , kheyyaali jiib, yaaNr kbitaa onaar rcnaar ceyye cehaaraayy beshi kholtaai hto, emni ekjn yini, dupur ekttaa naagaad, taap poyyaabaar kyylaar aaguner jhlk aar ghrrir ttikttker maajhe, sb smyy mne hto yen npuNsktaar ekjn debtaa -- ekjn aadhunik, ubhlainggik debtaa --- npuNsktaayy emn bishaal, emn nidaarunn ye taaNke mne hto mhaakaabyik ! life-quotes loss love lover stupidity Charles Baudelaire
b436c9f Yet I have to wonder if I have lost the song because I have become the song. If I have lost my Lord because I do indeed desire to be what I will become. A lover who hates, a saint who sins, and an angel who kills. angel-of-death black-blood christopher-pike lover maya saint sita song spirtualism Christopher Pike
38bbcc7 But what you do with another person's beauty? The satisfied lover is as little able to possess the beauty of his beloved as the one who hopelessly observes it from afar. love lover possess satisfied Roger Scruton