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dc526b1 Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. real-life reality Philip K. Dick
63ff8d9 A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live. courage death inspirational life moral-courage real-life Lao Tzu
8c48ab4 "He shook his head, just looking at me. - "What?" I asked. - "Nothing" he said. - "Why are you looking at me like that?" Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything." I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, "I`m not beau-" - "You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman." - "Never seen it." awkward beautiful boy flirt girl gorgeous hazel john-green life looking-at-me love lover lovers natalie-portman real real-life silence smile smiling the-fault-in-our-stars turn-me-on vendetta John Green The Fault in Our Stars
2e51417 "You know what truth is? [...] It's some crazy thing my neighbor believes. If I want to make friends with him, I ask him what he believes. He tells me, and I say, "Yeah, yeah - ain't it the truth?" real-life Kurt Vonnegut
7049fa0 It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. grim-reality hope hopes real-life Anne Frank
b93d865 Everyone has the right to doubt everything as often as he pleases and the duty to do it at least once. No way of looking at things is too sacred to be reconsidered. No way of doing things is beyond improvement. real-life Edward De Bono
f4e7b95 "Tiffany got up early and lit the fires. When her mother came down, she was scrubbing the kitchen floor, very hard. "Er...aren't you supposed to do that sort of thing by magic, dear?" said her mother, who'd never really got the hang of what witchcraft was all about. "No, Mum, I'm supposed not to," said Tiffany, still scrubbing. "But can't you just wave your hand and make all the dirt fly away, then?" "The trouble is getting the magic to understand what dirt is," said Tiffany, scrubbing hard at a stain. "I heard of a witch over in Escrow who got it wrong and ended up losing the entire floor and her sandals and nearly a toe." Mrs. Aching backed away. "I thought you just had to wave your hands about," she mumbled nervously. "That works," said Tiffany, "but only if you wave them about on the floor with a scrubbing brush." magic real-life Terry Pratchett
64391cc Tentacles is my term -- the Tentacles are the evil tasks that invade my life. Like, for example, my American History class last week, which necessitated me writing a paper on the weapons of the Revolutionary war, which necessitated me traveling to the Metropolitan Museum to check out some of the old guns, which necessitated me getting the subway, which necessitated me being away from my cell phone and email for 45 minutes, which meant that I didn't get to respond to a mass mail sent out by my teacher asking who needed extra credit, which meant other kids snapped up the extra credit, which meant I wasn't going to get a 98 in the class, which meant I wasn't anywhere close to a 98.6 average (body temperature, that's what you needed to get), which meant I wasn't going to get into a Good College, which meant I wasn't going to have a Good Job, which meant I wasn't going to have health insurance, which meant I'd have to pay tremendous amounts of money for the shrinks and drugs my brain needed, which meant I wasn't going to have enough money to pay for a Good Lifestyle, which meant I'd feel ashamed, which meant I'd get depressed, and that was the big one because I knew what that did to me: it made it so I wouldn't get out of bed, which led to the ultimate thing -- homelessness. If you can't get out of bed for long enough, people come and take your bed away. real-life struggles tentacles Ned Vizzini
9ec904f A deus ex machina will never appear in real life so you best make other arrangements. fiction life literature plan plot plot-device real-life reality Marisha Pessl
d565e35 Dream are different than real life but important too. real-life reality Audrey Niffenegger
c53ef34 As often happens between people who have chosen different ways, each of them, while rationally justifying the other's activity, despised it in his heart. To each of them it seemed that the life he led was the only real life, and the one his friend led was a mere illusion. perception-of-reality real-life Leo Tolstoy
b6b620a Life without any wonder left in it is flat and stale. real-life realistic smart true truth David Eddings
794c1c8 So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life. The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless. We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of growing on good rain and black loam. comfortable meaning real-life truth Ray Bradbury
bee632b Strike experienced a moment of pure clarity: he would never make it out of here, would never rise above his current position as Rodney's lieutenant, because all the intelligence and prudence and vision came to nothing if it wasn't tempered and supported by a certain blindness, an oblivious animal will that Rodney had, that he, Strike, did not have. Rodney would survive all this not because of his guts or his brains, but because he understood that there was no real life out here on the street, no real lives other than his own, and that what really mattered was coming first in all things, in all ways and at all costs. real-life success-secret Richard Price
89fbe1b Critical thinking does seem a superior sort of thinking because it seems as though the critic is actually going beyond the scope of what is being criticized in order to criticize it. That is only rarely a true assumption because, most often, the critic will seize on some little aspect that he or she understands and tackle only that. real-life Edward De Bono
c241f04 The artistic life is a long and lovely suicide precisely because it involves the negation of self; as Highsmith imagined herself as her characters, so Ripley takes on the personae of others and in doing so metamorphoses himself into a 'living' work of art. A return to the 'real life' after a period of creativity resulted in a fall in spirits, an agony Highsmith felt acutely. She voiced this pain in the novel via Bernard's quotation of an excerpt from Derwatt's notebook: 'There is no depression for the artist except that caused by a return to the self'. artistic-life creativity depression metamorphosis negation-of-self pain real-life work-of-art Andrew Wilson
b8cf92b "Myron took the moment to sit down on the stone bench behind him and whispered to Hadrian, "You were right. Life outside the abbey is much more exciting than books." exciting-life real-life Michael J. Sullivan
7132078 Story telling or teachable moments, provides us with a vast reference base of real life antidotes for possible future problems. They not only entertain and give us a resource of proven solutions, but they also help shape and mold our character. Therefore, when we don't take our time to communicate with our kids, then we rob them of critical life lessons that we and our forefathers learn the hard way - lessons that they would needlessly have to learn through trial and error themselves. family-conversations guidance life-antidotes life-lessons parenting pep-talk proven-solutions real-life real-talk storytelling talking-with-children teachable-moments trial-and-error warnings Drexel Deal